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[FE11] Draft X: Bizarro Version!


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Now I can get started. You guys really do underestimate my team.

I'm not saying your team is bad. I'm saying Horace's is better.

Updated OP, which I could've sworn I did yesterday...

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Isn't anyone else going to get started?

Chapter 6: 7 turns

Let's see anyone without Caeda copy this. Barst was sent as my shopper, while generics held the northern chokepoint and Jagen, Hardin, Ogma, Caeda and Roshe charged the throne. Hardin killed a thief who stole the Seraph Robe, and the next turn traded it to Caeda, who used it while Jagen baited enemies out of the throne room. Wrys then healed Caeda as Jagen and Hardin finished off the enemies. Next turn, Caeda and Jagen killed the boss and Marth seized.

Chapter 6x: 20 turns

Reclassed Roshea to Archer and Jagen to Dracoknight. This chapter was spent leveling everyone up and working on Roshea's bow rank and Jagen's axe rank. Ogma reached D in axes.

Chapter 7: 6 turns

Everyone charged downward and generics were sacrificed to cavalier reinforcements. On turn 6, Caeda killed the boss with the Wing Spear and Marth seized.

Chapter 8: 5 turns

Reclassed Jagen to paladin and Roshea to myrmidon. Everyone charged forwrad blocked the northern chokepoint. I had to restart this once as Marth ended up 1 square away from the seize on turn 5. Caeda killed the boss and Marth seized. Roshea got a level in the arena while Barst bought another Wing Spear and Rapier.

Chapter 9: 5 turns

On turn 1 Caeda and Jagen flew south and killed a hunter and a Mage. Next, everyone ran forward as Marth opened the door. If Marth could fly, I could do this in 2 turns. On turn 5, Hardin and Caeda ganged up on the boss and Marth seized.

Chapter 10: 8 turns

Marth ends one square away from the seize on turn 7 unfortunately. Everyone charged towards the seize. Caeda and Hardin teamed up on the boss, and Jagen killed the hero with the master seal. Barst died, so Caesar graduated to honorary shopper. Ogma hit C in axes.

BQ: What happens if my selected shopper dies?

Edited by Xander
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I'll take Elice, since you have to recruit everyone you draft.

It doesn't say that anywhere in the rules. It just says everyone you draft must live. Arran isn't going to die if he stays in his village, is he?

Edited by General_Horace
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Well that would have been good for all of us to know. And it gives whoever the person who doesn't need to waste turns recruiting a useless character the whole tournament anyhow.

Edited by General_Horace
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I guess that was kind of a lame rule.

... OP looks updated to me... Oh, I had some extra names. Whatever.

Oh, and your shopper wasn't really supposed to die... um, you can have another, I guess. Should've clarified. If your shopper dies, you can appoint a new one, then.

Edited by Reinfleche
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I guess that was kind of a lame rule.

... OP looks updated to me... Oh, I had some extra names. Whatever.

Oh, and your shopper wasn't really supposed to die... um, you can have another, I guess. Should've clarified. If your shopper dies, you can appoint a new one, then.

Well I guess you will have to recruit Tiki and Lorenz if you draft them, as otherwise they won't live through the playthrough. Btw, darksage it's your turn.

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Astram I guess.

Gonna be busy for the next few days so I'll post my playthrough when I'm able.

Also General Astram is pretty much the only way to use him as a combat unit.

He's usable as a Hero (really).

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Ok, starting.

Chapter 1 5/5 Turns

Two Silver lance shots and another hit from any other cav finished the boss, Cain stayed back to distract the enemies after Gordin had died, so Jeigan would have enough health to take a hit from the boss. Marth just ran, and picked up one kill, on the Hunter IIRC. Abel was able to get the bosskill since the boss missed Jeigan once, otherwise, Jeigan would have had to take it.

Marth    01.40    Lord        Base
Jeigan   01.77    Paladin     Base
Cain     02.40    Cavalier    21   7    5    7    4    7    0   D Sword E Lance
Abel     02.30    Cavalier    21   7    8    8    2    7    0   D Lance E Sword

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Ok, starting.

Chapter 1 5/5 Turns

Two Silver lance shots and another hit from any other cav finished the boss, Cain stayed back to distract the enemies after Gordin had died, so Jeigan would have enough health to take a hit from the boss. Marth just ran, and picked up one kill, on the Hunter IIRC. Abel was able to get the bosskill since the boss missed Jeigan once, otherwise, Jeigan would have had to take it.

Marth    01.40    Lord        Base
Jeigan   01.77    Paladin 	Base
Cain 	02.40    Cavalier    21   7    5    7    4    7    0   D Sword E Lance
Abel 	02.30    Cavalier    21   7    8    8    2    7    0   D Lance E Sword

Lovely, congrats on the win

Edited by Xander
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Chapter 2 5/10 Turns

Base Jeigan is 3RKO'd by the boss, so I planted him in front of the boss on turn 4, and Cain finished after he got in two silver lance hits. It was tricky recruiting Castor without losing Shiida, as I still need her to recruit Jake. Castor actually was fairly important in this chapter. Bord, not so much.

Marth    01.90    Lord        Base
Jeigan   02.35    Paladin     22   7   10    8    2    9    6   B Lance D Sword
Cain     03.27    Cavalier    21   7    5    8    5    7    0   D Sword E Lance
Abel     02.83    Cavalier    21   7    8    8    2    7    0   D Lance E Sword
Bord     02.73    Fighter     Base
Castor   03.70    Hunter      Base

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