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My Life is Fire Emblem


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In my latin textbook, they frequently use the name Marcus for a generic male name every time his name I hear the name I instantly think of the character in FE6/FE7. My life is fire emblem

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  • 2 weeks later...

Everytime I read a textbook about Macedonia, I always think of Minerva and the white wings Pegasi division. My life is Fire Emblem.

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  • 1 month later...

Last week I lost a game of dodgeball because my biorhythm was down. My life is Fire Emblem.

Are you sure it wasn't because of the RNG?

Anyhow, I was playing Final Fantasy IV and found a weapon called Killer Bow. My life is Fire Emblem, and partly Final Fantasy IV.

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I remember a book I was reading citing a source from the early 19th century saying that if humans were quadrupeds then they would move into a low tier of the food chain, that same book also mentioned an attempted scientific experiment to see how closely orangutans and humans were related by trying to mate an orangutan with a prostitute, but no the catholic church has to stomp all over science. >:(

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