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Yo, can a Father pass down an item he can't equip?


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What matters is what the child can equip in his or her original class (rank matters - which is why Tinny doesn't inherit Thoron), not the father. But of course, a character can only buy a item he/she can use, so you'd have to get those weapons from enemies.

So, yeah. If you made Finn defeat chapter 3's bosses so that he'd hold the Thunder Sword and Silver Claymore, Delmud would inherit them. But his Hero Lance would be "lost." (Not really lost because a chapter 8 enemy would drop it, but not all equips have the same luck.)

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What matters is what the child can equip in his or her original class (rank matters - which is why Tinny doesn't inherit Thoron), not the father. But of course, a character can only buy a item he/she can use, so you'd have to get those weapons from enemies.

So, yeah. If you made Finn defeat chapter 3's bosses so that he'd hold the Thunder Sword and Silver Claymore, Delmud would inherit them. But his Hero Lance would be "lost." (Not really lost because a chapter 8 enemy would drop it, but not all equips have the same luck.)

I never paired Fin before but wouldn't he still be holding it when you recruit him in chapter 6?

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When you pair Fin, the game tries to pass his entire equipment to his son. Every bit of equipment that son can't use (like the Hero Lance) will be treated as if it wasn't in a paired person's equipment at all. So as if it was in the Pawn Shop, or on an unpaired first gen character, etc.

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The answer for this question can be summarized as so:

Yes, you CAN have a father pass down items he cannot equip. Now, of course you can't actually have him buy the item at the pawn shop, but you can certainly have a potential father defeat an enemy carrying an item you want passed down. And as a few members said already, the game will try to pass the parent's entire cube to the corresponding child. Any items that cannot be inherited will be counted as 'find its equivalent in the second gen if you can.' And yes, weapon rank matters(which is the reason why Tinny can't inherit Thoron, as she starts with a B in thunder magic, and Thoron is A ranked.)

Example: I paired Lachesis with Fin on my first playthrough(which was not blind, as I watched BigKlingy's FE4 videos.). In order to give Delmud a Disc One Nuke, I had Fin get the kill on Shagall for his silver blade. Obviously, I knew that if I kept the brave lance on Fin, I(and Fin) wouldn't be seeing it again until Chapter 8. So Fin sold his brave lance to the pawn shop so Fury could buy it(and pass it on to Fee. Because having 4 brave weapons by the time you reach Dannan is w1n.)

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Ok, if this is gonna be another Lachesis love triangle post, then you should just talk about someone else, like Patty.

Anyway, smartest thing to do is pair Fin with Lachesis, because 1: FE5, 2: +5 speed for Nanna, and 3: The poor Wedge act-alike deserves it.

As for his weapons, give the Brave to Cuan so Altenna can use it, and give the Javelin to Fury. And if you killed Jacoban or Chagaal with Fin, don't give away the Thunder Sword or Silver Blade, they'll be useful for Delmud, while you can give the Wind Sword Dew gets to Sigurd so Celice gets it later. There's also a Flame Sword in the Chapter 7 shop, so give that to Lakche. Also, Delmud DOES get an A in swords right off the bat, thanks to his minor Hezul blood.

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As for his weapons, give the Brave to Cuan so Altenna can use it

Why the deuce would you delay the Hero Lance until halfway through Chapter 9 so that a unit with a Holy Weapon can start with it?

Edited by Paperblade
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Because the Gae Bolg is heavy as hell, and Altenna doesn't have Pursuit.

For the most part, she won't need the fucking brave lance, as she fucking OHKO's weaker things with the Gaebolg, and 2HKO's everything else(61-63 atk at base, assuming Cuan and Ethlin were ~Lv20-25). Then she also has 27 base crit with the fucker equipped(and yes, she has critical.) Now, if you are worried about the Gaebolg's weight, just have her buy Lakche's brave sword or something.

The brave lance is better passed down to Fee, who actually does need it(as 8/10 of the time she will have a 25% str growth, due to a certain magic user being her father.)due to her str sucking until the +5 bonus in C10 kicks in.

Edited by DA125
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Johalva can never hold the goddamn Brave Lance.

That's actually incorrect. He can have the Hero Lance if you don't pass it down and you have him kill Muhammad, the Shagall clone in chapter 8, who drops the Hero Lance if you don't pass it down.

I think he meant the Pursuit Ring, but the discussion where he brought that up was in some other thread.

Edited by Flying Spaghetti Monster
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Why would Althena need a sword weapon.

It's spelled Altenna.

Secondly, IDK either, but she can use them with an A Rank thanks to her Minor Baldo, so give her one anyway.

Also, Lances have high weight, remember?

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It's spelled Altenna.

Secondly, IDK either, but she can use them with an A Rank thanks to her Minor Baldo, so give her one anyway.

Also, Lances have high weight, remember?

No official English name. So I'll spell アルテナ however I wish, thank you.

Her Divine Weapon gives her the highest attack and defense in your army.

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I normally stick a spare sword and lance on her, although it's only so she doesn't burn through her Gae Bolg in the arena too much. There are also quite a few steels floating around so it doesn't hurt too much ^^.

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High attack and defence and skill with the Gae Bolg, but her speed is very hampered. Give her a sword of some kind so she can double instead of getting doubled after she attacks with Gae Bolg.

Getting doubled in FE4? Are you serious...?

Most enemies have crappy AS and no Pursuit. The (physical) exceptions would either one-shot her anyway (snipers) or not deal damage at all (lol near-40 def).

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