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Hector Hard Mode S-Rank Run


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After abusing the hell out of Lundgren and the whole of LHM in general, the stats of the units I will be using in HHM are as follows:

Name--------Lv.-HP-Str-Skl-Spd-Luc-Def-Res-BTL-WIN-------------Weapon Rank-Support
Lyn-------12.89-23--10--15--14---9---3---2--61--33-----------------B Sword--------
Sain*------1.00-35--18--12--14---8---8---5-162--56-A Sword, E Axe, B Lance--------
Florina---10.50-30---9--13--14--10---4---7--75--43-----------------B Lance--------
Serra-----12.25-21---6---6--12--15---4--11---3---0-----------------A Staff--------
Matthew----5.29-20---5---5--14---2---5---0--13---8-----------------D Sword--------

Stat Boosters:
Florina-1xAngelic Robe 1xEnergy Ring

Sain has nothing above average stats by a great deal, but his defense is 3, almost 4, below average.

That is all for now.

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Chapter 11: Another Journey

7 turns of 0 / +7

I took the bottom route here. I forgot what I did exactly turn by turn but I had to move Hector a certain way which made it impossible for me to 6-turn. I also got lucky that a number of attacks on Hector missed. Hector killed everything with the Hand-Axe except for the Thief. Matthew followed the Thief, took the Red Gem, and then took the Lockpick as well. Thief wasn't happy with that so eventually suicided on Matthew. In the meantime Hector was trudging over to Wire while using 2 Vulneraries and got to attack him on turn 7. Wire was killed on enemy phase turn 7.

Hector-----3.99-21---8---5---5---4--10---1--10---6---Axe C--------
Matthew----6.48-20---5---6--15---2---5---0---7---1-Sword D--------

Overall satisfied with this turnout. Hope Hector begins to pick up some Speed, though.

Any suggestions on what to do with the Secret Book when I get it?

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Chapter 12: Birds of a Feather

7 turns of 8 (-1 = +6)

A fairly straightforward chapter. I could have done it quicker, but I just couldn't be bothered to perfect stuff. Didn't get to any shops, but I did get the Secret Book. I'll keep it for now, neither selling or using it. The area in the south was cleared nicely by mainly Eliwood and Rebecca, with Marcus taking 2 kills for himself. Used Serra to attract some fire away from Matthew. Nothing great here, onto stats:

Hector-----6.31-24---9---7---7---5--11---1--25--10---Axe C--------
Matthew----6.48-20---5---6--15---2---5---0---7---1-Sword C--------
Rebecca----2.04-17---5---5---6---4---3---1---3---3---Bow D--------
Serra-----12.44-21---6---6--12--15---4--11---8---0-Staff A--------

I'll keep the book for now, I'll sell it if things get a bit tight later on.

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Sain will undoubtedly be a useful asset once I get him.


Ch.13: In Search of Truth

8 turns of 12 (+2)

Hector and Oswin plow through the top left of the map then proceed downwards towards the castle. Oswin takes the top left village while Lowen takes the centre-right one. Everyone else goes south. Guy is recruited, Eliwood steals some of Rebecca's kills, Hector takes on the boss over 3 phases, eventually killing him. Marcus and Oswin go shopping. All enemies are killed.

Hector-----8.67-24--10---8---7---6--12---2--38--16---Axe B--------
Eliwood----2.84-19---6---5---8---7---6---0--11---4-Sword C--------
Rebecca----3.39-18---5---6---7---5---4---2--11---6---Bow D--------
Guy--------3.48-25---7--13--13---5---6---1---3---1-Swoed C
Serra-----12.99-21---6---6--12--15---4--11---8---0-Staff A--------
Matthew----8.89-21---5---7--16---4---5---0--19---7-Sword C--------

13x, hurrah.

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Ch.13x: The Peddler Merlinus

Turns: 8 out of 7 (+3)

Does 13x add 8 turns or 7?

I was somehow under the impression that the chapter would end when the boss was killed, and so this is what I set out to do. Oswin and Guy broke through the left side, Lowen and Matthew were in the south, Marcus sprinted up to the village for the 5k Gold, while everyone else stayed around the middle, with Hector and Eliwood standing at the 2 openings, with Rebecca standing behind Eliwood. The boss was killed on turn 5, and much to my dismay, the chapter just kept on going. I was just going to restart without even trying to survive the rest of the turn, let alone reaching and surviving turn 7. Lowen, Guy and Oswin were actually in pretty bad shape (5, 4 and 9 HP respectively) and the Vulneraries were not in the right places for the most part. Guy withdrew to a wood and used a Vulnerary, while Oswin pulled back to the left opening to be healed by Serra, and Lowen just ran away back to the middle of the map leaving Matthew to fend for himself against the remaining units in the south. Marcus returned from the village and started picking off those fucking Nomads. Eliwood, Rebecca and Hector held the defense up quite well with healing help from Serra, and before I knew it, the chapter was won.

Unit stats:
Hector-----9.25-25--11---9---7---6--13---2--47--18---Axe B--------
Eliwood----3.83-20---6---5---9---8---7---0--22---6-Sword C--------
Rebecca----4.62-19---6---6---8---5---4---2--17--10---Bow D--------
Oswin-----10.23-29--14---9---5---3--13---4--18---5-Lance B--------
Guy--------6.38-25---8--16--16---5---7---1--21---8-Swoed C--------
Serra-----13.66-22---7---7--13--16---4--11---9---0-Staff A--------
Matthew---10.30-23---5---8--18---5---5---0--36--10-Sword C--------

Tactics:- * * * *
Survival: * * * * *
Funds:--- * * * * *
Exp:----- * * * * *
Combat:-- * * * *
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Ch.14: False Friends

9 turns of 10 (+2)

I recorded this but the file messed up and I couldn't open it. Oh well.

Eliwood, Guy, Serra and Rebecca went top-left, with Rebecca and Eliwood taking down the soldier. Marcus, Oswin and Matthew went the middle-left path. Hector, Bartre and Dorcas stayed to take on the 4 loldiers and the Knight, positioned in a way in which the Fighters would take 2 Soldiers each, and Hector would take out the Knight on enemy phase. Lowen just hung around Merlinus looking like a spare tool.

Over the next few turns, Serra recruited Erk, and Erk and Guy went across the top past the village taking on the enemies in the top-left side of the map. Hector broke left as soon as he could to meet up with the Oswin's crew. Oswin, Rebecca, Eliwood and Hector went through the middle. Oswin drew in Erik and dealt him heavy damage. He attacked him again on player phase, and then gave Rebecca the kill. With Erik down ("captured"), the reinforcements which were about to come soon will now not come, meaning Dorcas, Lowen and Bartre will be just sitting there doing nothing as opposed to killing Peggies. Marcus and Matthew finished up Pirates in the south, did some shopping for weapons, staves and vulneraries while selling the Secret Book from Ch.12 as well as picking up Priscilla. Everything was killed by turn 9.

Unit stats:
Hector-----9.51-25--11---9---7---6--13---2--50--21-----------------Axe B--------
Eliwood----5.46-22---8---6---9---8---8---1--30--11---------------Sword B--------
Marcus*----2.11-32--15--15--11---8--10---8--31--23-Sword A Axe B Lance A--------
Rebecca----6.36-21---7---8--10---7---4---4--22--14-----------------Bow D--------
Oswin-----10.75-29--14---9---5---3--13---4--18---5---------------Lance B--------
Guy--------7.43-28---8--17--17---6---7---1--30--11---------------Sword C--------
Serra-----13.89-22---7---7--13--16---4--11---9---0---------------Staff A--------
Matthew---11.20-24---5---8--19---6---5---0--42--12---------------Sword B--------
Dorcas-----4.59-31---7---7---7---3---3---1---7---5-----------------Axe C--------
Erk--------2.10-17---5---7---7---3---3---5---4---3---------------Anima D--------
Priscilla--3.24---------------------BASE-------------------------Staff C--------

Tactics:- * * * *
Survival: * * * * *
Funds:--- * * * * *
Exp:----- * * * * *
Combat:-- * * * * *

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Ch.15: Talons Alight

8 turns of 0 (+10)

Deployed: Hector, Eliwood, Marcus, Serra, Priscilla, Rebecca, Matthew, Oswin, Erk, Merlinus.

Erk and Eliwood defended at the top right door, with Serra close by to heal any damage.

Oswin, Marcus and Hector went south while Rebecca stood on the pillar to take on that Nomad, with Priscilla staying around the throneroom to be nearby everyone in case of damage.

Marcus was used to draw out the boss, who was then killed on turn 2 player phase. The boss' death means no reinforcements will appear. From there on it was easy cruising as Matthew got the 2 chests, and everything was killed by the end of the 6th turn.

Unit stats:
Hector-----9.80-25--11---9---7---6--13---2--50--21-----------------Axe B--------
Eliwood----6.23-23---9---7---9---9---8---1--41--13---------------Sword B--------
Marcus*----2.99-32--15--15--11---8--10---8--41--28-Sword A Axe B Lance A--------
Rebecca----6.97-21---7---8--10---7---4---4--26--16-----------------Bow C--------
Oswin-----11.35-30--14---9---6---3--14---4--31--11---------------Lance B--------
Guy--------7.43-28---8--17--17---6---7---1--30--11---------------Sword C--------
Serra-----14.44-22---7---7--14--16---4--11--10---0---------------Staff A--------
Matthew---11.59-24---5---8--19---6---5---0--44--13---------------Sword B--------
Dorcas-----4.59-31---7---7---7---3---3---1---7---5-----------------Axe C--------
Erk--------3.00-18---5---8---7---4---4---5---8---5---------------Anima D--------
Priscilla--3.73---------------------BASE-------------------------Staff C--------

Tactics:- * * *
Survival: * * * * *
Funds:--- * * * * *
Exp:----- * * * * *
Combat:-- * * * * *

Tactics dropped another star, which is a given.

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Ch.16: Noble Lady of Caelin

9 turns of 7 (+12 sigh)

Deployed units: Hector, Eliwood, Serra, Priscilla, Rebecca, Guy, Marcus and Oswin.

I have successfully managed to record this chapter. It's about 12 minutes long (took me 25 minutes real time, I sped it up by x2 and added music), but it will show how the RNG fucked me over on the boss to force me into the 9th turn instead of being able to complete it in 8 turns.

I didn't really have a plan for this chapter, I just dove in head first and hoped for the best. One such thing I could have done is have Eliwood visit the village on the left, then Florina could have stayed up the top to help with the enemy units there. Oh well.

Below I have organised the units in order of: Lords > Promoted > Unpromoted > Transporter, then in order of level.

Unit stats:
Lyn-------13.37-24--10--15--15--10---3---2---8---5---------------Sword A--------
Hector----10.97-26--12---9---7---6--14---2--58--26-----------------Axe B--------
Eliwood----6.90-23---9---7---9---9---8---1--46--15---------------Sword B--------
Marcus*----3.52-33--15--15--11---8--10---8--41--28-Sword A Axe B Lance S--------
Sain*------1.20-35--18--12--14---8---8---5---7---3-Sword A Axe E Lance B--------
Serra-----14.88-22---7---7--14--16---4--11--10---0---------------Staff A--------
Matthew---11.59-24---5---8--19---6---5---0--44--13---------------Sword B--------
Oswin-----11.59-30--14---9---6---3--14---4--35--13---------------Lance B--------
Florina---11.01-30--10--14--15--11---4---7---5---2---------------Lance A--------
Guy--------8.85-29---9--17--18---7---8---1--40--17---------------Sword B--------
Rebecca----7.34-22---7---8--10---8---4---4--29--17-----------------Bow C--------
Dorcas-----4.59-31---7---7---7---3---3---1---7---5-----------------Axe C--------
Priscilla--4.34-17---7---6---8---7---3---7---2---0---------------Staff C--------
Erk--------3.00-18---5---8---7---4---4---5---8---5---------------Anima D--------

Stat Boosters:
Florina - 1xAngelicRobe 1xEnergyRing

Tactics:- * * *
Survival: * * * * *
Funds:--- * * * *
Exp:----- * * * * *
Combat:-- * * * * *

Lost a star in funds. This is to be expected since I more or less wasted a Silver Lance in this chapter. Oh well, I will make it up in due time I'm sure.

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Just a heads up, your funds rank also took a hit because you didn't get a gem from Lyn's mode, which could have netted you a 20 000 G buffer, at the cost of having an unpremoted Sain.

Although I am very jealous that you have a Sain that was not doubled by the 11 AS Merc and the Myrmidon.

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Just a heads up, your funds rank also took a hit because you didn't get a gem from Lyn's mode, which could have netted you a 20 000 G buffer, at the cost of having an unpremoted Sain.

Although I am very jealous that you have a Sain that was not doubled by the 11 AS Merc and the Myrmidon.

Yeah I did realise while playing. Sucks, but I'm sure I can deal with that. Sain will be useful in heavy pinches. I'll make it up when I get the Silver Card, hopefully.

I'm not overly sure how the funds rank works though, could someone explain to me exactly how it rolls?

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Are you referring to the funds ranking chapter by chapter, or the ranking itself?

The ranking itself works like this:

Say you have a Red Gem, which can be sold for 2500G. Since stuff can only be sold for half it's listed value, the Red Gem is worth 5000G. Or when you buy something with the Silver Card, you are essentially gaining half an items worth for your funds ranking.

Hope that made sense.

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Are you referring to the funds ranking chapter by chapter, or the ranking itself?

The ranking itself works like this:

Say you have a Red Gem, which can be sold for 2500G. Since stuff can only be sold for half it's listed value, the Red Gem is worth 5000G. Or when you buy something with the Silver Card, you are essentially gaining half an items worth for your funds ranking.

Hope that made sense.

Yeah I understand that bit of it. However I'm not sure exactly how the fund rank is calculated. How does it work out if your doing "bad" or "good"? Is it comparing the worth of all your items to the amount of Gold you have or have gathered in total or something?

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Ch.17: Whereabouts Unknown

11 turns of 18 (+5)

Prior to video: Reorganised weapons between the units.

Deployed: Hector, Eliwood, Lyn, Serra, Priscilla, Rebecca, Guy, Oswin, Matthew, Sain.

Hopefully benching Marcus for Sain will have some sort of positive affect on my turncount. Guy, Eliwood and Rebecca are still pretty low in level and both healers are deployed so I'm not worrying about EXP gain in this one. Florina isn't deployed due to the high number of Archers. I feel she would be more of a liability than a helpful unit here.


Unit stats:
Lyn-------14.23-25--10--16--16--10---3---3--18--12---------------Sword A--------
Hector----12.10-28--13---9---9---7--15---2--67--30-----------------Axe B--------
Eliwood----7.42-23--10---8---9--10---8---1--48--16---------------Sword B--------
Marcus*----3.52-33--15--15--11---8--10---8--41--28-Sword A Axe B Lance S--------
Sain*------2.69-36--18--12--15---8---8---5--23--11-Sword A Axe D Lance B--------
Serra-----15.33-23---7---8--15--17---4--12--11---0---------------Staff A--------
Oswin-----13.09-32--14--10---7---3--14---4--55--20---------------Lance A--------
Matthew---11.90-24---5---8--19---6---5---0--47--14---------------Sword B--------
Florina---11.01-30--10--14--15--11---4---7---5---2---------------Lance A--------
Guy-------10.07-31--10--17--19---7---8---1--49--22---------------Sword B--------
Rebecca----8.26-23---8---9--11---9---4---5--34--20-----------------Bow C--------
Priscilla--4.93-17---7---6---8---7---3---7---3---0---------------Staff C--------
Dorcas-----4.59-31---7---7---7---3---3---1---7---5-----------------Axe C--------
Erk--------3.00-18---5---8---7---4---4---5---8---5---------------Anima D--------

Stat Boosters:
Florina - 1xAngelicRobe 1xEnergyRing 1xDragonshield

Tactics:- * * * *
Survival: * * * * *
Funds:--- * * * *
Exp:----- * * * * *
Combat:-- * * * * *

I know I killed the Thief even though he was holding the Silver Sword, but it was either have the Thief trapped in the room while I send Sain to pick up Matthew to steal it from him, wasting turns, or kill him, saving at least 5-6 turns, and at least get back the Knight crest he stole. And if I'm not mistaken, I would have received more than a Mine if I had saved 2 or all 3 of the Caelin Soldiers. OH WELL.

Got a star back in Tactics. Funds is still 4 though. Any tips on what I could/should do to raise this back to 5 and keep it there?

Also, I have a Goddess Icon and a Dragonshield in stock. Suggestions on what I should do with them?

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The funds ranking as a whole is the net worth of all your items and gold put together. Items are worth double their selling value as previously states. This means that you should watch who you should promote, noticeably Dart and the thieves.

Also, Heaven Seals are worth twice as much as other promotion items.

And make sure you get the silver card in chapter 19x. When you get that, you will be set for funds for the rest of the game, providing you don't promote too many units.

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The funds ranking as a whole is the net worth of all your items and gold put together. Items are worth double their selling value as previously states. This means that you should watch who you should promote, noticeably Dart and the thieves.

Also, Heaven Seals are worth twice as much as other promotion items.

And make sure you get the silver card in chapter 19x. When you get that, you will be set for funds for the rest of the game, providing you don't promote too many units.

I see now, thanks for clearing that with me.

Don't worry, I'll definitely be aiming to pick up that Silver card.

I suppose my largest problem is deciding who to promote. Since Heaven Seals are worth twice as much as other promotion items, every Lord I decide to promote means I should aim to promote one less other unit.

The shortlist will be Lyn, Eliwood, Serra, Oswin, Florina, Guy, Rebecca, Priscilla and Raven.

Looking at the current list of units, I do believe Lyn and Eliwood will be great choices to promote, despite the expense. For his level, Eliwood's stats are pretty awesome. It's not too late for one of them to start getting screwed, though. Lyn will be promoted first. If I feel I need Eliwood, then he will be.

Serra looks safe to promote, and it will undoubtedly be before chapter 22 where she will be most welcome to fight. Also the battle experience bonus will be most welcome to the EXP rank.

Oswin, to be honest, is getting outdone by Hector in every stat except HP, strength, skill and resistance. If he doesn't suddenly become blessed, he may find himself getting dropped, possibly for latecomers Harken or Geitz.

Florina's a given, undoubtedly. Amazingly strong and fast for her level. Shame about her defense. I might just give her the Dragonshield.

Guy, I'm not sure. He has proven to be very useful so far, but I have found as the game goes on, his 30% strength growth lets him down too much to be a reliable killing unit like Raven is bound to become.

Rebecca. Can never have enough good Archers around, and Rebecca's the best of the best after some patient training. She is most useful if I wish to preserve other unit's ranged weapons, since she specialises in them and all. If she keeps improving and proving her usefulness, then she will more than likely be getting a prrrrrrrrrrrrrrromotion (not a typo).

Priscilla. Serra on a horse, but on a much lower level than her due to LHM. I will keep using both healers in every chapter, but I wouldn't like to hazard a gues as to when exactly she will be promoting. Again, I'd promote her for the sake of keeping a healer around, and her bonus battle experience. I will be handing her the staves which dish out good EXP, helping her gain levels faster and hopefully catch up to Serra in due time.

Raven needs no explanation as to why I'm gonna be promoting him.

I have 9 chapters to get the 3 Lords to Lv50 or more. That will be hard to do with units like Raven on the field now. I also have Matthew and eventually Legault to raise to Lv20 as well.

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Ch.17x: Port of Badon

9 turns of 10 (+4)

Prior to video: Rearranged items. Gave a Dragonshield to Florina.

Deployed: Hector, Priscilla, Raven, Oswin, Rebecca and Florina.


Unit stats:
Hector----14.41-30--14--11--10---8--16---4--77--35-----------------Axe A--------
Lyn-------14.23-25--10--16--16--10---3---3--18--12---------------Sword A--------
Eliwood----7.42-23--10---8---9--10---8---1--48--16---------------Sword B--------
Marcus*----3.52-33--15--15--11---8--10---8--41--28-Sword A Axe B Lance S--------
Sain*------2.69-36--18--12--15---8---8---5--23--11-Sword A Axe D Lance B--------
Serra-----15.33-23---7---8--15--17---4--12--11---0---------------Staff A--------
Oswin-----14.33-33--14--10---7---4--15---4--69--23---------------Lance A--------
Matthew---11.90-24---5---8--19---6---5---0--47--14---------------Sword B--------
Florina---11.86-30--10--14--15--11---6---7---9---3---------------Lance A--------
Guy-------10.07-31--10--17--19---7---8---1--49--22---------------Sword B--------
Rebecca----9.32-23---8--10--11--10---4---5--38--23-----------------Bow C--------
Raven------8.48-31--12--13--16---3---6---2--14---8---------------Sword C--------
Priscilla--5.28-17---8---6---8---8---3---8---3---0---------------Staff B--------
Dorcas-----4.59-31---7---7---7---3---3---1---7---5-----------------Axe C--------
Erk--------3.00-18---5---8---7---4---4---5---8---5---------------Anima D--------

Stat Boosters:
Florina - 1xAngelicRobe 1xEnergyRing 1xDragonshield

Tactics:- * * * *
Survival: * * * * *
Funds:--- * * * *
Exp:----- * * * * *
Combat:-- * * * * *

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Ch.18: Pirate Ship

8 turns of 11 (+1)

Deployed units: Hector, Eliwood, Priscilla, Serra, Oswin, Raven, Matthew and Rebecca.

Unit stats:
Hector----15.41-31--15--11--10---8--16---4--92--46-----------------Axe A-Eliwood C
Lyn-------14.23-25--10--16--16--10---3---3--18--12---------------Sword A----------
Eliwood----8.70-24--11---9---9--10---8---1--54--20---------------Sword B----------
Marcus*----3.52-33--15--15--11---8--10---8--41--28-Sword A Axe B Lance S--Hector C
Sain*------2.69-36--18--12--15---8---8---5--23--11-Sword A Axe D Lance B----------
Serra-----15.77-23---7---8--15--17---4--12--11---0---------------Staff A----------
Oswin-----15.89-34--14--10---8---4--16---5--91--32---------------Lance A----------
Matthew---12.89-25---6---8--20---6---5---0--52--17---------------Sword B----------
Florina---11.86-30--10--14--15--11---6---7---9---3---------------Lance A----------
Guy-------10.07-31--10--17--19---7---8---1--49--22---------------Sword B----------
Rebecca---10.73-24---8--10--11--11---4---5--49--30-----------------Bow C----------
Raven-----10.70-33--14--13--17---5---6---3--22--14---------------Sword C----------
Priscilla--5.65-17---8---6---8---8---3---8---5---0---------------Staff B----------
Dorcas-----4.59-31---7---7---7---3---3---1---7---5-----------------Axe C----------
Erk--------3.00-18---5---8---7---4---4---5---8---5---------------Anima D----------

Stat Boosters:
Florina - 1xAngelicRobe 1xEnergyRing 1xDragonshield

Tactics:- * * * *
Survival: * * * * *
Funds:--- * * * *
Exp:----- * * * * *
Combat:-- * * * * *

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A good way to know you're on your way to an S rank is when you get Chapter 23 Linus version.

I'll keep that in mind. It's what I intend to do.

Wow, your funds rank isn't going well. You really want to keep a larger funds buffer because even once you get a Silver Card, you still need to sink like 100k on promotion items.

Yeah I know. I'll deal with it in any way I can. Sain's already promoted so that's a little pressure off promotion costs. I'm trying to hold out til I get the Silver Card, then I can buy decent weapons which I will use sparingly. I plan on saving up a lot of cash and buying the most expensive item as much as I can in 31x.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I just did Chapter 19. I used CamStudio to record it, however when I tried to save it after recording, it said "ch19.avi could not be found" or some shit, so it looks like I'm going through the chapter by memory. I'm not one to explain things in great detail so this will be pretty quick.

Ch.19: The Dread Isle

8 turns of 10 (-1)

Deployed units: Hector, Eliwood, Lyn, Priscilla, Serra, Florina, Matthew, Raven, Sain, Canas, Lowen, Rebecca.

Dart's inaccurate but powerful axe is of some worth here, and helped my units break through to kill Uhai.

Sain took the top route alone.

My original plan was for Lowen to stay behind and kill the reinforcement pirates for EXP, but he couldn't even 2RKO them, even with a Steel Sword, so I had Eliwood stay with him as well and weakened some of the pirates so he could get some decent EXP.

Hector, Raven, Matthew and Rebecca went the bottom route past the two forts.

Lyn, Priscilla, Serra, Dart, Canas and Florina went through the middle route, breaking one of the snags to proceed.

Fiora came along and decided to take out one of the enemies along the bottom paths where Raven and co. were travelling, so Florina had to use up a turn of hers to get closer to be able to recruit her.

Sain stayed up the top-right of the map, picking off the Pegs as they came. Lowen and Eliwood stayed on the top-left side killing pirates. Everyone else went for Uhai.

I wiped the floor with more or less every enemy on the map as far as I could see.

On turn 8, Hector first used the Wolf Beil to weaken Uhai. Risky move though, since it was about 45% displayed hit. But it hit. Raven, with the Longsword, could do 13 damage to Uhai, but Uhai had 14HP remaining. Checking through the characters in range of Uhai, I could see Rebecca could do 1 damage with an Iron Bow. Attacked him first with Rebecca, then finished Uhai off with Raven.

Unit stats:
Hector----15.95-31--15--11--10---8--16---4--92--46-----------------Axe A-Eliwood C
Lyn-------14.53-25--10--16--16--10---3---3--18--12---------------Sword A----------
Eliwood----9.67-25--11---9--10--11---8---1--60--23---------------Sword A----------
Marcus*----3.52-33--15--15--11---8--10---8--41--28-Sword A Axe B Lance S--Hector C
Sain*------3.19-37--19--12--15---9---8---5--40--21-Sword A Axe D Lance B----------
Serra-----16.11-24---7---8--15--17---5--12--11---0---------------Staff A----------
Oswin-----15.89-34--14--10---8---4--16---5--91--32---------------Lance A----------
Matthew---14.31-27---6---9--20---7---7---0--66--20---------------Sword B----------
Raven-----12.31-35--15--13--18---5---6---3--28--19---------------Sword B----------
Florina---12.16-31--11--14--16--12---6---7--13---5---------------Lance A----------
Rebecca---11.74-25---8--11--11--12---4---5--58--35-----------------Bow B----------
Guy-------10.07-31--10--17--19---7---8---1--49--22---------------Sword B----------
Canas------9.18-22--10---9---8---7---5---8--10---5---------------Elder B----------
Fiora------8.01-21---8--11--13---6---7---7---3---3---------------Lance C----------
Priscilla--6.11-17---9---7---9---8---3---8---5---0---------------Staff B----------
Dorcas-----4.59-31---7---7---7---3---3---1---7---5-----------------Axe C----------
Lowen------4.59-25---7---6---7---4---7---0--22---3-------Sword D Lance D----------
Erk--------3.00-18---5---8---7---4---4---5---8---5---------------Anima D----------

Stat Boosters:
Florina - 1xAngelicRobe 1xEnergyRing 1xDragonshield

Tactics:- * * * * *
Survival: * * * * *
Funds:--- * * * *
Exp:----- * * * * *
Combat:-- * * * * *

Edit: With only four more playable chapters remaining (19x (not going to 19xx), 20, 21 and 22) and the 3 Lords at Lv38 in total, I think I'll be abusing them to reach the Lv50 target before Ch.23 comes.

Edited by VanguardRaven
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Ch.19x: Prisoner of Magic

11 turns of 10 (+0)

Deployed units: Hector, Eliwood, Lyn, Priscilla, Serra, Canas, Fiora, Matthew


Unit stats:
Hector----16.84-32--16--12--10---9--17---4-118--56-----------------Axe A-Eliwood C
Lyn-------15.31-26--11--17--17--10---3---4--34--20---------------Sword A----------
Eliwood---11.04-26--12---9--10--11---8---3--63--26---------------Sword A--Hector C
Marcus*----3.52-33--15--15--11---8--10---8--41--28-Sword A Axe B Lance S----------
Sain*------3.19-37--19--12--15---9---8---5--40--21-Sword A Axe D Lance B----------
Serra-----16.49-24---7---8--15--17---5--12--11---0---------------Staff A----------
Oswin-----15.89-34--14--10---8---4--16---5--91--32---------------Lance A----------
Matthew---15.99-28---6--10--20---7---7---0--75--23---------------Sword A----------
Raven-----12.31-35--15--13--18---5---6---3--28--19---------------Sword B----------
Florina---12.16-31--11--14--16--12---6---7--13---5---------------Lance A----------
Rebecca---11.74-25---8--11--11--12---4---5--58--35-----------------Bow B----------
Canas-----10.80-23--11---9---9---7---5---9--21--10---------------Elder B----------
Guy-------10.07-31--10--17--19---7---8---1--49--22---------------Sword B----------
Fiora-----10.05-21---9--12--15---6---7---8--16--11---------------Lance C----------
Priscilla--6.48-17---9---7---9---8---3---8---5---0---------------Staff B----------
Dorcas-----4.59-31---7---7---7---3---3---1---7---5-----------------Axe C----------
Lowen------4.59-25---7---6---7---4---7---0--22---3-------Sword D Lance D----------
Erk--------3.00-18---5---8---7---4---4---5---8---5---------------Anima D----------

Stat Boosters:
Florina - 1xAngelicRobe 1xEnergyRing 1xDragonshield

Tactics:- * * * * *
Survival: * * * * *
Funds:--- * * * *
Exp:----- * * * * *
Combat:-- * * * * *

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