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Fire Emblem: Decay of the Fangs [First 11 chapters]


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Trying this out for the first time, and so far, I like it. I'd just like to know if there's ANY point to Leif besides a gag character meant to die in amusing ways?

As far as I know, being the game's Kenny is Leif's only purpose. I haven't tried to use him as an actual unit as my other units could actually kill things and don't die in one hit to everything.

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IIRC Leif has great growths but his bases are pathetic as his starting weapon. I do usually slap a Javelin on him and let him chip because he can do that at the very least but he's really there for the comedic death scenes.

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I just realized that people without any sense of humor might take my previous comment seriously... which it's not, but Leif is one of those characters you have to go out of your way to use for out of your way reasons, AFAIC.

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I have a sense of humor and I don't train him.

Right. Quick course in logic:

People without a sense of humour probably don't train Leif.

does NOT mean

All people who have a sense of humour train Leif.

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Just a few notes, playing through right now. I'm on chapter 12 at the moment (That's the current last chapter, right? I don't know where else to find info on this, if there is anywhere else), and two things I've noticed. The chapter with Golgaroth or whatever his name is, when Leif rushes into the mountains and dies, there's a graphical glitch that messes up part of the screen that persists until you reset the game. (Luckily you can then simply resume chapter).

Also, in the little "Guide" thing, you said that Norris can promote. Does he use a Hero Crest? I ask because I noticed that he actually can't use the Earth Seal. Is that intentional?

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Also, in the little "Guide" thing, you said that Norris can promote. Does he use a Hero Crest? I ask because I noticed that he actually can't use the Earth Seal. Is that intentional?

Did you try using a Knight crest? If that doesn't work, then Mariobro hasn't implemented the Halberdier class yet. I doubt him being unable to use the Earth seal is intentional though.

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Ah, hey yeah hack is still alive just hasn't moved much. MarioBro is learning new programmy stuff in school and I just moved out of Brooklyn and my computer exploded. I'm not joking... ever see a faulty power supply? As far as chipping in, we've had a lot of people say they were doing things for us who haven't. Maybe part of tat is not knowing where to put any of it. I guess it could be posted here but if you guys have better ideas I'm happy to listen. It's hard to get anything done on the game when me and MarioBro aren't both prioritizing it.

And soldiers will be using a new promotion item that is taking the place of the ocean seal. I think we were going to call it Victor Wreath or something. Once I hook up my external to this laptop I can open the debug game and tell you.

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