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Round 29 SF Splicing Competition


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I can see that's it's spliced, except for the shoulder pad, that throws me off.

Collarbones is (Lovely)Lalum, Hair is fusion, face is fusion, Baldness is Lyn's

head, Strap is Fir, Boney is Rambling.

Hm...It looks like Fir's shirt trim was flipped around, pasted multiple times,

and filled in and shaded for the pad.

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The shading on her clothes isn't too stellar, but I'm pleased with how it turned out.

Oh, and if you have trouble believing that her hair/body are custom, they're actually repeated mutilations of Lyn and Fir's ponytails (for the hair) and Fir's strap things and Lalum's general body for, well, her body. The only customing I did was reshading anything necessary.

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So I thought I could do a bit better and had another go at my submission.


Bonus points for cuteness...? gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

I'm a sucker for brown. =3 Although even if I wasn't a sucker for brown the way the shading of the different browns look together seems pretty good. Love it though I liked the other one too.


The shading on her clothes isn't too stellar, but I'm pleased with how it turned out.

Oh, and if you have trouble believing that her hair/body are custom, they're actually repeated mutilations of Lyn and Fir's ponytails (for the hair) and Fir's strap things and Lalum's general body for, well, her body. The only customing I did was reshading anything necessary.

I really like the hair that's pretty creative =o

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The shading on her clothes isn't too stellar, but I'm pleased with how it turned out.

Oh, and if you have trouble believing that her hair/body are custom, they're actually repeated mutilations of Lyn and Fir's ponytails (for the hair) and Fir's strap things and Lalum's general body for, well, her body. The only customing I did was reshading anything necessary.

Good shit.

Now brb going to my workshop. Too many entries and I'm feeling like being a jerk, lolstealing you guys' votes.

Kon, you might want to shade that neck more though, near her collar.


My entry.


I do like Feena a lot.

I kinda overcustom'd hair shading on her ponytail. So sowwie. >:

Edited by Hatsune Miku
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Basically, I worked a really long time yesterday on a sprite, and it was awesome and I liked it and I was ready to post it....then my computer sorta crashed and I lost everything.

So I just slopped this together. Oh well, that's how the cookie crumbles I guess.

Edited by Flyingpotato
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Ouch I HATE it when my computer overheats and I lose EVERYTHING! Thank god that at least when I'm writing openoffice can recover my work, but paint.net has no such feature I have lost a few splices that I really liked thanks to that T_T

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Ouch I HATE it when my computer overheats and I lose EVERYTHING! Thank god that at least when I'm writing openoffice can recover my work, but paint.net has no such feature I have lost a few splices that I really liked thanks to that T_T

Save more? Oh my gosh. :(

And Kon, Sylvia is looking good, but you outlined her clothes with the outline color, which looks far too dark. You also need to anti-alias the inner side of the clothing outline, too.

Edited by Astelaine
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Save more? Oh my gosh. :(

And Kon, Sylvia is looking good, but you outlined her clothes with the outline color, which looks far too dark. You also need to anti-alias the inner side of the clothing outline, too.

Oh I do now believe me XD after the first few times that happened I started saving compulsively every time I did something new.

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Do what I do because I am paranoid and save every 2 minutes. You'll be thankful about that Ctrl+S.

Haha I used to do that when something like that happened to me once but then it hasn't happened again and now I've slackened... Reading this makes me kinda wanna start doing it again. :sweatdrop:

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