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(FE9 & 10) FE Tellius Draft

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^ Radiant Dragon, I did this just for you and Soul. I'm probably done drafting for a while, and I should have been studying chemistry. Now, maybe, you guys can stop insisting that I abuse battle saves. If you don't, I don't really give a crap anymore.The Soldiers had under 50 displayed hit on Micaiah pre-resolve, as I keep insisting.

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^ Radiant Dragon, I did this just for you and Soul. I'm probably done drafting for a while, and I should have been studying chemistry. Now, maybe, you guys can stop insisting that I abuse battle saves. If you don't, I don't really give a crap anymore.The Soldiers had under 50 displayed hit on Micaiah pre-resolve, as I keep insisting.

And I'm getting a little sick of you misinterpreting what I say.

1. I never said you abuse battle saves. I simply said battle save abuse is generally frowned upon.

2. What I meant when I said 4-turning that chapter would require luck was that Micaiah would need to have stats (mostly just speed) above her averages, not that you needed to get lucky in the chapter itself if you have this blessed Micaiah (although you do have to get lucky to dodge multiple ~50% attacks, but that's not what I was saying).

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Chapter 14

3 Turns, With a spirit dust, Laguz lance, Laguz bow, red gem & killer axe.

Zihark used full Move, Ike shoved him once, Killing edge fun ended it on PH. Since Makalov would always attack after gashilama. =/

3 turns.

CHapter 15

Some Zihark Shoving Put him in range of muarim on turn 5, leaving Muraim with 3 Hp after laguzslayer. Volke got boots & physic for cash, neph got the shine, cash. Rolf & Ike failed at guard. =/

5 Turns

Chapter 16:


Titania took Ike & arrived in the throne room turn 4, dropping Ike. Volke got some shoves etc. and opened the room turn 5, turn 6 he got full guard for tanith. Ike seized after that. Nephenee promoted using a seal.

6 Turns

Right now, I'm only taking 1 Turn more than Xander, I hope Full guard is worth it.

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And I'm getting a little sick of you misinterpreting what I say.

1. I never said you abuse battle saves. I simply said battle save abuse is generally frowned upon.

2. What I meant when I said 4-turning that chapter would require luck was that Micaiah would need to have stats (mostly just speed) above her averages, not that you needed to get lucky in the chapter itself if you have this blessed Micaiah (although you do have to get lucky to dodge multiple ~50% attacks, but that's not what I was saying).

I agree and second all of this, actually. It's what I felt like telling you from the start, since I didn't go straight to conclusions that you were RNG-abusing. Turns out that the only strategies I didn't know of, that you've later aknowledge me with, were the ones from 1-4 and 2-1. I figured out how to 5-turn 1-1 by myself.

What I don't what you doing is, ragequitting drafts just because very few people, if any, think you're RNG-abusing. I mean, I was just suspicious at the start because I thought you've pulled this like 4 times consecutively. So don't mind me or the others and do what YOU wish to do. And I'm going to thank you for some of the strategies you gave me.


I am not an ungrateful douche.

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Chapter 17-1

Ike had 2 lucky crits, that didn't really matter, Zihark activated adept on the southern fighter, which saved me a turn. He couldn't kill it otherwise, adept or crit. It became adept.

4 Turns


Zihark actually made it, with quite some shoving. Ike hit level 18, almost 19, so maybe he'll get 19.50 before promotion.

5 Turns


Ike Capped speed after killing the hammer guy, so he was able to compete with 10 Speed. And because of that, he doubled some soldiers, thus making it to level 20. =D Volke got to 19, Turn 6, the map was routed, except for reinforcements that came the last few turns.

10 Turns


Amazing, Rolf with Longbow crit the meteor mage, thus allowing safer fighting. Since Ike is level 20, he just backed down after shoving rolf in range of meteor.

Turn 5 Titania killed adept, and stood next to Fatman, rolf stood in range of the reinforcements, and got over 50 Exp. Ike is level 20, volke 19. I'm Happy. Rolf is 20 too, don't have a seal left though, and next chapter, he won't be leveling up probably. =/

5 Turns

That makes… 24 + 88 = 112, 1 Turn more than Xander. But I have full guard tanith. >=D

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Chapter 18:

Hurr durr, I win this one.

I gave Tanith the boobs. Boots. Amazing 11 Move, and a laguz lance. Volke got Recover & Wrath, tanith just barraged through to the ravens, Rolf stayed behind with the Partner phase units. He got to 51 Exp, I can promote him. =D Somewhere I shoved some units, for Ike getting to shinon or w/e. I just killed him. Tanith had full guard, which really saved this turncount, because shinon crit two times on her. It was only 24 damage in total. No full guard = Dead Tanith otherwise.

8 Turns

Chapter 19


I got It down, Knight ring obtained. Only one raven did not escape the map. Tanith used a pure water into neasala's reach, 2nd turn janaff scolded him, meanwhile, ballista's were shot down, Tanith even crit the wyvern knight, allowing me to kill the hill ballista, so janaff was safe. She canto'd to homasa, just out of his reach. Other phase, well, yeah, Knight ring obtained. c-D Next turn Tanith finishes Homasa after the rest got exp.

3 Turns

Chapter 20

Fyeah. I did some calculating, Shiharam has only 1 Luck (I don't blame IS for that, he IS unlucky). Tanith has 10 natural Crit. A Max Crit, Max MT Steel lance forge deals 12 damage, so only 1 crit is needed, with 18 % chance. That's a very plausible 3-turner. (Now only the wyvern riders shouldn't fly on the arrive space. >___>) Anyway, I am going to 2 Turn here. =D And since I don't have any magic or staff users, I only care about money for the rescue staff.

And it happened

3 Turns

Chapter 21:

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Chapter Frickin 21!

Hah... HAH.... HAHAHA 8D

I did it, I finally did it! This is where i think, fyeah! Ike uses a pure water, tanith rescues him, everyone moves forward. Tanith gets over the sewers, uses a pure water. The rest kill 3 of five soldier/halberdiers, titania, zihark & volke go up. Rolf & Neph go west. Mage, sage & LB archer all tink Tanith. Tanith heads way south, drops ike in tauroneo's range. Rest heads their respective ways. Recruit tauroneo, knight ring moves him in front of the throne room. Tanith goes in. Tauroneo moves away towards the mages. (They back way west, because vulnerary etc.) Ike aethers stuff, though it's unneeded. Titania opens the door, zihark got sleeped, so rolf doubles back to get the bow warrior that could 3hko zihark. He will critkill him with killer bow and save zihark. Volke stands in the door-opening, attracting kasatai, titania will kill him later. Volke will get energy drop. Tauroneo moves futher north, out of frikkin reach. Ike moves into the throne room. Tanith *VERY IMPORTANT* kills a random unit, and moves into range of ena with LAGUZSLAYER (2 uses left). Ena recieves 22 damage, Tanith has to dodge a 62 % display hit. And uses laguz lance for 34 damage. Ike seizes. DO not attack ena, because she recovers 10 Hp, so wait for it, so she doesn't, let her attack first. Neph and zihark both got sleeped btw. =/ Neph wasn't ever in danger though.

6 Turns.

EDIT: And yes, i took a photograph. 8D

Chapter 22:

Standard 2 Turn rush, I still feel sad for killing Tomenani and some others. =/

CHapter 23

Aw crap, this one was hard, feral ones... Finally Tanith was missed entirely on eturn one, while recueing Ike, so I could call reinforcements. I used pittfalls to block attacks aimed at tanith, turn 5 she dropped Ike, canto'd into petrines range, did 22 damage, PP killed petrine, Ike seized.

6 Turns

Chapter 24

Full guard tanith charges up, and arrives, savior was obtained.

4 Turns

Total turns: 144

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Turns: 3

Penalties: None

Notes: I used Janaff in conjunction with Jill in order to speak to the Raven king. Once those two required turns were done (by the way he'll block Jill if you're attempting to rush the boss from the middle) I sent Jill towards the boss along with Mak and Titania. The others formed a semi slow moving wall that advanced towards the boss. On turn 3 Jill was sitting in front of him, and he attacked. It wasn't until play 4 player phase that I finally was able to kill him.


Turns: 2

Penalties: None

Notes: A few confessions first. I've tried this map 4 times now in order to figure out a good strategy. First, if Jill attacks her father and is still in 1 range during the enemy phase they will talk and she will go traitor on you. Second, there is an actual sweet spot where you can use meteor on the right side of the sage that spawns turn two. Lastly, sending a paladin down to nab the rescue staff requires the knight's ward to help survival (why Titania never used sol once that attempt I'll never know). Well on turn one I sent Jill (hand axe) as far as possible to meet up with Reyson while still heading towards the goal. I sent Ilyana towards the northern houses and had everyone except Titania follow. They defeated the starting enemies during enemy phase (except the priest and one of the wyerns). Next turn Ilyana moved as far as possible after being shoved, along with Reyson until she was on the furthest part of the lower map. At this point, she used meteor removing half of the boss's health. Reyson vigors, then Ilyana kills Jill's dad from half a map away. At which point Jill moves north east and claims her father's throne. An easy win thanks to flying and a sage.


Turns: 8

Penalties: None

Notes: I swear this chapter was going to cause me to rage quit this draft. Even after being given a pure water (in fact ALL my crossing units had pure waters) either Jill, Ike, Lethe or freaking Ilyana (who is only a point or two away from capping RES) would be put to sleep! In the end I had Jill bring Ilyana over first to draw Ena's sleep staffer while Mak and Titinia drew the other two. Gatrie, Lethe and Devdan fought near the entrance and then went northward to reach the subboss. I only got a strength drop and the occult by having Ike talk to the traitorous king slayer before a mix between Ilyana (meteor) and Jill (forge) defeated Ena and Ike seized later that turn.


Turns: 1

Penalties: None

Notes: Having a good mage always helps, and here is the number one time. Jill (with the help of Lethe) killed the bolting sage so Ilyana would continue to have ammo for next turn as well. Everyone else just attacked or shoved in order to help out for a turn. In the end I had Ilyana (with Reyson's help) double tap the boss for a turn 1 victory.


Turns: 6

Penalties: None

Notes: Jill had an interesting role this chapter. I had her first move as far forward (eliminating the 1st ballista archer, and then later the blizzard mage and lastly the 2nd ballista archer) for the first three turns. She then doubled back to meet Haar, free him of his brave axe and eliminate the reinforcements. Meanwhile the remained of my team headed as far forward as they could each round, usually with people like Ilyana, Devdan or Ike receiving the vigor from Reyson. All in all a moderately successful chapter, and while it could have been better I have little complaints.


Turns: 5

Penalties: None

Notes: On the first turn I had Jill pick up Ike and be vigored by Reyson to get a move advantage. She stayed in the air (with cargo) for two turns, then dropped Ike off near the top of the hill. At this point Titania and Mak had managed to break through the eastern bridge's defenses and joined in on a pincer attack on the boss and annoyance troops. Gatrie went to the savior house to pick up the scroll and distract the wyverns. Meanwhile I recruited Bastian to my team and loaded him up with high powered wind magic (since Ilyana only has a C here) by having Reyson originally carry them. Oh and everyone BUT Jill and Mak have gotten access to silver weapons and silver forges.


Turns: 4

Penalties: None

Notes: Jill (who now has savior, and oddly enough Gatrie) baited the boss, and a combination attack between Ilyana and Bastian (using long range tomes) destroyed him by round 2. Next turn she dropped Gatrie at the top of the map with a forged silver lance and a spear. Jill alternatively parked herself with a spear equipped and the entire enemy force suicide onto them. Ike, Lethe and Ilyana went up the eastern bank. Mak, Titania, Devdan and Bastian mopped up what little remained of the initial enemy force with the help of a fully transformed Reyson.

Total Turns thus far:

PoR: 161

Name    Level HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res| Support   		| 	
Ike 	20/13 48  24  08  25  27  18^ 21  12 |Titania B, Reyson B| 	
Titania --/17 48  21  07  23  21  18  17  13 |Ike B, NA          |
Gatrie  20/13 53  28  02  21  17^ 10  28  09 |Ilyana A, NA	|   
Ilyana  20/14 45^ 08  28^ 24  20  17  07 (28)|Gatrie B   		| 
Lethe   --/14 48  27^ 04  21  24  21  18  12 |Jill A   	  	|
Jill    20/17 54  24  08 (26) 24  14^ 21  10 |Lethe A        	|
Makalov 20/12 47  24  04  18 (27) 13  22^ 08 |Bastian C          | 
Devdan  --/10 41  18  08  17  16  18  13  11 |-------------------|
Reyson  --/07 24  01  11  13  16  17  02  22 |Ike B          	|
Bastian --/14 36  12  20  21  16  15  12  20 |Makalov C      	|

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OMG, progress!! :awesome:

[spoiler=part one]Part One Prologue: (5+3/8)

Standard strategy.

1-1: (7+3/18)

Nolan runs up, killing everything, while Micaiah follows and escapes.

1-2: (6+3/27)

Nolan and Micaiah kill things round the southeast and Sothe killed things across the north so that Laura could make it to the arrive point without being attacked. Sothe got the energy drop on turn 6.

1-3: (9/36)

Micaiah is a dodge tank. No joke.

Sothe led the path up the east with her and everyone else trailing behind while Kurth and Aimee blocked off all the enemies from the west. After nine turns, Kurth and Aimee's deaths and some lucky dodging on Miccy's part, the chapter ends.

1-4: (11/47)

Sothe led the way around in a circle, south, west, north, east and Micaiah followed him to heal and stay out of trouble. Got Beastfoe and the Seraph Robe.

1-5: (6/53)

Micaiah got the Seraph Robe and Volug got the Energy Drop.

Micaiah and Sothe head east and Volug goes north, until the reinforcements come from the south and he has to go back down there to save Micaiah's skinny little ass.

1-6: (10/63)

Part One: (8/61)

Volug went north to kill the reinforcements while Micaiah and Sothe ran west. Micaiah fell behind and killed some stragglers and Peg-Knights with Volug and Sothe ran ahead to finish the chapter. Sothe was a badass, as normal, and Micaiah was a lot more useful now that she has resolve.

Part Two: (2/61)

Sothe ran toward the bridge his full range and then Volug shoved him, then he moved up to the cliff and let the boss suicide on him. Meanwhile, Micaiah hid behind Mr.T, who all the enemies were to scared to attack.

1-7: (8/71)

Everyone went east, killing what got in the way. I could have ended it one turn earlier, but Maruim and Vika blocked off the ledge and prevented me from killing the enemies there. Volug killed the boss, Sothe killed the archers, and Micaiah siezed.

1-8: (8+4/83)

Sothe went southeast to kill the boss and his posse as well as the dracoknights that come. Micaiah and Volug killed things in the northwest. Tormod killed things in the southwest.

1-9: (8/91)

Black Knight and Micaiah run around killing stuff.

Part One Endgame: (9/100)

The Black Knight and Fiona ran up the east side stairs while Micaiah, Sothe and Volug climb the ledges up the middle. Eventually Volug broke down the down and BK charged the north area while Micaiah hung back, Sothe got the speedwings, and Fiona (attempts to) kill things. BK killed Jarod and Volug failed to kill a theif (costing me a coin) and Sothe got vantage and Michaiah seized.

Name    Level  Hp  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res | Support
Micaiah 20/01  32^ 8    21   19   14   29   13   21  | Sothe-A
Sothe   --/08  38  22*  07   24   22   20   14   12  | Micaiah-A
Volug   16     50  14^  2    12   13   14   10   5   |
Fiona   19/04  34  11   9    13   22   14   15   13  |

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Here's Part 2. Hopefully I'll be able to make up some ground in Part 3.

[spoiler=Part 2 Prologue - Endgame]Part 2 - Prologue (9/90)

Nealuchi rescues Leanne and flies north-west where Marcia takes her and hides in the corner. Elincia charges into the middle to distract all of the Wyverns. I recruit Haar for the Physic staff.

Chapter 1 (6+6/102) Brom and Nephenee penalties

After determining that charging the middle was just going to get me killed, I end up going down and around, reaching Yeardley on turn 6. I get lucky and Brom Disarms him, allowing Nephenee to hit him and Wrath-critikill him on the Enemy Phase, saving me a turn.

Chapter 2 (5+7/114) Lucia and Nealuchi penalties

Took Soul's advice and took penalties for Lucia and Nealuchi. Lucia went north while Nealuchi distracted the eastern enemies, getting into Wrath range. Turn 4, Lucia stands in range of Maraj and critikills him on the Enemy Phase. Then Nealuchi dual crits the General in front of the Arrive point so Lucia can finish the chapter. She trades her Silver Sword and Elixir to Nealuchi first, though.

Chapter 3 (6/120)

I bought the Hammer and Horseslayer, and gave all of my lances/axes to Geoffrey/Kieran.

I was able to use the Ally units to keep Geoffrey out of combat and a majority of the enemies alive. Kieran charged the middle, with Geoffrey and the Allies staying close behind. On turn 4, Kieran baited the Halberdier with the Speedwing and Geoffrey and the Allies kept his path to the door clear. Next turn, Kieran broke down the door and stood next to Tashoria, 2HKOing him with the Silver Axe so Geoffrey could seize.

Only 2 of the Allied Paladins survived, but I was able to save 46 of the Rebels.

Endgame (3+5/128) Elincia penalty

I buy the Killing Edge and Elixirs to send to the GMs, along with the Physic, Speedwing, Talisman, Sliver Sword, Laguz Stones and various other swords/healing items/sellables. I then BEXP Calill to level 18, capping her mag/skl/spd.

Unfortunately, Calill wasn't able to solo the middle area long enough to kill Ludveck on her own, so Elincia had to fly down and kill Ludveck after Calill softened him up.

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My first update with the inherited team.

[spoiler=Prologue-11]P: 4/4


1: 3/7

Formulaic but reliable. Got the Steel Sword and Seraph Robe.

Ike's first couple levels never change with these methods (unless he equips the Steel Sword on a level, perhaps? But I don't think that should happen), so recording is pointless. First recording will come when Titania levels.

2: 4/11

Ike dodges a lot.

3: 4/15

Search for a way to talk to Marcia in 3 turns without Gatrie or Shinon being attacked. Can't find one.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res   	
Ike	   	6  	 30 	7 	2 	9 	10 	8 	7 	2    
Titania		2	 34	13	4	13	14	12	11	7

4: 2/17

Goddess Titania.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res   	
Ike	   	6  	 30 	7 	2 	9 	10 	8 	7 	2    
Titania		2	 34	13	4	13	14	12	11	7

5: 6/23

I didn't cheat, I seriously managed this in just 6 turns.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res   	
Ike	   	7  	 31 	8 	2 	9 	10 	8 	7 	2    
Titania		3	 35	13	4	14	15	12	12	7

6: 5/28

Hooray for exact square-specific strategies.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res   	
Ike	   	8  	 31 	8 	2 	10 	11 	8 	8 	2    
Titania		4	 36	14	4	15	15	13	12	8

7: 8/36

Oh, Titania. Ike used the chest room to chokepoint ranged enemies into attacking up close. His chance of death, while I didn't actually calculate it, was probably dangerously high, even though he used like 4 Vulneraries and has the Seraph Robe boost. I can't imagine trying this without the Robe on Ike.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res   	
Ike	   	10  	 33 	10 	3 	11 	12 	9 	9 	3    
Titania		5	 37	14	4	15	16	13	12	8

8: 8/44

Base: BEXP Ike, forge an Axe for Titania, give Titania the Speedwing.

Map: Titania starts off down south to kill the boss for the Soldier Band, then comes back up to help Ike. Ike never left the starting area, only venturing off the defended square for a couple turns. I recruited Ilyana, but missed the Red Gem.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res   	
Ike	   	12  	 35 	11 	3 	12 	13 	10 	10 	4    
Titania		6	 38	15	5	16	18	13	13	8

9: 8/52

Base: Forge and buy. Realize I forgot to buy Hand Axes last time.

Map: Titania heads off with the Laguz as Ike waits for Marcia. Marcia and Titania drop Ike off on turn 6, but since Titania can't ORKO the boss an 8 turn is required. At least Marcia got some good experience, and from more than just the boss.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res   	
Ike	   	13  	 35 	11 	3 	13 	14 	10 	10 	4    
Titania		6	 38	15	5	16	18	13	13	8
Marcia		6	 21	8	0	8	12	4	8	6

10: 4/56

Base: Forge Marcia a strong lance and BEXP her. Build IkexTitania C.

Map: Somehow I was able to do this faster than before while having a much weaker team (Marcia in exchange for Oscar, Soren, and Lethe) and still recruiting Brom and Kieran. Guess I should have tried harder before.

I didn't get the boss kill but did get the dropped Chest Keys on the final turn. Like early maps, getting Marcia to Brom without dying required serious precision on her movements, and even then she opened the door on turn 4 with 1 HP left.

Stats were forgotten.

11: 5/61

Base: BEXP Brom and forge Titania a new Axe. Stock up on Hand Axes.

Map: To think that the hardest part of this strat was getting Brom to the Dracoshield village by himself. Enemies just kept getting in the way, but I eventually found a method that worked every time. I also managed to get Zihark, the Killer Lance, and a boss kill for Marcia. Titania hammered the final armor to let Marcia Arrive on turn 5.

Like chapter 10, I did this better than before and with a considerably worse team, yet chances of success felt pretty high. Marcia's flight was a definite boon, but it's that vs. Lethe, Soren, Oscar, and Kieran, while the latter team didn't get me the Killer Lance, but instead got the Elwind. I guess taking the northern route really helps.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res	Support 	
Ike	   	15  	 37 	12 	4 	14 	15 	11 	11 	5	C Titania
Titania		7	 39	15	5	17	19	14	13	9	C Ike
Marcia		11	 23	10	1	11	15	6	9	7
Brom		13	 32	12	1	12	9	4	16	3

I kind of hate that I have Brom for my third out of three PoR draft runs.

Whoa, what's this I see?


Notes: I swear this chapter was going to cause me to rage quit this draft.

Is this...

I swear to God, chapter 21 will make me ragequit this draft.

Deja vu?

And while I'm here:

Notes: On the first turn I had Jill pick up Ike and be vigored by Reyson to get a move advantage. She stayed in the air (with cargo) for two turns, then dropped Ike off near the top of the hill.

You know that map is Arrive, right? So anyone can claim the spot and not just Ike, since this makes it look like you tried to get Ike there specifically.

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I noticed that after the fact. Either way it didn't hurt my score too badly though. Ike managed to take away a lot of the heat that was originally on Jill. But hey, you live and you learn. Also yes, that was a lot of deva ju.

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So the other day my parents called me and told me they found a few of my games when they were redoing the floor.

... Apparently my FE9 was on the floor in my brother's closet. I have... no idea how it got there. Although I'm still at college for another 2 months and I was planning on using a roommate's memory card anyway so RFoF can keep my team ~_~

Yeah I'm amazing.

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So the other day my parents called me and told me they found a few of my games when they were redoing the floor.

... Apparently my FE9 was on the floor in my brother's closet. I have... no idea how it got there. Although I'm still at college for another 2 months and I was planning on using a roommate's memory card anyway so RFoF can keep my team ~_~

Yeah I'm amazing.

For some odd reason I had a feeling this would happen soon after I posted, which is why I delayed it for a while (I actually started over a week ago). I don't mind too much if you want the team back since I haven't gotten too far yet and it only gets more difficult from here, plus I used this to record turn-specific strategies for early maps, so it's not like it would go entirely to waste.

Or technically we could both do it, but that might be kinda weird, especially if/when we both finish it and Integrity has to record it.

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Or technically we could both do it, but that might be kinda weird, especially if/when we both finish it and Integrity has to record it.

Maybe, but isn't this whole draft weird already? Besides, I think it would be interesting to see if any of your strategies are significantly different from the other's with the same team.

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Today I saw Rhys double something for the first time in my (admittedly short) experience with RD. Also, Kyza sucks.

[spoiler=Part 3 Prologue - Chapter 6]Part 3 - Prologue (8/136)

Ike takes Provoke, Mia takes Adept, and Rhys takes Counter and Miracle.

I'm not sure if this is possible in seven turns with my team... Anyway, Ike, Mia and Rhys moved north-east to clear a path for Skrimir. Turn 7, Ike holds back so the Generals guarding Silvano don't die. This way, the path remained clear for him to ORKO Silvano on turn 8, letting Skrimir Arrive on the Other Phase.

Chapter 1 (8+5/149) Titania penalty

Ike and Rhys each cap off their levels, and Mia gets two more with skl/spd capped. Titania takes Boyd's axes.

I probably could have done this faster... Ike goes east to deal with the Generals, Titania goes through the middle to take of the 2-range enemies there, and Mia and Rhys go north around the wall. Ike ends up doubling back to take care of reinforcements and get the Blue Gem. Meanwhile, Titania gets the Seraph Robe and goes to help Mia and Rhys clear out the northern enemies.

Chapter 2 (4/153)

I distribute the swords I transfered, sold pretty much everything that wasn't a sword, Light tome or Staff, bought some Wind Edges and Steel Blades, and forged two max might/+15 hit Steel Swords (Arrow and Vine cards). Ike got a level of BEXP, and Mia got two. Rhys used my Seraph Robe, Talisman, and one of my Speedwings. Ike got Adept, Rhys got Wrath and Cancel, and Mia got Celerity and Cancel.

Mia runs south to kill Istvan while Ike and Rhys hang out in the north. She baits him in on turn 3, and finishes him with the Wyrmslayer on turn 4.

Chapter 3 (10/163)

Bought another Wind Edge for Mia, an Ellight for Rhys and gave Ike, Rhys and Mia a level of BEXP each. Ike took Celerity, Mia and Gatrie took Adept. I'm searching through my convoy wondering where the hell is Pass, then I remember I never recruited Heather.

I deployed Gatrie as my free 6-move unit. Without Pass or Canto, the chokepoints were a pain to break through. Thankfully, Ike could ORKO Generals with the Brave Sword, which helped. The southern supplies were burned by Rhys, Gatrie got the center and and north-western ones, Ike got the northern most one, and Mia burned the north-eastern supplies. I got everything except the White Gem.

Chapter 4 (9/172)

Bought a Steel Blade and more Wind Edges. Mia promotes at level 18, and Kyza gets an Energy Drop and Speedwings. I also BEXP him to level 22. Rhys takes Counter, and Kyza takes Cancel, Savior and Miracle. I don't give Kyza Adept because I want him to gain strike EXP, and I don't give Rhys Shade because he will distract enemies from Ranulf.

Ike goes up the east solo while everyone else goes up the west side. Unfortunately, a combination of Kyza's guage running out at a bad time, needing to keep Ranulf out of combat and Ike not being able to hit up cliffs with Wind Edges dragged this out by at least an extra turn, possibly two. Finally, once Mia and Kyza get to the top, Kyza kills the Mage blocking Ike and Mia clears out the Arrive squares while Rhys keeps the enemies away from Ranulf.

Chapter 5 (3/175)

I replace Ike and Mia's Wind Edges and give Rhys four levels of BEXP. Rhys takes Smite (...) and Mia takes Celerity.

Mia moves south, kills a General, then gets Smited by Rhys. Then she runs down and dual crits Lombroso with a Wind Edge and kills him.

Chapter 6 (8/183)

I bought the Storm Sword, Short Axe, Silver Dagger, Beastkiller and Physic. I gave Jill's Brave Axe to Nolan (she won't be needing it) and gave the Storm Sword, Micaiah's forged Light and the Master Crown to Zihark. Got Micaiah to .99, gave Sothe one level of BEXP and Nolan two. Micaiah took Paragon and Shade, Sothe took Resolve, Nolan took Vantage and Beastfoe.

Maybe I could've done this in seven if I was more aggresive with Sothe, but I was afraid of him dying. Anyway, Nolan went north and Sothe went east. Micaiah trailed after Sothe and picked off some untransformed Laguz where she could. The Black Knight didn't see any action.

Name    Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
Ike 	--/20/--  50* 27* 03  30* 30* 18  26* 07  | C Mia
Rhys    --/15/--  40* 15* 25* 22* 22^ 28  10  30* |
Mia 	--/18/03  46  26  09  32  33  23  25* 17  | C Ike
Kyza          22  58  14  03  11  14  16  12  06  |
Micaiah 20/03/--  30^ 12  22  19  13  25  08  23  | A Nolan
Sothe   --/13/--  40* 22* 06  26* 29  25  20* 12  |
Nolan   20/14/--  42  27  05* 24  26  19  20^ 13* | A Micaiah

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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[spoiler=12-20]12: 8/69

Base: Forge stuff an' stuff.

Map: Marcia starts earning her keep.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res	Support 	
Ike	   	17  	 39 	13 	4 	15 	16 	11 	12 	6	C Titania
Titania		8	 40	16	5	17	19	14	13	9	C Ike
Marcia		13	 24	11	1	12	16	7	10	8
Brom		15	 34	13	1	13	10	5	17	3

13: 8/77

Base: Build Ike/Titania B. Brom finally gets a forge.

Map: And this small team of mine is finally starting to hurt. Aside from Brom everyone is pretty competent, I just don't have enough of them, even with Gatrie running around. At least I managed to pull off 8 in the end.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res	Support 	
Ike	   	18  	 39 	14 	4 	15 	17 	12 	12 	6	B Titania
Titania		10	 41	17	6	19	21	15	14	10	B Ike
Marcia		15	 26	12	1	13	17	8	11	8
Brom		16	 34	13	1	13	10	5	17	4

14: 3/80

Base: Steel forges ftw. Titania get.

Map: Pretty standard fare here with Titania booking it to the boss. Marcia barely made it to the Vantage scroll, and thank God for that thing.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res	Support 	
Ike	   	19  	 40 	14 	4 	16 	17 	12 	13 	6	B Titania
Titania		10	 41	17	6	19	21	15	14	10	B Ike
Marcia		16	 26	12	2	13	18	8	11	9
Brom		17	 35	13	1	14	11	5	18	4

15: 3/83

Base: Forge Marcia a powerful Lance now. Hit her with some boosts and Vantage, and also promote her from 17. It's unfortunate to lose those levels in light of transferring, but she needs it for this map and I determined that she can still reach her necessary caps (Str, Spd, maybe Skl) without the extra levels.

Map: Marcia grabs the Boots and then kills Muarim. Required a bit of dodge luck and, of course, item finding luck, but it didn't actually take too long. The others just did some self-improvement.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res	Support 	
Ike	   	19  	 40 	14 	4 	16 	17 	12 	13 	6	B Titania
Titania		11	 42	17	6	19	21	16	15	10	B Ike
Marcia		2	 31	17	4	16	20	8	15	12
Brom		18	 36	14	1	14	11	6	18	4

16: 5/88

Map: Yay Muarim! Let's go.

Base: Start by having Marcia Rescue Ike. She'll drop him on turn 3, two turns away from Seizing. Titania moves as fast as she can so can Hammer the boss for the OHKO on turn 5. After dropping Ike, Marcia goes with Muarim to open Chests. Brom didn't do much of anything.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res	Support 	
Ike	   	20  	 40 	15 	5 	16 	18 	12 	13 	7	B Titania
Titania		11	 42	17	6	19	21	16	15	10	B Ike
Marcia		3	 31	17	4	17	21	9	15	12
Brom		19	 37	14	1	15	11	6	19	4
Muarim		9	 45	16	4	13	15	11	12	5

17: 3-3-10-1/105

Base: BEXP and forging.


1 - I tried to do two turns, but I was foiled by the healing Halberdier. The only way I could find to pull it off was hitting him with a crit, but the chances were just too low to consider, so I took three turns.

2 - Marcia rush to the end. No brainer.

3 - Sit it out. I actually kinda played it as a defense map because I had no real reason to go out and kill everything. I ended up killing most of the enemies anyway. Brom promoted.

4 - Muarim Shoves Marcia and she kills Oliver with the Spear.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res	Support 	
Ike	   	1  	 44 	18 	7 	18 	20 	12 	16 	9	B Titania
Titania		12	 43	17	6	20	22	16	15	11	B Ike
Marcia		6	 33	18	5	18	22	10	16	13
Brom		1	 40	18	3	18	14	6	20	8
Muarim		10	 46	16	4	13	16	11	12	5

18: 7/112

Base: Forge a Javelin for Marcia. Ranged forges are awesome.

Map: Get Marcia out there as fast as possible. Brom and Muarim stuck behind to take care of the Wyverns and Cavs while Titania and Ike cleaned up behind Marcia and Ike got Wrath. The remaining Ravens transformed and suicided into Marcia on turn 7 enemy phase.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res	Support 	
Ike	   	2  	 45 	18 	7 	19 	20 	12 	16 	9	B Titania
Titania		13	 44	18	6	20	23	16	15	11	B Ike
Marcia		10	 36	20	5	21	24	11	17	14
Brom		1	 40	18	3	18	14	6	20	8
Muarim		11	 48	17	4	14	16	11	13	5

19: 2/114

Base: Forge a Hand Axe for Titania.

Map: Well, this was interesting. Ike was the only one who didn't aid in this clear at all. Let's run it down:

Marcia - Got the kill with a Javelin forge. ORKO because she doubled.

Titania - Cleared a few enemies in Marcia's way.

Brom - Distracted the Warrior that would otherwise have been in Marcia's way.

Muarim - Shoved Brom into said Warrior's range and Shoved Marcia to give her the length to reach Homasa.

Ike - ...Got the Killer Axe?

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res	Support 	
Ike	   	3  	 45 	19 	7 	19 	21 	13 	17 	9	B Titania
Titania		13	 44	18	6	20	23	16	15	11	B Ike
Marcia		11	 36	20	6	21	25	12	17	15
Brom		2	 41	19	3	18	14	6	21	8
Muarim		11	 48	17	4	14	16	11	13	5

20: 3/117

Base: Forge and BEXP. Get Calill and sell her junk.

Map: Send Titania to Shiharam. She could double and 4HKO for a 2 round kill, but she landed a crit, making things a little easier. Other than that she just needed to survive the onslaught. The others got the Smite scroll and did some self-improvement.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res	Support 	
Ike	   	3  	 45 	19 	7 	19 	21 	13 	17 	9	B Titania
Titania		13	 44	18	6	20	23	16	15	11	B Ike
Marcia		12	 37	21	6	22	26	12	18	15
Brom		2	 41	19	3	18	14	6	21	8
Muarim		12	 49	18	4	15	17	12	13	6

This just goes to show how broken Marcia is in these runs since even with a tiny team I still manage to get pretty low turn counts, much better than my previous drafts already. Good thing I've got Muarim, too, since he's already saved two turns with Shoving and allowed me to get both the Dracoshield and Full Guard in 16 instead of having to pick one.

And now the dreaded Without a King. Time to start cutting myself.

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And now the dreaded Without a King. Time to start cutting myself.

Yeah... The Sleep staffers cause a ton of trouble. And Ena's pretty tough as well.

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I'm getting better at controlling my anger. By this point I should have broken at least 2 controllers, but instead they are still in good shape.

I may never join a PoR draft again for my intense hatred of chapter 21.

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Turns: 6

Penalties: None

Notes: A few interesting things happened this map. I managed to hammerine Ilyana and Bastian's bolting and blizzard tomes, which in turn raised her staff level to B so she could make use of a few of my better staves I was saving. Gatrie (with a forged silver lance and a couple of javelins) took out the entire northern part of the map. I had Ilyana, Bastian and Davden (who is entirely useless now since he is doubled by everything) traveling along with Reyson. One or both of the mages continually used their ranged tomes to take out enemies that were too strong to be one rounded. Alternatively Mak, Jill, Lethe and Ike all went straight towards the arrive square. Really it was a pretty good battle that I really enjoyed.


Turns: 7 + 1

Penalties: None

Notes: Mak, Gatrie, Illyana and Bastian went right and were the first ones to the door. Amazingly this party took out most of the top forces too, making them impressively useful. Jill and Lethe went left arriving just a little later than the other team due to Lethe having to stop and heal herself with an elixir. The cat then got put to sleep, resulting in Jill savioring her. Ike, Titania, Davden (who is a complete smite bot the white prince) and Reyson took out the middle area. Titania grabbed resolve and other than the treasure that the thieves got (and were later killed for like the spear and fortify) non of the other stuff got acquired. I ran on turn 1 with the BK moving both Mist and Ike from the field netting me Ena.


Turns: 5

Penalties: None

Notes: Jill's first act savioring picking up Ike (with the Ragnell and a pure water) and charging as far forward as possible with Reyson's help. She used a pure water, and dropped him in the middle of the dragon's nest at the end of turn 2. At this point I had both of them start going towards the boss. Meanwhile it was turn 3 before Mak, Gatrie and Titania caught up with them (after dispatching the first set of enemies.) Ilyana, Bastian and later Reyson worked together to make the best use out of their ranged tomes each turn. Tibarn was allowed to do his thing, completely destroying the first group of enemies and attempting to do in anything foolish enough to approach. I continue to be amazed at how strong resolve Ike is. On the last turn almost everyone combined an attack on the red dragon and boss in order to defeat him on player phase and allow Ike to seize.


Turns: 5

Penalties: None

Notes: Ike combined with Titania and Ilyana went northward to fight the mass of the enemy forces with Reyson joining just a little later. Gatrie took the entire left side by himself (with the knight's ward). Jill, Mak, Bastian and Lethe went right. After the initial rush, I had Jill make her way over to Ike so they could exchange items and give her the speed wing so she would start the next play through with speed capped as well. Afterward Ike ran north, taking on Ashnard all alone. He was in resolve state after going toe to toe with two dragons, meaning an enemy phase crit. On turn 5 I had Ilyana physics him back to full health, and literally shoved Reyson as far forward as humanly possible for him to be able to be able to reach Ike. I had Titania run next to Ike for support bonus, and had Ike attack. He was hit, reduced down to 20HP. After that I had Reyson run up and canto our hero (then get directly behind Ike). With 30% chance of failure, I had Ike go at it one more time. This time it was a player phase normal hit, Ashnard wiffed and finally Ike got the critical at the end completing this map. All in all an amazing endgame with everyone but Reyson, Danved, Lethe and Bastian at maxed level.

Turns to complete PoR: 185

Name    Level HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res| Support   	  | 	
Ike 	20/20 53 (26) 10 (27)(28) 21 (24) 15 |Titania B, Reyson A| 	
Titania --/20 50  22  08  25  24  19  18  14 |Ike B, NA          |
Gatrie  20/20 59 (29) 03  25  19^ 12 (30) 09 |Ilyana A, NA   	|
Ilyana  20/20 46^ 10 (30) 27  22  19  08 (28)|Gatrie A   	  | 
Lethe   --/17 52  28^ 04  23  26  23  19  13 |Jill A     		|
Jill    20/20 56 (27) 09 (26)(27) 15^ 24  10 |Lethe A        	|
Makalov 20/20 52 (26) 04  21 (27) 14 (27) 10 |Bastian A    	| 
Devdan  --/10 41  18  08  17  16  18  13  11 |-------------------|
Reyson  --/09 24  01  11  13  16  17  02  22 |Ike A          	|
Bastian --/17 37  13  22  23  18  16  13  22 |Makalov A   		|

Character Thoughts:

Ike: 8/10

Honestly, he was average this draft. Really it wasn't until the last 5 maps or so that he finally lived up to the hype that Jill, Titania and the others had laid down due to his general underleveledness throughout the game. If only he was capable of gaining axes upon promotions like other heroes he would have been absolutely fantastic.

Capped: STR, SKL, SPD, DED

Kills: 117

Titania: 10/10

Once again, she is Titania. As usual she is amazing and almost carried this draft on her back. If played correctly (and perhaps given a few more stat boosters) I'm pretty sure she could solo this entire game assuming that she could hit Ashnard with something and do damage. I am somewhat shocked that she killed that many units though. I'm guessing that was half of the units in this game or so?

Capped: None

Kills: 245

Gatrie: 7/10

This was probably one of my favorite picks, but also the one that annoyed me most of all by the end of the game. For those of you to look, he was 1 point of HP away from starting the next game with +7 HP, aka enough to BEXP him to oblivion and back. Oh well, otherwise onto his information. He was a great unit throughout the game, made early game a lot easier, allowed me to consistently be protected from the rear and eventually became the one unit I could depend on to defeat anything with a pure water and the knight's ward. Gatrie was easily worth a 3rd or 4th round choice in a draft setting.

Capped: STR, DEF

Kills: 101

Ilyana: 7/10

Well, she was actually very useful in this RP. I might have considered switching her for the 4th round pick next time (assuming I didn't end up in the same situation I was before). She quickly promoted, and could handle a lot of enemies thanks to vantage. About the only negative was that I didn't press her wind magic usage enough for her to use blizzard, but that doesn't really matter considering I had Bastian too. She was a good choice, and worth picking if only for her ability to use staffs and hitting res.

Capped: MAG, RES

Kills: 72

Lethe: 7/10

Honestly, she only started slowing down around chapter 21. Until then she was capable of 1RKOing absolutely everything she looked at unless she was at 2 range. I learned to always have someone trade away her demi band before the battle ended so she would start 'shifted' on the next level. Honestly, I couldn't have asked for anything more unless they would have used the strike system in this game to eventually let her gain more base ATK.

Capped: Nothing

Kills: 73

Jill: 10/10

She was best unit in my game without question. A flying unit that uses axes and lances who can hit effectively at 2 range, 1RKO at 1 and can travel further than any other unit in the game while avoid terrain and dropping powerful units for the enemy to take on while conquering maps? What else could you possibly ask for? She was unquestionably the best choice for the first pick in this style of drafting. Even with the BEXP limitation, she was still a wonderful unit except for the first 2 maps where she was reduced to a drop bot instead of the death machine she could become.

Capped: STR, SPD, SKL

Kills: 124

Mak: 7/10

Honestly, not a bad choice. I feel like with the BEXP requirement removed he would have been significantly better due to being promoted a chapter or two after being recruited instead of being useless for so long. Oh well, either way by endgame he was magnificent and could be trusted to take on almost anything alone or at most with a little help from Titania.

Capped: STR, SPD, SKL

Kills: 82

Devdan: 2/10

I really regret choosing this unit… Even with the additional BEXP he still wasn't capable of doing much in PoR. He couldn't 1RKO with silver lances and knight's ward's help so it's obvious he probably won't ever be that useful. If I could trade this unit for a different one that would have been available later I would have without question. About the only thing he could do well was smite…

Capped: Nothing

Kills: 16

Reyson: 10/10

My dancer was amazing as usual. Admittedly I used the laguz stones for him a little early but still, a perfect round 2 pick. On turn one he would let me remove Jill + cargo then he allowed Ilyana and Bastian to make amazing use out of long range tomes. On most maps he was the major reason (along with Jill) that I could complete things so quickly.

Capped: Nothing

Kills: 0

Bastian: 4/10

Not a horrible pick. I wish that I hadn't gotten stuck with Oliver too, but hey what can you do? He starts out able to use everything but lightning well (good for Ilyana), and could use meteor and blizzard, which is why I chose him. In the end of the game he would reduce laguz to half health thanks to a well used high level tome, usually doing enough damage for an ally to handle the enemy without blinking an eye.

Capped: Nothing

Kills: 16

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[spoiler=21-Endgame]21: 9/126

Base: Nothing special is happening here anymore.

Map: Fuck this map. That is all.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res	Support 	
Ike	   	6  	 48 	21 	7 	21 	22 	14 	18 	11	B Titania
Titania		14	 45	18	7	21	24	17	16	12	B Ike
Marcia		13	 37	21	6	22	26	13	18	15
Brom		4	 43	20	3	19	15	6	22	8
Muarim		13	 51	18	4	16	18	12	14	6

22: 2/128

Base: Forge a weapon and not really worry about anything else because of how quick the map is.

Map: The headache that is chapter 21 makes me really appreciate this map. I love how I can just go in, kill the boss easily, and be done.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res	Support 	
Ike	   	7  	 49 	21 	8 	21 	23 	14 	18 	11	B Titania
Titania		14	 45	18	7	21	24	17	16	12	B Ike
Marcia		14	 38	22	6	23	27	13	18	16
Brom		4	 43	20	3	19	15	6	22	8
Muarim		13	 51	18	4	16	18	12	14	6

23: 5/133

Base: Yay Silver non-Axes are buyable and forgeable! Stocking up.

Map: Rescuing Ike with Marcia and charging gets this map done fast, though not without a bit of risk. Managed to recruit Haar without any trouble and get everyone some good experience along the way.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res	Support 	
Ike	   	8  	 50 	22 	8 	22 	23 	14 	19 	11	B Titania
Titania		15	 45	19	7	22	25	17	16	12	B Ike
Marcia		16	 39	23	7	24	28	14	19	16
Brom		6	 45	21	3	20	15	7	23	9
Muarim		14	 52	19	4	16	18	12	15	7

24: 4/137

Base: Yay for Silver Axes!

Map: Marcia to the end. Everyone else just got Savior and experience.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res	Support 	
Ike	   	9  	 51 	22 	8 	22 	24 	15 	19 	12	B Titania
Titania		15	 45	19	7	22	25	17	16	12	B Ike
Marcia		16	 39	23	7	24	28	14	19	16
Brom		7	 45	21	4	21	15	7	23	9
Muarim		14	 52	19	4	16	18	12	15	7

25: 6/143

Base: My final party member, Largo, finally makes his debut (I notice later that I could have gotten him to level 9 with BEXP)! Also gave Brom a Speedwing.

Map: I really dislike this map. The rocks are slow and the damage can really stack up. There are three ballistae to mess with you and the boss has Resolve and a lot of Defense. Then all the ranged enemies. Urgh. But an Ike drop at the top helped to get things done in a reasonable amount of time. Poor Largo almost died. This probably would have been reasonably possible in 5, but I didn't feel like trying for it.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res	Support 	
Ike	   	11  	 52 	23 	8 	23 	25 	15 	20 	13	B Titania
Titania		16	 46	19	7	22	25	18	16	12	B Ike
Marcia		18	 40	23	7	25	28	14	19	17
Brom		8	 46	22	4	21	18	7	24	9
Muarim		16	 55	20	4	18	19	13	16	8
Largo		9	 53	22	4	22	21	12	10	3

26: 4/147

Base: Build Muarim/Largo C.

Map: I actually wasn't expecting to be able to do this in just 4 turns. However, after altering my strategy a bit to get Marcia away from the Wyvern Lords and with some help from Titania, I managed to get Bertram down in two rounds from Marcia with Ike close enough to Seize on turn 4. This is probably the only place where Vantage can actually be bad, but Marcia dodged the Runesword attack.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res	Support 	
Ike	   	12  	 53 	24 	9 	24 	25 	16 	20 	13	B Titania
Titania		16	 46	19	7	22	25	18	16	12	B Ike
Marcia		19	 41	23	7	25	28	15	19	17
Brom		11	 49	23	4	23	19	8	25	10
Muarim		16	 55	20	4	18	19	13	16	8	C Largo
Largo		9	 53	22	4	22	21	12	10	3	C Muarim

27: 5 + 1/153

Base: Build Muarim/Largo B.

Map: Kind of like the last one, I actually surprised myself here. I was going for a bit of different strategy that would take 6 turns but with my setup by turn 5 I realized I had a chance to clear it right then. Marcia was in range for Resolve, and after a Smite from Muarim Ike could reach Hafedd, whom he triggered Aether on and killed in one round, allowing Titania to Arrive.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res	Support 	
Ike	   	14  	 55 	25 	9 	25 	27 	17 	21 	14	B Titania
Titania		17	 47	20	7	23	26	18	17	13	B Ike
Marcia		20	 41	23	7	26	28	15	20	17
Brom		12	 49	24	4	24	20	8	26	10
Muarim		17	 57	21	4	18	20	13	16	8	B Largo
Largo		10	 54	23	4	23	22	12	10	3	B Muarim

28: 5/158

Base: Build Ike/Titania A and Muarim/Largo A. Remove Aether from Ike and give him Wrath and Resolve.

Map: All my attempts for a 4 turn clear failed. And trust me, I tried, almost to the point where I was verbally raging. Oh well, 5 turns is acceptable.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res	Support 	
Ike	   	16  	 56 	26 	9 	26 	28 	17 	22 	15	A Titania
Titania		18	 48	20	8	24	27	19	17	13	A Ike
Marcia		20	 41	23	7	26	28	15	20	17
Brom		13	 50	24	4	24	20	8	27	10
Muarim		18	 58	22	4	19	21	14	17	9	A Largo
Largo		12	 56	24	4	23	23	13	11	3	A Muarim

E: 3/161

Base: BEXP everyone to be transfer ready and use my remaining stat boosters.

Map: Marcia Rescues Ike and moves, drops him on turn 2 in Ashnard's range. Giffca didn't show up because I called him on turn 3 player phase and finished on turn 3 enemy phase.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res	Support 	
Ike	   	20  	 60 	26 	10 	27 	28 	19 	24 	16	A Titania
Titania		20	 49	21	8	26	27	20	18	14	A Ike
Marcia		20	 41	23	7	26	28	15	22	17
Brom		20	 60	29	5	27	24	9	30	12
Muarim		18	 58	22	4	19	21	14	17	9	A Largo
Largo		14	 57	26	4	24	24	14	11	4	A Muarim


Ike - HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Def

Titania - Skl, Spd

Marcia - Str, Skl, Spd, S Lance (160 WEXP), C Sword (40 WEXP)

Brom - HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Def, B Sword (80 WEXP)

7 Coins

PoR total: 161

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