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The Great Serenes Forest War.


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Sorry about the wait:

*Lyle, Fireman, Knife, Masu, Nightmare, Claire, Princess Kilvas, and Songbird are gathered in the war room. Lyle is giving his battle plan.*

Lyle: Alright, I have gathered you all because you are our strongest soldiers.....and a representative from Team Masu.

Masu: *Stands proudly.*

Fireman: ......So what’s the deal Lyle?

Lyle: Well they have the advantage of numbers, and our warriors are about as skilled as ours. So we have to make up for it in strategy.

Knife: So what’s the plan?

Lyle: Well, Me, Fireman, Claire and Masu are going to the main field. Knife, Princess and Songbird, I’d like you guys to stay here and make sure that Bianchi stays safe. That’s our main priority.

Knife: Got it.

Fireman: So what’s the plan?

Lyle: Well here’s the enemy camp. *He pulls out a map and points to one spot.* And here’s where we are. Now what we’re gonna do, is attack them from here.

Nightmare: Isn’t that exactly where they’ll be expecting us to attack?

Lyle: Yup.

Claire: What are you stupid?

Lyle: Nope. Listen, you know that phrase: ‘Expect the unexpected’? Well if the unexpected is to be expected then the expected would obviously be unexpected.

Masu:.....I don’t get it....

Princess Kilvas: Me niether.

Lyle: Alright here: We have no chance of winning this. The best thing we can do is bluff them into thinking we have thousands of forces by coming up where they expect us to.

Nightmare: Didn’t you say we could make up for our disadvantages with strategy?

Lyle: Yeah. But I have no clue how the enemy general is going to move.

Claire: Hah! Some General you are.

Fireman: The enemy general is Metal Rabbit.


Lyle: Thank you Fireman. So were going to scare them into thinking we have huge numbers, then I’ll challenge him to a one on one dual so we can avoid a catastrophe. No one wants this war. But it needs to happen. Best to just get it out of the way quickly, then move onto negotiations.

Nightmare: Sounds like a plan. When do we move out?

Lyle: As soon as possible.

*Later. On the battlefield.*

Lyle: Alright let’s move out. *The troops start moving.*

Fireman: You really think this is gonna work?

Lyle: Knowing Metal Rabbit, he’ll want to get this done as soon as possible.

Fireman: How do you know that?

Lyle: That’s how he does everything.

Fireman: .......

Masu: Hey! Move it you slowpokes!

Lyle: Right. *They get moving.*

*Metal Rabbit’s campsite.*

Raven: Sir! The B-Team army is on the move. Their coming exactly where we expected them to!

Metal Rabbit: Huh. I didn’t expect that.

Raven: Pardon?

Metal Rabbit: Nothing. Wait for them to send a message. Then we’ll respond.

Raven: Uh...yes sir.

*With Lyle and Fireman.*

Fireman: ...It looks like they’re waiting for something.

Lyle: Probably a messenger. This is good. Let’s see......You!

Blue Knight: Yes sir?

Lyle: Here. Send them this message.....*Takes out pen and paper.* Um....Fireman! Here’s 1000 gold, let me use your back.

Fireman:......Fine. *Takes gold. Lyle writes the message on Fireman’s back.* You know, as good as this job pays, some of these things are pretty degrading...

Lyle: It’s your own damn fault. *He finishes. Then hands the message to Blue Knight.* Alright go ahead. Leave your weapon, they won’t attack you.

Blue Knight: Yes sir! *He runs toward the enemy camp.*

Fireman: What happens if they attack him?

Lyle: Well, we loose one soldier and we go to the back up plan.

Fireman: What’s the back up plan?

Lyle: I run home, take Bianchi and move to Hatari.

Fireman: Ah. That’s encouraging.

Lyle: I welcome you to join us.

Fireman: I appreciate that.

*Metal Rabbit’s side.*

Blue Knight: I have been charged to deliver this message to the commanding general of-

Metal Rabbit: Yeah, yeah give it here. *He takes the note reads it.* Tell him I said okay I’ll just need a minute to finish my hot chocolate.

Blue Knight: Uh. Okay. *He runs back.*

Raven: *Reads the note after Metal Rabbit tossed it aside.* Uh. You sure you want to do this General? I’ll go in your place if you want.

Metal Rabbit: *Sips hot chocolate.* Nope. I wanna do it. It’s my job.

Raven: Er.....

*Lyle’s side.*

Lyle: .....How long did he say it would take for him to finish his hot chocolate?

Blue Knight: Beats me.....

Lyle: Well, you’re dismissed.

Fireman: You really think you can beat him?

Lyle: Well I think I’m more skilled with a weapon, but he’s way too unpredictable. You never know what he might pop out.

Fireman: Perhaps that’s why Fox picked him to lead.

Lyle: It would make sense.

Fireman: Looks like he’s heading on over.

Lyle: Yeah. I’m gonna go meet him half-way. *He starts walking.*

Fireman: Good luck....

Lyle: *He walks up to the center of the field, where Metal Rabbit is waiting for him.* Hello.

Metal Rabbit: Hi. Sorry about the hot chocolate. But I just bought it and I didn’t want it to get cold.

Lyle: It’s fine. It’s nice to meet you General.

Metal Rabbit: I’m sure it is.

Lyle:......I see.....

Metal Rabbit: See what? What am I missing?

Lyle: There’s more to you then meets the eye. You play the fool act, but there’s more to it then that. I can sense it in you.

Metal Rabbit: What?!? But the doctors said I was worm free!!!

Lyle: .......Still. I’m certain that there’s more to you than what meets the eyes. But I warn you. *He draws his blades.* It’s the same for me.

Metal Rabbit: ...Huh. What an asshole.

Lyle: Eh?

Metal Rabbit: Not you. Him. *He points to the left. Where a dragon is headed straight for Lyle.*

Lyle: What the fu— *The Dragon opens it’s mouth and Lyle barely manages to grab it’s jaws so it doesn’t eat him. However, he is now flying with it. The dragon then bends it’s neck down and shoves Lyle into the ground. It then turns around as Lyle is lying in the dirt beneath him. A soldier sits on top of it.*

Hikarusa: Hah! What a lameass! This war will be over in no time!

Lyle: *Gets up.* Ow....What the hell was that for?!?

Hikarusa: Are you kidding? I’m not gonna let Metal Rabbit fight you when I can beat you myself and take the glory! You’re mine.

Lyle: Ugh. What a nuisance.

To be continued.

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"Well if the unexpected is to be expected then the expected would obviously be unexpected."

Best logic ever. I understand that perfectly, actually. XD

And yay, a battle is coming up!

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I started the next part... not finishing it now.

I didn't actually think we'd be going into a battle just yet Lyle.

Sorry. I did knida rush it. But I'm not expecting this to last long. Then we can get back into plot.

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Hmm. Maybe all this should be consulted between you two if there are parts collide like this? I was afraid this was going to happen...

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Hmm. Maybe all this should be consulted between you two if there are parts collide like this. I was afraid this was going to happen...

Double post much?

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He was trying to get a point across obviously.

But even though the current method is flawed it's better this way because I improvise alot and I don't like thinking up storylines in advance because if I have a better idea later on then it'll screw everything up.

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Errrr. D: my bad. I got a 404 and thought it didn't go through.

EDIT: Well, by the looks of it, the method that you've been using screwed something up.

You don't have to make the whole story together. For example, Lyle could just ask you if you were already writing your part and maybe tell you the basic outline of the part.

Edited by Kyrra
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He was trying to get a point across obviously.

But even though the current method is flawed it's better this way because I improvise alot and I don't like thinking up storylines in advance because if I have a better idea later on then it'll screw everything up.


That's what made this story so challenging is that even the writers have no clue where we're going.

It's like Family guy in that aspect.

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A idotic glory hog like hika pulling a wuss trick like that deserves to die.

And im surprised lyle actually took me to the main front after the whole "......representative of team masu" crack he made. *he knows im actually strong but im just stupid*

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Hikarusa: Lolz, I'm gonna waste you!

*swings huge poleaxe*

Lyle: Ngh!


MR: What the hell do you think you're doing?

And who are you?

Hikarusa: I'm lesser-general Hikarusa sir!

Lyle: You don't even know your own men?

MR: Shut it...

*casts silence on Lyle*

Who gave you the order to interrupt my battle?

Hikarusa: Noone.

Was... I not supposed to do that?

MR: ...Actually, never mind.

*notices something watching them nearby*

I've got other things to do. Just keep this guy distracted while we use the secret weapon.

*leaves into the trees*

Hikarusa: Yes sir...


Lyle: What did he mean by secret weapon?

Hikarusa: Like I'm going to tell you...

Lyle: But if you're going to kill me here, it won't matter what you tell me, right?

Hika: Lawl, I'm not falling for that again...


MR: We meet again, my friend!

???: There isn't anyone with you?

MR: Nope, and you?

???: I'm betraying my team, I wouldn't be stupid enough to bring anyone here.

MR: A simple no would have sufficed.

Now tell me, just how many of your men are here?

???: The force you see here is only a quarter of our forces.

The rest are divided and split to defend the other bases.

MR: Just how many bases do you have?

???: I'm not going to reveal that now.

MR: Fair enough. I got the info I wanted, now here's your end of it.

*he hands a pendant to the informant*

???: It's made of real jade...

MR: Yeah... Fox won't mind it being gone... I hope.

???: We need to get back to our respective fights.

MR: By the way, somehow you need to inform your leader to pull back the troops.

There's going to be a devastating attack that'll wipe out all your forces.

???: How do I do that without revealing who I am?

MR: Well, the B-Team doesn't yet know that there's a mole.

You can remain silent and keep your cover, but your team will suffer and I may be a douche but I don't like mass murder.

Or you can tell them and allow your comrades to fight another day. Besides, you're clever enough to "worm" your way out of trouble.

*the informant leaves*

MR: It's time...

*he sends a flare up into the air*

(Fox's Base)

Raven: I see the signal! CGV, order the troops!

CGV: Got it. All troops fall back and assume defensive stance!

*Fox's soldiers stop brawling and head back torward the tents*

(B-Team Base)

Bianchi: Where's Lyle?

He hasn't reported in...

Masu: He'll be fine. He's been through worse.

Like that time we got really wasted in the city and he fought a bear.

Bianchi: ...

Princess Kilvas: My lady? I have a message for you...

Bianchi: Anything to get him to stop talking...

Masu: Hey, princess...

How've you been?

Princess Kilvas: Apparently the oppositon leader wants us to pull out before they unleashe a devastating attack and wipe us out.

Masu: Why would they inform us of that?

Bianchi: They're arrogant.

Tell the troops to follow the army!


Lyle: Your... tough...

Hikarusa: I know, but these abs of steel didn't happen overnight.

Lyle: I can't win...

Hikarusa: Then just surrender, duh!

Lyle: You're right... not!

*he jumps up and smacks Hika off his mount*

Hikarusa: You son of a bitch! That's no fair!

*he tries to swing his axe, but seems to have balancs issues*

Lyle: Yah!

*he slashes Hika's arm*

Hikarusa: Nngh!

*drops weapon*

Lyle: At the risk of sounding cliche, any last words?

Hikarusa: The signal... I gotta jet!

*he hops on his wyvern and flies off*

Lyle: Huh?

(Fox's Base)

CGV: Do we use it yet?

Raven: We're not supposed to until the Head General returns.

CGV: What is this weapon anyway?

Raven: I haven't the faintest clue...

MR: Have they retreated?

CGV: No, in fact they're following us.

MR: I was hoping to avoid this...

Oh well.

*he flies out to the front lines and faces the opposing army charging at him*

MR: *cracks knuckles*

It's your own fault, don't forget it!

*he builds an enormous ball of energy and slams it into the earth, causing a fissure under the B-Team troops*

That'll do it.

*leaves as the soldiers fall into the chasm below*

(B-Team Base)

Bianchi: ...

*she's holding her head*

Masu: I hate to say I told you so.

Princess Kilvas: Shut up Masu! Don't you ever get tired of gloating or do you not notice since you're a loser?

Fireman: Lady Bianchi, we have a few survivors. Plus a guest.

Lyle: Hey.

Bianchi: You're okay!

*she hugs Lyle*

Lyle: Now, I heard MR say there was going to be something like this...

*Bianchi starts to tear up again*

Lyle: Oops... was I not supposed to say that?

I didn't believe him either if it helps...

Fireman: It doesn't. But now we know something.

Princess came here and said the enemy general wanted us to pull back before they decimated us.

Only Lyle was there when he said it apparently.

Masu: So?

Fireman: ...It means we have a traitor in our midst.

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Here's my next one:

Masu: A traitor?!?!

Fireman: Yeah.

Lyle: Any clue as to who it might be Fireman?

Fireman: Someone who is alive still.

Bianchi: ....How many people did we loose?

Fireman: I’m not gonna lie. We got hit pretty hard. And we didn’t just loose a bunch of replaceable dullards either.

Princess Kilvas: What do you mean...?

Lyle: Well, of the main B-Team, we lost Nightmare, Ephiram, and Renault.

Bianchi: .......

Lyle: Don’t worry. I won’t loose anyone else. I promise.

Fireman: .....Let’s get back to the task at hand. We have a traitor, let’s find out who it is.

Masu: I bet it’s Claire!

Lyle: As much as I would like to agree with Masu, I don’t think so. She seems intent on trying to become General of this army. It wouldn’t be good for her to destroy the army in the process.

Songbird: She want’s to take over the army?

Claire: *Claire bursts into the room* See what happens when you put him in charge?! I shoulda been made General!

Lyle: Thank you for proving my point Claire.

Claire: Huh?

Lyle: Listen, I know you want to waddle around and talk about how much of a bad General I am, but if you don’t mind I’d like to take a rain check on that.

Claire: You-!

Bianchi: CLAIRE!!!

Claire: !! .......*Leaves.*

Lyle: So I doubt it’s Claire. Or anyone in this room. So, we’re going to keep all our strategies secret to the troops until the moment they are ordered for now until Fireman finds out who it is. In the mean time, Knife, you’ll be acting as my second in command.

Knife: Got it.

Masu: What about me?!

Lyle: I need you to protect Bianchi. Along with the Princess and Songbird. I want you all to move to a secret location. I have a friend who will keep you safe for the time being.

Princess Kilvas: Who?

Lyle: I served as her body guard for a while. Fox’s army won’t attack her. They are friends with her as well. I want to get our enemy to see me as the main opponent just in case we loose. Understand? That way, if we loose, Bianchi will be safe. And I’ll take all the blame

Masu: But Lyle-!

Lyle: I’m not intending to loose my life Masu. But we have to be prepared for the worst case senario. Now, you guys are to head out immediately. I’ll have Blue Knight and Zero guard your caravan. Fireman, you get to doing what you do best.

Fireman: Got it. *Leaves.*

Lyle: Knife, let’s go prepare for the next battle.

Knife: Cool.

*Princess, Masu, Songbird, and Fireman leave the room. Bianchi stays behind for a minute.*

Lyle: ....I promise. Hell itself won’t stop me from coming back to you.

Bianchi: .....*She hugs him.* Please.....don’t die.

Lyle: I won’t. Now you should go.

Bianchi: *Wipes her tears and leaves.*

Knife: .....You know, in every battle. Someone has to loose.

Lyle: I know. But I can’t bring myself to tell her what I really think is going to happen.

Knife: I can’t believe Nightmare’s dead.

Lyle: I know. But we can’t dwell on that right now. We have work to do.

*Fox’s army campsite.*

Hikarusa: *Sits wrapping a bandage around his arm.* Mother fucker!

Zephirion: Well, that’s what you get when you attack the enemy General, Hika. He’s not gonna be a push-over if he’s a General.

Hikarusa: Shut your mouth Zeph!

Zeph: At least I payed attention when the General gave orders!

Hikarusa: I said shut-up!

*CGV and Raven are watching them.*

Raven: ....Do we really have such annoying soldiers on our side?

CGV: Hey, we were all like that some point. No need to bash on them.

Raven: I guess so. Any clue where the General is?

CGV: Nope. He said he wanted to go for a walk. Which means that he could be anywhere.

Raven: I see....I’m going to go look for him.

*Raven walks around the campsite looking for Metal Rabbit. Eventually he finds him.*

Metal Rabbit: Hey Raven.

Raven: Where did you go?

Metal Rabbit: I went to the bathroom. Then I had dinner.

Raven: ......I hope those two things are not connected.....

Metal Rabbit: More importantly I spoke to our spy. He says that they are aware of the fact that they have a spy in their mists, but they don’t have any clue as to who it is.

Raven: So what do we do?

Metal Rabbit: Well, we get as much info as we can from the spy, and then when things seem too hot for him, we bring him over here and keep him safe. We have the upper hand right now, but that Lyle guy has no intention of giving up. We hit him hard in that last battle, but I could tell that he’s someone you have to kill in order to stop. In fact....that battle might actually help them in the long run....

Raven: How?

Metal Rabbit: Now that they’ve taken a heavy hit, they’re gonna be even more determined. They’ll cut out the bullshit and start fighting for real now. It’s not a good idea to underestimate the B-team. Or anyone for that matter. Anyways, I’m going to sleep. I had a dream last night where I was eating the worlds biggest rock! It was delicious! I hope I have it again! *He runs off.*

Raven: ......What a bizarre creature.

Metal Rabbit: I heard that!

Raven: Eh?!

Metal Rabbit: You think these ears are just for show?!

Raven: I’m sorry General!

Metal Rabbit: Sa right! Goodnight!

*A dark place.*

???: Ngh.....

???: Hey! Commander’s waking up!

???: He is?

Nightmare: *Opens his eyes.* Where the fuck are we?

Ephiran: Hey commander Nightmare....you were blacked out for a while there.

Nightmare: What happened?

Renault: Well the enemy General cracked the ground beneath us, so we wound up here. Wherever ‘here’ is.

Nightmare: Are there any other survivors?

Ephiran: Not that we found.....

Renault: Sorry Sir....

Nightmare: It’s fine. It’s remarkable that we ourselves managed to survive. *He looks up.* Well, there’s no way we’re getting out the way we came.....

Ephiran: So now what sir?

Nightmare: Well, I’m gonna chill here for now, then, I’m gonna look for an exit to the surface. You guys can do whatever you want.

Renault: ......Is it okay if we follow you sir?

Nightmare: Go ahead. No one is forcing you to do or not do anything.

Ephiran: Thank you sir!

Renault: We really appreciate it!

Nightmare: (Boy did this situation get hairy....)

To be continued.

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Good lord, when I heard that Nightmare of all people died I nearly had a heart attack. But at least the ending cleared things up. XD

And now I'm really, really curious to know who the spy is. I have a few theories, but...

Anyway, great chapters overall. It feels a lot like a real war, which is awesome. I'm excited for the next chapter.

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