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I ate a large pepperoni pizza


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Really? I never knew. :mellow:

Quotations are annoying. In every context I can think of, you place periods before the end quotations "like so." It's "the same with commas," but exclamation marks and question marks are a little different. It depends on the context. If the quote itself is a question, then the question comes before quotations like "to be or not to be?" If you're asking a question like a quotation inside of the question, as with this example: Wait, did you just say "I slept with your sister"? Since the quote is just part of the question, the question goes outside. Same with exclamations. by the way that last quote was just an example.

tl;dr I just like teaching grammar. /cue "Grammar Know-it-All" ending credits.

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lux teach me the way of the jedi

You take this little stick and press a red button. Some pretty neon color should come out. Then you start slashing stuff with it--it always cuts. Also, Jedi have this weird power: if they wave their hand at people then the person could choke or get thrown way back.

You now know how to be a jedi.

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Clearly you are not worthy of the glorious invention known as pizza. It is thus my responsibility to ban you from wasting good pizza by eating it yourself. Allow others to eat it from now on.

Who was I to share with? I always have lunch by myself at home. :awesome:

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Whoa, u mad?

Actually, I am. I don't know why humans tend to have the tendency to always want to be correct. It's irrational, and it's nothing to be proud of, really (If that's what they're looking for, anyway). And it only makes you look like an annoying smartass when it's done on the Internet over a matter that isn't even supposed to be meant taken seriously.

Then again, I apologize for being a douche, Sir Raymond. :(

Edited by Junes!
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Somebody didn't read the other posts in the topic, methinks. Unless you also feel obliged to repeat stuff :P

Ok, I didn't notice it, I guess.

Actually, I am. I don't know why humans tend to have the tendency to always want to be correct. It's irrational, and it's nothing to be proud of, really (If that's what they're looking for, anyway). And it only makes you look like an annoying smartass when it's done on the Internet over a matter that isn't even supposed to be meant taken seriously.

Wouldn't it be natural to always want to be right? I mean, nobody wants to be wrong. And I guess it's perfectly natural to feel bad about being wrong. What's problematic is when people refuse to admit that they're incorrect.

Edited by Anouleth
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But it's also natural to make mistakes. Can't you let people fall without having to be an ass to them when "helping"? Being the smartass of the group will only make fall harder when it's their turn to make a mistake.

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Ok, I didn't notice it, I guess.

You should have just gone with my explanation.

But it's also natural to make mistakes. Can't you let people fall without having to be an ass to them when "helping"? Being the smartass of the group will only make fall harder when it's their turn to make a mistake.

Maybe it's just me, but Raymond was not being an "ass" about it as far as I can tell.

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You should have just gone with my explanation.

I don't really get what's ironic about complaining about someone's spelling when someone has already done so. Now, if I had been posting right after Junes responded to Raymond, it would probably have worked, but a page later?

Well, he did completely fail to aknowledge the point of this topic, and just sweep in and correct me.

This is FftF. You really should not expect people to remain on topic.

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I know. But it's very annoying, in my opinion.


It's not too annoying in FFtF, but anywhere else it's extremely annoying IMO.

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It's especially, not specially.

Chill, Soul. If you want to post on FftF, you have to get used to stuff like this. And, if you pay attention, deep down, this pet peeve of yours is really silly, so you should not encourage it to grow.

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Maybe it's just me, but Raymond was not being an "asss" about it as far as I can tell.

This. It's hard to imagine Raymond deliberately acting like a prick.

my response to his grammar correction, however...

I will not take the quotes being edited so I added an extra s. D:<

Edited by Lux Aeterna
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Really? I never knew. :mellow:

That's because it's complete bullshit.

Ask any programmer, they'll tell you.

English is all kinds of fucked up. It needs some formal reform. It makes no sense to quote a thing "like this" and then have the period be "in the quote." That looks retarded. The sentence never ended! When you quote something you don't need to quote the whole thing, so you can leave the punctuation off. Hence quoting things "like this" instead of "like this." which looks weird, especially if I had done "like this.", which would have made more sense. Instead we do things "like this," where the period becomes a comma. WTF? I want my sentences to be contained by a leading capital and terminating punctuation like all sentences should, for consistency. So if I quote at the end of a sentence it should look "like this". The quote only contains what was quoted. The sentence, which contains the quote, indeed appears to contain the quote by containing the sentence's ending AFTER the quote's ending. It makes no sense to terminate the sentence and then the quote contained with in it in that order.

So just keep doing it the way you were, Raymond. Language evolves through mutation so let's mutate this mother fucker.

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