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Low Level Challenge

General Horace

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This run consists of using only forced units, units recruited in the chapter, and the lowest levelled units that you have, done on HHM. Every character must live, (except maybe Wallace, if I am unable to recruit him) and I will attempt to stick to ranks as well as possible, but do not expect anything extraordinary.

[spoiler=Turncounts]Chapter 11: 7 Turns

Chapter 12: 5 Turns

Chapter 13: 10 Turns

Chapter 13x: 8 Turns

Chapter 14: ~ 7 Turns (Can't quite rememeber)

Chapter 15: 8 Turns

Chapter 16 11 Turns

Chapter 17 13 Turns

Chapter 17x 5 Turns

Chapter 18 12 Turns

Chapter 19 12 Turns

Chapter 19x 11 Turns

[spoiler=Rankings (as of Ch. 19x]Tactics: 4*

Survival: 5*

Experience: 5*

Funds: 4*

Combat: 4*

Edited by General_Horace
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Maybe you could start it in LHM? It should make things a little bit easier for you when HHM comes around.

I think it would be a good representation of a "noob's mistake" run or something, where a newbie player is trying to treat every one of their units equally. Should be fun to attempt, but at the same time frustrating as you go deeper into the game.

Might I suggest a rule or two you might be interested in setting for yourself:

- You can use forced units freely.

- You can use recruited units freely (Harken, for example).

- Either, You must promote a unit at the earliest possible chance you get (When they reach Lv10 and you have the item to do so)

- Or, You can promote a unit only when they have reached Lv20

What do you think?

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Might I suggest a rule or two you might be interested in setting for yourself:

- You can use forced units freely.

Yes, I was probably going to do this anyhow.

- You can use recruited units freely (Harken, for example).

Yeah, least I would get to use him for 5 turns or so this way.

- Either, You must promote a unit at the earliest possible chance you get (When they reach Lv10 and you have the item to do so)

- Or, You can promote a unit only when they have reached Lv20

I think i'll wait until level 20... Although I will run into the issue of endgame of being an Athos and Hector solo, with a bunch of unpromoted scrubs. Although it should still be doable for sure.

I do plan on doing LHM too, with no Lundgren abuse. I will also do my run somewhat efficiently, and try to stick to the ranks as best I can. I'm definately not promising an S-Rank.

Actually, I feel like starting this soon, so I will probably begin this tonight.

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I don't want to end up using Wil for the whole game though!

I've done this type of run for a bit of this game before, and the cavs only came out of LHM at level 6 and 7 respectively, and only Lyn, Rath, and Wallace were a higher level. I think I'll still do LHM. Plus, I want those stat boosters.

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I would recommend not doing LHM, since it would end up making unit levels higher. If you don't do LHM, then when Lyn's group comes you'll very likely have to kick out some trained units next chapter, adding to the challenge.

I think there's a fine line between "challenge" and "near impossible" which not doing LHM may cross.

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I don't want to end up using Wil for the whole game though!
Wil's joining level without LHM will probably be higher than if you actually played LHM.
I think there's a fine line between "challenge" and "near impossible" which not doing LHM may cross.
You'll understand more about life when you grow up.
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Anyway, I've completed all the chapters that force deployment or have enough unit slots to field everybody, and my unit's stats are as follows...

Unit       Level    HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  Wep Lvl                Supports
Hector      8.53    25  10    8    9    5   10    1   B Axe                  C Eliwood
Matthew     6.23    22   5    6   13    5    4    3   C Sword
Eliwood     2.42    19   5    6    7    8    6    0   C Sword                C Hector  
Marcus      3.18*   32  15   16   11    9   10   10   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Rebecca     5.09    19   6    6   10    6    5    2   D Bow
Lowen       5.52    26   7    5    8    4    8    1   D Lance D Sword
Dorcas      5.63    31   9    7    7    5    3    0   C Axe
Bartre      4.77    31   9    6    4    5    5    0   D Axe
Oswin      11.23    29  13   10    6    4   15    3   B Lance
Serra       3.34    17   2    5   10    8    2    6   C Staves
Guy         6.16    28   8   15   16    6    7    1   C Swords
Erk         2.53    18   5    6    7    3    2    5   D Anima
Priscilla   Base

Tactics: 3*

Survival: 5*

Experience: 5*

Funds: 5*

Combat: 5*

Chapter 15 Units: Hector, Eliwood, Rebecca, Lowen, Dorcas, Bartre, Serra, Priscilla, Erk.

Gogogo Hector.

And after an hour of pain, and suffering (mostly on Bartre's part) Chapter 15 was complete.


The random white screens are just from me going to chat. Don't think it misses anything significant.

Edited by General_Horace
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I'll have to see how it goes. I get Guy next chapter, which will help, as I'll have a unit who isn't doubled by half the map

Unit       Level    HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  Wep Lvl                Supports
Hector      9.31    26  10    9    9    5   11    1   B Axe                  C Eliwood
Matthew     6.23    22   5    6   13    5    4    3   C Sword
Eliwood     3.32    20   6    6    8    8    6    0   C Sword                C Hector  
Marcus      3.18*   32  15   16   11    9   10   10   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Rebecca     5.65    19   6    6   10    6    5    2   C Bow
Lowen       6.58    26   7    5    8    5    9    1   D Lance D Sword
Dorcas      6.99    32   9    7    7    5    4    0   C Axe
Bartre      5.62    32  10    7    5    5    6    0   D Axe
Oswin      11.23    29  13   10    6    4   15    3   B Lance
Serra       3.90    17   2    5   10    8    2    6   C Staves
Guy         6.16    28   8   15   16    6    7    1   C Swords
Erk         3.73    19   5    7    8    3    2    5   D Anima
Priscilla   3.59    Base

Tactics: 2*

Survival: 5*

Exp: 5*

Funds: 5*

Combat: 4*

Chapter 16 Units: Hector, Eliwood, Rebecca, Bartre, Serra, Priscilla, Erk, Guy

Edited by General_Horace
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0:49 WTF Kent.

1:02 Risk #1

1:15 Didn't use the KE here because I knew the cav would retreat.

1:45 Had to move Florina out of the way so the Red Gem wouldn't get stolen.

2:10 Derp.

2:15 Ok, that was lucky.

2:33 So was that.

3:24 I finally realize that Kent has a lance.

6:28 FUCK

Unit       Level    HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  Wep Lvl                Supports
Hector     11.15    28  11   10   10    5   12    1   B Axe                  C Eliwood
Matthew     6.23    22   5    6   13    5    4    3   C Sword
Eliwood     6.27    23   7    9   10    9    7    1   B Sword                C Hector  
Marcus      3.18*   32  15   16   11    9   10   10   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Rebecca     6.55    20   6    6   11    6    5    3   C Bow
Lowen       6.58    26   7    5    8    5    9    1   D Lance D Sword
Dorcas      6.99    32   9    7    7    5    4    0   C Axe
Bartre      6.45    33  10    8    5    5    7    1   C Axe
Oswin      11.23    29  13   10    6    4   15    3   B Lance
Serra       5.01    19   2    6   11    9    2    7   C Staves
Guy         7.66    29   8   15   16    6    7    1   C Swords
Erk         5.20    20   5    8   10    3    2    5   D Anima
Priscilla   4,37    16   7    7    8    7    3    7   C Staves
Lyn         4.70    18   5   10   11    5    2    0   C swords
Florina     3.69    18   6    8    9    8    4    5   D Lances
Wil         4.90    21   6    5    6    7    5    1   D Bow
Kent        6.06    24   8    8    9    5    6    2   D Lance D Sword
Sain        4.81    22   9    5    7    5    7    0   D Lance D Sword

Units for next chapter: Hector, Sain, Wil, Florina, Lyn, Priscilla, Serra, Erk, Kent, Matthew

I'm very glad Hector can kill things.

Also, what should I do in the instance that I am not allowed to field a unit that recruits and enemy unit, like if I were unable to field Priscilla here to recruit Raven?

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Chapter 17 in 13 Turns


Unit       Level    HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  Wep Lvl                Supports
Hector     13.14    30  12   10   11    6   12    1   A Axe                  C Eliwood
Matthew     6.39    22   5    6   13    5    4    3   C Sword
Eliwood     6.27    23   7    9   10    9    7    1   B Sword                C Hector  
Marcus      3.18*   32  15   16   11    9   10   10   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Rebecca     6.55    20   6    6   11    6    5    3   C Bow
Lowen       6.58    26   7    5    8    5    9    1   D Lance D Sword
Dorcas      6.99    32   9    7    7    5    4    0   C Axe
Bartre      6.45    33  10    8    5    5    7    1   C Axe
Oswin      11.23    29  13   10    6    4   15    3   B Lance
Serra       6.00    19   2    6   12   10    2    7   B Staves
Guy         7.66    29   8   15   16    6    7    1   C Swords
Erk         7.35    20   6    8   12    3    2    5   C Anima
Priscilla   5.65    17   8    7    9    8    3    7   B Staves
Lyn         7.40    20   7   10   13    6    3    2   C swords               C Florina
Florina     4.68    18   6    9   10    9    4    5   D Lances               C Lyn
Wil         6.96    23   7    6    6    7    7    1   D Bow
Kent        8.19    26   9    9   10    6    7    3   D Lance D Sword
Sain        6.48    23  10    7    8    6    8    1   D Lance D Sword
Raven       5.68    Base
Lucius      3.00    Base

Chapter 17x Units : Hector, Lucius, Florina, Priscilla, Raven, Serra

Edited by General_Horace
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Chapter 17x in 5 Turns


Unit       Level    HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  Wep Lvl                Supports
Hector     15.77    31  13   11   11    6   13    3   A Axe                  C Eliwood
Matthew     6.39    22   5    6   13    5    4    3   C Sword
Eliwood     6.27    23   7    9   10    9    7    1   B Sword                C Hector  
Marcus      3.18*   32  15   16   11    9   10   10   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Rebecca     6.55    20   6    6   11    6    5    3   C Bow
Lowen       6.58    26   7    5    8    5    9    1   D Lance D Sword
Dorcas      6.99    32   9    7    7    5    4    0   C Axe
Bartre      6.45    33  10    8    5    5    7    1   C Axe
Oswin      11.23    29  13   10    6    4   15    3   B Lance
Serra       6.33    19   2    6   12   10    2    7   B Staves
Guy         7.66    29   8   15   16    6    7    1   C Swords
Erk         7.35    20   6    8   12    3    2    5   C Anima
Priscilla   5.99    17   8    7    9    8    3    7   B Staves
Lyn         7.40    20   7   10   13    6    3    2   C swords               C Florina
Florina     4.69    18   6    9   10    9    4    5   D Lances               C Lyn
Wil         6.96    23   7    6    6    7    7    1   D Bow
Kent        8.19    26   9    9   10    6    7    3   D Lance D Sword
Sain        6.48    23  10    7    8    6    8    1   D Lance D Sword
Raven       7.02    30  11   15   16    3    6    2   C Sword
Lucius      3.92    Base
Canas       8.91    Base

Chapter 18 Units: Hector, Lucius, Florina, Priscilla, Eliwood, Serra, Matthew, and Bartre.

... its going to be hell.

Edited by General_Horace
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