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(FE9 & 10) FE Tellius Draft

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I wonder if I can finish this before anyone else starts...

Too late.

[spoiler=Prologue - Chapter 8]Prologue (4/4)

Ike's moving on up in the world. Kind of.

Chapter 1 (3/7)

Pretty standard. Titania got the Steel Sword and Seraph Robe, and Ike used the Robe.

Chapter 2 (4/11)

Ike goes east, then west to take out enemies before Titania shows up. Since I can't rescue Rhys now that he's drafted, he hides in the corner protected by Boyd.

Chapter 3 (3/14)

Ike gets the Elixir while distracting the enemies so they don't attack Gatrie (who was rescuing Shinon), and Titania charges north and kills after getting the Hand Axe Havetti.

Chapter 4 (2/16)

Ike, Rhys and the undrafted units hide in the north while Titania decimates the enemy forces.

Chapter 5 (6/22)

Ike stands in front of the Defend square with Rhys behind him, healing him. Titania goes south getting the Hammer and Goddess Icon, unfortuantely breaking the Javelin.

Chapter 6 (5/27)

Five turns was possible by Titania not moving her full move on turn 3, so the western enemies weren't aggro'd until turn 4. Rhys shoved Ike at the beginning, then distracted a Javelin!Soldier for the remainder of the chapter.

Chapter 7 (7/34)

Mia made this quite a bit easier. Titania goes west then north, switching weapons to maximize Enemy Phase carnage. Ike and Mia took care of the western enemies. I also got Ward this time.

Chapter 8 (8/42)

Gave everyone their allowed BEXP, sold the Goddess Icon and forged a max might/+10 hit Iron Sword for Mia.

Ike started in the west, Mia in the south and Titania in the east. Once Titania had killed everything in the east, she went to the west and Ike went to help Mia in the south. Once she was done in the west, she went south to kill Karuma and Ike recruited Ilyana so she could defend the square from the Priests that refused to suicide on Titania. Rhys ran around healing where it was needed.

Name    Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
Ike 	12/--  35^ 11  03  12  13  10  10  04  |
Titania --/06  38  15  05  16  16  13  13  08  |
Rhys    09/--  24  00  13  10  07  10  01  17  |
Mia 	11/--  24  09  01  13  16  08  07  03  |

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Damn Radiant Dragon, first you steal my picks, then you beat my turns, then you prevent me from finishing before anyone started.

Well, at least I finished first.

Chapter 19 - 3 turns

I skipped the knight ring as it would have cost a turn, and I don't need it. Oscar rushed the boss and killed him on turn 3, really nothing else special happened. I made sure to keep everyone out of Naesala's range, and a few crows were killed.

Chapter 20 - 4 turns

Oscar and Titania rush towards the arrive square while going up the right hand side while Ulki visits the rescue staff house. Ike, Shinon and Sothe stay near the start, chilling out and getting a bit of exp. On turn 4 Oscar kills Shiharam, and Titania seizes.

Chapter 21 - 10 turns

Facepalm_emote_gif.gif Why God? Why?

This chapter was terrible, I had to start so many times because Oscar or Ike kept getting put to sleep and killed. Then when everything works out okay, there is major enemy congestion at the eastern chokepoint near ena's room, so I had to spend time having Oscar clear it out. On turn 10 Oscar killed Ena and Ike Seized.

Chapter 22 - 2 turns

Forged a max ht/mt hand axe for Oscar. Oscar and Titania and Ulki and Shinon and the whole gang charged forward, killing the priests that stood in their way. On turn 2, Oscar softened up the boss while Titania finished him off with a leftover steel forge.

Chapter 23 - 6 turns

Ooh how I hated this chapter. At first I tried to deploy Jill to recruit Haar for the brave axe which would have been helpful, but couldn't keep her out of combat. Eventually, I concluded that I couldn't deploy her. Ike was rescued by Oscar who charged towards Petrine, and killed her with a Silver Lance forge. Ike seized on turn 6.

Chapter 24 - 5 turns

Unfortunately, since I didn't have a flier with 11 move, or Reyson, or even Mordecai, I couldn't do this any faster. Oscar charged towards the seize and was frustratingly one square away from seizing on turn 4. Savior was obtained.

Chapter 25 - 9 turns

Oooh no. Again, here's where not having a good flier with 2 range or the full guard come back to hurt me. Oscar charged up the mountain, arriving at the top on turn 8. In order to kill the boss as early as possible, I baited him on turn 1 with Ulki, and then sniped him with a brave bow from Shinon on turn 2 EP and turn 3. After Oscar arrived at the top, he finished everything off, unfortunately his move on the hill sucked, so so does my count for this chapter.

Chapter 26 - 4 turns

Finally, an easy chapter. Oscar was given Savior and picked up Ike, dragging him closer to Bertram, with Titania following close behind. Elincia stayed near the start fending off warriors and gaining exp, and Ulki acted as a decoy so Oscar and Titania wouldn't get surrounded. Ike was dropped on turn 3, and Oscar and Titania ganged up with their Silver and Steel forges to KO Bertram, allowing Ike to seize.

Chapter 27 - 6 turns

Part 1 took 5 turns, I had to take an extra turn to get Resolve. Oscar pretty much walloped the boss's room while carrying Ike for the support boost. Titania busted down the first door in Oscar's way, and was then rescued by Elincia to take on the armors next turn, and then get the treasure. On part 2, I obviously ran, as with the bexp limits a level 9 Ike who does 9 damage to the BK and takes a load back is not going to fair well.

Chapter 28 - 6 turns

Ike got Resolve. Only Oscar and Ike were deployed. Oscar rescued Ike and dropped him on turn 4. Both had to dodge the sleep guy constantly. On turn 6, after I eliminated that annoying dragon in front of the boss, Oscar killed him and Ike seized.

Chapter 29 - 3 turns

Classic 3 turn which is always possible as long as you have a flier. Elincia did her thing and used the last 2 uses of rescue on Ike on turn 1 and 2 to get him in Ashnard's range. When Ashnard attacked, Ike was in Resolve/Wrath, and killed him. Then on turn 3 EP, the same scenario as the turn before played out. Titania was also deployed in addition to Elincia and Oscar to rescue Ena and make sure she didn't get attacked. I got Sothe, Oscar and Ike transfers.

Total turns: 178, not very good at all, but at least I'm halfway done.

Edited by Xander
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Damn Radiant Dragon, first you steal my picks, then you beat my turns, then you prevent me from finishing before anyone started.

I finished Chapter 7 in one less turn than you, but you beat Chapter 1 in one less turn than me, so... We're even right now.

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Wow, finished already Xander? I feel kinda lazy now for just starting :sweatdrop:

Prologue: (4/4)

Nothing special

Chapter 1: (3/7)

Turn 1: Ike moves out of the corner to his full range and Titania gets the steel sword then moves out too.

Turn 2: Titania gets the seraph robe and get as close to the boss as she can. Ike moves next to her, trades the steel sword and the seraph robe from her and use it.

Turn 3: Titania kills boss and Ike siezes.

Chapter 2: (4+4/15)

I know this is possible without the penalties, but after so many tries I said screw it :P

Turn 1: Ike moves forward and attacks the fighter. Oscar runs up to kill the two fighters and the mercenary.

Turn 2: Ike stands in the thicket and attacks a fighter. Oscar continues to wail on his new friends.

Turn 3: Ike killed a bandit, our savior, Titania, came and killed a fighter.

Turn 4: Titania moves north and proceeds to be a badass.

Chapter 3: (3/18)

Turn 1:Titania runs up and (crit) kills the bandit in fornt of the gang-plank and then takes its place. Ike stands in range of the southern units and waits. Gatrie rescues Shinon and stands next to Ike.

Turn 2: Titania kills the hand axe dude and Ike kills a bandit so it won't attack Gatrie.

Turn 3: Titania crit-kills the boss.

Chapter 4 (2/20)

Turn 1: Titania charges into the enemy. Eveyone else moves north so Ike can protect them. Soren uses the Speedwings.

Turn 2: Titania hand-axed the boss who suicided on her during the enemy phase.

Chapter 5: (6/26)

Turn 1: Titania charges south while Soren stands on the defend square and Ike sits in front of him.

Turn 2: Pretty much same as above.

Turn 3: Ummm, yeah. Titania is inching along. Ike and Soren are still chillin at the defend square

Turn 4: Titania finally gets the chance to fully charge down.

Turn 5: Titania attacks boss...

Turn 6: Titania kills boss :)

Chapter 6: (5/31)

Enough with the turn by turn crap DX

Titania rescues Ike and runs down the bridge while Soren plays tag in the trees.

Chapter 7: (7/38)

Ike and Soren went north while Titania went west and then north. Pretty much the stand manuover that everyone does.

Chapter 8: (8/46)

Titania runs east while Ike and Soren block the south. Then she runs to the defend point so that the enemies from the west can't get it while Ike and Soren move farther south. Then Titania runs south to kill the boss and get the red gem while Ike and Soren go to the defend point to recruit Ilyana (free thunder tomes) and stay out of the way.

Name     Level HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Supports
Ike      10/-- 33^ 9   3   11  12  9   9   3   | Soren - C
Titania  --/6  38  15  5   16  16  13  13  8   |
Soren    09/-- 22  0   11  12  13^ 7   2   12  | Ike - C

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Light tomes are ridiculously bad and expensive to forge.

[spoiler=Chapter 9 - 13]Chapter 9 (6/48)

Sold the Longbow, Red Gem and Ilyana's tomes, then forged a max might/hit Iron Axe for Titania. I was able to cap off Ike, Rhys and Mia.

I got tired of trying to get Ike and Titania to dodge enough for the five turn clear, so I settled for six. Titania rescued Ike and went north-west, while Mia went to the beach for easy experience, Rhys using Ward on anything that moved.

Chapter 10 (6/54)

I forged a max might/+10 hit Iron Sword for Ike and capped off Ike, Rhys and Mia's levels.

This time it was Kieran slowing me down (at least he'll be good, unlike Brom). Titania went to unlock his door before clearing out the enemies guarding the escape tiles. Ike moved north while Mia and Rhys brought up the rear, holding off the western reinforcements.

Chapter 11 (6/60)

I bought two Steel Swords, some Axes, and forged a max might/hit Iron Axe for Kieran. BEXP Kieran to level 14, Ike to 50 exp, and capped off Rhys and Mia. Kieran also got my Speedwings.

Titania and Kieran went north while Ike, Rhys and Mia went west for the Dracoshield. Ike and Mia a tree, the walls and each other to keep Rhys safe from enemies. Up north, Kieran killed Mackoya and I could've finished in 5 turns if Titania had one more point of strength...

Chapter 12 (8/68)

I bought some Steel Axes and forged a max might/+10 hit Iron Sword for Ike (Mia stole the other one I gave him). BEXP Mia to 50 exp, and capped off Ike, Kieran and Rhys. Kieran used my Dracoshield.

Mia ran around with the Laguzslayer killing everything, Kieran and Titania getting one kill each. I recruited Jill for her stuff.

Chapter 13 (8/76)

I promoted Rhys at level 14, and forged him a +2 might/+20 hit Light tome (22500 gold for max might? Wtf?). I also promoted Mia since she was at 20.57 in addition to capping off Ike and getting Kieran and Rhys to 50 exp

I made sure that Myrmidon had 10 AS, so Astrid wasn't doubled. In the beginning, Titania took the left side, Ike and Kieran the middle, Mia the right and Rhys chased down a Raven that Kieran missed. Then Mia went to intercept the Ravens, Rhys and Ike opened chests and Titania and Kieran killed Norris. The chapter ended after Kieran got a lucky critical on the Raven that pilfered the Laguz Axe, letting him use it to kill the one that got the Energy Drop, which Mia used.

Name    Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
Ike 	17/--  39^ 13  04  15  16  11  12  06  | B Titania
Titania --/09  40  16  05  18  18  15  14  10  | B Ike, B Rhys
Rhys    14/02  30  02  19  15  11  12  04  23  | B Titania, Mia C
Mia 	20/02  34  16^ 06  20  23  12  11  07  | C Rhys
Kieran  19/--  35  15  02  13  17^ 10  15^ 02  |

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I'd forgotten what it's like to not have a flier to flight-skip these chapters...

[spoiler=Chapter 14 - 17]Chapter 14 (3/79)

I forged a max might/hit Steel Axe for Titania and gave Mia my Seraph Robe. Capped off Ike and BEXP Rhys, Mia and Kieran to 50 exp.

Rhys got the Spirit Dust and Kieran tried (in vain) to make it to the Secret Book. Ike, Titania and Mia went north-east towards the boss. On turn three, Titania stood in front of him and ORKO'd him with the Steel forge.

Chapter 15 (6/85)

I forged a max might/hit Steel Sword for Mia before capping off Ike and Rhys while getting Kieran and Mia to 50 exp.

Mia went for Muarim while Ike and Rhys went for the Boots (successful), Titania went for Guard (successful) and Kieran went for Physic (unsuccessful, but at least he promoted). Mia critikilled Muarim once she reached him.

Chapter 16 (5/90)

I sold my Iron weapons and gave Kieran an Arms Scroll to raise his Lance rank to D. I also gave Ike the Boots and Mia Guard. Capped off Ike and Mia while getting Rhys and Kieran to 50 exp.

Everyone charged north-east, Titania going for the Dracoshield, Ike and Kieran going for the seize square, Rhys and Mia killing things in the way. Turn 5, Titania got the Dracoshield, Kieran Hammered Kimaarsi and Ike seized.

Chapter 17

I forged a max might/hit Steel Lance for Kieran, and gave him my second Dracoshield. Capped off Rhys and Kieran, and got Mia to 50 exp.

Part One (4/94)

Titania and Kieran went north, Mia dealt with the southern reinforcements, and Ike and Rhys stayed in the middle. It ended up being four turns because I didn't feel like abusing a Hand Axe critical on the Halberdier, who would go to heal when damaged.

Part Two (4/98)

Rhys and Mia shove Ike, who proceeds to trudge through the Swamp at a faster pace than Kieran, who manages to keep up enough to clear Ike's path on turn four.

Part Three (10/108)

I survived.

Part Four (5/113)

This chapter is annoying without fliers. Even more so since I was running out of weapons. Titania and Kieran ended up being the ones to break through the Swamp and get Adept and kill Oliver. Rhys and Mia stayed behind to protect Ike.

Name    Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
Ike     20/01  44^ 18  06  18  20  12  16  09  | B Titania
Titania --/11  42  17  06  19  19  16  15  10  | A Rhys, B Ike
Rhys    14/07  33  02  22  17  13  15  05  26  | A Titania, B Mia
Mia     20/08  44^ 19^ 08  22  26  15  12  08  | B Mia
Kieran  20/06  41  20  04  19  21^ 11  22^ 07  |

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After an earthquake (aftershocks are hitting WAY too close to a certain prefecture) and some other real-life messiness, I'll probably have to postpone this until next Sunday.

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Janaff kind of sucks. Still, flying is invaluable.

[spoiler=Chapter 18 - 21]Chapter 18 (9/122)

Ike gets Aether and Rhys gets a max might/+10 hit/-2 weight Light forge. Gave Janaff his level of BEXP, capped off Kieran and got Ike, Rhys and Mia to 50 exp.

Titania and Rhys stay behind to deal with the Wyverns and reinforcements while the rest of my party goes through the wall. Just to prove how pathetic effective damage is in this game, Kieran gets tinked by a Knight Killer. All of the Ravens and reinforcements die on turn 9, when I realize I need more swords; All I have left are the Iron Blade, the Longsword and some Iron Swords...

Chapter 19 (4/126)

I buy some Steel Swords and forge a max might/hit Steel Sword for Ike. I also BEXP Ike, Rhys, Mia, Kieran and Janaff to 50 exp. Rhys got Shade.

I spend a turn to get the Knight Ring, which I believe will be worth it. Naesala moved south on turn 2 and was confronted by Janaff the following turn. Kieran and Titania attract the attention of the Daeins that would otherwise target the Ravens before they're able to escape. Titania and Kieran killed Homasa on turn 4.

Chapter 20 (4/130)

I buy an Elwind for Calill and forge a max might/hit Steel Sword for Mia. Calill gets a Spirit Dust and Speedwings and Ike gets the Knight Ring, turning him into a Blade Paladin without the horse. Capped off Rhys, Mia and Janaff and got Ike, Kieran and Calill to 50 exp.

Ike, Titania and Kieran head east around the mountain while the others deal with the northern enemies. Turn 3, Ike clears a path for Titania and Kieran to charge northward, Calill Meteors Shiharam and Janaff moves onto the mountain. Turn 4, Ike and Rhys grab Rescue and Smite, Janaff kills a Myrmidon in my way, Titania and Calill finish Shiharam and Kieran Arrives.

Chapter 21 (7/137)

I buy some Pure Water and Steel Blades, and forge a max might/hit Steel Axe for Titania. Capped off Kieran, Janaff and Calill, and got Ike, Rhys and Mia to 50 exp. Mia used the Secret Book I've been wondering what to do with. Janaff takes the Knight Ring for this chapter.

Ike, Titania, Mia and Calill clear out the enemies near the start so Janaff can rescue Rhys, use Pure Water, and drop him over the middle channel. Then he Rescues Ike and Kieran across as well. Ike recruits Tauroneo, and Kieran hits Ena with the Laguz Axe so Ike can finish her with his Steel Sword forge. I didn't get any treasure unfortunately, due to not having any Chest Keys.

Name    Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
Ike     20/08  50^ 21  07  22  23  15  19  12  | B Titania
Titania --/14  45  19  07  21  21  17  16  12  | A Rhys, B Ike
Rhys    14/10  34  02  24  19  15  17  06  28  | A Titania, B Mia
Mia     20/11  46^ 21^ 09  26^ 28  16  13  09  | B Rhys
Kieran  20/11  45  22  05  21  24^ 13  24^ 09  |
Janaff     12  44  15  05  18  19  18  12  11  | 
Calill  --/09  34  09  23^ 19  21^ 16  09  18  |

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After an earthquake (aftershocks are hitting WAY too close to a certain prefecture)

Yikes, hope everything is okay :)

[spoiler=Progress]Chapter 9: (7/53)

Coulda been done in six in Titania could double the boss and if the reinforcements didn't make a human wall to block Ike...

Titania ran towards the seize point with Ike and Soren trailing behind. She clears everything out while they get the leftovers.

Chapter 10: (4/57)

Standard strategy, Titania rescues Ike and runs for the exit. Soren didn't even enter this chapter, no reason to tempt fate lol.

Chapter 11: (7/64)

Titania leads the tour past the Black Knights summer home while Soren and Ike follow, in that order so Ike can kill the things following them. Finally Titania rushes the boss and his posse in the northwest and arrives on turn 7.

Chapter 12: (9/73)

Not much to say... everyone stayed on the boat and Ike and Soren got almost all the kills, Titania couldn't go one chapter without showing how awesome she can be.

Chapter 13: (10/83)

WORST. CHAPTER. EVER.This chapter literally took me over 20 tries. No joke.

Hardest part: Not getting Astrid killed on turn one. In the end, Lethe came in and stood behind her, effectively stopping attacks from that side while avoiding all combat herself. Titania ran up the west side as fast as possible, killing everything in her path but leaving enough behind for Astrid and Soren to both get some level ups. Ike followed her up the west side because Gatrie blocked the middle gang-plank trying to kill the halbedier there (which really makes it hard to love green units, even though they saved Astrid's life many many times over). Titania killed the boss and the bird that stole the occult while Ike got the energy drop and speedwings, then together Astrid and Soren brought down the bird with the longsword.

Name    Level Hp  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Supports
Ike     17/-- 39^ 13  4   15  16  11  11  6   | Titania-B Soren-C
Titania --/10 41  17  6   18  18  15  15  10  | Ike-B
Soren   15/-- 25  0   15  15  16^ 9   3   16  | Ike-C
Astrid  12/-- 25  12^ 4   13  15  7   8   6   |

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I'm not in Japan! Some people I know are. . .and they seem to be safe. Since I have a bit of free time, I'll start!

[spoiler=Chapters 0-4]Prologue - 4/4


Chapter 1 - 3/7

Boyd improved himself a bit on the various riffraff. Titania made a beeline towards the boss. Ike did some battling before seizing. Got everything that mattered on this map.

Chapter 2 - 5/12

I wasn't quite able to KO a myrmidon, leading to the extra turn. I don't think Ike can dodge like that again, so I'll take it.

Chapter 3 - 3 + 4 (stupid bandits) / 19

The chapter penalty is because Gatrie somehow got hit. . .but I do not care, because I got my Hand Axe.

Chapter 4 - 2/21

Titania must really hate Maijin's guts. She criticaled him on my turn, ending the map early.

Edited by eclipse
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My team works pretty well together. Sure, Rhys and Janaff could be better at killing stuff, but you can't have everything, I suppose.

[spoiler=Chapter 22-25]Chapter 22 (2/139)

Sold some weapons low on uses and forged a max might/hit Hand Axe for Kieran. Capped off Rhys and Kieran, and BEXP Ike, Mia, Janaff and Calill to 50 exp. Titania got Sol.

First turn, Ike shoved Tomenami out of my way, Titania took his spot and Hand Axed the Bolting!Sage and Calill Meteored Schaeffer. Rhys killed a Priest on the left, Mia killed the Myrmidon, Janaff killed the Mage and Kieran killed the Swordmaster, and the Sniper suicided on the Enemy Phase. Second turn, Rhys killed another Priest, Mia retrieved the Sleep, Kieran killed the Swordmaster with the Chest Key and canto'd so Janaff could take the Key and get the Spirit Dust. After all of this, Calill Bolting'd Schaeffer, killing him.

Chapter 23 (6/145)

Bought some Silver Swords/Lances and forged a max might/+20 hit Silver Sword for Ike. Capped off Ike, Mia and Janaff, and BEXP Rhys, Kieran and Calill to 50 exp. Calill used the Spirit Dust I killed those innocent Priests for.

Hole exploits ranged from "That was intentional" to "That didn't actually slow me down" to "Huh. I don't remember there being a hole there...". Ike, Titania and Kieran moved west as fast as they could, with the others trailing behind and Janaff assulting the Ballista Snipers. Rhys repaired Rescue, Rhys and Calill killed Haar, and Kieran and Titania killed Petrine so Ike could seize.

Chapter 24 (4/149)

I buy some Silver Axes and forge a max might/hit Silver Axe for Kieran. Capped off Ike and Janaff, and BEXP Rhys, Mia, Kieran and Calill to 50 exp.

Janaff smites Rhys, who Rescues Ike. Ike charges north-west alone as everyone else protects Rhys and Kieran gets Savior.

Chapter 25 (6/155)

I sold Bastian's Elwind and some near-broken weapons and forged a max might/+20 hit Silver Sword for Mia. Capped off Ike, Mia, Kieran and Calill, and BEXP Rhys and Janaff to 50 exp. Janaff gets Savior.

Titania, Rhys and Kieran go up the right while the others go up the left. Rhys Rescues Kieran so he's a little more useful and repairs Rescue again. Mia and Calill defeat Gromell and Ike annihilates the enemies on the top thanks to the Knight Ring and 9 move.

Name    Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
Ike 	20/13  54^ 24  08  24  26  16  21  14  | B Titania
Titania --/16  46  20  07  22  23  18  17  13  | A Rhys, B Ike
Rhys    14/14  36  02  26  21  17  19  07  30* | A Titania, B Mia
Mia 	20/14  47^ 22* 09  27^ 30* 18  13  10  | B Rhys
Kieran  20/15  47  25  06  24  26^ 14  25^ 10  |
Janaff     15  48  17  05  20  22  19  13  11  |
Calill  --/13  36  10  27^ 21  22^ 18  10  20  |

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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[spoiler=Chapter 5-6]Chapter 5 - 6/27

Parked Boyd in a Healhedge, and had Titania run around and kill archers. Ike stayed on the Defend square, and used the Seraph Robe. Due to the sheer number of enemies, Boyd doubled his level (3 to 6 and change).

Chapter 6 - 7/34

After Ike pulled a level that could have only been possible thanks to bands and the guy he criticaled, I'm not restarting. Titania baited everyone to the east, then charged west, while Boyd had fun picking off the hapless enemies. Ike followed Titania. I got quite a bit of much-needed combat experience out of this chapter.

Short of a miracle, Chapter 7 won't be up for a while.

Edited by eclipse
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Done with part 1 endgame. I'd like to see you one up my turncounts here RD sleep.gif. Now lo and behold my proud work

1-P 5 turns

Standard is standard. Edward needed to activate Wrath on the boss once while making sure one of the pirates had low biorithym so they would miss him. On turn 4 ep, Edward activated Wrath, then dodged, Micaiah then attacked the boss, and Edward finished up with another crit.

1-1 5 turns

Edward is just ridiculous. He first ran ahead on turn 1 while Micaiah stayed behind, and on ep killed several fighters. Then Micaiah finished off a fighter while Edward moved up a space to kill the soldier guy. Then he killed the fighter who blocks the way to the arrive square, and then the boss, and Micaiah seized on turn 5. I'm pretty sure Nolan can't do this alone in 5 turns because A. He doesn't have Wrath, which is needed to OHKO, and B. He doesn't double.

1-2 5 turns

It turns out my Sothe's stats were actually weaker than a normal, non transferred Sothe. dry.gif. Oh well, once again no one will be able to duplicate this count without massive penalties because it involved Eddie shoving Laura, and Laura moving up and dodging a soldier with ~60 displayed hit. Once again this took quite a bit of thinking and tact to pull off, and once again no one will be able to repeat it without penalties. No treasure, but I realized that all the treasure you can get is worthless in the long run, and I can work around not having it.

1-3 6 turns

Just cruising along here. Standard stuff is standard. Kurth tanked near the start, while Sothe, Eddy and Laura moved south towards the arrive. On turn 5, Miccy got attacked by the boss but he didn't even OHKO, so it was okay. Sothe killed the knight in front of the arrive while Eddie Wrath critted the archer.

1-4 7 turns

Bought the beast killer. Laura got Shade, and Sothe Cancel. Used Sho's famous 7-turn strategy and tried to give Eddie and Miccy some cheap exp here and there. Laura got some heals. Treasure gotten was the beastfoe and the Robe.

1-5 6 turns

Standard defense bs. The hardest part here was keeping ol' Volug away from combat. Nothing too special went down, except Sothe stole a Master Seal.

1-6-1 5 turns

Forged a bunch of knives. Gave Sothe Adept and Eddie Resolve. Promoted Edward. Edward is my hero. Sothe solod the western portion of the map while Wrath Resolve Eddie cleaned up the northern portion, OHKOing a bunch of crazy shit. Laura wasn't deployed or needed.

1-6-2 2 turns

Standard 2 turn. Sothe is shoved by Eddie and charges forward, and on turn 2 ep the boss suicides.

1-7 6 turns

Whoa boy, I tell you. Edward with Wrath and Resolve just needs to stop. He switched between the brave sword and wind edge and destroyed everything. He OHKOd the boss from full health with the brave sword and consecutive crits. Then Micaiah was shoved by Vika and Sothe to seize.

1-8 4 turns

Lol. I never thought I'd say this, but this chapter was just a joke with Vika, Nailah, Eddie, and Sothe. I also know for a fact no one will be able to duplicate this turncount. Sothe went east, Nailah killed everything on the western portion, and Vika tranformed on turn 2. Eddie went south to deal with the pirates. Vika killed that pesky dracoknight after tranforming on turn 2. The reason I know no one else will be able to duplicate this is because I used Vika's flight to lure the boss and his chronies towards Sothe, so he could slaughter them a turn earlier, even without Celerity. On turn 4 player phase, I killed the priest near the boss, and on the enemy phase every single enemy died to Sothe and his Iron forge.

1-9 7 turns

Oval's 8 turn strategy, but with the twist of Micaiah using Celerity. At base I bought a master seal if I recall correctly.

1-E 9 turns

Gave Ilyana celerity. Bexpd Laura up to 12, but by then she'd capped speed, skill, and mag so I sealed her and gave her an arms scroll in light tomes.Sothe got Savior. Sothe carried Micaiah up the ledge, with Nailah out in front killing things. Eddie and Vika and Laura stayed behind to train. The bk couldn't keep up so he also stayed behind. I took an extra turn to get the Speedwings. Nailah started killing everything near the seize point. On turn 8, Sothe dropped Micaiah off, and on turn 9 she seized.

Pt 1 Total: 67 turns

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Check out up to 2-E

2-P 8 turns

Used Haar as my undrafted unit. Nealuchi rescued Leanne first though, and Elincia attacked some wks to fend them off.

2-1 11 turns

Neph just needs to keep healing and get Wrath on the boss to get this to be 5 turns, as she'll kill him on ep. The lol moment came when Brom got a crit on the boss with a crit on the boss, overkilling him, but it doesn't matter as it would have been 5 turns anyway. Didn't bother with any items, and screw Heather and pass. Even though it was 5 turns I had to take those Neph + Brom penalties.

2-2 10 turns

Took the Lucia penalty. Nealuchi and Lucia cleaned house around the boss' area, with Lucia finishing him and the ak in front of him off on turn 5 enemy phase, then seizing on turn 6.

2-3 9 turns

This is getting annoying with all these penalties. Geoffrey got some bexp and then charged forward, murdering the boss on turn 4 enemy phase with his brave lance, and then seizing on turn 5. Didn't get any items because once again, not necessary.

2-E 2 turns

Elincia is a beast. Gave her 3 levels of bexp and she got 3 points of strength. When she attacked Ludveck it went 12+12+12+9 and he was dead by turn 2. Nealuchi didn't even have time to do jack, so his strike level is piddley. Oh well, it probably won't come back to haunt me since in my last draft I found out he's useless even at S strike (with wildheart his attack is garbage as is his avoid, without wildheart he can't attack because he's stuck eating his grass).

Pt 2 Total: 40 turns

Up to 3-6 and right now I can say that Laura is my hero.

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I'm just blazing right now, here's part 3

3-P 9 turns

Oscar ran forward to assist the laguz, while Ike and Shinon got in some nice kills. Most of this level isn't player controlled anyways, so I'm happy with this.

3-1 7 turns

Oscar was a champion, and killed all the generals to the east, then went north to kill those foes. Ike and Shinon dealt with the guys near the start. Didn't get the Seraph Robe, but I doubt I'll need it. This would have easily been 6 turns if a stupid warrior reinforcement would have suicided to Ike instead of putting out the torch.

3-2 3 turns

Oscar got Celerity, and charged up towards the boss, who attacked on turn 2 EP. Then I moved Oscar out of his range and Shinon on the edge of his range. Shinon then critted him, ending the level.

3-3 10 turns

I bexpd Oscar to 20.92. Chose to deploy Gatrie as an extra. Oscar stormed through the chapter, killing everything in his path, while Ike and Shinon took care of the scraps he left behind. I got the master crown and the white gem.

3-4 8 turns

Ike got Celerity and provoke. Shinon got crowned. Ike charged up the cliff, killing everything in sight. Oscar saw little usefullness what with not being able to go up cliffs. Shinon saw little usefullness because of no 1 range. After Ike killed the boss and the guy next to him, Ranulf was free to seize. Thanks to provoke Ranulf didn't get attacked.

3-5 2 turns

Oscar got Celerity yet again, and charged down towards the boss with a steel forge. On turn 2 player phase, he killed a dude in front of the boss and cantod next to him. Then on turn 2 enemy phase, the boss suicided.

3-6 10 turns

Laura got Resolve and Edward beastfoe. Now I know I could have done this faster, but I used this chapter for getting Laura's light rank up. She stood in a bush on the right hand side and when in Resolve range dodged like a machine and killed many enemy units. Edward did his thing to the north, killing everything he could with his old steel sword forge and brave sword. Micaiah stayed out of harms way spamming torch and psychic, and Sothe didn't do much except get a few kills in here and there.

3-7 12 turns

Standard defense chapter. Good news is that I got Ulki, who worked on his strike rank a bit.

3-8 6 turns

Oscar with Celerity should not be messed with. Ulki got Wildheart. Oscar went east as fast as he could with javelin forge equiped, killing everything in his path. Ike and Shinon dealt with the enemies near the start, and those who didn't move. Ulki took on the swordmasters and Generals to the northeast. By turn 4 Oscar reached the boss, and by turn 6 player phase, all enemy units had died.

3-9 8 turns

Bought an adept and then put it in the convoy. Bexpd Geoffrey a level and then crowned him. He solod this chapter, and on turn 5 player phase he killed a soldier and cantod in front of the boss. On turn 5 enemy phase, the boss attacked him and was KOd. I think I got a speedwing from killing a halberdier this chapter.

3-10 7 turns

This one was a pain. Ulki got adept at base. Oscar went northeast dealing with everything in his path. Ike and Ulki and Shinon went east, killing the many generals and paladins in their way. Ulki reached S Strike here, which is great for me. Thanks to enemies that didn't move, I couldn't do this one any faster.

3-11 8 turns

Ulki shifted, then picked Ike up and flew him near the boss. My first run went smoother than this one, but Tibarn's dumbass died, so I got a game over even though I did nothing wrong. This time though, Ulki dropped Ike off near the boss, Ike OHKOd him, and then seized. I left Ragnell equipped on Ike, and Daunt as well. I should note that my Ike is bless with 12 Res, unfortunately for me. Things look dreary going into 3-13.

3-12 5 turns

At base promoted Laura to Saint at lv 13 and Edward at lv 12. I ordered the partners to halt, so Laura and Eddie could get in more kills. Miccy and Sothe stayed behind and watched. By turn 5 enemy phase, 40 enemies had been killed.

3-13 1 turnhuh.gif

I stole Integrity's strategy from a previous tourney. Laura got enough bonus exp to be able to do 25 x 2 damage to Ike, the boots, and Adept. On turn 1 Miccy gives Sothe Purge, Sothe gives it to Laura, who is then shoved. Eddie then runs down next to Laura to give her the +Hit from the support they'd built up. Laura then activates Adept on Ike with no restarts(thanks to speed% chance), ending the chapter in 1 turn!

3-E 5 turns

I don't need to bother explaining. Everyone ran forward killing stuff, as the other phasers and enemy units duked it out. Ulki also got the rescue staff thanks to his 32 luck. smile.gif

Total part 3 turncount: 101 turns

Silver Army: Micaiah, Sothe, Laura, Nealuchi

Greil Army: Ike, Nailah, Oscar, Shinon

Hawk Army: Elincia, Edward, Ulki

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Part 4-endgame will go here, and when I'm done I'll also write up character summaries

4-P 5 turns

Laura and Micaiah got Resolve, Nealuchi got Adept. Saint Laura the great went north, while Nealuchi, Micaiah and Sothe went East. Thanks to Laura's boots she was able to go about this a bit faster than normal. When in resolve range, she was unhittable and OHKOd everything back with Shine. To the east, Nealuchi worked on his strike on the halberdiers. Micaiah OHKOs most cavs with Thani. This is important as I was able to have her OHKO all the bow wielders with 2 range Nealuchi couldn't. Since I don't have Leanne and this one general refused to attack me, I couldn't do this in 4 turns.

4-1 7 turns

Ike went south, Nailah east, and Oscar west. Shinon stayed near the start killing the reinforcements that spawned. Thanks to Oscar and Ike having 2 range, I was able to finish up on turn 7.

4-2 9 turns

Ulki had Celerity I think, and Edward had pass. Edward ran north, and Elincia and Ulki went west from the start. No two range on this one was a killer, but oh well. Thanks to Ulki being a beast, he solod most of the western portion even half shifted, and he even reached SS strike. Elincia had to backtrack to deal with the reinforcements that spawned near the start, and Edward killed everyone surrounding the boss when he made it there.

4-3 10 turns

Ah the desert chapter. This one wasn't SO bad with saint Laura able to use full move. She moved across the dessert killing things and once again, with Daunt and Resolve, was near unhittable, getting Corona and crits everywhere. Micaiah and Sothe cleaned up the enemies to the west while Nealuchi tried his best (and failed) to solo the east.

4-4 13 turns

Thanks to Shinon's lack of 2 range and Vika being so weak, this one took a while. Ike and Nailah went north from the start, with Nailah killing enemies in the treasure rooms and getting the fortify, and Ike killing everything in Oliver's room. Shinon went into the treasure room closest to the start and killed the enemies, and Oscar went east. Vika was bexpd to level 30 and given adept to work on her strike level, but she still sucked.

4-5 2 turns

Gave Elincia Celerity and Ulki beastfoe. Elincia moved up from the start as far as she could, while Ulki killed all the laguz near the start so they wouldn't attack Tibarn. On turn 2 Elincia rescued Edward who used the storm sword on Izuka, got hit and left with 4 HP, and got a wrath crit to end it.

Pt 4 Total: 46 turns

4-E-1 6 turns

Ike got pass, and Oscar and Ike charged north. Nailah went east, and Elincia went west. Everyone else focused on the generals near the start.

4-E-2 1 turn

Charged the bk with a hammer. Gave Laura Adept before the chapter started, and she cleanly OHKOd Levail with the 3 remaining uses of purge.

4-E-3 2 turns

Blessed weapons were the Wishblade, Amiti, Wyrmslayer, Double Bow, and Ragnell. Ike and the gang rushed forward, and killed the dragons in the way on turn 1 enemy phase. Then on turn 2 all my units ganged up on Dheginsea and killed him.

4-E-4 2 turns

Standard everyone charges downward. If I had a heron I could have one turned this, but oh well I guess. Ike and Nailah teamed up on Sephiran after the spirits were out of the way.

4-E-5 5 turns

This one was a pain, as this probably took an extra turn since my laguz all spent the first turn eating a laguz gem. It took a while to destroy the auras, but after they were gone, Ike, Nailah and Elincia teamed up on Ashera. Edward died to Ashera's single target attack. He was the only casualty.

Endgame total: 16 turns

Turn total: 270 turns

Character thoughts:

Oscar: 5th pick and I get Oscar? Really guys...? This guy was a champion, and helped avoid all kinds of penalties in part 3. Thanks to his 9 move being boosted by Celerity he also made 3-2 and 3-5 easier on me. Definitely a great pick, and it's really dissapointing that he lasted until 5th.

Edward: What is there to say about this guy? A complete beast, he helped save turns in the first few part 1 chapters, as well as still being useful in endgame. It's a shame he had to die though.

Elincia: One of my favorite characters in the game, so I always like to get her early. Definitely worth the 3rd round pick. She makes the 2 turn of 3-E possible, and with enough bonus exp can even do Tibarn's job in 4-2 if one is desperate enough. She also saved turns in 4-5 for being able to rescue Edward and make the 2 turn possible. I think she's a very underestimated unit, and definitely worth grabbing over the other 3rd round picks.

Nailah: She helped trivialize 1-8 and 1-E for me, and come part 4 she was still useful as a part of Ike's group for when I needed an extra hand. It also helped that she could double auras and do severe damage to the final bosses.

Shinon: He wasn't invaluable, but he was there when I needed him to avoid penalties in early PoR, as well as 3-1 in RD. Not too much to say except that he was an average pick. Bows and no 1 range for a while really hurt his usefulness.

Ulki: What a steal this guy was. Just like in my previous PoR draft, he proved to be a beast. He was my best laguz, as he had the most time to work on his strike, and was the only one to get it up to SS in time for endgame. He also saved turns throughout part 3 with his flight.

Nealuchi: Well, he didn't do anything really. In fact I didn't even need him in this playthrough. I can't think of a single instance where he would have saved a turn that a mage or another flier who didn't have a transform gauge couldn't have done better. He didn't even reach S Strike until endgame.

Laura: Wow, she certainly impressed me. She was definitely my team's #1 steal. She didn't do too much in part 1, but in part 3 she was essential to help finish 3-12 early, and to 1 turn 3-13. With the boots she made 4-P and 4-3 alot easier for me. A very good pick, and despite her slow start, come part 3 she really picked up, and was essential to micaiah's route.

Sothe(PoR): A bad pick. Radiant dragon got the boots even though I chose him, and he didn't save a single turn, or get any other treasure.

Vika: Well, she made the 4 turn of 1-8 possible. If nothing else, that was her one instance of being useful.

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[spoiler=Chapter 7]Chapter 7 - 12/46

This chapter took as long as it did because Titania kept blocking stuff with her face. Managed to get all the western treasure, so it wasn't a total waste. Everyone holed up in the western treasure room while Titania took care of the worst of it, and Boyd and Ike got what kills they could.

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After a considerable wait, I've finally started my play through and finally reached the base so I could record everything easier. Please note this is after BEXP usage at base. Here are chapters 1-7 of PoR and my current units.

Prologue: Just going with the flow

Turns: 4

Penalties: None

Notes: Just like everyone else, I beat Boyd down, healed then taught papa bear a lesson he wont soon forget.

Ch.1: Dumb tutorial, tricks are for kids!

Turns: 4

Penalties: None

Notes: I had Titania visit the steel sword house before rushing to the seraph robe house allowing the enemy to suicide themselves onto her as she went. Ike alternatively blocked off the point just in front of the fence for two turns, then ran the rest of the map in order to seize. The only person still alive on the enemy side was a lone, highly damaged swordie. Obviously a simple chapter, and a good one.

Ch.2: No! I said don't attack Oscar!

Turns: 4 + 4 = 8

Penalties: Oscar

Notes: I really wish I understood WHY the AI in the game continuously choose to attack Oscar while he was hiding. I had Boyd holding Rhys, with Oscar in front in the starting corner while Ike put himself in harms way... yet after 3 tries the AI continues to attack Oscar first. In the end, I choose to go with the flow and just take the penalty. I sent the green cav to take care of the initial north east enemies while Ike went west to take out the fighters in the bushes. When Titania eventually arrived, she ran north with her steel axe and not a single enemy survived a round against her. Although I wish I could have dealt with the problem associated with the AI, I suppose I am content with what happened.

Ch.3: Crap I have to talk to Marcia

Turns: 4

Penalties: None

Notes: I had Shinon move to the position next to where Gatrie would be, then had the living wall rescue him next to the elixer house. This is where Gatrie would stay for the rest of the map with an iron lance eating tiny counter attacks and gaining EXP along with the blessed healing item. Meanwhile Ike rushed forward along with Titania. I could have finished this map a turn sooner, but I had to get Ike all the way to Marcia and cut a way for him using Titania's turn. Oh well, at least I got the handaxe for the trouble. Next turn Titania got into the bosses range after smacking him with the hand axe while Ike took out another enemy. On enemy phase, all the captain's subordinates fell one by one to Titania's hand of glory, followed by the bloody tyrant himself last.

Ch. 4: All hands CHARGE! Except you Ike...

Turns: 2

Penalties: None

Notes:Once again Gatrie rescued an ally (Rhys this time) while Soren and Shinon headed for the northern most point on the map. Ike hid to the north in the bushes cutting off the enemies attempts to man handle them. Gatrie only moved once, then got surrounded by enemies for the rest of this short map who all died on enemy phase turn two to his mighty steel lance. I had almost forgotten how powerful he was early game. Meanwhile Titania cut a blood path through the enemies with her now destroyed steel axe and half used hand axe. In the end, Titania got the kill shot on the boss during enemy phase and netted her a much needed 2 range option.

Ch. 5: Slow Advance (Defend)

Turns: 6

Penalties: None

Notes: I positioned Gatrie where he could get into the healing bush on turn one, and he stayed there most of the map only leaving on the last turn in order to kill an annoying archer. Ike alternatively camped out on the defend square being attacked twice in the entire map, while the un-drafted units hid on the western end of the map. Titania once again rushed towards the boss, eliminating the boss on enemy turn 5. Once again, by the end of the map only a single unit survived, an annoying archer.

Ch.6: Discretion is the better part of valor

Turns: 7

Penalties: None

Notes: Everyone not named Ike or Titania went deeper into the thickets to hide for the map. Ike rushed out towards the eastern bridge then was picked up by Titania (javelin equipped) and began the slow run towards the escape goal. I ended up using one part of the elixer, but killed the boss and about half the map with Titania. I considered doing another way with Ike fighting, but he just wasn't strong or agile enough to keep himself from being a liability at this stage of the game.

*At this point I used the Icon to increase Ike's luck by 2, not that it made any difference in the next chapter...

Ch.7: Gatrie's Finale Hurrah

Turns: 10

Penalties: None

Notes: Gatrie absolutely decimated the top half of the map using his steel lance. He defeated everyone but the boss (Titania got him) and ended up at level 15 by the time he left. As usually I was extremely impressed with his performance. Ike alternatively had some room to be desired, mostly due to his strength not being high enough to use a steel sword effectively and not durable/dodgy enough to avoid enough hits to survive all the enemies I needed to throw at him. In the end Titania had to play double duty protecting the little lordling, resulting in all but the armor slayer being taken. By half way through the map, the armor slayer room had become everyone but Titania and Gatrie's HQ with Ike defending the door. Amazingly this was an extremely enjoyable chapter, if a bit annoying to keep all the NPCs out of harms way. I'll be so happy next chapter when I can choose who to deploy. Please note that Ike was at 9.5 so he got BEXPed up to 10 even.

Character Information:

Name    Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res |  Band  | Support
Ike     10/--  26  10  02  12  13  11^ 08  03  | Knight | ----------
Titania --/06  38  15  05  16  16  13  13  08  | Fighter| ----------
Gatrie  15/--  37  15  00  10  06  06  18  01  | Paladin| ----------

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More Progress...

Chapter 14: (3/86)

Easy. Titania ran up to the boss while Ike and Soren followed to help keep her path clear. Astrid got the spirit dust which I gave to Soren.

Chapter 15: (9/95)

Soren had to bait every laguz by Muarim so he would be able to stand in front of him without everyone killing him. At least now Soren is close to promoting. BTW, my Ike fails at finding stuff in the sand. >.<

Chapter 16: (6/101)

Titania rescues Ike and runs to the seize square while Astrid and Soren trail behind and kill whats left behind.

Chapter 17: (29/130)

Got to part 4 and had to restart cause everyone ran out of weapons DX

Part One: (7/108)

Titania rushed to the north to kill everyone up there while Ike, Soren and Astrid killed everything in the south. Unfortnately none of them could double the myrmen that come so that raped my turn count. Soren did promote though, and showed how good of a dodge tank he can be.

Part Two: (6/114)

Ike and Soren head for the arrive square while Astrid and Titania go the other way for exp.

Part Three: (10/124)

I survive. Astrid promotes.

Part Four: (6/130)

Titania and Astrid change to Oliver while Soren tries to keep up so he can heal but eventually doubles back to kill the reinforcements that would have killed Ike, who was hanging out there, staying out of the way. Could have finished out turn earlier, but I wanted the Adept.

Name    Level Hp  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Supports
Ike     20/01 44^ 18  7   19  20  12  15  9   | Titania-B Soren-B
Soren   20/06 42^ 2   24^ 22  22^ 11  6   24  | Ike-B
Titania --/13 44  18  6   20  20  16  16  11  | Ike-B
Astrid  20/07 37  20^ 8   23  24  13  16  11  | 

EDIT: added the stat-ups I gave them.

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Ch.8: Desperate Ploy (Defend)

Turns: 8

Penalties: None

Notes: First I made Ike a forge (Ettard), with almost max MT which will be useful in the future hopefully. I swear it felt like Titania was absolutely everywhere at once while Ike merely kept himself alive on the defense square. First she went west to defeat the mages and armors. Then east to block off the other pathway while Ike (regal blade in hand) fought off the cavs. Next he went back to the defend slot, while Titania went after the boss. Although I was lucky enough to have Ilyana show up early on (turn 3) she only recruited on the last couple of since she was so useful in protecting Ike as an enemy. She did however take out three enemies and fought another (once she used the speed wing) to gain a level which did help Ike a great deal. I also managed to get the soldier band, which was wonderful. But I have to admit, I was happy when this chapter was over.

Ch.9: Ilyana and Lethe at the beach, Titania and Ike at the fort… and WHY is Marcia taking so long?

Turns: 8

Penalties: None

Notes: Now for my character favoritism. First Ilyana got the seraph robe I have been saving and then I BEXPed Ilyana (mage band) up to the allowed level and made her a 7MT, 1WT thunder forge called Divine Wrath along with the standard vulneraries so she could be up to par with the demoness herself and lil Ikie. I then assigned Ike his Soldier Band (for HP and DEF capping) and gave him 50 EXP pushing up to Lv.13 after the battle that was last chapter (he gained 2 and a half levels in 8 turns). Also this could have easily been 6 turns if not for Marcia taking her sweet time getting over to the arrive square and self recruiting with Ike.

Ch.10: Prison Abandonment?

Turns: 7

Penalties: None

Notes: Before this mission, I loaded Titania and Lethe up with chest keys and BEXPed Ike 14.5 and Ilyana up to the next level since she was at 56 EXP. During the course of the mission Ilyana gained some levels, and has become impressively useful. I didn't recruit a single unit here, since none of them meant anything to me so they can spend a life time in the dark for all I care. In the end I defeated the boss, took the short axe using Lethe's move once she took down the Halb. Also Ilyana KOed that bald freak after he asked if she wanted to stay with him forever, fitting somehow. I also received a steel lance via Titania.

Ch.11: Fare thee well Killer Ed-Zihark.

Turns: 7

Penalties: None

Notes: Before this mission, BEXPed Ilyana, Lethe (who fought like a champ last chapter as MVP) and Ike up another level. I created a wind forge (Vortex Gate) for Ilyana to do double damage on the ravens. Lastly I made a couple of minor purchases before starting the chapter. I put everyone as far left as possible, sending Titania to the el wind house choke point while everyone else deals with the vigilantes and starting forces netting me the draco shield. Lethe killed the boss with Ilyana's help while Titania arrived on player phase 7 after the knight suicide on her forge. Oddly enough, once Lethe de-transformed she and Ike shoved Ilyana to the elwind house to finally claim it.

Ch.12: Raven Dang It

Turns: 9

Penalties: None

Notes: I had to be a little more careful with Jill than I thought, however I did manage to get her to level 10 by having her go toe to toe with everything but the boss and three ravens. I forged Fizzard's Fury (max MT lance) to help her damage potential and accuracy, then let her go to town by hitting and running the ravens around the map. Alternatively Ike with the laguz slayer, Lethe (who eventually detransformed after gaining a level and some change) and Titania formed a wall around Ilyana (forged wind tome) to keep themselves safe and deadly even though no one doubled but Lethe. Oh and Jill was the MVP of this chapter, as opposed to Titania that had owned every chapter before it.


Turns: 6

Penalties: None

Notes: First things first, I gave Jill her allowed BEXP pushing her up to Lv.12 (since she was over 50EXP), and I upped Lethe, Ilyana and Ike's level by one as well. I made another forge for Titania since hers was about dead and I purchased a couple of lances for my team. The mission itself was interesting. I had everyone but Titania shove Ike forward in order to recruit Gatrie on turn 1 who managed to take care of the middle plank himself (with the knight's ward) giving him an impressive Lv.17 by the time the mission was over. Jill went left, took out that plank and then killed the ravens as they appeared with her laguz guard active. Meanwhile Titania and Ike took out the boss. Ilyana took the ship itself. By turn 4 the entire enemy force was gone. I spent the next two turns (since Nes and Tibarn still had to do those scenes) collecting items in the chests.

Ch.14: Jill's charge and Marcia's silent steps

Turns: 4

Penalties: None

Notes: Gatrie got his 4 levels (by the way, that should be lowered for next time to maybe 3) resulting in him being absolutely unkillable and nearly unstoppable with Azure (max MT lance). Alternatively everyone else got their correct amount of levels as well. Once we started the mission, I had Lethe and Ilyana take the spirit dust house and then over to where Mak was. Marcia was deployed to recruit her brother, via hiding in the mountain side. All I managed to get was vantage (which Ilyana got) before Titania double sol'd the boss ending the chapter.

Game Stats:

PoR: 90 + 4 (p)

RD: na + na (p)

Total: 94 turns

Character Stats:

Name    Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res |  Band   | Support
Ike 	19/--  33  14  04  17  18  14^ 12  06  | Soldier | Titania B
Titania --/10  42  17  06  18  18  15  14  10  | Knight  | Ike B 
Gatrie  20/01  43  21  02  15  13^ 07  21  05  | Paladin | ----------
Ilyana  18/--  33^ 03  18^ 15  13  10  03  18  |  Mage   | ----------
Lethe   --/07  39  15  04  13  16  18  10  07  |  Beorc  | Jill C
Jill    16/--  36  14  02  16  13  08  13  03  |  Thief  | Lethe C
Makalov 12/--  31  10  02  07  12  08  13^ 02  |  Ward   | ----------
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First try!

[spoiler=Chapters 8-9]Chapter 8 - 8/54

Ike and Boyd finished their current levels (one had 73 EXP and the other had 91 EXP, or something to that effect).

Forged a +4/+20 Iron Axe for Boyd. He needs accuracy.

I had Titania, Ike, and Boyd rotate to keep the three entrances covered. My two greener guys got some nice experience. Boyd gained a level by dodging a Javelin. Got the Red Gem, couldn't kill the boss.

Chapter 9 - 8/62

Both guys hit /50, while Titania re-equips herself.

I had to delay a bit because Mist kept getting too close to the enemies, and Boyd's biorhythm messed with his aim (without Tempest). Titania couldn't quite double the boss, who decided that wielding a Javelin was better than a Knight Killer at 1 range (...) Ike was short a square, and Boyd had better things to do with his time than shove him. I'm gonna enjoy the next chapter. Go Mordecai~!

Chapter 10 - 6/68

Did not send Mist out here for obvious reasons.

I had Boyd destroy Sephiran's door, while Mordecai kinda stood there, absorbing damage. Once Mordy transformed, NOTHING could stand in his way. He was able to help hack a path towards escape route, and had just enough MOV to get the dude with the Short Spear on turn 6 so Titania + Ike could end the map for good.

EDIT: I can't BEXP Mist until Chapter 10, IIRC.

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