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If you could change one thing about this game...

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I would make Skrimir and Tibarn and their armies always allies.


I hate how they go off and kill everybody, stealing all the EXP for my units. Ugh. At least as allies I could tell them to back off every once in awhile. XD

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I would make the supports more personal between the characters. Even at the cost of taking away the ability to support with anyone.

Ugh, how could I forget this one.

I definitely missed all of the unique supports. It gave the characters...I don't know, more of a personality, I guess.

All of the new characters didn't seem as interesting to me for that reason, though we did get info conversations to help out a bit.

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This is what happens when about half the characters already have supports in the prequel....

Yeah, you'd figure that they would elaborate more on all of them, such as more conversations and more special endings.

I was especially disappointed that Janaff and Lucia didn't have any sort of conversation, because their support had forshadowed the Begnion-Laguz war, and I remember Janaff assuming that Crimea would side with Begnion. I still wish that Lucia had a chance to gloat at him for being wrong. XD

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Yeah, you'd figure that they would elaborate more on all of them, such as more conversations and more special endings.

I was especially disappointed that Janaff and Lucia didn't have any sort of conversation, because their support had forshadowed the Begnion-Laguz war, and I remember Janaff assuming that Crimea would side with Begnion. I still wish that Lucia had a chance to gloat at him for being wrong. XD

Janaff would see Lucia coming 100,000 miles away. He'd be long gone before Lucia could find him....

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Ugh, how could I forget this one.

I definitely missed all of the unique supports. It gave the characters...I don't know, more of a personality, I guess.

All of the new characters didn't seem as interesting to me for that reason, though we did get info conversations to help out a bit.

I third this statement.

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Promoted character art.

Agree, but that`s against what FE traditionally does in terms of changing character art (except in the case of main/important characters). However, I would think it would be cool to see characters like Tanith or any of the Gundams (I mean Marshalls) with promoted character art.

That and actually supports (again).

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Yeah well, Mist kind of grows a horse out of her ass so...

Promoted character art would be awesome though. I'd change the game so that laguz doesn't get crap exp, can promote, able to wtfpwn decently untransformed, had beorc-like stats, and didn't have a bunch of lamers. Well not really. I don't like Mordecai, Skrimir, and Kyza.

And I would change Ragnell so it doesn't look like a penis

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I would like to get rid of green NPC units. They at best do little to nothing and at worst just throw themselves at enemies and get themselves killed way too easily. Yellow allied units aren't too bad as you can tell them to sit in a corner and stay there while the rest of your army does the work.

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Actual support conversations....probably.

So true.

I was especially disappointed that Janaff and Lucia didn't have any sort of conversation, because their support had forshadowed the Begnion-Laguz war, and I remember Janaff assuming that Crimea would side with Begnion. I still wish that Lucia had a chance to gloat at him for being wrong. XD

Heck, their convos would be funny enough without the gloating.

Also, promoted art. Srsly.

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I'm gonna list them:

Actual support conversations

Trial Maps

Promoted Art

That's all I would want.

That pretty much covers all the main things. I'd like to see another DragonLord. I mean, I love Harr and Jill so much, I'd like someone else to use.

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I'd also like more special endings, too. I was so sure Ilyana and Zihark would get one, as they actually could talk if they had an A support in FE9, and Ilyana could recruit him in Part 3.

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I'd also like more special endings, too. I was so sure Ilyana and Zihark would get one, as they actually could talk if they had an A support in FE9, and Ilyana could recruit him in Part 3.

Well, Zihark did mention that he could never bring himself to love another woman.

New list:

Actual support conversations

Trial Maps

Promoted Art

More Paired Endings

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Well, Zihark did mention that he could never bring himself to love another woman.

New list:

Actual support conversations

Trial Maps

Promoted Art

More Paired Endings

But he seemed to really like her by the end! I remember the whole "I feel like I've known you my whole life" thing. XD

Speaking of which, I had hoped that his ex-girlfriend would be a character in FE10.

I mean, there were plenty of mentions of FE10 characters in FE9, such as the mention of Lyre in the Ranulf-Lethe supports.

Besides, this quote when he attacks Izuka really caught me:

Zihark: ...She always told me not to let anger and hatred get the best of me, not the let them guide my blade... This will be my only exception.

I wonder if he was referring to his ex? Bah. I wish she could have showed up at least once. I mean, even Rolf's mom got a cameo. D:

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