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Death Note Mafia - Post Game


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That said with hidden players plenty of non-playing members of the forum could have made fake lynch votes to mess with either faction. I kind of wish they had...

That would've been hilarious.

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I kind of wish they had...

I was tempted at one point to claim I was near, to help save the town out by being lynched and delay their demise, but I decided against it, as by that time it was inevitable.

Anyway, it's a shame this game went so wrong, it was a very interesting read and had a lot of potential.

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Few comments in my capacity as the ever-absent co-host:

- Sincerest apologies to Near, who was entirely screwed in the capacity of his role being that Psych's annihilating of the KIT essentially let the Kira fanatics maneuver around the player list to eliminate any potential allies Near may have had after his activation.

- The World sans one or two players was so unspeakably bad it's worth mentioning; despite some of your wiser members mentioning repeatedly that Snike and Ray were guilty of fanaticism, the majority elected to spend time on useless lynches and reverting too late to cast an actually useful vote. To illustrate, I actually giggled when I saw Psych was about to be lynched; how much more damage could he have done, I mean, really?

- How did people not guess Life was Kira. They both start with the same letter!

Oh, and because I can, my won MVP List:

From Kira's Kingdom: LifeAdmiral, though all three really were eligible, but him moreso for driving Excellen up the wall first.

From The World: Balcerzak. Not that I found his performance that exemplary (the lynch call-off he pulled was especially odd to me), but in comparison, there's not altogether much choice.

From The Independents: Gaius. I was debating between casting this to either him or JBCWK, but he was, at the very least, clever enough to follow his rule so that he attained some level of victory by the time Kira controlled the vote.

From The Shinigami World: Hex. Imagine how much better of a host he'd be if he got his ass off Duke Nukem for a while, though.

Edited by Dies Mori
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It's true; Bal could have and probably should have used his tie breaking abilities to sacrifice Flint instead of simply calling off the vote, potentially buying him a phase since the mafia didn't seem keen on targeting people not on the player list.

I still think eclipse's spot on analysis of what was going on was more impressive, though again she didn't actually act on it much (though in her defense she really couldn't).

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Come on, the town's MVP is totally Rein. He predicted my faction and one of the kills I ended up doing much later in the game like ten seconds after I first posted. :newyears:

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From The Independents: Gaius. I was debating between casting this to either him or JBCWK, but he was, at the very least, clever enough to follow his rule so that he attained some level of victory by the time Kira controlled the vote.

I only got screwed by talking TOO much to Life, and after Psych's magnificent reveal there would have been targets for the next 4 nights. There was no reason to kill me either.

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I should probably apologise for how I played my role. Unfortunately, I've been busy elsewhere so haven't had time to truly devote to SF Mafia, and my role said I win if I stay hidden... so why take risks? I didn't, and at the same time I didn't look closely enough for hints and things, and particularly towards the end I sorta lost interest as I got bored of trying to find Kira.

To a certain degree, I do have to blame the role, I'm afraid. It really meant I didn't need to get involved to win, and that's not good for a hidden player.

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That's true, but I wanted the independent to truly be independent. I'd hoped he'd side with someone instead of just staying hidden...he had lackeys to hide behind.

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Well, that was... fun?

The fact that he was able to improvise and use it to recruit Snike and potentially be joined by Haze was just another example of why Life is Life and the rest of SF bores him.

So true. Oh so true.

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