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I need some PC games to play

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I second the Deus Ex recommendation. It's probably the best FPS/RPG I've ever played, so do what you can to get your hands on it. It should be on Steam, actually.

The FPS portion of the game is easily the worst part, though. JC has the worst aim I've ever seen and throws like a girl. Good thing everything else is so good.

(Get Deus Ex)

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Not enough people paid attention to Balcerzak's topic, so I'm going to recommend trying out Sengoku Rance. It's like one of the best doujin games ever made. Whether you like hot-sexy-time anime games or not, it's still fun.

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Team Fortress 2, fun online FPS game.

not anymore it isn't, it's pretty much just a collect-a-thon now.

Defiantly Deus Ex if the other comments haven't convinced you enough.

alrighty, let's see what I've got installed.....

I also recommend the STALKER series, you need mods though, vanilla is a bit rough.

Europa Universalis III is a fantastic game if you like grand strategy.

Amnesia: The Dark Descent is a great horror game.

The Mass Effect series is also a great RPG (or 3rd person shooter with a lot of talking in the case of the second one) with a fantastic back-story/atmosphere.

Just Cause 2 is wonderful fun too.

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The FPS portion of the game is easily the worst part, though. JC has the worst aim I've ever seen and throws like a girl. Good thing everything else is so good.

(Get Deus Ex)

I dunno man, I had a pretty sexy aim with a pistol/crossbow (which are the only things I used for 99% of the game), especially with the handgun mastery.

I agree though, his throwing is pretty bad.

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