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Decent prepromote Warrior stats?

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would this be a good set-up for a Warrior (not necessarily good guy or bad guy, but assuming good) appearing about 2/3rds into the game?

level 6

HP 48

STR 23

SKL 15

SPD 15

LCK 13

DEF 13

RES 10


HP 60%

STR 40%

SKL 30%

SPD 30%

LCK 25%

DEF 20%

RES 10%

A axe, B bow

Con 15

yes? no? thoughts?

Edited by Claude_C_Kenny
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It doesn't look too bad to me, although the resistance actually seems pretty high for a warrior. I really can't give a definite "yes" or "no" since I don't know things like enemy stats, joining condition, etc.

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It's quite hard to say if he's good or not without knowing how strong the enemies are. If every enemy had 19+ AS with Silvers, he wouldn't be that usefu. If enemies had under 11 AS then he would be great.

I would lower his RES since 10 is too much for a Warrior.

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It really depends on what other characters and enemies look like. As it is, considering his higher base level, he's actually rather similar to Geitz except in Res, which should drop to 7 at most, if you ask me. The weapon ranks may also be a bit much. I'd sooner do a B/B or A/C split.

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level 6

HP 45

STR 22

SKL 15

SPD 17

LCK 13

DEF 15



HP 60%

STR 40%

SKL 30%

SPD 30%

LCK 25%

DEF 20%

RES 10%

Con 15

A axe C bow

how about now? didn't change the growths or Con, cuz no one commented them. also, assume the caps will be the same for warriors for the time being.

Edited by Claude_C_Kenny
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I say,

the benefit of prepromotes is often that they start far stronger defensively than your growth/normal units of the same class. To normal attackers this usually means having above average RES stat, for mages this usually means having above average DEF and HP.

15CON doesn't seem unreasonable.

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Here's your unit compared to Geitz and Hawkeye

Warrior      6      45   22   15   17   13   15   7    15  A Axe C Bow
Geitz        3      40   17   12   13   10   11   3    13  B Axe B Bow
Geitz(HHM)   3      44   19   13   14   10   12   4    13  B Axe B Bow
Hawkeye      4      50   18   14   11   13   14  10    16  A Axe

Warrior      6      60   40   30   30   25   20  10 
Geitz        3      85   50   30   40   40   20  20
Hawkeye      4      50   40   30   25   40   20  35

Your unit beats HHM Geitz in everything, and Hawkeye in everything but HP and Res.

I would lower the strength and speed by 2-3 each, providing the difficulty is comparable to HHM.

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I still think enemy stats are needed to know if that unit is overpowered or not. Look at someone like Boyd. In FE10, Boyd has trouble doubling and can actually be doubled by some of the faster enemies. Yet, if we were to transfer him to FE7 with the same exact base stats, he would be pretty much invincible. Without knowing the enemies, it is difficult to know if the Warrior is ridiculous or not.

Edited by Krad
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based on that comparison, he's not too much better than each of them. he's got a few more points in each stat, but he's also a few levels higher than both of them. if you take that into account, it balances out. he would still wind up with one or two points here and there, but compared to the original layout, most of his stats were inferior for being a few levels higher.

funny how the growths are pretty much the same. 10% in RES you think would balance out 10 base RES. what's wrong with a Warrior actually being able to take a hit?

and how do you do those comparison charts anyway?

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Since this is most likely for a hack, and enemies usually get boosted for them, should I really assume that enemies will be a complete copy of the ones found in FE7? That we will be facing 2 SPD brigands in the Prologue?

Without any information, I could just assume the enemies here will be at the level of FE3 ballistas, or that all enemies are FE10's part 4 enemies.

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I still think enemy stats are needed to know if that unit is overpowered or not. Look at someone like Boyd. In FE10, Boyd has trouble doubling and can actually be doubled by some of the faster enemies. Yet, if we were to transfer him to FE7 with the same exact base stats, he would be pretty much invincible. Without knowing the enemies, it is difficult to know if the Warrior is ridiculous or not.

true, true. I'm going to drop the topic for awhile, since I have to go anyway, but I still think you guys are missing a few things when comparing the characters. He's 3 levels higher than Geitz, of course he's going to have higher stats. and his original base RES tied with Hawkeye, who has a way higher RES growth! but, i'm going to look over what the enemy stats would be that i'm aiming for at that point in the game, and see if I can't come up with a better argument based on what you'd be seeing by then. because as mentioned before, silvers would probably start showing by then, as well as killers/braves and such.

but, thanks for the advice and input! hopefully when I come back (tomorrow), we can come to an agreement on what the stats should be. after all, with any luck, you'll hopefully be playing this.:P

now that I think about it, I think it's safe to assume that all base stats already established are staying the same, if that helps.

Edited by Claude_C_Kenny
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He's 3 levels higher than Geitz, of course he's going to have higher stats.

By, like, fours and fives.

There's something wrong with this.

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It's really not enemy stats we need, it's other playable unit stats. Even if this guy goes down in 4 hits while taking the enemy down in 2, which would normally be considered about average, he'd still be the best unit if everyone else was 2HKOd while 4HKOing, or the worst if everyone else was invincible and killing left and right.

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Since this is most likely for a hack, and enemies usually get boosted for them, should I really assume that enemies will be a complete copy of the ones found in FE7? That we will be facing 2 SPD brigands in the Prologue?

Without any information, I could just assume the enemies here will be at the level of FE3 ballistas, or that all enemies are FE10's part 4 enemies.

He said in the title, "Assume FE7". So yes, you would assume the enemies will be a copy of FE7 enemies and a similar team strength to what you have in FE7.

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