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(FE9 & 10) FE Tellius Draft

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Honestly, I don't care too much either way, since I don't believe it would make that much of a difference.

I doubt it will even be a turn of a difference. I dunno if there's even enough BEXP for your team + undrafted dudes

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I don't have enough laguz.

Kurthnaga for a free level-up chapter. . .well, not really, but at that point, I'm probably screwed eight ways, so who cares?

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Kurthnaga for a free level-up chapter. . .well, not really, but at that point, I'm probably screwed eight ways, so who cares?

Edit: You know what, no way am I making the same mistake picking Pelleas as in the last draft. Vika please.

I think both of you need to stop being pessimistic.

Eclipse: You have a pretty strong PoR team. Boyd for early game power, Mordecai for early-mid power and utility, Mist (if she promotes) for good staff utility, Tormod for a high Move siege tome user, and Ranulf for some late game help with Tauroneo as a bit of backup. Stefan was also probably better for you than others because you can't clear Ch 15 very fast anyway and he's a very powerful mid game unit.

In RD:

Boyd, somewhat Mist: Avoid early part 3 penalties. Transfer Boyd especially can be amazing with a Speedwing.

Mordecai/Heather: Avoid part 2 penalties, particularly 2-2 where you might be able to do without a single one, and Heather can possibly get the 2-E Dracoshield and 3-5 Energy Drop.

Tormod: Avoid late part 1 penalties and general late part 1 power, particularly in 1-8.

Tauroneo: DB part 3 help. You need what you can get.

Meg: It's NM, so she might come to some use. Good to have someone alongside Sothe and Micaiah, at least.

Ranulf: Mid part 3 power, joins with Mordecai which you need when you only have Ike, Boyd, and Mist otherwise.

Stefan: Pretty decent Endgame unit, basically RNG-proof.

Kurthnaga: Sucks.

Is it perfect? No. Early part 3 may be a bit tough with only Ike and Boyd as reasonable fighters and maybe Heather, and maximizing part 4 effectiveness may be difficult when Tormod and Tauroneo are there, but I don't think I'd say it's bad.

As for Xander, I'll only comment on RD since that's what you care about.

Edward pretty much removes any possible early part 1 penalties.

Nailah is a great help in late part 1 and is a damned royal.

Elincia and Nealuchi help with 2-2 and pretty much remove 2-E penalties, along with Elincia being pretty great later when given enough EXP.

Oscar and Shinon along with Ike (and with transfer on Oscar his Str and Spd are much less problematic) can remove early part 3 penalties and hold their own later on.

Ulki is just a great mid part 3 unit, especially if you transfer his Str.

Laura should prove somewhat useful with enough BEXP, something actually available on NM.

Vika is mostly going to help eliminate 1-8 penalties.

Again, not perfect, but your only real problem areas are a bit of part 2 and maybe some of part 3 if Shinon's Crossbows run out too fast. I would definitely not call it "crap."

It's pretty hard to say who has the likely best overall team so far. Everyone is pretty much good in one game but a bit lacking in the other or fairly average overall on both.

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Thanks, RFoF!

I'm currently in the middle of a PoR draft, and I've got Ike, Oscar, and a bunch of units that squish. The latter are slowing me down big time. I chose Stefan because I can recruit him without penalty in both games (and I think he's cute. . .but that's another story).

I hope lack of a flier doesn't hurt as much as it does in FE7.

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I think both of you need to stop being pessimistic.

You'll have to excuse me for being pessimistic the week my wallet was stolen and my car broke down, leaving me to walk half a mile in the rain. I'll admit my team is probably nowhere near as bad as 'crap', but it certainly isn't enough to make me any more optimistic, or look forward to playing through a Por and RD draft again without any of my favorite characters.

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Looks like it's up to me to get things started here.

Prologue - 4 turns


Chapter 1 - 2 turns

Oscar and Titania work together like magic to rescue drop Ike. This is probably the only chapter that I'll flat out win all game, so I'm enjoying it while I can. Oscar also grabbed the Seraph Robe right before Ike seized.

Chapter 2 - 4 turns

Oscar and Ike fended off enemies until Titania came in and cleaned house. I don't think this can be done any faster, but someone please tell me if I'm wrong.

Chapter 3 - 3 turns

Standard 3-turn strategy. Titania runs up to the boss and kills him on ep. Shinon and Ike chilled out getting exp near the start. Shinon got the Elixer on the last turn.

Chapter 4 - 2 turns

Titania rushed at the boss, killing whatever got in her way. Ike and Shinon stayed by the start fighting whoever came their way, and on turn 2 ep Titania finished Maijin off.

Chapter 5 - 6 turns

Titania first killed an enemy to the north, then cantod west. Oscar and Ike went South along with Shinon on turn 1. Next, Titania regrouped with Ike and the others. On turn 2 Ike used a Seraph Robe, and Oscar and Titania defended the southern chokepoint. Turn 3, the boss attacked Shinon on enemy phase, but Titania used Hammer to take him out. Since it's a defened chapter, it adds an extra turn.

Chapter 6 - 5 turns

Titania rescues Ike and then carries him to the arrive square. Oscar gets in some potshots along the way but misses quite a bit

Chapter 7 - 8 turns

Titania does most of the work, going west first, then north. Oscar and Ike clean up the enemies to the north and then the reinforcements to the south. Shinon got in a kill on the thief, netting me ward.

Chapter 8 - 8 turns

Since it's a defend chapter it counts as an extra turn. Forged an Iron lance for Oscar. Ike and Oscar stayed in the center while Titania assasinated the boss and the red gem priest. Oscar got quite a bit of exp.

Chapter 9 - 5 turns

Let's see someone beat me here, though I'm not sure if that's possible. Once again Titania and Oscar team up, crushing everything in their path. Whatever Titania doesn't kill, Oscar finishes off. Oscar killed the boss with his Iron forge on turn 5, allowing Ike to seize.

Are we counting defend chapters as an extra turn?

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Chapter 10 - 4 turns

So I decided to keep playing to procrastinate from doing my homework a little bit longer. Ike was rescued by Titania and carried to the arrive square. I feel pretty good about getting this done in 4 turns, as it's the fastest I've ever done this chapter. Loving Oscar right now, even with no bonus exp he lets a mediocre player pull the lowest possible turns early on.

Chapter 11 - 5 turns

Titania rushed forward, destroying everything, with Oscar close behind. She even killed the boss, netting me the master seal, and arrived on turn 5.

Chapter 12 - 8 turns

Obviously this is the fastest the chapter could be done since I didn't draft either of Jill or Marcia. I'm pretty satisfied with this, as Ike got quite a few levels.

Chapter 13 - 7 turns

Not bad eh? I promoted Oscar at lv 18 with my seal, and he and Titania destroyed all the enemies on both ships. Astrid was recruited and the knight ward was given to Oscar. Sothe helped me get the chests and end it earlier.

Chapter 14 - 3 turns

Gave Oscar the Energy drop, a steel axe forge and the torch in prep for this one. He ran towards the boss, uncovering him on turn 2. On turn 3, he and Titania ganged up on him, taking him down.

Chapter 15 - 9 turns

Here's where it's going to start going downhill for me I'm sure. I could only do this as fast as Oscar could reach the boss, which was 9 turns. I gave him a speedwing and had him trudge through the sand. Meanwhile, Sothe picked up the Shine and the Boots.

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Are we counting defend chapters as an extra turn?

In order to keep it consistent with how the games count them: No for PoR, yes for RD (unless you don't wait it out).

Also, I've changed the topic description to something more... fitting, courtesy of Integrity.

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Chapter 16 - 4 turns

Oscar picked Ike up, dropping him off in the throne room on turn 3. Oscar killed the boss with the steel axe forge on turn 4 and Ike seized.

Chapter 17 - 24 turns (I think)

Part 1 took 5 turns because Oscar stopped being awesome for a turn and missed a myrm on enemy phase.

Part 2 was pretty simple, as Oscar just charged towards the arrive square, arriving at either turn 4 or 5, I don't remember which unfortunately, so I went with 5.

Part 3 was a pain, because I had to protect the dead weight which was Sothe and half speed and skill Ike. Luckily, I got it right on the first try. Oscar and Titania got quite a few kills and a level or two.

Part 4 was standard Oscar rush, with Ike and Sothe hiding in the corner. Oscar killed Oliver on turn 4 enemy phase.

Chapter 18 - 9 turns

Oscar charged forward. Unfortunately, I had to slow down to make sure that the SOB/dead weight that is Rolf wasn't attacked and killed. In the end, Shinon talked to him on ep and was killed by Ike on pp. Oscar killed the ravens and Titania stayed near the start, killing reinforcements. Sothe got Wrath. Ulki was obtained but he didn't do anything unfortunately.

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