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Tiki, Xane, Macellan, Tomas, Merric, Radd, Horace, Navarre

Awesome: Merric

Great: Big Mac, Xane

Good: Horace, Radd, Navarre

Not good: Tomas, Tiki

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Best chance of winning this: Horace, followed by Sho

Wow, over half my team gives me a negative turn count!

Well. . .

Ban-ban: You will probably be on permanent shopping duty, because getting your weapon is a waste of EVEN MORE turns

Maria: Thank goodness you come with your sister

Minerva: I'm gonna need your awesome axe rank!

Palla: You are going to be a PITA to level as an archer, but it's necessary

Wendell: If this pans out how I think it will, you're Jagen the Second. . .but I need you to hit A staves ASAP

Dolph: Never used you before buddy. . .not sure what I'll do with you ATM

Cord: I need your axe rank up in a hurry! At least you're flexible enough to reclass to most of the class B set.

Sedgar: SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

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Horace: Linde, Elice, Ymir, Matthis, Caesar, Vyland, Bord, Wolf

Why do you think that I will win Eclipse? My best offence until Wolf gains a few levels will be lolBord, and lolMarth, and Jeigan.

Anyway, since it seems like the cool thing to do, I'll do unit analysis here.

Wolf: Well he will royally suck for the first few levels, but still manage to have good offence as far as my team goes.

Bord: Dude, you are a beast. Don't let me down, or i'm screwed.

Vyland: Well, you worked on normal mode before, but you blew chunks in my H3 run. I'm expecting you to blow chunks here too. Sorry bro.

Caeser: I've always been disappointed in you in drafts.

Matthis: lolMatthis. I hope you get a lot of strength and defence.


Elice: Well, fortify!

Linde: You suck. Merric and Wendall are exceptionally better. And you cost me 4-5 Turns.

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1. Read what I did with Darros on H3 during the early chapters. Now imagine Bord doing the same thing, but better.

2. Over half my team requires me to waste turns, 13th has Tiki (whose turn count expenditure is downright painful), Sho has to detour for Samson and possibly Lorenz, Xander's sort of in the same boat as me, and Elieson has Est and Jeorge (the latter's a bigger waste of turns than the former). Your only true turn sink is Linde, at 4. Everyone else does not cost turns (Matthis, maybe. . .but it's nothing compared to everyone else).

3. You've seen what I do with Matthis. . .

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True, devil axe Bord has Merits for sure, and his highish skill will help him hit.

And really, the only really capable combat unit for their entire existance present in this draft is Hardin.

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In terms of offense, I need Cord to gain axe level like nobody's business. . .and I need Sedgar to gain a few levels (not that hard). Unlike you, I have pure dead weight on my team (named Bantu), unless I can be arsed to go get his Dragonstone (add another turn to my already horrid counts).

Who do you think has the best chance of winning?

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I think Xander has the best team, and we're not going to be getting normal mode turncounts here, it's H2.

Except in your case, I don't think having to wait the extra turns is going to make a huge difference, unless you plan on seriously using Marth in combat.

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Well, you tell me!

Chapter 1 - 25

Yes, that turn count sucks. No, I'm not redoing it. I don't think I can pull four godly level-ups again.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord         3.78   20    7     0     3     9     9     7     0
Jagen     Paladin      3.12   23    7     1    11    10     2     9     6

EDIT: Not quite as godly, but still. . .oops. Still stuck on Chapter 2.

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Just completed Prof. Layton & The Unwound Future (Great puzzle game) like...5 minutes ago. I'm not feeling Bonus puzzles, so I'll work on getting started on this challenge run.

Yet another Marth/Jagen Chapter1, here we go! At least I get Julian in Ch3. This is looking like my Julian solo run all over again, only I'll have Jagen alive this time, instead of baiting himself to death in Ch3.

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Chapter 2 - 16/41

This turn count blows as much as Chapter 1. I refuse to reset. Go see my stats to figure out why.

Every single enemy on the map was recruited or killed. I have 9 uses of my Silver Lance remaining.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord         6.91   23    9     0     4    12    12     8     0
Jagen     Paladin      3.73   23    7     1    11    10     2     9     6
Cord      Fighter      4.10   22    9     0     5     9     5     5     0

Chapter 3 - 11/52

There, much better!

Marth did most of the work on this map. I got to the point where 2/3 of my members weren't doubled by the boss. Cord got the kill (with an Iron Axe) because he needs the experience. Made the detour for the Devil Axe because I'll need it.

Again, screw resetting for turns. I LIKE my levels.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord         7.94   23    9     0     4    13    13     8     0
Jagen     Paladin      4.13   23    7     1    12    11     2    10     6
Cord      Fighter      5.47   22    9     0     5    10     6     6     0

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Name      Class   	Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Cord      Fighter      5.47   22    9 	0 	5    10 	6 	6 	0

Cord only has +2 in Str and +1 in Spd/Def/Skill in his 3 levels....I hope Cord isn't the one that you're excstatic about stat-wise.

I assume you're talking about Marth, or should I say Lord. he's earning his title as such anyway.

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Chapter 4 - 13/65

Reclassed Jagen to Dracoknight.

Let it be known that this is the first time Marth and Jagen didn't God Level.

My army ran away from the fighters to the east, while Marth killed two of the horse dudes on EP. Lena recruited Matthis, Jagen and Cord teamed up to kill the Armorslayer, and Marth killed the last dude before grabbing my Village Lemming. Cord parked himself on a nearby fort to bait the axe guys, while Marth and Jagen turned the Horsemen into horse meat. Marth then ran up for a ORKO EP on the boss.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord         9.55   25   10     0     5    14    14     9     0
Jagen     Drakky       5.01   21    8     1    13    11     2    12     6
Cord      Fighter      7.67   24   10     0     6    10     8     7     0

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Chapter 1 9 turn

Thanks for the 2 extra units :newyears:

Silver lance 11/20

Name  Class Lv    Hp  Str Mag Ski Spd Lck Def Res Rank
Marth Lold  2.30  19  5   0   3   7   8   7   0   D
Draug Wall  2.20  20  7   0   3   3   1   11  0   D
Jagen Pala  2.19  22  7   1   10  8   1   9   6   D B
Gord  Bow   2.01  18  5   0   4   4   5   6   0   D

Oh right i have to keep shiida alive

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Ch 1 - 11 turns

Standard Jagen and Marth tagteam, ending with Jagen and Marth getting mediocre level ups as always.

Ch2 - 11 turns

I kept trying to do this with only Marth and Jagen, but since that wouldn't work I took the Ogma penalty, cutting my time down significantly. Cain and Draug were sacrificed to the northern foes. Castor was recruited to increase my offense.

Ch3 11 turns

Ogma penalty was taken again, and Jagen, Marth, and Ogma rushed towards the boss. I stopped for the Devil axe along the way in case it could be of of use later. Castor got his first level up which was + HP and Speed, which won't help out much for what I plan to do with him next chapter.

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Chapter 5 - 8/73

With Marth the way he is, this chapter wasn't that bad. Decided to detour for the Dragonstone, because Bantu needs to do something besides be useless.

Cord is VERY close to Hammertime.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        10.55   26   10     0     6    14    15     9     0
Jagen     Drakky       5.22   21    8     1    13    11     2    12     6
Cord      Fighter      8.28   25   10     0     6    10     8     7     0
Sedgar    Horseman     1.76   Who cares, he's cute
Wendell   Sage         1.50   Fast staffbot is fast

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Chapter 1 - 10/10 Turns

Well that was unexpected.

Jeigan and Marth walked to the boss, and the 4 Alteans managed to die, because one of the pirates had 2 extra skill procs and critted Draug...

Then thinking I would need Marth to weaken the boss, I sat his ass on the fort, while Jeigan waited in front of the boss with his lance, and on the enemy phase, he said "Fuck you" to the boss and critted him. But Marth couldn't seize because he was one space away, so that sorta levels it out.

Marth   2.60      Lord        19   5    4    8    7    8    0   D Swords
Jeigan  2.46      Paladin     23   7   10    8    1   10    6   B Lance D Sword

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Chapter 6 - 9/82

Reclassed Sedgar to General, because screw the rules and Jagen to Paladin.

Sedgar walled the northern side (with Wendell nearby to heal him), while everyone else kinda took their sweet time getting to the throne. Plenty of bait was sacrificed to bring the enemy close to Jagen, Cord, and Marth. The boss went down to two Armorslayer shots and a Devil Axe finisher. I took an extra turn to make sure I got all the goodies that mattered. Recruited Rickard for an extra sword.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        11.27   27   10     0     6    15    15     9     0
Jagen     Paladin      6.15   23    7     1    14    12     3    10     6
Cord      Fighter     10.31   27   12     0     6    11    10     8     0
Sedgar    General      2.86   29    9     1     4     3     2    16     2
Wendell   Sage         2.09   23    3     4     2    12     1     5     5

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Damn straight.

Chapter 6x - 20

Reclassed Cord to Hunter and Sedgar to Hero.

Here's a list of what I wanted to get done:

- Have Marth hit B swords - Done

- Have Jagen hit C swords - Done

- Have Cord gain as many levels as possible - Done

- Have Sedgar hit D axes - Done

- Have Wendell gain as much staff experience as possible - Done

Overall, a success!

(except the part where Marth crit-blicked the boss)

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        12.29   27   10     0     6    16    16     9     0
Jagen     Paladin      6.30   23    7     1    14    12     3    10     6
Cord      Hunter      11.76   25   13     0    10    11    10     8     0
Sedgar    Hero         4.27   27    9     1    13    13     2     9     2
Wendell   Sage         3.05   23    3     5     2    12     1     5     6

Chapter 7 - 11/93

Reclassed Cord to Fighter and Sedgar to Horseman.

I think this is the minimum turn count for recruiting Bantu. Anyway. . .Sedgar, Wendell, and flying units got to know each other REAL well. Once Bantu was up and running, had Marth run towards the boss, with Jagen and Cord leading. I had Wendell use Fire on the boss (hit twice. . .82%), then had Cord hit once with the Hammer to finish. Cord's looking more like his usual self.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        12.74   27   10     0     6    16    16     9     0
Jagen     Paladin      6.84   23    7     1    14    12     3    10     6
Cord      Fighter     13.46   29   13     0     7    14    12     8     0
Sedgar    Horseman     4.93   25    9     1     9     9     2     8     2
Wendell   Sage         4.24   24    3     5     2    12     2     5     6
Bantu     Dragon       1.60   Not going anywhere

Chapter 8 - 6/99

Reclassed Sedgar to Hero

Well. . .took the extra turn so Cord could walk over to Hammer the boss into oblivion. Otherwise, not too much to say.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        12.89   27   10     0     6    16    16     9     0
Jagen     Paladin      7.12   24    7     1    14    12     3    11     6
Cord      Fighter     14.43   30   14     0     7    15    13     8     0
Sedgar    Hero         5.42   29   10     1    14    14     2     9     2
Wendell   Sage         4.60   24    3     5     2    12     2     5     6
Bantu     Dragon       1.60   Not going anywhere

Chapter 9 - 6/105

Reclassed Sedgar to Berserker and Cord to Hunter.

Again, screw the turn counts, I LIKE my levels. Too bad Sedgar couldn't hit the broad side of a barn.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        13.19   28   11     0     6    17    17     9     0
Jagen     Paladin      7.65   24    7     1    14    12     3    11     6
Cord      Hunter      14.99   28   15     0    10    14    13     8     0
Sedgar    Berserker    5.70   31   11     0     6     9     2     8     2
Wendell   Sage         5.00   24    3     6     2    13     3     5     6
Bantu     Dragon       1.97   Not going anywhere

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Chapter 1: 26/26

No way. I'm not gonna accept this. 26 turns ballshit. But these are some Decent growths...

Marth   4.37   Lord        20   8    4    9    9    9    0   D Swords
Jeigan  2.39   Paladin 	22   7   10    8    2   10    6   B Lance D Sword

I'm gonna log my growths, save, and try again. I would seriously like to get around 15 turns...but I don't know, Marth is looking pretty good so far.

Marth   4   	3 	+02 +03  +01  +02  +02  +02  +__
Jeigan  2   	1 	+__ +__  +__  +__  +01  +__  +__

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Chapter 10 - 13/118

Reclassed Sedgar to Warrior.

It took some creative positioning of my baits, but I managed to get through the stupid level with no important casualties. I had to delay a turn because Marth needed to kill stuff. Flying Hammer Minerva proved her worthiness.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        13.34   28   11     0     6    17    17     9     0
Jagen     Paladin      8.18   24    7     1    14    12     4    11     6
Cord      Hunter      16.30   28   15     0    11    15    13     9     0
Sedgar    Warrior      6.66   35   12     0     7    11     3     8     0
Wendell   Sage         6.02   24    3     6     2    13     4     5     7
Bantu     Dragon       3.39   21    3     0     3     4     3     3     1
Maria     Curate       3.51   No protesting!
Minerva   Drakky       1.85   No level, even with a boss kill.

Chapter 11 - 10/128

Reclassed Cord to Fighter and Sedgar to Hero.

Marth, Jagen, and Sedgar ran around to the seize point, while Minerva flew around town, with her sister behind her. Wendell killed whatever made the dire mistake of attacking him. Cord. . .kinda lagged behind.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        14.12   29   11     0     7    18    18     9     0
Jagen     Paladin      8.84   24    7     1    14    12     4    11     6
Cord      Fighter     16.44   30   14     0     8    16    13     9     0
Sedgar    Hero         7.19   33   12     1    16    16     3    11     2
Wendell   Sage         6.74   24    3     6     2    13     4     5     7
Bantu     Dragon       4.26   21    3     1     3     4     3     3     1
Maria     Curate       4.36   17    0     2     2     3     1     4     9
Minerva   Drakky       2.99   24    9     0     6    13     6    13     3

Chapter 12 - 9/137

Reclassed Cord to Hunter and Jagen to Dracoknight.

Having a Flying Hammer on this level is downright unfair. Both bosses went down to Sedgar. I got everything that was worth getting.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        14.12   29   11     0     7    18    18     9     0
Jagen     Drakky       9.38   22    8     1    14    12     5    13     4
Cord      Hunter      17.42   28   15     0    12    15    14     9     0
Sedgar    Hero         8.08   35   12     1    17    17     3    12     2
Wendell   Sage         6.95   24    3     6     2    13     4     5     7
Bantu     Dragon       4.53   21    3     1     3     4     3     3     1
Maria     Curate       5.04   17    0     2     2     3     2     4    10
Minerva   Drakky       4.00   25   10     0     6    14     7    14     3
Dolph     Knight       Used "Get out of Jail for Free" card

Chapter 12x - 20

Reclassed Cord to Mercenary, Sedgar to Warrior and Dolph to Hunter.

Here's the Gaiden List:

- Feed Dolph as many levels as possible: Done

- Feed Maria as much experience as possible: Done

- Get Cord and Sedgar to take advantage of their growths: Done

- Give Marth the Boots: Oops.

Maria's flipping me off.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        14.67   29   11     0     7    18    18     9     0
Jagen     Drakky       9.43   22    8     1    14    12     5    13     4
Cord      Mercenary   18.72   27   14     0    16    19    15    11     0
Sedgar    Warrior      9.46   41   14     0    10    13     3    11     0
Wendell   Sage         7.78   24    3     7     2    13     5     5     7
Bantu     Dragon       4.53   21    3     1     3     4     3     3     1
Maria     Curate       7.02   17    0     2     2     3     3     4    11
Minerva   Drakky       4.68   25   10     0     6    14     7    14     3
Dolph     Hunter       7.53   23    8     0     9    12     3     6     0

Chapter 13 - 4/141

Reclassed Jagen and Minerva to Paladin.

Jagen + Levin Sword made this map ridiculously easy. Maria didn't get much Physic time, but she did save Dolph. Hooray for Minerva dodging everything.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        15.14   30   11     0     8    18    18     9     0
Jagen     Paladin      9.62   24    7     1    14    12     5    11     7
Cord      Mercenary   18.77   27   14     0    16    19    15    11     0
Sedgar    Warrior      9.64   41   14     0    10    13     3    11     0
Wendell   Sage         8.00   25    3     7     2    13     5     5     7
Bantu     Dragon       4.53   21    3     1     3     4     3     3     1
Maria     Curate       7.41   17    0     2     2     3     3     4    11
Minerva   Paladin      5.14   27    9     0     6    15     8    13     6
Dolph     Hunter       7.71   23    8     0     9    12     3     6     0

Chapter 14 - 8/149

Reclassed Cord and Dolph to Pirate, and Minerva to Flying Hammer.

Had to wait extra turns for Palla to recruit herself. Got the Silver Card, so it was worth it. Minerva dealt Hammer Justice to everything in her path.

Jagen did not get an epic level. . . :(

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        15.29   30   11     0     8    18    18     9     0
Jagen     Paladin     10.13   24    7     1    14    12     5    11     7
Cord      Pirate      19.15   29   16     0     9    16    15    10     0
Sedgar    Warrior     10.03   43   15     0    11    14     3    12     0
Wendell   Sage         8.62   25    3     7     2    13     5     5     7
Bantu     Dragon       4.80   21    3     1     3     4     3     3     1
Maria     Curate       7.73   17    0     2     2     3     3     4    11
Minerva   Drakky       6.24   26   11     0     7    16     8    15     3
Dolph     Pirate       9.04   25    9     0     6    13     4     7     0
Palla     Peggy        8.20   Hi, you just joined

Chapter 15 - 5/154

Reclassed Jagen to Dracoknight and Dolph to Hunter.

The object of this map was to NOT DIE. Minerva somehow pulled that off. Dolph and Cord had fun sniping at things. Palla managed to get a hit in. Jagen got both treasures.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        15.29   30   11     0     8    18    18     9     0
Jagen     Drakky      10.13   22    8     1    14    12     5    13     4
Cord      Pirate      19.89   29   16     0     9    16    15    10     0
Sedgar    Warrior     10.35   43   15     0    11    14     3    12     0
Wendell   Sage         8.90   25    3     7     2    13     5     5     7
Bantu     Dragon       4.80   21    3     1     3     4     3     3     1
Maria     Curate       8.78   18    0     2     2     3     3     4    11
Minerva   Drakky       7.21   27   11     0     7    16     8    15     3
Dolph     Hunter       9.60   25   10     0     9    13     4     6     0
Palla     Peggy        8.53   This wasn't your level

Chapter 16 - 8/162

I can't remember the exact turn count, but I don't think it will matter.

Reclassed Cord to Pirate and Sedgar to Berserker.

Caeda went shopping, while everyone else did their best to be useful. Xane sacrificed himself for my cause (self-recruited and promptly died). The boss died to Minerva in the funniest way possible. Sedgar and Cord had fun with clean-up. Cord promoted mid-chapter.

WTF at Bantu's stat gains. . .

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        16.24   30   12     0     8    19    19     9     0
Jagen     Drakky      10.58   22    8     1    14    12     5    13     4
Cord      Berserker    2.93   37   19     0    11    17    16    12     0
Sedgar    Berserker   11.01   43   16     0    12    13     3    13     0
Wendell   Sage         9.29   25    3     7     2    14     6     5     7
Bantu     Dragon       5.43   22    3     2     3     4     3     3     1
Maria     Curate       9.62   18    0     2     3     4     4     4    11
Minerva   Drakky       7.78   27   11     0     7    16     8    15     3
Dolph     Hunter       9.90   25   10     0     9    13     4     6     0
Palla     Peggy       10.59   23    9     2     9    15     5     9     6

Chapter 17 - 3/165

Reclassed Cord to Horseman and Sedgar to Hero

This was a standardish clear. Nothing spectacular. . .except for Cord pwning most of the map by himself and me raiding the secret store.

Cord needs 7 more Speed. Sedgar is SOL.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        16.34   30   12     0     8    19    19     9     0
Jagen     Drakky      10.63   22    8     1    14    12     5    13     4
Cord      Horseman     5.21   34   20     1    15    19    16    13     3
Sedgar    Hero        11.13   41   15     1    20    18     3    14     2
Wendell   Sage         9.36   25    3     7     2    14     6     5     7
Bantu     Dragon       5.43   22    3     2     3     4     3     3     1
Maria     Curate      10.11   18    0     2     3     4     5     4    12
Minerva   Drakky       8.18   28   11     0     8    17     8    15     3
Dolph     Hunter       9.90   25   10     0     9    13     4     6     0
Palla     Peggy       10.59   23    9     2     9    15     5     9     6

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Chapter 4 - I bet you can't guess how many turns here....give up? 11 turns

Jagen got reclassed to a Swordmaster and Castor to a knight. Castor used his bulk to fend off the fighters to the east and with a couple of level ups, became invincible, being pinged by them. Jagen and Marth rushed forward with a penalty taken (Which now that I think about it, I'm wondering if it could've been avoided. Marth killed the boss on turn 6 and seized on turn 7.

Chapter 5 - I know you can't guess this one. 4 turns

This game isn't nearly as hard as I remember it for some reason, and by extension neither was this chapter. Hardin was a serious beast, critting the boss with a Silver Lance on turn 4 (which made up for Jagen's miss with the silver lance the same turn), and allowing Marth to seize on turn 4. Once again Castor was reclassed, this time to fighter. He stood near a chokepoint in the east fighting the cavaliers with Wrys following behind healing him. Sedgar and Vyland were sacrificed.

Chapter 6 - 8 turns

Not the best I could have done by any means. Since I wasn't paying attention to where I positioned Marth I cost myself a turn. Jagen beasted and took out the boss's chronies with a Javelin, then next turn Hardin and Jagen teamed up on the boss and killed him. Castor did his own thing again, and reached D in axes here while cutting off the northern chokepoint. Julian was used to get the psychic staff and bullion, and Hardin killed the thieves that stole the Seraph robe and the Armorslayer, so only the Killing Edge guy got away. Only Roshea was sacrificed.

Chapter 6x - 20 turns

I decided to take advantage of the rule and train my characters quite a bit. Not much else to say except Wrys reached C in Staves (psychic use!), Marth grew a few levels, and Castor worked on his axe rank but couldn't reach C.

Chapter 7 - 7 turns

Everyone rushed towards the boss and Castor and Jagen ganged up on him with the Armorslayer and Hammer. Wrys began to spam psychic and got two level ups with +0 each time, making me so proud emo11.gif. Also, a generic named Trim refused to die, despite my attempts to sacrifice him, dodging 3 cavaliers in a row. But luckily for me, I was able to kill him by not healing him on the next enemy phase.

Chapter 8 - 5 turns

Reclassed Castor to Knight for this one. He blocked a chokepoint and was pinged by a swarm of horseman and cavaliers, but he only had time to grow one level unfortunately. Hardin and Jagen teamed up on the boss with Silver Lance and Armorslayer. Marth seized on turn 5.

Chapter 9 - 5 turns

Reclassed Castor to Pirate and Jagen to Dracoknight. Julian used his thief utility to open the door for me on turn 1, and from then on I charged straight on through. Hardin killed the boss with the Silver Lance. Somehow Caeda is still alive and starting last chapter she became my designated shopper. Chapter 10 looks like it will be trivial yet again.

Chapter 10 - 8 turns

Reclassed Castor to Knight and Jagen and Hardin ran north, massacring everything in their path. I thought about every possible positioning, and without warp it's impossible to do this chapter any faster. Oh yeah, Castor stayed near the start doing basically nothing except tanking reinforcements like a boss, and Wrys spammed psychic until it broke. I'm loving the ridiculous offensive power I have with just two units.

Edited by Xander
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Chapter 11 - 9 turns

My statboosters are burning a hole in my pocket, and while I could have sold them, I just gave Hardin the Seraph Robe and Castor the speedwings. Hardin and Jagen once again work their magic. I reclass Castor to fighter and send him to fight the Mercs, he gets one solid level up, but on the next one a +0, which I'm starting to get used to seeing. Marth walked like a snail, trailing behind the real men while they cleared a path for him. Wrys still has yet to contribute anything worthwhile, but he did get a couple heals in and a level.

Chapter 12 - 9 turns

Took an extra 3 or so turns to get the boots, which will help save more turns down the road. Castor was reclassed to Knight, and tanked reinforcements while using them to level up. Jagen is starting to get doubled now, but he still did his thing raping on pp with the silver, so I'm not complaining.

Chapter 12x - 14 turns

Reclassed my new, useless unit (Midia) to Draco and reclassed Castor to Mercenary. I Just fought my way to the boss, who was incredibly weak, so I killed him and seized. Hardin reached level 20. Castor level 18. I have 2 master seals, but I'll only use 1 on Hardin for now. I'm contemplating what to have Midia do, as pretty much everything she touches fails later on in the game. Should I make her a subpar healer? But frankly, Wrys is more than enough, seeing as how I don't even need a healer. Or should I make her a god awful combatant, like in my last draft, where whenever she hit something she did 3 damage and died on ep next turn. hm...what to do.

Chapter 13 - 5 turns

Regardless to say I took an extra turn to recruit Beck. A few generics died but this level was mostly about Hardin owning everything in sight. Reclassed Wrys to Cav so he wouldn't get one shotted, and Midia to paladin so she wouldn't be OHKOd by Arrowspate. Marth rushed towards the seize point while Hardin and Jagen cleared a path for him. Pretty standard.

Chapter 14 - 9 turns

Unfortunately I had to take an extra turn to recruit Catria. Hardin and Jagen once again do their thing, and Julian got me the silver card.

Chapter 15 - 5 turns

Reclassed Castor to Merc and Jagen and Hardin to Draco. Marth charged toward the seize yet again while everyone else got some levels. Castor reached level 20 and promoted, getting a nice 19 AS, and Catria scrounged up a couple of levels. Midia is still bad as can be, while Hardin pulled most of the load again.

Chapter 16 - 10 turns

I had to go around the long way which cost a few turns, to recruit Aran. Castor was reclassed to Berserker and he solod everything near the boss, gaining quite a few levels. On the last turn Hardin fired through the door and killed the Hero holding the Master Seal, netting it for me. No one else did much of anything.

Chapter 17 - 3 turns

Castor gets an Arms Scroll for C swords and reclassed to Hero. Castor starts off this chapter as the fastest member of my team, with 22 AS as a Hero. Pretty standard stuff. Castor charges into the throne room ahead of Marth and OHKOs the boss on turn 3 with the Wrymslayer Astram dropped. Marth seizes on turn 3.

Chapter 17x - 13 turns

I took my time on this one training Catria, getting her all the way from level 8 to the double digits. Wrys also hit level 20 and reached A in staves, so he can promote next chapter (and start contributing some more weak chip offense). Midia is a pain to keep alive as usual, and I get Etzel after this.

Chapter 18 - 6 turns

Forget Est and Mercurius if they're gonna cost turns. Marth and Hardin rushed the boss. Catria is around level 12 right now, and Castor is still going strong. My offense has never looked better .At the chapters start I reclassed Castor to Berserker and gave Catria the Dracoshield. I'm contemplating what to do with my spare Speedwings at this point, but they'll probably go to Castor soon so he can double better as a Berserker. Anyway, Hardin killed the boss at the start of turn 6 and Marth seized.

Edited by Xander
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