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ITT I Neo-Play FE6

Smiley Jim

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Too bad I used my body ring on Ray, or I could've had her double shit in Sacae.

sdasafgha wha?

Why in God's name would you burn the Ring on that ...tool?

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sdasafgha wha?

Why in God's name would you burn the Ring on that ...tool?

Funny thing, I was going to make a note about how I've never actually played this game before, yet even I know that putting the Body Ring on Ray is an incredibly awful idea.

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Ray has more AS issues overall and loses AS from more weapon types. Miledy doesn't lose any AS from Killers and Silvers anyway and only 1 from Javelins/Malte, so it's generally not a big deal if she doesn't get it. Then again, I always give the Body Ring to Echidna anyway.

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Ray has more AS issues overall and loses AS from more weapon types. Miledy doesn't lose any AS from Killers and Silvers anyway and only 1 from Javelins/Malte, so it's generally not a big deal if she doesn't get it. Then again, I always give the Body Ring to Echidna anyway.

Ray only loses 1 AS from Nosferatu and none from Flux after promotion. In addition, in Sacae, Ray is not going to double or even be able to fight much since enemies have an unhealthily large chance to crit him, with or without the Body Ring.

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Just to let you know, using my body ring on Ray was likely the worst decision I made on this playthrough. I really could've used that body ring on Roy because he actually loses AS from everything except Iron.

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Boots on Bors Speedwings on Ellen.


I like Ellen personally. No comment on the other decision.

See, M, here's the difference between me and DA. DA gives resources to shitty units. I give massive favoritism to shitty units and manage to warp them into decent or good units. Where he put the Boots on Bors, the Speedwings on Ellen and the Body Ring on Ray, I would have put all three plus the Energy Drop and the Dracoshield on Laura.

Wait, wrong game.

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Then again I gave the Speedwings to Lot. I guess I have no room to talk.

Lot makes decent use of the Speedwings. You're giving Speed to a Speed-deficient unit who sees combat regularly (read: not ellen) and who has the durability for an enemy phase on which to use said Speedwings.

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I'm going to be completely honest with you guys:

Boots: I put them on Bors with the intent that he could keep up with my other units. To me, I saw his 5 move as a glaring flaw, as not only could he not catch up with the others, only ONE unit out of my entire party(2 if you want to count Thany, as I did use her before I ditched her due to durability/atk/underleveled issues.)could lift him. So I think the use was justified in this case.

Speedwing: Ok, I have no argument here. I really could've have used them on Dieck so he could double more things later on(he actually IS spd deprived. 16 spd at 18/5 is downright awful, AND it fails to double promoted enemies in MomH TSoS.) My intent was to help Ellen double a few more enemies(I'm trying to raise her light rank so she can use Aureola later on.)

Body Ring: Here, I could have used it on 3 other candidates; Miredy, so she would be able to retain her 23 cap with a javelin/iron blade. Then I also had the cavs to consider, as a body ring would allow them to use a hand axe without AS loss, as well as them only suffering a -2 AS penalty from steel axes. Giving Ray the body ring was a stupid decision(I wanted him to stop losing AS from Nosferatu unpromoted.)

DA gives resources to shitty units. I give massive favoritism to shitty units and manage to warp them into decent or good units.

The same can be said of me giving 1 or 2 resources to shitty units and turning them into something usable or even good.

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The same can be said of me giving 1 or 2 resources to shitty units and turning them into something usable or even good.

I haven't seen a single one of your "1 or 2 resources" make a shitty unit good.

EDIT: And hell, I may as well continue my trend of calling everything as I see it.

Regarding Bors not keeping up with your units:

If you're playing for turns, you aren't using armorknights. That's damn near a fact. If you're not playing for turns, you can stomach holding back to keep Bors moving. If you are playing for turns, Bors won't get the Boots.

Edited by Integrity
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Chapter 16x: The Pinnacle of Light

Starting Units:

Roy, Lilina, Fir, Dieck, Alan, Lance, Ray, Clarine, Ellen, Miredy, Douglas

This map has possibly one of the more annoying traps in the game. Every so often, arrows will fall from the sky, in a southerly vertical path, along any vertical line that doesn't have an enemy starting in its line of fire. Anything hit by this will lose a fixed 10HP. Also, the boss has a berserk staff, which will cause your units to go into a confused state if it hits(which he usually will thanks to his 23Mag). Bring restore staves if you want to keep your sanity. As for anything else, just avoid the Bolting and Purges if you can.

Note that this map design is used in the last floor of the Tower of Level Grinding in FE8, including the meteors of death.

I move everybody up the stairs, promoting Ray and using his seraph robe. I kill both mages and mercs on turn 2 PP, only to get brutalized by the bolting guy and Windam's berserk, though both knights died due to absolute stupidity Nothing really happened on turn 3, except Doug getting berserk'd, and Roy dodging more boltings. On turn 4, I drew in the silver lance paladins, as well as some cavs. Doug gets hit by a Bolting, and Lilina dodges another silence. I then kill the two paladins and any archers that were next to them. After that, I drew in the rest of the cavaliers, talking them all out on turn 6, then intercepting one of the Purge bishops on turn 7 along with an Aircal mage. After Windam uses his last berserk on Miredy, I then chip down the sniper and kill it on turn 9. I also take out a bolting mage, the second purge bishop, and chip at a silver lance armor. I kill the remaining armors as well as the last of the bolting mages and snipers. Fir kills the boss on turn 12, which was the turn I seized.

Turns taken: 12

Roy      	01  17  31  15  13  18  17  14  06  06  A Lilina
Lilina    	02  08  38  29  14  19  16  05  19  05  A Roy 
Alan 		02  01  40  21  12  17  07  15  05  09  A Lance
Lance   	02  01  37  16  16  20  06  12  05  09  A Alan
Dieck    	02  06  48  25  19  17  08  17  07  14
Clarine 	01  11  26  07  20  16  15  03  09  05  A Rutgar
Ellen      	02  07  33  16  19  16  23  04  23  05
Fir      	02  02  44  19  23  23  12  10  06  06  C Shin
Miredy 		02  04  49  23  21  17  11  22  07  09
Ray      	02  02  37  22  15  15  06  09  15  07
Doug 		02  08  46  19  13  08  11  20  05  17

Dieck finally gets speed after 4 levels. Not that he's going to double anytime soon. I mean, BORS of all people is as fast as him and he's a fucking tin can! And no, I do not condone the use of armors in an efficient playthrough(check Integ's post and you will understand why.) Yet I used one out of pity, and the fact that I like using armors. Got a prob with that?

Swag: Aureola

Edited by darkandroid125
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Mild digression: Valni 8 isn't precisely the same as 16x. Notably, Valni 8 is much narrower and has multiple ways up rather than filtering everybody up -> left or right -> up -> left or right. Valni 8 also doesn't have the tops of the wings and --

Okay, Valni 8 only recycles about half of 16x. And the arrows.

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Chapter 17S: The Bishop's Teachings

Starting Units:

Roy, Lilina, Alan, Lance, Bors, Dieck, Rutgar, Clarine, Ellen, Miredy, Shin, Fir, Ray, Percival

You know, that name is ironic, considering that the only bishops on the map are the ones you bring yourself.

Another Fog of War map. There are two villages you can save, but only the SW village has anything even remotely useful(the Tina staff). You may as well forget about the NE village, all it has is a shitty Eclipse tome. Also, the boss of this map(and every single boss after him)doesn't suck like Raeth and Windam did. Be warned.

Note that this chapter is mostly reinforcements, so don't expect anything exciting.

I sent my forces south, except Miredy, who headed east to save the NE village(hey, Eclipse is worth some cash). On turn 2, I decided to send Clarine and Rutgar to the arena and Tina staff village to get back the money I lost buying shit at the secret shoppe, while everyone else continued east to kill some nomads. On turn 3, I sold the blue gem and killed some nomads, as well as decimating the bolting sage with Miredy, only to get cockblocked by two nomads and a trooper. I killed the nomads on turn 4(I had to rig crits because no one could ORKO them)and sent Rutgar for a round in the arena(I'm going to omit the rest of this.), then killed one of the ballista archers and visited the Eclipse village on turn 5. Turn 6 was boring aside from killing more wyverns, and Rutgar killing a mage, though reinforcements started that turn. Thankfully, on turn 7, Rutgar was able to kill the sage and Shin killed a fleeing wyvern. I battled through 2 turns of reinforcements up until turn 10, when Bors killed Alcard and I seized.

Turns Taken: 10

Roy      	01  17  31  15  13  18  17  14  06  06  A Lilina
Lilina    	02  09  39  30  14  20  17  06  19  05  A Roy 
Alan 		02  01  40  21  12  17  07  15  05  09  A Lance
Lance   	02  02  37  17  16  20  07  12  05  09  A Alan
Bors      	02  09  49  22  17  17  18  30  08  16 
Dieck    	02  06  48  25  19  17  08  17  07  14
Clarine 	01  11  26  07  20  16  15  03  09  05  A Rutgar
Rutgar   	02  07  47  20  25  26  09  16  04  08  A Clarine
Ellen      	02  07  33  16  19  16  23  04  23  05
Fir      	02  02  44  19  23  23  12  10  06  06  C Shin
Shin      	02  04  44  19  20  24  10  10  09  07  C Fir
Miredy 		02  05  50  23  21  18  11  22  07  09
Ray      	02  02  37  22  15  15  06  09  15  07
Percival   	02  06  52  20  16  20  15  16  13  12

Not much in the way of level ups. Bors capped defense and Lilina capped magic, and that's it.

Swag: Tina staff, Eclipse

P.S: Holy shit the enemies next chapter are fast. Well, except the shamans and the wyverns, but otherwise, don't expect anything below 17 AS. The only guys I have who can double reliably here are Rutgar, Shin, and Fir, and even Fir's borderline(nevermind that Rutgar and Fir have no 2-range to speak of, and no. The light brand does NOT count.) And the boss himself has a trollish 20-21AS and 2 brave weapons.

Remind me not to go to Sacae next time I play this game.

Edited by darkandroid125
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Please tell me that "rigging crits" was, at least, Fir with a Killing Edge or some such and not ~7%s.

I was rigging crits with Shin's short bow and Percival's killing edge. It was obviously not needed against the third nomad as Bors and Lance were able to gang up on it.

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Remind me not to go to Sacae next time I play this game.

That's really your own fault. You should have used Speedwings on Percival and Miledy and Body Ring on Miledy. Percival is guaranteed 22 AS and Miledy doesn't have much trouble reaching 21-22 AS by this point in the game.

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Chapter 18S: The Law of Sacae

Starting Units:

Roy, Lilina, Alan, Lance, Bors, Dieck, Ellen, Rutgar, Clarine, Miredy, Shin, Fir, Ray, Percival, Lalum

This chapter isn't all that hard, just annoying, mostly due to the god awful hitrates on these things with javelins/hand axes. The enemies here are absurdly fast. Do not expect anything below 17AS unless it's a shaman or a dracoknight. Thankfully, the enemies here are pussies and don't even hit that hard(well, except the wyverns. Underestimate at your own risk.)

Before I started, I used my speedwing on Percival, giving him 22AS. I also sold the eclipse and goddess icon and bought some stuff at the armory. On the enemy turn, Dieck gets ganged up on, while Miredy chips at the nomads. Turn 2 was mostly spent on getting rid of the myrmidons and shamans that were on me like mosquitoes, while my more durable dudes blocked the nomads, only to run into some 'unfortunate issues' on turn 3, where I was killing nomads. Thankfully, everyone survived the EP, and I was able to kill all the nomads on turn 4, as well as the stray wyvern lord. I also promoted Clarine on this turn, if only to obtain the extra movement. After luring in more nomads and wyverns on the EP, I took out the druid healing the pricks, while shoveling cold steel into the nomads' asses, and sending Rutgar towards the boss, which he killed on turn 6. Seized on turn 7.

Turns Taken: 7

Roy      	01  18  32  15  13  18  18  14  06  06  A Lilina
Lilina    	02  09  39  30  14  20  17  06  19  05  A Roy 
Alan 		02  02  41  21  12  18  08  15  06  09  A Lance
Lance   	02  02  37  17  16  20  07  12  05  09  A Alan
Bors      	02  10  50  23  17  17  18  30  08  16 
Dieck    	02  06  48  25  19  17  08  17  07  14
Clarine 	02  01  30  11  12  20  15  05  12  06  A Rutgar
Rutgar   	02  08  48  22  25  26  09  17  04  08  A Clarine
Ellen      	02  09  33  17  20  16  24  04  25  05
Fir      	02  03  45  20  24  24  12  10  06  06  C Shin
Shin      	02  05  45  20  21  25  10  10  09  07  C Fir
Miredy 		02  06  51  24  22  19  11  22  07  09
Ray      	02  03  37  23  15  16  06  10  15  07
Percival   	02  06  52  20  16  22  15  16  13  12

All in all, not a bad map. Didn't take me long. And that's coming from a guy who wasn't fully prepared! Still, I could've done this better.

As for units, Roy finally starts being a dumbass again(got only HP/lck). And Ray is still the Krillin of the group.


P.S: Gel is going to be a bitch. Oh well. Gotta work something out, I guess. Or I'm fucked.

Edited by darkandroid125
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Chapter 19S: Battle for Bulgar

Starting Units:

Roy, Lilina, Alan, Lance, Bors, Ellen, Dieck, Clarine, Rutgar, Shin, Fir, Ray, Miredy, Percival, Fa

This chapter isn't so hard to get through until you try to get into the city walls. The outside of the city only has a few nomads and two wyvern platoons that you have to deal with, but once inside the city, you can expect to get swarmed by around 10-15 enemy units. Speaking of that, Gel is very dangerous. Not only does he have a Light brand, he also has 27AS. You will not, and I repeat, you will NOT be able to double him. Do not attack this guy at close range unless you want your units to die.

'Also bringing Fa because I'd like to get her some EXP for when I'm forced to field her.'

The first thing I did was position my magic dudes into the shrubbery to give them a little extra avoid, then sent Bors and the other douches I left on the west division up. Fir and Shin then dealt with the two nomads to the east of my starting point. On the enemy turn, most of the nomads went towards one of my mounted dudes, except for that one guy who went for Roy and the trooper that almost killed Ellen. I kill the nomads the next turn, then position Bors and Shin/Fir for some wyvern killing(well, right after the fucking sages silence Clarine and sleep Roy.) I kill most of the wyverns on turn 3, keeping one alive, either because I was undermanned(east side)or I was rushing towards the walls(west side), though they were all dead by turn 4. While this was happening, the sages were inflicting status on my units, mostly sleeping Shin and silencing Krillin Ray. By turn 6, I had managed to breach the inner walls of the city, and attacked some units and visited houses on turn 7. On turn 8, however, I had to deal with a rather large amount of nomads and archers, which I managed to mostly dispose of(at least all the nomads). Turns 9 and 10 were mostly filler, in that I took out some archers and grabbed a few houses, then I had Rutgar take on the boss on turn 11. I took him out on turn 12, allowing Roy to seize at that time.

Turns Taken: 12

Roy      	01  18  32  15  13  18  18  14  06  06  A Lilina
Lilina    	02  09  39  30  14  20  17  06  19  05  A Roy 
Alan 		02  03  42  22  12  18  08  15  07  11  A Lance
Lance   	02  03  37  18  18  20  08  12  05  11  A Alan
Bors      	02  11  51  23  18  17  19  30  09  16 
Dieck    	02  07  49  25  20  18  08  18  07  14
Clarine 	02  01  30  11  12  20  15  05  12  06  A Rutgar
Rutgar   	02  10  50  23  26  27  10  17  04  08  A Clarine
Ellen      	02  11  34  17  22  17  25  04  26  05
Fir      	02  04  46  20  25  25  12  10  07  06  C Shin
Shin      	02  06  46  21  22  25  10  10  09  07  C Fir
Miredy 		02  07  52  24  22  19  11  23  07  09
Ray      	02  03  37  23  15  16  06  10  15  07
Percival   	02  06  52  20  16  22  15  16  13  12
Fa      	01  03  19  04  03  03  10  03  06  01

Everything about this chapter was easy, TBCH. Well, except Gel. And even he was fairly easy thanks to RNG manipulation and supports.

Also, I managed to outdo dondon's turncount this chapter. Not the first time I did it, though(first time was 12x.)

Swag: Wyrmslayer, Wo Dao, Goddess Icon, Longbow, Energy ring

Edited by darkandroid125
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