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[FE8] Knickerbocker Knickerbocker Number Nine


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That's what I'm hoping.

Use torch and barrier and physic when available. I managed to get her to near A by "Ruled by Madness." Thankfully staff levels are easy to gain.

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Seriously, 2 Trainees are left? Not like I'm picking Knoll anyway.

Shit, I'm gonna go with Ewan. 13, don't spend a lot of time working on him. Just use the tower to get him to 10/1, and pray that you can make something decent out of him while keeping a low turncount!!!!!

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Prologue - "The Fall of Renais":

Never did like Renais.

Sounds French.

Eirika crits all day every day.

Name    	Class   	Level  HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Eirika    	Lord      	02.45  16  04  08  10  06  03  01 	

2 Turns(2)

Chapter 1 - Escape!

Eirika moves up and kills a Fighter on Turn 1 Enemy Phase.

On turn 2 Gilliam Wright and Franziska von Cavalier arrive to help.

Eirika finishes pushing to the fort, Gilliam Wright objects to being attacked by a Fighter and kills him, Franziska kills the reinforcements. Map was cleared, 5 turn seize.

Name    	Class   	Level  HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Eirika    	Lord      	04.44  18  06  08  11  06  03  02   
Gilliam    	Knight   	04.70  25  09  06  03  03  09  03    
Franziska    	Cavalier   	02.25  21  07  05  07  03  06  02

5 Turns(7)

Edited by Haze
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Not like it's completely necessary, since I'm technically not in the draft, but since I picked 13's team, I'd like to attempt this challenge myself, with his team.

Prologue: 2/2

Crit-counters win.

Chapter 1: 5/7

Eirika solo. Enemies attacked empty-handed Seth a few times, and empty-handed Franz once, because I had gilliam take Franz's stuff and give it to Eirika.

Chapter 2: 6/13

Eirika solo, Ross got to level 3. Got the Red Gem, because money is nice to have.Got some nice Rapier crits on a reinforcement and a non-reinforcement, and counterkilled the boss on Turn 5, leaving only 1 fighter left to kill. Ross got the winning hit.

Chapter 3: 10/23

I'm so mad about this, but it's the best I could do with Ross, Colm, and Eirika...Banked on a Crit from Colm....which never happened. Ross is now my Range fighter, until Artur in Ch4.

Chapter 4: 8/31

Most of my team is really Frail, so I had Colm/Ross take the top half of the map and Eirika/Artur take the bottom half. Then, Colm and Artur switched. Eirika finished off the chapter by counterkilling the 2 revenants by Lute's village, and Colm scored a crit-kill on the last reinforcement for the win.

Main stats later. Just levels for now.





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Seth, Vanessa and Moulder give all their crap away. Franziska inherits a steel sword she can't use. Gilliam gets a Slim Lance and Javalin

Chapter 2 - The Protected

And so we ride off to valiantly protect the poor peasents being attacked by bandits.

Ross died on Turn 1 EP.

Well fuck, we're off to a good start aren't we?

Eirika grabbed some bling from a village and then the dynamic trio run south. Franziska stays near the trees to kill the reinforcements that arrived. Gilliam and Eirika wipe out the boss and his lackie.

Garcia was on a mad uncontrollable rampage of revenge somewhere in the east and I think he killed an archer and a fighter or something.

Name    	Class   	Level  HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Eirika    	Lord      	06.13  19  06  10  11  07  04  03  
Gilliam    	Knight   	05.13  26  10  06  03  03  09  03	
Franziska    	Cavalier   	03.31  22  07  05  08  03  06  02

6 Turns(13)

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Lol, do I need to explain?

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika     2.76 17  5   9   9   6   3   1

2 turns.

Chapter 1

Eirika solo.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika     5.35 20  6  12   12  7   3   1

5 turns.

Chapter 2

Eirika semi-solo, with the help of NPC Garcia and Moulder healing a bit.

6 turns.

Chapter 3

Eirika and Garcia cleared the path as fast as they could, so Eirika could reach the throne. Garcia got the Chest key.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika    10.14 23  6  12   14  11  6   1
GARcia     5.77 30 10   8    8   3  5   1

6 turns.

Chapter 4

Eirika stayed at the North, killed one of the zombies to the South close by the bridge and GARcia went North to South-East.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika     9.89 22  9  12   14  10  5   2
GARcia    10.26 32 12  12   10   4  5   1

6 turns.

Chapter 5

As stated before, Saar x Axe to the face is my OTP.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika    11.08 22 11  13   15  11  7   2
GARcia    13.57 35 14  14   12   7  7   2
Moulder    3.38 20  4   6    9   1  2   5

I just realized I forgot I had drafted Lute. :facepalm:

6 turns.

Chapter 5x

Orson,, the hero nobody knows.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ephraim    6.09 24 10  10   12  9   7   3
Orson      4.21 35 16  13   12  5  13   8 

8 turns.

Chapter 6

Lute went for self-improvement while Garcia beasted his way through the enemies and killed the boss on Turn 5.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika    12.28 23 12  13   16  12  7   2
GARcia    16.83 38 17  17   14   9  9   2
Moulder    3.62 20  4   6    9   1  2   5
Lute       2.79 18  7   6    7   9  3   6

5 turns.

Chapter 7

No Ross available for piggyback ride. ): Oh well...

Eirika went through the lake by herself and 1RKO'd the boss. Meanwhile, Garcia and Lute killed enemies, while Moulder stayed next to Lute for Mend spamming.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika    14.59 25 12  14   16  14  7   2
GARcia    17.07 39 18  17   14   9 10   2
Moulder    3.87 20  4   6    9   1  2   5
Lute       5.60 19  9   8    8  10  4   7

6 turns.

Chapter 8

Everyone went up. Garcia took care of the Knights and the Shaman. Then, he killed Tirado.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika    14.59 25 12  14   16  14  7   2
GARcia    20.-- 42 20  19   15  10 10   2
Moulder    4.39 21  4   6    9   1  2   5
Lute       7.68 21 11   9    9  12  4   8
Ephraim    9.62 27 13  11   15  10  8   3

7 turns.

Edited by Soul
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Eirika goes shopping to get over losing her bracelet, sells some bling for 2500 and treats herself to an iron sword.

Franziska bought a javelin.

Chapter 3 - The Bandits of Borgo

Oh boy, loot!

First order of business - Bust through the walls! Eirika runs through the poor unsuspecting bastard on the other side with a crit.

Second verse, same as the first, wall is busted through, enemies on the other side eat javelins and iron sword. Eirika makes for the throne room while Gilliam grabs a javelin from the southern chamber and Franziska kills people.

The mighty Bazba eats double crit rapier. Eirika gets an awesome level up. Seize on Turn 7.

One bandit survived, but he had like 1hp, so if he sneezes or trips down some stairs or something he's totally dead.

Name    	Class   	Level  HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Eirika    	Lord      	07.94  20  07  11  12  08  04  03  
Gilliam    	Knight   	05.94  26  10  06  03  03  09  03	
Franziska    	Cavalier   	04.70  23  07  05  09  04  07  02

7 Turns(20)


Hey wait who is this Colm person and why does he have so much swag? :awesome: Don't mind if I do!

Chapter 4 - Ancient Horrors


Franziska and Gilliam deployed, everyone else warms the bench.

Gilliam went south, doubled some revenants because they're that slow., knocked down a tree and killed the guys in the southwest, Franziska helped Eirika get across the southeast bridge and then went northwest to deal with the reinforcement revenants. Eirika killed the remaining forces in the southeast, including the boss.

I'm pretty sure Artur was running around like a headless chicken to avoid being attacked. So much for his sacred duty.

Afterwards we all had a merry time at a corpse burning party.

Name    	Class   	Level  HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Eirika    	Lord      	11.13  23  08  13  15  11  05  04  
Gilliam    	Knight   	07.52  27  11  06  05  03  11  04	
Franziska    	Cavalier   	07.49  26  08  06  10  04  07  03

8 Turns(28)

Edited by Haze
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I'm playing this on a ROM, and I just checked my cartridge.

I've never made it past Syrene's chapter....therefore, I've never beaten this game before. Looks like I Arena-abused too.

so First serious playthrough...on Hard....in a Draft....Woo!

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Chapter 5 - The Empire's Reach

Pushed up through the western village entrance. Gilliam headed east and killed his way to the armourslayer village while Franziska grabbed the secret book. Eirika baited Joshua, Natasha recruited him and his Killing Edge was traded to Eirika. Eirika ORKO's Saar's guards with a steel sword, and she and Franziska take to him with the last rapier use and an iron lance.

Missed out on a Dragonshield and a Torch, but I can live with that for a 6-turn clear.

Name    	Class   	Level  HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Eirika    	Lord      	13.74  24  08  13  16  13  06  04  
Gilliam    	Knight   	08.49  27  12  06  06  03  12  04	
Franziska    	Cavalier   	08.41  27  08  06  10  05  08  03

6 Turns(34)

Chapter 5x - Unbroken Heart

Orson ferried. Kyle killed anything that survived Orson's onslaught. Ephraim swiped Orson's stuff right before he seizes.

Name    	Class   	Level  HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Ephraim    	Lord      	05.17  23  09  10  12  09  07  02  
Kyle    	Cavalier   	07.03  27  10  07  08  06  09  01	

8 Turns(42)


I spent a good minute or so staring at that Torch staff in the shop and wishing L'Arachel were here to spam it.

Chapter 6 - Victims of War

Let's go kill Novala.

Now where is he exactly?

*Several failed attempts later*

Fuck. This. Chapter.

Fuck the fog. Fuck the Heal Curate lying in wait to ninja mend Novala. Fuck the Halberd Fighter. Fuck the Cavaliers who will obsessively bodyblock Franziska. FUCK. EVERYTHING.

BARELY pulled a 6 turn with Franziska with 1 health and poisoned and getting extremely lucky with dodges while fighting Novala.

I might redo this to try and get 5, I'm undecided, but now I'm taking a break.

Name    	Class   	Level  HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Eirika    	Lord      	15.24  24  08  15  17  14  07  05  
Gilliam    	Knight   	09.32  28  13  07  06  03  12  04	
Franziska    	Cavalier   	12.32  31  10  08  14  07  10  04

6 Turns(48)

Edited by Haze
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[spoiler=Chapters 1-4]

Not like it's completely necessary, since I'm technically not in the draft, but since I picked 13's team, I'd like to attempt this challenge myself, with his team.

Prologue: 2/2

Crit-counters win.

Chapter 1: 5/7

Eirika solo. Enemies attacked empty-handed Seth a few times, and empty-handed Franz once, because I had gilliam take Franz's stuff and give it to Eirika.

Chapter 2: 6/13

Eirika solo, Ross got to level 3. Got the Red Gem, because money is nice to have.Got some nice Rapier crits on a reinforcement and a non-reinforcement, and counterkilled the boss on Turn 5, leaving only 1 fighter left to kill. Ross got the winning hit.

Chapter 3: 10/23

I'm so mad about this, but it's the best I could do with Ross, Colm, and Eirika...Banked on a Crit from Colm....which never happened. Ross is now my Range fighter, until Artur in Ch4.

Chapter 4: 8/31

Most of my team is really Frail, so I had Colm/Ross take the top half of the map and Eirika/Artur take the bottom half. Then, Colm and Artur switched. Eirika finished off the chapter by counterkilling the 2 revenants by Lute's village, and Colm scored a crit-kill on the last reinforcement for the win.

Main stats later. Just levels for now.





Chapter 5: 7/38

With everyone able to die in 2 hits, I had to tread carefully. Doing so meant that I had to go up the central pathway...recruiting Joshua along the way for his Killing Edge. I can't tell you how many times he got crits on Colm before I finally made it through. Ross hit level 10, as Naglfar predicted. Also, I only got the secret book...not the armorslayer or the shield...

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Prologue: 2 turns

It took some time to figure, how many RNs I should waste.

Chapter 1: 5 turns

Eirika solo. I had a amazing amout of luck and that's why I managed to do this so fast.

Chapter 2: 6 turns

This took a long time, but it actually turned great. Eirika did almost all the work with Garcia . Vanessa finished couple enemys and visited two villages (I got red gem and pure water laugh.gif). At first I thought RNG hated me but then I got lucky: Vanessa dodged an attack that had 73 change to hit.

BTW how do you make those fancy looking stat tablets?

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@Hayate: Use the code tags.


Sold the Orion's bolt for some wallet. Assigned non-empty vulneraries to everyone. Franziska holds on to the Armorslayer for now.

Chapter 7 - Waterside Renvall

Let's press on. Not like this chapter can be as bad as the last one.

Eirika heads over to the river for a stealth cross while Gilliam and Franziska charge in with javelins flying and murder everything in sight.

Eirika gets lucky and double crits the boss with her Killing Edge for a ORKO.

Name    	Class   	Level  HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Eirika    	Lord      	17.09  24  08  17  17  15  08  05  
Gilliam    	Knight   	11.65  30  14  09  06  03  13  04	
Franziska    	Cavalier   	14.28  32  11  08  15  07  10  05

7 Turns(55)

Chapter 8 - It's a Trap!

(I actually had to do this one twice because Tirado Great Shielded a crit armourslayer like a gigantic asshole.)

Ephraim and Kyle arrive! More numbers are always welcome. Not that they were realy able to catch up to Eirika's group and just spent most of their time killing stuff on the western half of the map.

Franziska is hungry, and her favourite food is Knightburgers. Having her storm the throneroom alone with the armourslayer wasn't the safest option, but it was the only way of ensuring a swift conclusion(Gilliam sure wasn't going to get there fast enough to be of help, nor were Ephraim's group). A lucky dodge on Tirado's silver lance on counter during Turn 5 let Franz finish him on Turn 6. Eirika arrives on Turn 7 to take the throne.

In retrospect, promoting Franziska would have made her rip straight through Tirado after she was done with the Knights, wouldn't have been faster, but certainly safer.

Name    	Class   	Level  HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Eirika    	Lord      	18.50  25  09  18  18  16  08  05  
Gilliam    	Knight   	12.73  31  14  10  06  04  14  04	
Franziska    	Cavalier   	18.11  35  11  10  17  07  13  08
Kyle    	Cavalier   	08.65  28  11  07  09  06  09  01

7 Turns(62)

Now, I think I shall promote Franz before the next chapter.

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