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(FE10) Hard Mode draft tournament


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Buy an Wyrmslayer for Eddie. BEXP to Eddie and Nolan to get them close to a level. Nolan gets Rafiel’s Seraph Robe.

I’m using Tormod in the interest of keeping at least one prisoner alive, so I give him Adept. He needs to activate it at some point or it doesn’t work. Sothe goes north and left, Tormod and Micaiah handle the south, everyone else goes north and right. Sothe barrels through people as per usual. Eddie 2HKOs mages, so brave sword means no damage. Also, I shoved a bazillion times.

I swear Edward is trolling me with his 8 RES. That’s as good as his DEF!

Turns (chapter/total): 7 (+4)/75

BEXP (chapter/current): 1037/1074

Funds: 23

Micaiah	1	10	60	20	4	16	12	10	18	4	12
Sothe	2	6	30	37	22	4	25	21	18	16	10
Edward	1	12	71	30	11	0	15	17	12	7	6
Nolan	1	16	52	32	16	1	15	16	9	13	4


Turn 1: Nothing. End Turn.

Turn 2: BK east 1 and Attack the Fighter. Micaiah North 1 West 2.

Turn 3: BK North 3 West 1 Attack the Fighter. Micaiah East 2.

Turn 4: BK North 1 West 2. Micaiah North 2.

Turn 5: BK West 1 Attack. Micaiah North 2 West 1.

Turn 6: BK East 2 South 1. Micaiah West 1.

Turn 7: BK East 2 South 2. Micaiah North 1.

Turn 8: Kill Jarod with BK.

Turns (chapter/total): 8/83

BEXP (chapter/current): 1500/2574

Funds: 10023

Micaiah	1	10	62	20	4	16	12	10	18	4	12
Sothe	2	7	23	38	22	4	26	22	18	17	10
Edward	1	14	80	30	13	0	16	18	14	8	8
Nolan	1	17	62	39	17	1	15	16	10	14	4

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I'm going to finish this soon, but be wary, my turncounts may hurt your eyes, as my Sothe is getting hilariously screwed over in every stat, as is my Micaiah, and right now Meg is my only unit who's above average stat-wise.

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1-7: 8 turns

Micaiah ended one turn away from the seize square on turn 7. Sothe charged forward with Tormod and his crew picking up his scraps, allowing him to reach and kill the boss on turn 6 ep. Meg got a few levels. I also picked up a master seal.

1-8: 11 turns

I took the Tormod penalty. Sothe took care of the guys near the boss, Nailah the left hand side, and Micaiah and Meg helped Tormod take care of the bandits to the south.

1-9 8 turns

Standard 8 turn strategy from whomever invented it.

1-E 9 turns

Nailah picked Miccy up and carried her to the seize point. It took a couple of turns to finish off all the guards near Jarod.


2-P 8 turns

Used Marcia free of penalty, and Nealuchi and Elincia got some exp.

2-1 11 turns

Standard, well known 2-1 8 turn strategy.

2-2 8 turns

Ugh, Nealuchi kept dying to bow users so I had to go incredibly slowly through this chapter to eventually get it right. In the end, Lucia solod the boss and his general guard and arrived at turn 8.

2-3 7 turns

I gave Geoffrey 98 bexp to have him gain strength early, only to find out that in hard mode even max strength Geoffrey can't OHKO the boss. This set me back a turn, but with that extra turn I got the Speedwings. The partners mostly roamed near the start and Kieran hid in a corner.

2-E 7 turns

Oh man, this one took a while, but thank goodness I had Elincia. She first solod the right hand side of the map, then went down, then on turn 7 attacked Ludveck and activated Stun after doging his Vantage activation that would have killed her had it hit. Intense stuff.


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Part 3 in this post

3-P 10 turns

The retarded AI controls this one. Half way through the map, Skrimir decides to whir off course to kill a swordmaster with 5 health left Facepalm_emote_gif.gif. Oh well, can't be too dissatified with this.

3-1 20 turns

I took the Titania and Mia penalties because this was just taking too long otherwise. Titania dealt with the generals, Ike went north, Boyd and Rolf went east, and then came back to the start to take care of reinforcements.

3-2 5 turns

Boyd got the speedwings brought over courtesy of Nephenee. He also got Adept. Ike and Boyd rushed forward, and on turn 4 ep baited the boss. On turn 5, boyd critted him. Rolf and Brom stayed behind to get some training in, but thanks to halved exp gain didn't grow much. After this chapter, Boyd's looking like a level 11 beast.

3-3 13 turns

I used Gatrie as my extra unit, and gave Ike pass. This actually took quite a few tries because ol' Ikey boy kept dying. Eventually though I got it right and managed to finish in 13 turns.The master crown was obtained and both senators survived.

3-4 15 turns

I took the Ranulf penalty on this one to make things go faster. Everyone ran up the mountain, killing everything in the way. Not much else happened, Ike got a couple of +HP level ups.

3-5 3 turns

Alot of preparation went in to this one, as I aimed to make my overall score less embarassing. Boyd was given a level of bexp, crowned, and given a robe. I also took adept from him and gave him Wrath. Brom got adept. I sent Boyd down south, where he got into Wrath range, attacked the boss with a hand axe on player phase of turn 3, and then activated wrath to finish him off on turn 3 enemy phase.

3-6 12 turns

I didn't have Savior, so this took unfortunately longer than it should have. Meg couldn't survive worth two licks, and I had to keep Micaiah out of danger. Sothe even died a couple of times. Nothing good came out of this chapter, until the black knight came and had to solo the entire eastern front. The real problem was surviving until he arrived. I also had to slow down to make sure Micaiah stayed out of harm's way.

3-7 12 turns

Everyone pretty much stayed near the start and gained experience points. Not much else to say, since it was a pretty easy chapter.

3-8 10 turns

Ike gets daunt. Ike and Boyd went towards the boss. Everything that attacked them was annihilated immediately. Rolf and Brom are ready to promote, now if only I had more crowns...

3-9 7 turns

Geoffrey charges towards the boss, and reaches him on turn 6. Then, on turn 7 player phase I finish him off with the brave lance.

3-10 9 turns

Boyd ran northeast towards the boss, killing everything in his way without fail, while Ike, Rolf and Brom went east, killing everything there. Many of the other phasers died unfortunately, but there was nothing I could do to save them.

3-11 12 turns

Gave Ike pass at the start. F YOU TIBARN. I had this done in 9 turns Ike was right in front of the boss, but dumbass decided to canto into the boss' 2 range twice. And both times he activated Pavise. If he would have died I'd still have finished a turn earlier.

3-12 15 turns

Oh man, my lack of a dawn brigade team just keeps haunting me. Meg was too weak to do anything, so I had to use Tauroneo to help move things along faster. In my attempts without him, it drug on too long and one of my units died. In the end, the partners did alot of the work, but Sothe and Tauroneo also helped out. Meg...got a +skill level? Well, at least now she's ready to promote.

3-13 8 turns

I took the Tauroneo penalty. I crowned him and sent him towards Ike with a Brave Axe equiped. On turn 4 after Sothe killed the tiger guarding Ike, Big T activated Luna! And this only took me about a million tries. I can't wait to be done with this, almost there! After getting my ass handed to me a million times over on this level, I decided to give Big T most of my resources since Meg wasn't doing shit. In the end it payed off, as I'm finally done with this chapter.

3-E 5 turns

Is there any need to explain? Well, either way I will I suppose. My entire crew charged forward, with Ike and Ragnell leading the way. By turn 5 other phase, 80 units in total died.

Edited by Xander
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I hate this, would have been 7 if some stupid Other phase bow paladin wouldn't keep jacking up space by positioning himself next to a hammer general, who was standing next to a wall, in a corner, now it would be 9. Ofcourse soren couldn't meteor him because he couldn't be shoved by anyone and missed one movement. >_<

I refuse this. >_>

I want a better turncount here! >_<

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Here comes part 4:

Silver Army:

Micaiah, Sothe, Nealuchi, Brom, Meg

Greil Army:

Ike, Nailah, Boyd, Rolf

Hawk Army:

Elincia, Lucia

Thoughts going into part 4:

Silver Army: Well, I have the forced units as well as a flier, and two knights...Maybe Nealuchi will be enough to not make the desert chapter a headache, as that chapter is the sole reason I drafted him.

Greil Army: Ike, Nailah, Boyd and Rolf are all pretty decent units. I wonder how Rolf will fare in rout maps, seeing as how he lacks one range without Crossbows, but I only plan on him getting player phase kills anyway. Nailah is looking pretty good about now, so I'm not worried about the greil army.

Hawk Army: Oh god...

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Battle preparations

Gave Sanaki an Angelic Robe, an Energy Drop, two Dracoshields and a pair of Boots.


Micaiah - None

Sothe - None

Naesala - Resolve

Sanaki - Daunt + Resolve

BEXP'd Sanaki to 99 before starting the chapter.



This worked a ton better than I expected.

Naesala killed the Paladins to the East with some asssistance from Micaiah & Sothe. Sanaki killed everything else. It was fantastic.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    3.21 22  8  18  14  17  21   8  15   A Sothe
Sanaki    10.35 40  9  40  27  25  37  18  31 
Naesala   28.43 61 18   7  21  21  21  13  15

4 turns.


Fed Astrid BEXP all the way to 3rd tier, and then to lvl 2.99. Then I filled her convoy with a pair of Javelin forges. Everyone took some Torches.


Ike - Paragon

Mia - Adept

Astrid - Parablossom


As usual, Ike soloes the South. But this time, to shave me off a turn or two, I make those annoying Bishops visible with torches. I got lucky he proc'd that 28 AS early so that he could double most enemies. Mia laughed at Generals with Wind edges. And Astrid took the West side, where she killed a few. That BEXP level up helped her double SM's.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       16.16 62 37   8  40  31  23  32  18    A Mia  
Mia        9.77 47 30  11  36  39  20  22  16    A Ike
Astrid     7.20 48 30  17  35  32  35  22  28

6 turns.


Battle preparations

Forged a ton of Max Mt/+10 Hit Javelin forges and one Max Mt/Hit Fire forge and sent it to the convoy.

Satori signed Janaff.


Janaff - Pass + Tear

Heather - Adept

Volug - Wrath


Took the Tibarn penalty here. This chapter is quite annoying.

Tibarn, Janaff and Heather took out the North side and Volug took on the South side and some reinforcements.

7 (+7) turns.


Battle preparations


Micaiah - None

Sothe - Celerity

Naesala - Resolve

Sanaki - Daunt + Resolve


I originally intended Naesala to carry Sothe a bit through the desert, and drop him at some space where he could find treasure. That would also put Naesala to Resolve level faster. But what I did here, was simply have Naesala kill the enemies without being weighted down by Sothe, that way, he killed enemies faster, didn't endanger Sothe, and would go down to Resolve level naturally. There he would lead himself down to the South and kill enemies there. Sanaki killed enemies to the East and then to the South. BK came at a right time to deal with annoying 2-range enemies (Mostly Crossbow!Warriors). Naesala accidentally got the Laguz Gem. Not that it was bad, but he had his Convoy empty. So right when Sothe found a White Gem, he sent the Laguz Gem AND Baselard to the convoy. :newyears::newyears::newyears:

Much better than I expected.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    4.49 23  8  19  14  18  22   9  16   A Sothe
Sanaki    13.85 43 11  40  30  26  39  20  31 
Naesala   32.17 63 20   7  22  24  25  13  18

14 turns.


Battle preparations:

Filled Astrid's convoy with pure Javelin forges. Ike bought a Pure water (which I didn't even have to use) for him to share with Mia.

Gave Tormod an Angelic Robe, a Dracoshield and a Secret Book. BEXP'd him to lvl 13 and Crown'd him. - _ -


Ike - Provoke

Mia - Adept

Astrid - Paragon + Adept

Tormod - Paragon + Shade


Fuck. This. Shit.

Remember all those stat boosters and BEXP I spent on Tormod? Well, it's all gone. Down the drain, along with him and a Paragon and a Shade. And Astrid got hit by Mr. Sleep Staff's last Sleep staff use on one of my previous tries. She had capped Res.

Anyway, let's look at the good things:

Astrid made my jaw drop to the ground with her incredible performance. She solo's the enitre North-Western portion where Oliver was and tanked the Sleep staff like a lady. Ike killed reinforcements and Mia killed the enemies at the upper chest rooms. Tormod killed the enemies at the South-Western chest room.

Got Fortify. :awesome:

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       20.-- 65 37   8  40  32  25  32  19    A Mia  
Mia       15.21 50 31  12  39  40  22  25  18    A Ike
Astrid    20.-- 50 33  20  36  35  35  27  30

13 turns.


Battle preparations

Battle preparations

Janaff carried a Laguz Gem for him and Volug to share. Then I BEXP'd him to 94.


Janaff - Tear + Blossom

Volug - Paragon


I didn't deploy Heather in this chapter because Tigers 2HKO'd her at 30~% Hit rates.

Volug was a freaking beast, as always. He gained insane level-ups. Janaff went for Izuka's blood.

Things to note:

- Janaff is very close to SS-ranking his strike

- Janaff had 17 HP when he encountered Izuka. He was also at Low Biorhythm and faced 45% Hit rates. I took my chance.

- I thought Volug capped Str at 19/38. O_o

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Janaff    31.42 59 18   2  21  18  30  14   9    C Heather
Volug     28.85 61 19   5  17  18  26  15   8   

3 turns.

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Part 4 will go here:

4-P 11 turns

It's been a while since I've been able to use Micaiah's team without taking a penalty or having extreme angst. Brom got adept and went north, while Nealuchi got resolve went east from the start, killing the halbs. Sothe and Meg and Micaiah stayed near the start for the most part. Nealuchi got S Strike. Sothe promoted at lv 19 at the end of the chapter.

4-1 9 turns

Ike went south, Nailah east, and Boyd west from the start. Rolf stayed near the start killing reinforcements. Pretty simple really, and only took two tries. Thanks to everyone spreading out, I was able to see all the reinforcements most of the time.

4-2 20 turns

Haha...No Tibarn penalty was taken. Lucia was bexpd to promotion and got Daunt and resolve. Basically I did this at first without wanting to use Tibarn, but unfortunately as I only had 3 available units, it came back to haunt me. Lucia went south and then west while Elincia dealt with the rest of the many enemies, and Pelleas got a few kills and some levels.

4-3 24 turns

I guess I severly underestimated Nealuchi and his gauge and his lack of two range and weakness to bows. It's really sad when the black knight does most of the work.

4-4 13 turns

Nailah and Boyd got pass. Nailah went up the stairs and killed the sleep guy on turn 3. Ike stayed at the bottom of the stairs and killed everything he came into contact with, and Rolf went into the chest room near the start and after that tried his best to stay out of the way.

4-5 5 turns

Elincia was given resolve, picked up Lucia and carried her to Izuka after dealing with the enemies at the start to make sure they didn't attack Tibarn. On turn 4 Lucia was dropped, and on turn 5 Elincia killed a laguz guarding Izuka so Lucia could finish him off.

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3-10 Again

Finally, it all worked out. Soren went south, and went straight into the fray, where he could be 2HKO-d by generals, and 3HKO-d by the rest. And there were 3 generals + 1 paladin in the starting area (the other paladin with wyrmslayer was first to be ko-d @ 2-range) and 3 paladins from the east. Soren survived without flares, 2 HP and after that Vantage + adept pwnage. Mist healed where needed. CRK were mostly killed, nothing fun, but they did their part. Turn 7 Other phase, kieran killed last draco. Nephenee went north, Ike stayed behind, I wish I could just keep him of the map. >_< Neph just raped everything after promotion, with two forged Javelins, both maxed. As said before, kieran finished on other phase. :3

7 Turns

I'll edit chapter 11 when I finish it. ;o

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Nolan and Eddie have A support. Forged Steel weapons for Eddie and Nolan and another knife for Sothe. Loaded up Ilyana with stuff for the GM. Sothe gets Savior to carry Micaiah.

This is basically just a charge of BK and Sothe to Jarod. Eddie and Nolan handle the reinforcements from the bottom, preventing them from getting in the way. Still, takes a while to clear things out from Micaiah. Also, got the Speedwing and Parity.

Turns (chapter/total): 14/97

BEXP (chapter/current): 1562/3520

Funds: ~1300

Micaiah	1	10	62	20	4	16	12	10	18	4	12
Sothe	2	8	14	38	22	4	26	22	19	17	10
Edward	1	16	84	30	15	0	16	20	15	9	8
Nolan	1	18	98	40	18	1	16	17	10	14	4

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Now I can finally get this done so I can get on with my other draft that has a decent team!

4-E-1 6 turns

This one was pretty easy. Boyd and Ike got pass and did their thing, going south and killing all the enemies. Boyd also got Celerity to kill the sleep guy on turn 1. Nailah went west, and everybody else stayed near the start. Nealuchi got SS rank in strike and Tear. I chose Rafiel as my heron.

4-E-2 1 turn

Obviously used Ike w the hammer to kill the bk on enemy phase. Nailah Boyd and Micaiah ganged up on Levail to take him out in 1 turn. Nailah and Boyd were vigored by Rafiel who was then rescued and out of harm's way by Elincia.

4-E-3 2 turns

I had to restart this crap over 20 times because Ike kept missing Dheginsea with 84 and 92, yes 84 and 92 percent hit rates. This chapter epitomizes the long and tedius struggle this playthrough has been for below average turncounts. On turn 1 Ike attacked Dheginsea with a blessed Wyrmslayer, and on turn 2 Ike, Nailah and Rolf teamed up to finish him off.

4-E-4 2 turns

Everyone ran towards Lehran, but since I didn't have the rescue staff I couldn't get this done in 1 turn. Ike Nailah and Rolf teamed up against Lehran. Pelleas and Meg died, but they were at least useful for the first time in their existences for allowing me to use them as decoys.

4-E-5 8 turns

Boyd Nailah Nealuchi and Ike got Nihil, and Elincia got Parity. I spent quite a while killing the auras, but then killed ashera herself in one turn with a combination of Nailah, Elincia, Geoffrey (who sacrificed himself a hero) and Ike.

This one was a pain, as I had to keep killing the auras while suffering massive damage and many casualties. Everyone who wasn't Micaiah, Nealuchi, Nailah, Ike, or Elincia was dead in the end. Well, at least I'm done!

Total: 399 turns

Final thoughts: Could I have spent more time on this for better turns? Certainly, but with my team, lack of motivation and my lack of more time than this weekend to spend on this, I'm happy I got this off my back.

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Damn, I really need to get the rescue in that case, since I have mist. (Who is awsm unlike her brother) Also, how did you go through 3-11? Since I don't have fliers. I do however have an amazing cycle of restarts, Soren adept killing the Sage & Halberdier with barriers. After which mist can hammerne meteor. :3

Haven't finished, because my rushing caused me to forget checking the random pitfalls, so I tripped on every one behind the Barrier Halb (except those with the wind sages, those were oblivious enough to remember.)

And I just can't wait to see Fiona's amazing 13 STR =D

Also, Xander, Gratz with not making 400 =D

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For 3-11 I just gave Ike pass and a pure water and elixer and he just waltzed through the level. But yes, you have to know where the pitfalls are, I think I looked on the radiant dawn page on here to know where they are. I just realized I forgot to do a character summary, so I might edit that in to my previous post because I was impressed with some units and horribly dissapointed in others. For instance, after seeing how Lucia solod 4-2, I realize if I would have had one more flier I could have gotten that done in ~5 less turns, as I could have carried her over to Valtome instead of trudging through the bushes.

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A new, exciting part that I don’t have any characters for. Nealuchi rescues Leanne and runs around for 8 turns. Somehow survives.

Turns (chapter/total): 9/106

BEXP (chapter/current): 500/500

Funds: ---


This chapter is basically all about Neph. Brom is only there to soak up hits. Requires two wrath crits (57% each) or a wrath crit and two misses from Ludveck at the end. 6 turns is actually faster due to some luck earlier in the chapter allowing Neph to get to Ludveck sooner; I designed it to be 7 turns. Got the Steel Axe and Concoction.

Turns (chapter/total): 6 (+6) /118

BEXP (chapter/current): 1658/2158

Funds: ---

No stats since none of these are my characters. The fact that no one leveled probably factors in too.

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This went ok...

What happened was this: Soren Adept meteors two barriers before turn 3, Ike has Cancel & pass, pure waters, atrocious speed. Makes a dash for it, kieran follows closely, nephenee rescues leanne, she would die immediately, Mist gains a PERFECT level up, ike gains his first level up that has more than 2 stats up, Luck, Def & Res. >__> At thje end, Thunder sage crits Ike, bishop attacks, 2 HP left, next turn Ike crits Goran, seizes following turn. Got the horseslayer and the aqqar.

9 Turns.

YAY 13 str Fiona!

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Battle preparations

Rafiel is my free Heron of choice.

Sold tons and tons of crap. Bought two forges. A Max Mt/Crit (+1 Mt/+10 Hit from a coin) Silver forge for Mia, and a Max Mt Javelin (+1 Mt/10 Hit from the same card) for Astrid.


Ike - Provoke + Pass

Mia - Adept

Micaiah - Stillness

Sothe - Savior

Sanaki - Daunt

Astrid - Adept

Naesala - Adept

Caineghis - Pass

Volug - Parity + Blossom

Janaff - Paragon

Heather - None

Lyre - Smite

Rafiel - Celerity


Ike, Mia, Naesala & Caineghis are my main force to take down the Generals at the center. They kill the first wall of Generals and position themselves as diamonds for Rafiel to Vigor them. Then Ike kills the Sleep staffer, Naesala kills the Cover General next to Hetzel and Caineghis murders Hetzel. Astrid kills most of the enemies to the Left with some help from Janaff. Volug, Heather and Sanaki kill most of the enemies to the right. Sothe, Lyre, Heather and even Micaiah were mostly used for shoving around Rafiel.

3 turns.



Ike - Provoke

Mia - Adept

Micaiah - Stillness

Sanaki - Daunt

Astrid - None

Caineghis - Pass

Naesala - Adept

Volug - Paragon


Built Sanaki x Astrid & Naesala x Caineghis C supports.


The main strategy here was simply to kill BK. The rest was just fooling around for Astrid to build kills to achieve her place at the Top 5. Naesala and Caineghis stood as scorts for if anything were to happen to her. But when you boast around the same offense as a capped BK and 130 Avo before any supports, you can't expect to be needing help. Volug reached level 30 by jumping into a horde of enemies and killing them.

Ike placed himself at Mia's support range for extra Avo/Hit & Atk.

2 turns


Gave Volug the Satori Sign.

I bless Ragnell, Alondite, Caineghis' fangs, Naesala's beak, a Peshkatz, the Double Bow, Cymbeline, Baselard, Volug's fangs, Janaff's talong and Lyre's paws.

BEXP Janaff to 98.


Ike - Provoke

Mia - Adept

Micaiah - Stillness

Sothe - Savior

Caineghis - Paragon + Pass

Naesala - Adept

Heather - Paragon

Janaff - Blossom

Volug - Parity + Savage

Rafiel - Celerity

Lyre - Smite


Upgraded Janaff x Heather & Astrid x Sanaki to a B support


Ike, Mia and Astrid blocked the ramp and killed the dragons in the way, and then Ike, Caineghis, Naesala and Astrid all went at Dheginsea. I needed to Vigor Caineghis so he could deal the last two blows on Dheginsea.

2 turns


BEXP Caineghis to 99.


Astrid - Celerity

Caineghis - Parity + Parablossom

Naesala - Adept + Pass

Janaff - Adept

Volug - Adept

Heather - Paragon


Astrid killed the little ball in front of Lehran, and therby made an entrance. Naesala, Caineghis, Janaff & Volug made a diamond position for Rafiel to Vigor them. Caineghis killed a little ball before getting Vigor'd, though. Naesala, Janaff & Volug killed the three other balls sorrounding Lehran. Caineghis then proceeded to overkill Lehran. :(

1 turn.


BEXP Janaff to 20(40) AS. And then give the remainings to Heather.


Ike - None

Mia - Adept

Micaiah - Stillness

Sothe - Savior

Sanaki - None

Caineghis - Prove + Daunt + Nihil

Naesala - Parity + Nihil

Janaff - Nihil

Volug - Savior

Heather - Blossom

Lyre - Smite

Rafiel - Celerity


Ike x Mia - A

Sanaki x Astrid - A

Cainghis x Naesala - B

Janaff x Heather - A


A few diamond positions, vigorings and luck helped me through this. I had to restart around 5 or more times to have Ike land a hit on Ashera. The others times, Mia died, so of course Ike's hit didn't even reach the 50's. On my last try, he had Mia next to him, and had Rafiel to back him if he missed. He hit on the first try. Lyre was mostly bait, here. I give Sothe credit for keeping Rafiel alive.

3 turns

Total of 322 turns.


Top 5

5 - Astrid (100 kills)

4 - Volug (120 kills)

3 - Sothe (125 kills)

2 - Mia (164 kills)

1 - Ike (167 kills)

Recap coming soon.

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What should I do....

Crown Zihark and let him solo the map, where he can astra, crit more & 2HKO more & adept more, or not crown him and let him rape the map taking a longer time....

Would It save turns later if I do not crown him...?

Zihark SM: Lv 11 40 21 6 28 30* 14 15 15*

Zihark TB Lv1 44 23 10 30 32 14 17 19

Hmmmm.... Btw, It's 3-12 btw. I still have my brave sword, and even SM Zihark Owns Ike, with only 25 speed & 24 defense or something like that. >___<

PEnding, pending...



I cleared it in a fantastic amount of turns, Vantage Resolve Adept Silver Blade Killing Edge Wind Edge Zihark raped the entire lower area. As a Trueblade, since he couldn't kill everything with adepts as a Swordmaster. So yeah... He just flat out ravaged the lower side. Meanwhile all the others went west with the allies, everyone ranged attacked those pegasus knights, almost no one killed. =/ Zihark got 37 out of 40 kills or something.

5 Turns


I have not seen anyone get a better turncount here yet. =D

Zihark got a BExp to 87, put the allies on target, somewhere to the right where mist etc turn up. Tigers got mad at those archers and halbs that distract them, instead of Zihark getting killed, worst bio. -____-" Anyway, gave him boots, Tauroneo shoved him turn on, he goes down the ledges, has Pass, and vantage, and adept and astra. Well, second turn, Micaiah physics him, zihark got a + str level btw, and some other stats. Zihark was still in worst. Leo and Fiona took down a hawk, mucho EXP, but hey, only one battle. =/ Zihark then stormed at Ike! Ike still had Ragnell equipped, so Zihark got at only a measly 5 dmg per turn, brave sword. 65 Hit, 15 crit.

It went like this on my first try: Crit, Crit, getting hit, Crit, last 5 damage. Zihark just plain owns, even when promoted early.

2 Turns =D


Really simple, had to restart a lot because of not getting rescue, or forgetting Zihark has boots, so he has 11 reach.

6 Turns.

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Entering part 4:

Unit		LV	Tier	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skll	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Mic		4	2	44	27	7	21	17	17	25	13	23	A Sothe
Sothe		9	2	19	37	22	7	26	24	18	15	11	A Micaiah
Leanne		9	1	91	25	0	4	1	8	29	2	12	-
Leonard		4	2	84	29	17	7	23	16	13	11	13	-
Zihark		3	3	34	45	25	10	32	34	14	17	19	C Fiona
Ikeypoo		1	3	0	54	29	6	32	28	16	26	14	A Mist
Mist =D		2	3	80	36	22	25	26	24	35	17	28	A Ike
Soren		5	3	47	43	14	31	27	25	13	14	27	A Nephenee
Neph		5	3	32	46	28	12	31	33	24	27	23	A Soren
Fiona		3	2	71	38	13	9	12	19	10	18	12	C Zihark
Kieran		4	3	2	50	24	10	23	24	18	22	15

Silver army: Micaiah, Sothe, Leanne, Leonardo, Zihark

Greil Army: Ike, Mist, Soren, Chest keys

Hawk Army: Nephenee, Fiona, Kieran

Entering Part 4

Total Turns: 284

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Doubleposting, just like someone else who had updates.


Zihark & Neasala went around the whole map, killing stuff, Zihark has 28 Str now, very happy, he was in worst bio the whole time though. >_> And I did not have any more 2 range weapons for him, so it took longer because the bow/ storm sword enemies were always there, 1 left, 3 respawn, 1 left, 2 respawn, etc. I Bexp'd Leonardo to 9, and then made him battle till 10, Promoted him. Sothe also set up the Shine barrier from part one, that really had uses, since I couldn't fill in the eastern gap, Mic, Leo & Sothe. So that really helped. Somewehere along the line Sanaki had to run in the fray because Leo could be 3HKO'd and there were 3 paladins. So I threw Sanaki in front of him, and they all went for Sothe, who barely survived thanks to resolve. Sanaki did not battle. Neasala did.

9 Turns + 5 = 14

@284 + 14 = 298

Now entering 4-1, I'll update Asap. Gotta work tonight though. =/

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LolIke. That kinda sums it up. Although, I must say, having him Spd screwed in 2nd and 3rd tier (Mostly 3rd tier) costs me turns. Most noticeably in 4-E-2 & 3. You're just glad to have such a great unit for free.


Pretty damn good to have around Part 3. I picked her here in HM because she's apparently one of the best units there. I see that pretty clearly now. It helped that she capped Str early enough to Crown her at 3-4 so she could become more of a killing machine. I just had to give her Adept to have her 1RKO most enemies with Wind Edges in Part 3. Then in Part 4, she got Storm Swords and Tempest Blades, which made her 2-range much better.


Much like RedFox, she got really Spd blessed for me despite being underleveled. This is the first time in a draft where I don't train her seriously and realize there was hardly any impact on my turncounts, despite that. I never draft a healer because I have her.


One of the most helpful units, overall. Insanely useful for Part 1 & 3.


Volug was completely ridiculous and overpowered in this run. He never really ever slowed down for me despite slight gauge issues at 4-2. I would say he was more useful than Sothe overall. He became Kaminailah 2.0 and cleanly 1RKO'd Ike at 3-13 for me. His lack of 2-range was only a problem at 4-2, really.


Despite not being as useful as in NM drafts, she wasn't useless at all (Blame the lack of BEXP). Good to have around when you're undermanned during Part 3. The only time her thieving was a plus was when I got two Energy Drops. She always makes it into my (drafting) team.


I didn't bother to use her as a combat unit at all here. She was just there for shoving/smiting one chapter before Endgame. Ironically, Endgame was her shining moment. Like Heather, she always gets into my drafting team...somehow.


So one chapter of Part 2 and the little screentime she had in Part 3 were all self-improvement grounds. In the end, I see that she actually payed me back with a jaw-dropping performance. I wish she could troll enemies with the Double Bow a little longer.

Would draft again, though. (:


I didn't have enough statboosters to feed her this time, as I usually do. Just who knows what happened with that 1-E Speedwings that mysteriously dissappeared right after sending it to the convoy (Second time this has happened. She was quite useful for Micaiah's route despite that. She did much better than I expected.


You can stop by Micaiah's route anytime, now.

He would be actually be broken at Endgame if he had flight and at least 2-range. Defeantly saved me some turns there, at least.


Pretty damn useful for Micaiah's route. Although the lack of 2-range defeneatly costed me twice as much turns.


This is the first time I use him seriously, and he has turned out to be one of my best characters in Part 3 due to the best offense while bearing high Mov and flight. Much like Volug, the lack of 2-range and gauge issue wasn't much of a problem.


I think the only time he actually saved me turns was by removing a penalty at 1-8. But hey, it's not everyday when a Part 1 characters 1RKO's Bandits without skills.

Come Part 4 and I waste good statboosters and skills (Paragon & Shade) on him, only to have him die. The good thing, though, is that he killed the chest room enemies.

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Whew, Got it down, FINALLY, (and exams >__>). Mist started in worst, so she didn't sol much, Soren wasn't fast enough, both had adept & mastery. Ike SOuth, Kills everything, HAD to Aether the pegasus that appeared turn 1, since he couldn't double it. Mist went West, Soren East, dodge, adept, skills =D

10 Turns

Going to 4-2 Now

Die crossbow die. >__> Fiona has 20 Def as a lv 5 Paladin. (15/5)


Ah, It worked, Tibarn avoids most bows & dodges crossbows, goes south, Neph ravages North, Kieran & Fiona start with the southern generals, and after that Kieran moves south, for the reinforcements, Fiona stays at base, promoted, killing like there's no tomorrow, she capped DEF. =D As a paladin that is.

11 Turns + Tibarn

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