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Fire Emblem: Decay of the Fangs [First 11 chapters]


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Just wanted to say I've been playıng and have been lıkıng all the updates.

However, at the same tıme the story has confused me (probably my fault but could you recap everythıng ın a spoıler? because lıke I couldn't tell what happened to Anthony... at all... -_-) and there are some bugs and glıtches (for some reason I couldnt move any unıts on chapter 5 under some specıfıc condıtıons, savestatıng back and usıng a dıfferent moveset avoıded the bug though, so I don't know... ıf my computer sıtuatıon gets better I'll send you the glıtched savestate and the one rıght before the glıtch though...).

That's about all I can afford to say here sınce I'm usıng a Turkısh keyboard and ıt's challengıng -__-

If you get his subchapters you'll see Anthony whining about things he doesn't like about the new fang to Luke in 4x. I've had other players say that they thought "hmm... I sense betrayal" fro this scene. Sure enough when Hector catches you it's no accident. He even mentions having an informant in the new fangs. Anthony is seen missing in the early chapters but Luke is as well. This makes Jonas and Chadwick suspicious of Luke who draws more attention to himself. When the battle begins and Anthony sneaks out he is found hiding in a small house. If Luke goes to the house he interrogates Anthony but doesn't come to a solid conclusion. By the end of the battle he decides Anthony is behind the sneak attack led by Hector. Then when you meet him graced as an Ostian knight in Hector's ranks on your way out of the castle Luke kicks his ass. If you don't get the subchapters it is a mystery where Anthony runs off to until he rejoins later. Anthony joining forfeits a secret character.

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Yes I knew that but what I didn't know was that it wasn't clarified about unless you got all the sidequest since in the mainstream dialog it wasn't mentioned (to my knowledge). So thanks for the explanation and sorry for not using spoiler tags, wish I could...

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and there are some bugs and glıtches (for some reason I couldnt move any unıts on chapter 5 under some specıfıc condıtıons, savestatıng back and usıng a dıfferent moveset avoıded the bug though, so I don't know... ıf my computer sıtuatıon gets better I'll send you the glıtched savestate and the one rıght before the glıtch though...).

What? That doesn't make any sense.

What do you mean you couldn't move? When you put the cursor on a unit and pressed A nothing happened? Your units turned grey? You were stuck in perpetual enemy turn?

It also doesn't make any sense gamewise. I don't see any reason why the event codes would do that. Could you provide those specific moves you made?

I really hope this isn't another one of those retarded errors that happen for absolutely no perceivable reason at all, like random goop appearing in the corner of the map (WTF graphical glitch that randomly appears and won't go away until I re-insert the map at a DIFFERENT location) or the freaking ballista randomly (and I mean randomly, I could not reproduce this glitch but about every 5 playthroughs) turning into an Eliwood. Yes, I shit you not, the ballista in chapter 11 (when there was one) would randomly morph into an Eliwood, that could still shoot ballistae bolts. When you killed it, the ballista did not reappear. It's like the archer and the ballista did the fusion dance and turned into an Eliwood.

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Hahaha yeah I know what you mean, I really only wanted to get it off my head before I forgot about it, I'll detail you about it later, it is definitely one of those weird ass glitches that I would rather not take up 10 minutes to type. Lol

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Hannah dying nets me a game over, I think Chadwick does too. Jonas doesn't for me.

Hannah is supposed to cause Game Over because she serves as a demi-lord. As for Chadwick... I'm confused now that we're getting conflicting reports.

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I've been playing this hack and I really liked it. I have one question though: is there any difference if I don't kill the boss in chapter 12? Will there be any event for those that killed the boss in that chapter? By the time I found out where the boss was it was too late sad.gif

Also, the neck in Anthony's mug is way too big.

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You miss out on an Earth Seal and special battle dialogue of engaging with Chadwick, Jonas or Keagan. No plot points will be missed so it's nothing to punish yourself for. cool.gif

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Its not 20 turns, it's about 4 after you first engage him

That would be why I never saw him leave, I'm pretty sure I one-turned him after Chadwick and Jonas got their A support.

Is there a list of who supports who, or are those still in working? I know Jonas can support Chadwick and Keagan, but that's all I ended up getting.

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That would be why I never saw him leave, I'm pretty sure I one-turned him after Chadwick and Jonas got their A support.

Is there a list of who supports who, or are those still in working? I know Jonas can support Chadwick and Keagan, but that's all I ended up getting.

Why yes there is. Glad you asked. I have a censored list of what has been included so far to my knowledge*.



Tom and Jackie are a pairing.

Anthony cannot support until he rejoins at later chapter. Meaning his supports are currently unobtainable.

Edited by HHS
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I just finished this as far as progress went. Really, really well done hack, so many custom events, great characters, lots of work on their background. So glad you put in better mugs.

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Hey, got to Chapter 10 so far. I can't help but seem to notice that some of the enemies have a C in swords even when they are in classes that CAN'T use swords(the Longbow archer near your starting position, some of the fighters, and the lone armor knight)

BTW, the hack is really well done, and is on par with Raymond's hack. Haven't seen the supports yet, but so far I like the personalities of each character. Particularly Keagan's obsession with squirrels and Reid's perverted nature.

I may have done a review before, but here is my updated character review(I'll give out stats later):

Chadwick: Well, he's our lord character, so obviously, we have to use him. He gets fairly high magic and speed, the latter of which is unusually high for a shaman. His durability could be a bit better, but it is excusable, being a magi and all.

Luke: He has a Dorcas-like build to him. He gets massive strength, but his speed is fairly suspect and he rarely doubles(but I guess that is the point.) Still, you want to train him up so he can kill Anthony later on(and you need to do this if you want the secret character.)

Jonas: His start is a little bad, but he's one of the few characters in this hack that can double consistently. At least he has a 55% strength growth to make up for his abysmal 5 base.

Anthony: For the first 7 maps, he's basically your crutch character, as he has the highest str/def out of your whole group with 45Str/55Def for growths. Too bad he leaves you after Chapter 5, and you don't get him back for quite some time(assuming Luke doesn't kill him first.)

Ubaldo: I'm not going to lie. His base stats are complete ass for his level(It reminds me of Boah form FEDS but without Excalibur or Warp utility.) Sure, his growth rates are amazing, but being a prepromote bishop, he levels slowly. I usually drop him for Hannah when she becomes available.

Keagan: Taking a look at his base stats and how he turned out so far, he reminds me of a better Erk. Probably the best magic user in this hack, not counting Chadwick.

Arnold: Judging from base stats and his growth spread, he's the Sain of this game, and like Sain he gets a lot of strength. Mine happens to be defense blessed.

Hannah: She's your usual staff chick, so yeah. Her stats remind me of either Priscilla or L'Arachel. Certainly a lot better than that old-timer.

Mikhail: Like Jonas, he's one of the few that double consistently. Like Jonas, his strength base sucks, but I think his growth is lower than what Jonas has.

Reid: I don't know what to think of him stat-wise, as I rarely use archers. I'm going to assume his growths lean more towards Wil's than Rebecca's.

Anni: Haven't really used her, but from other people's reviews, I heard she gets abnormally high strength for her class.

Batta the Beast: Exactly what it says on the tin. He's not that much faster than Luke, but hits just as hard.

Ryan: Anthony's replacement. Like Tony, his defense is amazing, and he has a surprising amount of luck for a knight(high base at least)

Henrietta: I don't have much to say about him unfortunately.

Tom: Haven't used, but I think he's the Kent to Arnold's Sain.

Vivi: Haven't used because she's quite underleveled. However, low level+joining mid-late means high growths.

Paul: He's your first thief, and like most thieves, he's fairly fast, but has piss strength.

Jackie: Your second flier, and a bit more durable than Anni. Actually, now that I think of it, she reminds me of Heath as far as bases and growths go.

Unfortunately, I can't really comment on Norris, Amia, or Eddie at this moment as I haven't used them yet. Eddie's speed base sucks though.

EDIT: Also, if you have time, could you please give me the growth rates of each character so far?

Edited by James
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So it's not just me who's getting crazy strength for Anni? Her strength, speed, and luck are all at 14 and her skill is at 15. Her defenses are pretty subpar but she's dodging everything so it's all good. And she has CON! So she can use Iron Lances without penalty!

Here's some screenshots of some of my mainly used characters. Since I got stuck at the end of the demo I can't show Jonas. He was level 20 and had awesome stats.





As you can tell, Keagan was really overused but he kicked massive ass. Chadwick doubled everything. Anni just destroyed shit. Tracy was a great addition to my team (although his weapon levels are a bit awkward but Mariobro is aware of this already). Jonas was also a great powerhitter.

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