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Final stretch.

Chapter 19 - 4 turns

Everyone rushed forward, Hardin OHKOd Tiki and Marth seized on turn 4. Julian got me the Geosphere, as without Mercurius I have to plan wtf I'm going to do to kill Medeus in 1 round.

Chapter 20 - 5 turns

Marth rushed at full move while Hardin cleared a path for him. Catria is definately starting to level up, and is close to promotion now. Castor now has 24 AS as a Hero and I might just use my speedwings on him. Caeda died so I had to get a new shopper. Camus also died so I got Gravidus.

Chapter 20x - 12 turns

Catria finally made it to level 20, meaning she's ready to promote next chapter. From here on out it looks like the game will be smooth sailing. With my holy trinity of offense in promoted Catria, Castor, and Hardin.

Chapter 21 - 3 turns

Once again everyone charged forward. Nothing at all special about this chapter since the only one of my units who I put into combat with faces who actually even faced a chance of dying was Marth.

Chapter 22 - 8 turns

Marth stopped 2 squares away from the seize on turn 7, so unfortunately even though all the enemies were elimated, I still couldn't seize until turn 8. Once again the work goes to Hardin. Castor was reclassed to Horseman to keep up, and he got a few kills in too.

Edited by Xander
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Today, I feel horrid.

Chapter 17x - 20

Reclassed Minerva to Sniper, Dolph to Fighter, and Palla to Archer.

Looks like Palla's getting promotion priority here. Nabbed both the Poleax and the Longbow.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        17.31   31   13     0     9    19    20     9     0
Jagen     Drakky      10.82   22    8     1    14    12     5    13     4
Cord      Horseman     7.13   35   21     1    16    21    17    14     3
Sedgar    Hero        11.52   41   15     1    20    18     3    14     2
Wendell   Sage        10.33   25    3     7     3    14     7     5     7
Bantu     Dragon       5.68   22    3     2     3     4     3     3     1
Maria     Curate      12.57   18    0     4     4     4     7     4    14
Minerva   Sniper       9.30   33   10     0    12    19     9    12     3
Dolph     Fighter     11.78   29   10     0     7    15     4     6     0
Palla     Archer      15.37   ??   13     0    10    14     6    11     0

Chapter 18 - 6/171

Reclassed Jagen to Paladin, Minerva to Flying Poleax, Dolph to Pirate, and Palla to Pegasus Knight.

I thought I would take seven turns, but a lucky Silver Axe critical ensured six. Dolph walked over to the arena to do some self-improvement. Everything else died to Poleax/Ridersbane/Rapier.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        18.13   31   14     0    10    20    21     9     0
Jagen     Paladin     11.07   24    8     1    14    12     5    11     7
Cord      Horseman     7.81   35   21     1    16    21    17    14     3
Sedgar    Hero        12.46   43   15     1    21    18     4    15     2
Wendell   Sage        10.59   25    3     7     3    14     7     5     7
Bantu     Dragon       5.68   22    3     2     3     4     3     3     1
Maria     Curate      13.45   19    0     4     4     4     7     4    14
Minerva   Drakky      10.22   30   12     0    10    17    10    16     3
Dolph     Pirate      12.05   28   10     0     7    14     4     7     0
Palla     Peggy       16.56   ??   13     2    12    18     6    10     7

Chapter 19 - 6/177

Reclassed Dolph to Hunter.

The extra turn was for all the treasure I wanted. I will need the Speedwings. Marth being really fast is helping my draft team nicely.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        19.19   32   14     0    10    20    21     9     1
Jagen     Paladin     11.56   24    8     1    14    12     5    11     7
Cord      Horseman     8.34   36   21     1    16    22    17    14     3
Sedgar    Hero        12.79   43   15     1    21    18     4    15     2
Wendell   Sage        10.86   25    3     7     3    14     7     5     7
Bantu     Dragon       5.68   22    3     2     3     4     3     3     1
Maria     Curate      13.87   19    0     4     4     4     7     4    14
Minerva   Drakky      10.87   30   12     0    10    17    10    16     3
Dolph     Hunter      12.35   28   11     0    10    14     4     6     0
Palla     Peggy       17.76   28   13     2    13    18     6    10     8

Chapter 20 - 5/182

Reclassed Jagen to Dracoknight and Cord to Hero

I left my magic users and Dolph at base. Cord the Hero With B Axes was fast enough to double Camus. . .so yeah. Caeda died, which meant Lorenz died.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        19.80   32   14     0    10    20    21     9     1
Jagen     Drakky      11.86   24    9     1    14    12     5    13     4
Cord      Hero         9.88   39   21     1    21    26    17    15     3
Sedgar    Hero        13.01   45   16     1    22    19     5    16     2
Wendell   Sage        10.86   25    3     7     3    14     7     5     7
Bantu     Dragon       5.68   22    3     2     3     4     3     3     1
Maria     Curate      13.87   19    0     4     4     4     7     4    14
Minerva   Drakky      11.36   31   13     0    10    17    10    16     3
Dolph     Hunter      12.35   28   11     0    10    14     4     6     0
Palla     Peggy       18.17   29   14     2    14    18     6    10     8

Chapter 20x - 20

Reclassed Cord to Horseman, Dolph to Fighter and Palla to Sniper

My goals were to promote Palla and give Dolph as much experience as possible. In the process, several people got good levels.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        20.35   33   15     0    10    20    22    10     1
Jagen     Drakky      12.68   22    9     1    14    12     5    13     4
Cord      Horseman    10.70   38   21     1    18    23    17    14     3
Sedgar    Hero        14.22   47   17     1    23    19     5    16     2
Wendell   Sage        12.07   26    3     8     3    16     7     5     9
Bantu     Dragon       5.68   22    3     2     3     4     3     3     1
Maria     Curate      16.04   19    0     5     5     5    10     4    17
Minerva   Drakky      12.26   32   13     0    11    17    10    17     3
Dolph     Fighter     16.51   33   12     0     9    19     4     6     0
Palla     Sniper       1.00   38   17     1    18    20     6    12     5

Edited by eclipse
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You're making Maria a guy again!

And woah, lots of progress.

Final stretch.

Chapter 19 - 4 turns

Everyone rushed forward, Hardin OHKOd Tiki and Marth seized on turn 4. Julian got me the Geosphere, as without Mercurius I have to plan wtf I'm going to do to kill Medeus in 1 round.

Confirm this in your final turncount. Marth can only seize as early as turn 5

Oh, and update!

Chapter 2 10/20 Turns

Bord and Jeigan proc'd speed!

I really burnt through the Silver Lance on this one, and Marth got a lucky crit with the Rapier on one of the cavs. Barst manipulated the AI so that the hunter and thieves were stuck, and Cord and Shiida died. Got the village, and Jeigan got the bosskill after Bord and an earlier Silver lance strike weakened him. Marth is absolutely useless.

Marth   Lord     3.51      20   5    4    9    8    8    0   D Sword
Jeigan  Paladin  3.42      24   7   10    9    1   11    6   B Lance D Sword
Bord    Fighter  3.90      21   9    5    8    1    5    0   C Axes

Chapter 3 7/27 Turns

Devil Axe ftw!

Well, Bord committed suicide countless times throughout the attempt of this level, but w/e.

Ogma and Barst provided enough distraction for Julian (thieving) and Lena (Matthis) to escape. Jeigan parked himself on a mountain with a javelin, and cleared out all the enemies, with Bord and Marth just out of their attack range, till they were needed to clean up the scraps.

As for the boss, unlike eclispe, I had 0/3 units that were not doubled by the boss, but Jeigan was 4HKO'd, so he whacked him with the Silver Lance (5 uses, can't wait for chapter 5's lance) and Bord finished with the Devil Axe.

Marth   Lord     3.91      20   5    4    9    8    8    0   D Sword
Jeigan  Paladin  4.15      24   7   11    9    1   11    6   B Lance D Sword
Bord    Fighter  5.47      23  10    6    8    1    5    0   C Axes

Edited by General_Horace
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You're making Maria a guy again!

And woah, lots of progress.

Confirm this in your final turncount. Marth can only seize as early as turn 5

Where do you get this from? There are 36 spaces from beginning to the throne

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Yes, and there is a movement penalty for a throne.

Marth reaches the space before the throne on space 35, and cannot seize due to the fact that he requires 2 more movement to even get on the space in the first place.

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Okay I guess? I'm almost done anyway.

Chapter 23 - 7 turns

No one was deployed except for Catria, Hardin, Castor, Marth, Beck, my two Magic users, and generics. Catria and Hardin were made Paladins, and Castor a Horseman. Marth rushed forward with Catria and Hardin clearing the way. Castor got in some more cheap kills while Beck stayed behind hitting things with his ballistae, and generics acted as decoys for the swarmers.

Chapter 24 - 4 turns

Standard stuff. Catria killed the boss and everything near him with a Dragonpike. My new generic shopper bought some random stuff from the secret shop.

Chapter 24x - 8 turns

I took my time since this didn't matter. Marth got a level and I killed off Elice and some generics. Nothing else worth note.

Endgame - 5 turns

Hardin and Marth teamed up on Medeus with Gravidius and Falchion to kill him. Everyone else except Catria, Castor and Wrys died terrible deaths.

Edit: Forgot I had the geosphere cry.gif, could've gotten this chapter done earlier.

Checked over my turncounts. I still don't know how you guys think you can't do 19 in 4, but I did.

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Chapter 4 7/34 Turns

Matthis can't hit the broad side of a barn.

Rushed everyone to the left, including Peg! Lena, who recruited Matthis, and was promptly shot down by the archers.

Matthis picked up the scraps (when I say scraps, I say archers with 2 HP), and Bord blasted the knight on the bridge into oblivion. Jeigan was tanky enough to take two hits from the horsemen and live, but he didn't need to because of generics and Bord sponging the hits for him. Jeigan used his last Silver Lance charge on the boss, and Bord finished with the Devil Axe. On turn 7, Jeigen went down to weaken a thief for Matthis to kill, but he critted it and proc'd speed instead.

Marth   Lord     4.42      21   6    5   10    9    9    0   D Sword
Jeigan  Draco    5.05      22   8   11   10    1   13    3   A Lance E Axe
Bord    Fighter  7.66      25  10    7    8    2    5    0   C Axes
Matthis Cavalier 2.80      Base

Edited by General_Horace
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First one done. NewYearsEmoticon.gif

Now I've made myself sick of this game.

Don't know why you guys think 19 isn't possible in 4, I think you need to actually do the chapter before you can say that, because my game agrees with me. Character summaries + opinions soon to come.

Total turncount: 170

Will be double checking that too soon enough, because it seems wrong.But feel free to tell me what the correct number is.

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I've got another random save file that's on Chapter 17, so if you want, I can blaze through that and verify this.

Anyway. . .

Chapter 21 - 3/185

Reclassed Dolph to Hunter and Palla to Dracoknight.

It took a while before I got to a point where everyone survived. Also. . .

Boss: Blah, blah, blah.

Minerva: Cool story, bro. *criticals with Poleax*

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        20.45   33   15     0    10    20    22    10     1
Jagen     Drakky      13.03   23    9     1    14    13     6    13     5
Cord      Horseman    11.27   39   21     1    18    24    17    14     3
Sedgar    Hero        14.37   47   17     1    23    19     5    16     2
Wendell   Sage        12.16   26    3     8     3    16     7     5     9
Bantu     Dragon       5.68   22    3     2     3     4     3     3     1
Maria     Curate      16.56   19    0     5     5     5    10     4    17
Minerva   Drakky      13.78   33   14     0    12    17    11    18     3
Dolph     Hunter      17.10   31   14     0    13    18     4     6     0
Palla     Drakky       1.58   34   18     1    15    18     6    15     5

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First, lemme finish this. I owe it to my units.

Chapter 22 - 7/192

Promoted Dolph a little early.

Why do generic Pegasus Knights have to be so fast? Luckily, they couldn't outspeed Cord and Dolph. My flying units went nuts on the unsuspecting defenders.

Michalis died to Minerva and Palla.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        21.17   34   15     0    10    21    23    10     1
Jagen     Drakky      13.53   23    9     1    14    13     6    13     5
Cord      Horseman    11.91   39   21     1    18    24    17    14     3
Sedgar    Hero        14.75   47   17     1    23    19     5    16     2
Wendell   Sage        12.30   26    3     8     3    16     7     5     9
Bantu     Dragon       5.68   22    3     2     3     4     3     3     1
Maria     Curate      16.69   19    0     5     5     5    10     4    17
Minerva   Drakky      14.96   34   15     0    12    18    12    19     3
Dolph     Horseman     2.00   34   15     1    15    21     4    10     3
Palla     Drakky       4.64   36   19     1    17    19     6    16     5

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Chapter 5 4/38 Turns

Reclassed Bord to Pirate.

Two new units join me this chapter, Wolf, and Rick Astley Vyland.

Sedgar and Hardin were sacrificed, and somehow, Roshe managed to live. Bord didn't double the boss (since when do Knights have 7 speed!), so Jeigan had to initiate the boss on turn 3 with a steel lance, then hit him again on the start of turn 4, and Bord would finish with his hammer. Matthis took a hit from a cavalier (whom he missed with an Iron Lance) then chucked Javelins from behind the wall of generics. Wolf hit a couple of archers and thieves with his sword, and Vyland killed a thief that was blocking Marth's path.

Marth   Lord     4.42      21   6    5   10    9    9    0   D Sword
Jeigan  Draco    5.37      22   8   11   10    1   13    3   A Lance E Axe
Bord    Fighter  8.16      25  10    7    8    2    5    0   C Axes
Matthis Cavalier 3.10      21   6    2    6    0    7    0   D Lance E Sword
Vyland  Cavalier 1.57      Base
Wolf    Horseman 3.11      Base

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Chapter 23 - 7/199

Reclassed all my fliers to Paladins and Sedgar to Horseman.

Palla told everyone to GTFO via Gradivus. Had to heal with it once because she ate a Sniper critical. The real Gharnef was elsewhere.

Sacrificed Julian to save Cord.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        21.97   34   15     0    10    21    23    10     1
Jagen     Paladin     14.10   25    9     1    15    13     6    11     8
Cord      Horseman    12.54   39   21     1    18    25    17    14     3
Sedgar    Horseman    15.15   47   18     1    20    16     5    16     2
Wendell   Sage        12.60   26    3     8     3    16     7     5     9
Bantu     Dragon       5.68   22    3     2     3     4     3     3     1
Maria     Curate      19.08   19    0     5     6     6    12     4    18
Minerva   Paladin     15.52   36   14     0    13    19    13    17     6
Dolph     Horseman     2.60   34   15     1    15    21     4    10     3
Palla     Paladin      5.77   39   18     1    18    19     6    14     8

Chapter 24 - 4/203

Reclassed all Paladins to Dracoknights, and all class B males not named Cord to Hero. Promoted Maria to Bishop (M) and reclassed to Sage (M). Speedwings to Palla.

Palla got enough lucky criticals to end this map in four. Marth's insane Speed helped.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        22.09   35   15     0    10    22    24    10     1
Jagen     Drakky      14.77   23   10     1    15    13     6    13     5
Cord      Horseman    12.91   39   21     1    18    25    17    14     3
Sedgar    Hero        15.38   49   18     1    24    20     5    17     2
Wendell   Sage        12.75   26    3     8     3    16     7     5     9
Bantu     Dragon       5.68   22    3     2     3     4     3     3     1
Maria     Sage         1.52   25    3     8     7     7    12     6    15
Minerva   Drakky      16.30   35   15     0    13    19    13    19     3
Dolph     Hero         3.30   36   15     1    19    25     4    11     3
Palla     Drakky       8.00   40   21     1    21    23*    6    17     5

Chapter 24x - 19

Reclassed Dolph to Horseman and Palla to Sniper.

This was a weapons level run, with a small prayer. Cord answered. I might have a chance at Endgame! Picked up an extra Excalibur for Wendell.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        22.49   35   15     0    10    22    24    10     1
Jagen     Drakky      14.77   23   10     1    15    13     6    13     5
Cord      Horseman    14.04   39   21     1    19    26    17    14     3
Sedgar    Hero        16.08   51   19     1    25    21     5    18     2
Wendell   Sage        13.54   26    3     8     3    16     7     5     9
Bantu     Dragon       5.76   22    3     2     3     4     3     3     1
Maria     Sage         2.70   25    3     8     8     8    13     6    16
Minerva   Drakky      16.30   35   15     0    13    19    13    19     3
Dolph     Horseman     6.72   36   16     1    16    24     4    10     3
Palla     Sniper       9.96   45   21     1    25    25*    6    15     5

Endgame - 5/208

Stat booster distribution list:

Seraph Robe: Wendell, Maria, Dolph x2, Palla

Energy Drop: Cord, Dolph x2, Palla x2

Spirit Dust: Wendell x2, Maria x2

Secret Book: Palla x2, Dolph

Speedwings: Dolph

Goddess Icon: Palla x4

Dracoshield: Palla x4

Talisman: LOL

Arms Scroll: Cord (Parthia), Dolph x2 (Parthia)

Reclassed Palla to Dracoknight. Jagen and Bantu were not deployed.

It took a while to get my positioning right, but once I did, it was Palla that did most of the work, with a little bit of help from Cord (thank goodness he hit 26 Speed naturally). The Geosphere rocks.

Luckily, I didn't need to use Dolph.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        23.96   36   15     0    11    22    24    10     1
Jagen     Drakky      14.77   23   10     1    15    13     6    13     5
Cord      Horseman    14.85   39   23*    1    19    26    17    14     3
Sedgar    Hero        16.99   51   19     1    25    21     5    18     2
Wendell   Sage        15.19   34*   3    12*    4    16     7     5     9
Bantu     Dragon       5.76   22    3     2     3     4     3     3     1
Maria     Sage         4.45   33*   3    13*    8     8    14     6    16
Minerva   Drakky      17.06   35   16     0    13    19    13    19     3
Dolph     Horseman     7.75   50*  20*    1    18*   26*    4    10     3
Palla     Drakky      14.17   50*  26*    1    26*   23*   14*   26*    5
Nagi      Dragon      16.41   33    9     2    13    15    11     6    10

MVP of the run: My entire team. Really.


Marth: His early blessing was welcome, and his awesome Speed kept him alive. Pity he wasn't DEF blessed, but I'll take his crazy speed!

Jagen: Went God Mode early, which made subsequent chapters WAY easier. It also meant I could conserve Silver Lance uses.

Cord: He gained a surprising amount of, well, everything. This meant I could use him as part of my Medeus Slaying team.

Sedgar: He grew weird, but that's okay. He got the axe rank he needed. . .even if he did shoot himself in the foot.

Wendell: His bases carried him for the most part. I'm glad I got him to A staves as a Sage.

Ban-Ban: That detour for the Dragonstone saved my butt on several chapters. Bantu makes a pretty good wall against unpromoted stuff all the way to Endgame.

Maria: Her gender change seems to be a running joke. She remembered how to gain Magic before Endgame, and the rest of her stats were irrelevant (really).

Minerva: Went absolutely NUTS, stat-wise (+5 HP, +2 Speed, +3 Defense). If Palla didn't turn out the way I wanted her to, she was my backup. Flying Hammer was awesome! Got the biggest blessing by far.

Dolph: Turned out surprisingly well. I'm a little sad I didn't have more time to raise him. I get the feeling he's a terror when properly trained.

Palla: Got randomly good Speed, which meant she could do more work. I'm glad she cooperated!

Nagi: Her one level rocked.

Overall: Aside from the massive waste of turns in the beginning, mostly due to insane stat gains, I was surprised by this team. Thank you for cooperating, everyone!

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AAlrighty...the problem lies in the fact that my DS chargers turned into chew toys for my pup, and I've not had the opportunity to get a new one. I'm probably going to get this restarted on my PC though...unless I can dig up a charger somehow from the boxes of unpacked move-stuff.

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Chapter 6 8/46 Turns

Reclassed Bord to Fighter and Wolf to General

Wolf tanked out the north, while Bord, Jeigan and Marth ran to the throne. Matthis and Vyland chased the thieves. Matthis is looking... decent...

Marth      5.22     Lord        22   7    5    10   10   9    0   C Swords
Jeigan     6.07     Paladin     24   7   12    11    2  11    6   A Lance D Sword
Bord      10.00     Fighter     28  11   10     8    4   5    0   B Axe
Matthis    4.30     Cavalier    22   7    2     7    0   8    0   D Lance E Sword
Wolf       4.35     General     32   9    4     5    5  16    1   D Lance E Bow
Vyland     4.00     Cavalier    23   6    3     7    4   8    0   D Lance E Sword

Chapter 6x


- Fly Jeigan to the boss to build axe rank - Accomplished.

- Make Vyland not blow chunks - Failed.

- Reclass Matthis to Myrmidon to build speed and sword rank - Failed.

- Build Wolf's Axe Rank - Accomplished

- Reclass Bord to Hunter to Proc speed - Failed.

- Level up Marth - Accomplished.

... 3/6 isn't a fail I guess.

Marth      6.29     Lord        23   7    5    10   11   9    0   C Swords
Jeigan     6.77     Dracoknight 22   8   12    11    2  13    6   A Lance D Axe
Bord      11.46     Fighter     28  11   11     8    5   5    0   B Axe
Matthis    6.18     Cavalier    24   8    2     7    1   9    0   D Lance E Sword
Wolf       5.14     Hero        28   8   12    13    6   8    1   D Sword D Axe
Vyland     5.72     Cavalier    23   6    4     8    4   8    0   D Lance E Sword

Chapter 7 6/52 Turns

Bord and Wolf ran to the boss, and finished him with the Devil Axe and Hammer combo. I had a bunch of class A generic females, so they became pegs for this and blocked a couple forts till they died. Vyland went archer to pick off some dracoknights and pegs.

Marth      7.56     Lord        24   7    5    11   12   9    0   C Swords
Jeigan     7.22     Dracoknight 22   8   12    11    3  14    6   A Lance D Axe
Bord      12.84     Fighter     29  12   11     8    5   5    0   B Axe
Matthis    7.19     Cavalier    25   9    2     7    1   9    0   D Lance E Sword
Wolf       5.70     Hero        28   8   12    13    6   8    1   D Sword D Axe
Vyland     7.06     Cavalier    23   6    5    10    5   9    0   D Lance E Sword

Chapter 8 5/57 Turns

The boss went down to the Bord + Jeigan combo, with Jeigan using a Devil Axe.

Wolf held the northwest, and Matthis ran around with a ridersbane, while Vyland picked up scraps. Caeser trained in the arena, healing with a vulernary.

Marth     7.84   Lord        24   7    5    11   12   9    0    C Sword
Jeigan    8.38   Dracoknight 22   9   13    11    3  14    6    A Lance D Axe
Bord     14.13   Fighter     31  13   11     8    5   6    0    B Axe
Matthis   9.46   Cavalier    26  10    3     8    2  10    0    C Lance E Sword
Wolf      6.91   General     36  11    6     6    6  17    1    C Lance E Bow
Vyland    8.52   Cavalier    24   6    5    10    5   9    0    C Lance E Sword
Caeser    3.97   Mercenary   Base 

Chapter 9 5/62 Turns

Reclassed Bord to Pirate. Wolf to Hero. Matthis to Myrmidon.

Bord ran to the boss and hit him on the enemy phase with a silver axe, then finished with the devil axe. Reclassing Matthis to myrmidon was necessary to double the hunter blocking Marth's path, after Caeser had chipped as well. Julian looted the treasure.

Marth     8.23   Lord        25   7    5    12   13   9    0    C Sword
Jeigan    8.65   Dracoknight 22   9   13    11    3  14    6    A Lance D Axe
Bord     15.20   Fighter     31  13   12     8    6   6    0    B Axe
Matthis   9.97   Cavalier    26  10    3     8    2  10    0    C Lance E Sword
Wolf      7.17   Hero        32  10   14    15    7   9    1    D Sword D Axe
Vyland    9.03   Cavalier    25   7    5    11    5   9    0    C Lance E Sword
Caeser    4.44   Mercenary   21   5    9    13    6   7    0    D Sword 

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Chapter 10: 8/70 Turns

Reclassed Wolf to Berserker. Bord to Fighter. Caeser to Hunter

Wolf ran to the throne, and doubled the boss with a hammer. Jeigan chipped the cavs at the start, took out the hero, and then tracked down the thief for the Levin sword. Matthis comboed with Jeigan on the cav's at the start, while Vyland pulled out the ridersbane. Marth even got a cav kill. After the cavs were dead, Matthis and Vyland escorted Julian into the fortress, so he could nab the physic staff. The dracoknights eventually plowed through the generics, allowing Caeser to get a kill on another Dracoknight. Matthis hit D in Swords.

Marth     Lord          8.53     25   7    5    12   13   9    0   C Sword
Jeigen    Dracoknight   9.11     22   9   13    11    4  15    3   A Lance D Axe
Bord      Fighter      15.27     32  13   12     8    6   6    0   B Axe
Matthis   Cavalier     10.53     27  11    4     8    2  10    0   C Lance D Sword
Wolf      Berserker     7.89     34  11    6    10    7   8    0   C Axe
Vyland    Cavalier      9.63     25   7    5    11    5   9    0   C Land E Sword
Caeser    Hunter        5.90     23   7    5    10    6   5    0   E Bow

Chapter 11 13/83 Turns

Reclassed Jeigen to Swordmaster and Wolf to Hero.

I hate you Linde.

Anyhow, Caesar hung around the starting area and shot down Pegs. Matthis, Vyland, and Marth cleared out the Mercs around Linde's village (albeit badly). Bord, Wolf, and Jeigen took out the rest of the enemies. Khozen went down from a double steel axe hit from Wolf, followed by a silver axe from Bord.

Marth     Lord          9.31     26   8    5    12   14   9    0   C Sword
Jeigen    Swordmaster   9.91     24   6   19    17    4  11    3   B Sword
Bord      Fighter      16.19     33  13   12     8    6   6    0   A Axe
Matthis   Cavalier     11.32     28  11    4     8    3  10    0   C Lance D Sword
Wolf      Hero          8.43     34  11   15    16    7   9    1   C Axe D Sword
Vyland    Cavalier     10.95     25   8    5    12    5   9    0   C Lance E Sword
Caeser    Hunter        6.30     24   7    5    11    7   6    0   E Bow
Linde     Mage          2.06     19   3    4     7    7   3    4   D Tome

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You could take the Ogma penalty like Xander did.

And Update!

Chapter 12 8/91 Turns

This one was tough.

Reclassed Jeigan to Paladin.

Jeigan and Wolf rushed the throne, and Jeigan ultimately took out the boss. Wolf sat on the throne to protect Marth from Heimeler and his cronies. Got all treasure except the dragonpike.

Linde and Caeser failed hard at killing the mages, but ultimately prevailed.

Gave Vyland the energy drop.

Marth    Lord      9.31    26   8    5    12   14   9    0   C Swords
Jeigan   Paladin  10.57    24   9   14    11    4  13    6   A Lance D Sword
Bord     Fighter  16.67    33  13   12     8    6   6    0   A Axe
Matthis  Cavalier 12.05    29  12    4     8    3  11    0   C Lance D Sword
Wolf     Hero      9.39    36  12   16    16    7  10    1   C Axe D Sword
Vyland   Cavalier 11.22    25  10    5    12    5   9    0   C Lance E Sword
Caeser   Hunter    7.40    25   8    5    12    7   6    0   E Bow
Linde    Mage      3.12    19   4    4     7    8   3    5   D Tome

Chapter 12x:


- Have Jeigan proc speed: accomplished

- Have Vyland proc strength: Failed

- Have Matthis proc Speed: Accomplished

- Have Linde Raise her staff rank: Check


Marth        10.54    Lord      26   9    6    12   15   10   0    B Swords
Jeigan       11.22    Paladin   25   9   15    12    5   13   6    A Lance D Sword
Bord      17/01.00    Hero      36  14   22    13    7   10   3    A Axe D Sword
Matthis      14.25    Cavalier  31  13    6     9    3   11   0    C Lance D Sword
Wolf         10.02    Hero      38  13   17    17    7   11   1    C Axe D Sword
Vyland       12.42    Cavalier  26  10    5    12    6    9   0    C Lance E Sword
Caeser        9.29    Mercenery 25   7   10    18    7    8   0    D Sword
Linde         8.25    Mage      21   5    5     7   11    3   6    D Tome

Chapter 13 4/95 Turns

Promoted Bord.

I didn't have the firepower to complete this in 3, as the only units that could 0RKO the Ballistae were lolMatthis, Bord, and Jeigan. The boss fell to a Silver lance crit from Jeigan who had his support bonus with Marth in effect.

No level ups, so not posting stats.

Chapter 14 6/101 Turns

Jeigan to Swordmaster

First off, Linde failed to double the ballistae. Fail.

Bord ran to the throne with a vulnerary, and had an unesscery critkill on the boss (he doubled). Jeigan, Wolf, Caeser, and Vyland escorted Julian to the Silver Card, and things got a little hairy when Wolf missed his first hand axe strike, but Jeigan doubled with the Silver Sword, so that rectified that. Matthis opened the door to the south to allow Marth and Bord to run through without wasting a turn. My two hammers are running low on uses...

Marth        10.90    Lord        33   9    6    12   15   10   0    B Swords
Jeigan       11.87    Dracoknight 25   9   15    12    5   13   6    A Lance D Sword
Bord      17/02.79    Hero        36  15   22    14    7   10   3    A Axe D Sword
Matthis      15.08    Cavalier    32  14    6     9    3   12   0    C Lance D Sword
Wolf         10.52    Hero        38  13   17    17    7   11   1    C Axe D Sword
Vyland       13.18    Cavalier    26  11    5    13    6    9   0    C Lance E Sword
Caeser       10.43    Mercenery   26   7   11    19    8    8   0    D Sword
Linde         8.25    Mage        21   7    6     8   12    3   6    D Tome 

Oh, gave Linde the spirit dust that was lying around, and Marth the Seraph Robe.

Chapter 15 5/106 Turns

Jeigan used a pure water, then flew to the boss. The dracoknights were tricky though. Caeser reclassed to hunter.

Marth        10.90    Lord        26   9    6    12   15   10   0    B Swords
Jeigan       12.40    Dracoknight 24  10   15    12    5   15   3    A Lance D Axe
Bord      17/03.12    Hero        37  16   23    14    7   10   3    A Axe D Sword
Matthis      15.71    Cavalier    32  14    6     9    3   12   0    C Lance D Sword
Wolf         10.73    Hero        38  13   17    17    7   11   1    C Axe D Sword
Vyland       13.35    Cavalier    26  11    5    13    6    9   0    B Lance E Sword
Caeser       11.92    Hunter      29  10    8    15    8    6   0    D Bow
Linde         9.23    Mage        21   7    6     8   12    3   6    D Tome 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 16 6/112 Turns

Reclassed Wolf To Zerker.

Jeigan went shopping with the silver card to stock up on silver axes for Bord. Matthis critted the hero with his killer lance after Marth opened the door on turn two, and this allowed Bord and Vyland to run through, killing Xane along the way. Wolf distracted half the army, and killed them all while walking on water, while Linde helped after the horsemen were gone. The boss fell to Hammer!Wolf.

UNIT       Level    Class       HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP
Marth      11.38    Lord        33   9    6    12   15   10   0   B Sword
Jeigan  ??/12.49    Dracoknight 24  10   15    12    5   15   3   A Lance D Axe
Bord    17/04.65    Hero        37  16   23    14    7   11   3   A Axe D Sword
Matthis    16.12    Cavalier    32  14    7    11    3   12   0   C Lance D Sword
Wolf    ??/12.77    Berserker   44  16   10    14    9   11   0   B Axe
Vyland     13.72    Cavalier    26  11    5    13    6    9   0   B Lance E Sword
Caeser     13.27    Hunter      31  12    9    16    8    6   0   D Bow
Linde      10.26    Mage        21   8    7     8   13    3   6   D Tome

Chapter 17 3/115 Turns

Standard clear. Note that base Julian can take a hit from swarm.

Chapter 17x Goals:

- Make Bord hit C in swords -> I swear he needs one more battle.

- Make Matthis hit level 20 -> Yup.

- Spam Recover with Linde for exp. -> Yup

- Raise Caesers Level. He's looking promising. -> Yup

Matthis had two mono HP Level ups, then a perfect one, which startled the hell out of me. Also, Both Marth and Jeigan proc'd resistance this chapter.

Start of Chapter 18 Stats:

UNIT       Level    Class       HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP
Marth      14.16    Lord        36  10    7    14   18   10   1   B Sword
Jeigan  ??/13.08    Dracoknight 24  10   16    12    5   16   4   A Lance D Axe
Bord    17/07.77    Hero        39  19   25    15    7   13   3   A Axe D Sword
Matthis 20/01.00    Swordmaster 40  15   18    19    4   12   0   C Sword
Wolf    ??/14.06    Hero        46  17   20    20   11   13   0   B Axe D Sword
Vyland     15.38    Cavalier    28  11    6    13    6    9   0   B Lance E Sword
Caeser     17.40    Hunter      34  14   11    18    9    7   0   D Bow
Linde   16/01.00    Sage        31  10   11    12   16    4  10   C Tome C Staff

Chapter 18 6/121 Turns

Matthis is officially good as a swordmaster.

Jeigan flew to the boss and took him out with the ridersbane, while the heroes and Matthis cleared a path for Marth. Skipped Mercurius

Chapter 19 4/125 Turns

Xander, you are right, it can be completed in 4 turns. The throne in the chapter must be bugged or something, as you theoretically should not be able to seize due to movement cost, but w/e. Sorry for the confusion. Got the geosphere, seraph robe, and speedwings from the chests, and the spheres from thieves. NO MASTER KEY!!!!

UNIT       Level    Class       HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP
Marth      14.61    Lord        36  10    7    14   18   10   1   B Sword
Jeigan  ??/13.40    Dracoknight 24  10   16    12    5   16   4   A Lance D Axe
Bord    17/09.86    Hero        40  20   25    16    9   13   3   A Axe C Sword
Matthis 20/04.27    Swordmaster 43  17   20    20    4   13   0   C Sword
Wolf    ??/15.66    Hero        48  18   21    20   12   14   1   B Axe D Sword
Vyland  16/02.10    Dracoknight 32  15    9    15    7   12   3   A Lance E Axe
Caeser  19/02.10    Horseman    39  16   13    21   10   12   3   C Bow D Sword
Linde   16/01.89    Sage        31  10   11    12   16    4  10   C Tome C B Staff

Chapter 20 5/130 Turns

Reclassed Matthis to Dracoknight and fed him 2 speedwings.

Matthis engaged Sirius on turn 3 with a Javelin, and Berzerker!Bord finished with a Poleax. Matthis also killed Lorenz with a silver lance. Uh, Linde tried not to die, but almost failed when my wall of generic generals succumbed to crits, but Caeser saved her ass.

UNIT       Level    Class       HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP
Marth      14.75    Lord        36  10    7    14   18   10   1   B Sword
Jeigan  ??/13.50    Dracoknight 24  10   16    12    5   16   4   A Lance D Axe
Bord    17/10.95    Hero        41  20   25    16   10   13   3   A Axe C Sword
Matthis 20/05.89    Swordmaster 44  17   20    25    5   13   0   C Sword
Wolf    ??/15.93    Hero        48  18   21    20   12   14   1   B Axe D Sword
Vyland  16/03.37    Dracoknight 33  15    9    15    7   12   3   A Lance E Axe
Caeser  19/03.18    Horseman    39  16   13    22   11   12   3   C Bow D Sword
Linde   16/03.14    Sage        33  11   11    13   16    4  11   C Tome C B Staff

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Chapter 20x.

Reclassed Caeser to General.

So, General!Caeser doubled every single enemy on the map.

He soloed the south, while Matthis escorted Marth up to Ymir. Not much to say here, the enemies were on par with my generic Paladin I got at the start of the chapter. Got all the chests and seized on turn 17.

Marth      14.88    Lord        36   10   7    14   18   10   1   B Sword
Jeigan  ??/14.04    Dracoknight 24   11  16    12    5   16   4   A Lance D Axe
Bord    17/12.47    Hero        42   21  26    16   12   13   3   A Axe C Sword
Matthis 20/06.68    Paladin     45   19  14    19    5   18   6   A Lance D Sword
Wolf    ??/16.23    Hero        50   19  22    21   13   15   1   B Axe D Sword
Vyland  16/04.54    Dracoknight 33   16   9    16    7   12   3   A Lance E Axe
Caeser  19/04.49    Warrior     46   17   9    23   11   12   1   C Bow D Axe
Linde   16/03.74    Sage        33   11  11    13   16    4  11   B Staff C Tome
Ymir       Base     Hero        Base

Chapter 21 3/133 Turns

Paladin!Matthis took Gradivus and soloed almost everything, he had exactly enough strength to take out the Generals at the start. Jeigan bought a lot of stat boosters. Marth ran to the throne.

Marth      15.61    Lord        36   10   8    15   19   11   1   B Sword
Jeigan  ??/14.04    Dracoknight 24   11  16    12    5   16   4   A Lance D Axe
Bord    17/13.25    Hero        43   21  27    17   13   14   3   A Axe C Sword
Matthis 20/08.46    Paladin     47   19  15    20    6   18   6   A Lance D Sword
Wolf    ??/16.74    Hero        50   19  22    21   13   15   1   B Axe D Sword
Vyland  16/05.42    Dracoknight 34   17   9    17    7   12   3   A Lance E Axe
Caeser  19/05.56    Warrior     47   17   9    23   12   12   1   C Bow D Axe
Linde   16/04.35    Sage        33   11  11    14   17    4  11   B Staff C Tome
Ymir    ??/10.50    Hero        Base

Chapter 22 7/140 Turns

Matthis raped everything with Gradivus, and everyone else cleaned up, while Linde healed with Physic. Every member of my team fills a role, now, I am rather pleased.

Forgot to record stats.

Chapter 23 7/147 Turns

Almost endgame...

Matthis Gradivus rush, real Gharnef was top left corner. Linde tanked out the mages in the bottom, and healed with Physic as nescessary. Reclasses all generics to berserkers so they would sponge swarm hits.

Marth      16.53    Lord        38   11   8    16   19   11   1   B Sword
Jeigan  ??/15.07    Dracoknight 24   11  16    12    5   16   4   A Lance D Axe
Bord    17/14.02    Hero        44   22  27    17   14   14   3   A Axe C Sword
Matthis 20/11.88    Paladin     49   20  16    21    7   18   6   A Lance D Sword
Wolf    ??/17.17    Hero        52   20  23    21   13   16   1   A Axe D Sword
Vyland  16/07.97    Dracoknight 35   18   9    18    7   13   3   A Lance E Axe
Caeser  19/07.04    Horseman    42   16  13    25   13   14   1   B Bow D Sword
Linde   16/06.67    Sage        34   11  12    15   19    4  12   B Staff C Tome
Ymir    ??/11.10    Hero        43   17  21    19    5   11   3   C Axe D Sword
Elice      Base

Chapter 24 4/151 Turns

Holy shitfuck. I forgot about manaketes.

Anyhow, They doubled my entire team sans Caeser, and him and Matthis were the only ones that could live a round against a firestone dragon. Matthis Gradivus'd the boss (who was the weakest manakete on the map ironically) and Vyland finished with a Silver. Vyland could take a hit from a magesone dragon, so he was able to do that. Bord lead Marth over the mountain with a wyrmslayer, (Wolf can't use it) and escaped death once when he dodged one shot from a fire dragon. Wolf chucked hand axes at the snipers, and Linde physic spammed. Elice used recover and got hit by a bishop once.

Marth      16.53    Lord        38   11   8    16   19   11   1   B Sword
Jeigan  ??/15.19    Dracoknight 24   11  16    12    5   16   4   A Lance D Axe
Bord    17/15.01    Hero        45   23  28    18   14   14   3   A Axe C Sword
Matthis 20/13.31    Sniper      52   21  20    23    8   17   6   A Lance D Sword
Wolf    ??/17.89    Hero        52   20  23    21   13   16   1   A Axe D Sword
Vyland  16/10.04    Dracoknight 35   19  10    18    8   15   4   A Lance E Axe
Caeser  19/07.04    Horseman    42   16  13    25   13   14   1   B Bow D Sword
Linde   16/07.05    Sage        34   12  13    15   20    4  12   B Staff C Tome
Ymir    ??/11.47    Hero        43   17  21    19    5   11   3   C Axe D Sword
Elice   10/01.63    Sage        24    5   6     7    3    5   5   A Staff D Tome

Chapter 24x.

Killed everything with Matthis.

Marth      18.08    Lord        40   11   8    17   21   11   3   A Sword
Jeigan  ??/15.19    Dracoknight 24   11  16    12    5   16   4   A Lance D Axe
Bord    17/16.12    Hero        46   24  29    18   14   14   3   A Axe C Sword
Matthis 20/18.01    Sniper      57   24* 22    26    8   21   3   A Lance D Sword
Wolf    ??/20.00    Hero        58   23  26    22   16   19   1   A Axe D Sword
Vyland  16/14.04    Dracoknight 35   21  10    19    8   17   5   A Lance E Axe
Caeser  19/09.55    Horseman    43   17  14    25   14   15   1   B Bow C Sword
Linde   16/08.34    Sage        35   13  13    16   21    4  13   A Staff B Tome
Ymir    ??/11.63    Hero        43   17  21    19    5   11   3   C Axe D Sword
Elice   10/03.11    Sage        26    7   6     8    5    5   6   A Staff D Tome

ENDGAME 5/156 Turns

Used geosphere twice, Fortified with Linde, Geosphered again, and Gradivus!Matthis and Parthia!Caeser took down Medeus.

Unit analysis upcoming...

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New post, just because.

Marth      18.08    Lord        40   11   8    17   21   11   3   A Sword
                               +1   -2  -1    +2   +3   +1  +1

Sucked hard earlygame, sucked hard lategame, was decent midgame.

Jeigan  ??/15.19    Dracoknight 38   11  16    12    5   16   4   A Lance D Axe
                               00   +1  +2    00   00   +3  +1

Awesome as always. My Jeigan's always seem to get defence blessed, idk why.

Bord    17/18.99    Hero        48   25* 30*   19   14   16   3   A Axe C Sword
                               00   +3  +2    +1   +2   +4  00

Before this draft, I underated this guy severely. The hammer is abosolutly amazing in HM. Being blessed helps too.

Matthis 20/20.00    Paladin     59   25* 21    25*  16   30*  3   A Lance C Sword
                               +2   +4  +3    +3   -1   +3  00

You beast. He needed stat boosters to excel, and sucked ass until he promoted. Once he promoted, he was a wicked swordmaster, and eventually, Paladin.

Wolf    ??/20.00    Hero        58   23  26    22   16   19   1   A Axe D Sword
                               +4   00  00    -3   +3   +1  00

Being speed screwed hurt him a bit, but he was my second best combat unit when he joined, and that is actually kind of sad. Him and Bord made a good team.

Vyland  16/16.45    Dracoknight 42   23  11    19    8   18   5   A Lance E Axe
                               -3   +5  -1    -1   -3   +5  +2

He blew chunks. When I needed him to have strength earlygame, he didn't. When I needed him to have more speed lategame, he didn't. He always seemed to be 1 point off doubling. Get proc'd strength and defence like 6 times in a row far after promotion.

Caeser  19/12.55    Horseman    60*  24* 18    30*  14   17   3   A Bow B Sword
                               +3   +1  00    +4   +3   +6  00

I've had some bad Caesers, and some good Caesers. But never one this good. Thanks Bro.

Linde   16/09.55    Sage        36   23  13    17   21    4  14   A Staff B Tome
                               +4   00  00    +1   +2   00  +5

Your defensive blessing was nice when taking on those mages and bishops in chapter 23.

Ymir    ??/11.63    Hero        43   17  21    19    5   11   3   C Axe D Sword

He didn't really do as much as I anticipated. He was like Bord, except less strong, but slightly faster, with worse weapon levels.

Elice   10/04.13    Sage        27    8   6     9    5    5   7   A Staff D Tome

Thanks for not costing turns.

Nagi only used Geosphere once, and killed one dragon, so she's still at base.

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