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If you could change one thing about this game...

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But he seemed to really like her by the end! I remember the whole "I feel like I've known you my whole life" thing. XD

Speaking of which, I had hoped that his ex-girlfriend would be a character in FE10.

I mean, there were plenty of mentions of FE10 characters in FE9, such as the mention of Lyre in the Ranulf-Lethe supports.

Besides, this quote when he attacks Izuka really caught me:

Zihark: ...She always told me not to let anger and hatred get the best of me, not the let them guide my blade... This will be my only exception.

I wonder if he was referring to his ex? Bah. I wish she could have showed up at least once. I mean, even Rolf's mom got a cameo. D:

I think that probably was his ex he was referring to.

I was also disappointed that she didn't even get a cameo.

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I think the ending of the game would be better if Ike had to go beserk at the end. And then Volke try and fail to kill Ike. Leaving either Sothe or Soren to do it.

Im sorry to say this...but the ending would be MUCH better (and epic) if that happened.

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Well, it's gonna be a while to find a good RPG with an epic villain with a sad ending for the main char.

You ever played Radiata Stories?

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Okay. So far we've got:

Controllable allies

Laguz allies

More cutscenes

Actual support conversations

Trial maps

Promoted art

More paired endings

Am I missing anything else?

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Perhaps this isn't the most honorable way of doing things, but if you battle save abuse just a few times to get Micaiah's speed up, which really isn't tough to do, she will be one of your best units. And, seriously, almost every unit needs a little abuse to be great. Only Nephenee, Mia, and Zihark need no abuse at all.

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Perhaps this isn't the most honorable way of doing things, but if you battle save abuse just a few times to get Micaiah's speed up, which really isn't tough to do, she will be one of your best units. And, seriously, almost every unit needs a little abuse to be great. Only Nephenee, Mia, and Zihark need no abuse at all.

Ehem. Haar.

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