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I Probably Shouldn't Have Boss Abused for HHM


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Anyways, this is the very first time I've tried to S-Rank any Fire Emblem (I probably should've started at an easier difficulity).

I'm currently at Ch. 21 right now. Here's my team and ranks:

Hector - 13.72

Eliwood - 11.41

Lyn - 12.75

Legault - 12.83

Raven - 12.91

Canas - 12.28

Dorcas - 20/4.62 (Don't worry, he's got some insane speed, 22 to be exact)

Priscilla - 8.13

Matthew - 18.04

Lucius - 15.09

Sain - 20/6.70 (promoted from LHM boss abuse, so it's not like his promotion hurt my funds rank)

Florina - 15.26

Oswin - 13.54

Tactics - ****

Survival - *****

Funds - *****

Exp - **

Combat - *****

Basically, any character that was playable in LHM and is on my team was boss abused to approximately level 14 (except Sain who was abused to 20/1).

So, what would you recommend me to do in order to recover my Exp. Rank? I'm already planning to Arena Abuse on Linus' path, though I don't think that'll be enough. I stole the Silver Card, though I don't really think that will help my Exp. Rank.

Also, which characters do you think I should promote in my current team? All of them have rather decent stats, but I know that promoting all of them will only hurt my funds rank. I'm thinking of using Rath since I boss abused him as well. I'm leaning towards promoting Eliwood, Florina, Lucius, and Oswin right now. Also, if you want me to list stats so you can get a better idea of who should be promoted just say so.

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Just use characters you didn't boss abuse, like Guy, Raven, Bartre, Rebecca, Canas, Fiora, Heath, Dart. Ditch the characters you've already trained.Even in a regular playthrough you need to spread EXP around past your 'for keeps' team. You might want to consider recruiting Farina and using her to buff up your EXP rank.

But you really are in big danger. These are the chapters where you're supposed to build up a big experience buffer for the chapters later on that are almost impossible to meet the experience rank for like Light or VoD. I'd recommend restarting and then having a little bit more foresight.

Edited by Anouleth
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Get Serra on your team. Promote both her and Priscilla. Silver Card aside, they are the single most helpful units in S ranking, particularly for Experience. Use Pent, Lucius (for his Staff rank since he's already a good level), and Ninian as well, and get the Thieves to 20. If you think you can take the Funds hit, promote a Thief for their Experience boost. As such, don't promote Dart or recruit Farina. Promote Florina, but not Oswin; his mobility will only hinder you now. I can't say for sure on Lyn or Eliwood without knowing their stats. As far as raw combat goes, Raven is your best choice to promote. Oh, and don't promote anyone before level 20.

Experience only gets harder later in the game (in the way that the requirements get absurdly high), so the fact that you're at 2 stars now is pretty bad, especially combined with 4 star Tactics. I wouldn't say you're doomed yet, but you need to be very careful.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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LHM is totally unrelated to HHM. I did the same thing as you, raising some units and using the Knight Crest, it doesn't affect HHM rank performance.

However, you're overusing Sain too early in the game. He should be the Marcus replacement at best throughout the early HHM chapters he comes in. His level is way too high, meaning you've been feeding him many kills the other weaker units could have done with. Same applies to Dorcas.

I advise you stop using Sain and Dorcas on a regular basis until other units have caught up with them, so that may be in like, 4 or 5 chapters time or so.

Edited by VanguardRaven
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What RFoF said. Promoting early just means that they slow their experience down (and since you have promoted Sain + promoted Dorcas + Isadora + Marcus you really shouldn't find anything so challenging you need to add more promoted units in). Your promoted units have been given way too much EXP and I really hope you've been using Serra.

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Wow. So I basically have no chance of S Ranking HHM if I mess up any more?

And I thought Tactics and Funds were the main rankings I should keep my eye on...

And, uh, I guess being able to do three arena runs per one turn won't help boost my exp. rank that much at this point?

Alright, I guess I'll take your guys' advice on using Serra and Ninian and levelling up "non-main team" people. I know I really overused Sain and Dorcas, but I was having a hard enough time keeping my tactics and survival ranking up without them. I guess I should probably use Nino and Heath to boost my exp. rank, right?

Wait... I just thought of something (though you guys will probably really look down on me for it). I could use the Mine trick to de-equip enemies and feed the kills for those enemies to really low level units. Besides Cog of Destiny (I think that's the chapter where Lloyd/Linus avenges their dead brother), what chapters would be best to do the mine trick on? I'm aware of the reinforcements in that chapter, but that's still probably the best chapter to do the mine trick on, I think.

As for Eliwood's and Lyn's stats, I'll post them later since I can't access them right now.

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And, uh, I guess being able to do three arena runs per one turn won't help boost my exp. rank that much at this point?

It's something.

Alright, I guess I'll take your guys' advice on using Serra and Ninian and levelling up "non-main team" people. I know I really overused Sain and Dorcas, but I was having a hard enough time keeping my tactics and survival ranking up without them. I guess I should probably use Nino and Heath to boost my exp. rank, right?

Both, yes. Heath especially for how good he becomes.

Wait... I just thought of something (though you guys will probably really look down on me for it). I could use the Mine trick to de-equip enemies and feed the kills for those enemies to really low level units. Besides Cog of Destiny (I think that's the chapter where Lloyd/Linus avenges their dead brother), what chapters would be best to do the mine trick on? I'm aware of the reinforcements in that chapter, but that's still probably the best chapter to do the mine trick on, I think.

Psh, I use the Mine trick all the time. I actually don't use it on CoD, though. I use it on Living Legend because I hate that fog (and helps to feed Heath) and Night of Farewells (helps to feed Nino). It's really up to you otherwise. You could use one in a place like 26 where the map can't be sped up anyway so you can get Vaida's Spear and have an easier time kill-feeding.

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Alright, I guess I'll take your guys' advice on using Serra and Ninian and levelling up "non-main team" people. I know I really overused Sain and Dorcas, but I was having a hard enough time keeping my tactics and survival ranking up without them. I guess I should probably use Nino and Heath to boost my exp. rank, right?

Tactics rank is basically impossible to do properly in early game because there are too many 0 requirement chapters. Survival shouldn't be a problem...

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  • 1 month later...

I have had the same difficulties with EHM. Here are a few tips...

1. Don't overwrite the save data for Chapter 11. If worse comes to worst and you have to start from scratch, you don't want to have to redo Lyn's tale...

2. Use EVERYONE. Check your roster in each chapter, deploy at least one character whose level is lower than the others', and have them fight lots of battles. There are plenty of enemies to go around, and they provide plenty of experience for low-level characters.

3. Have a Designated Boss Killer. You can never gain more than 100 EXP from a single battle, but killing a boss gives you LOTS of exp. After number-crunching the calculations (http://serenesforest.net/fe7/calc.html), I have come to the conclusion that it is best to be no more than 9 levels below the boss's level. Any lower than that, and you'll still get 100 EXP... but no more than that.

In short, deploy a diverse force that includes low-level characters to defeat the rank-and-file enemies as well as a high-level character (within 9 levels of the boss) to get the most efficient experience from defeating the boss.

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