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FE4 - Stealing and Reinforcements


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Has anyone noticed whether reinforcements resupply themselves with gold when they get called out? I haven't thought to try it out before.

It seems like they would, as the game probably just plops out another clone unit of the data. It'd be really inefficient to "revive" a unit... though, I wonder, if units do turn out to be cloned in this manner, would droppable items also be cloned? They would be stuck with sharing weapon uses and kills, like the Resire glitch in the original game.

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The reinforcements always get gold, but I know the commander won't ever get gold if he retreats. Reinforcement abuse usually involves Dew/Patty/Daisy/Thief ring user at least chipping someone so he can get money to repair weapons as they break.

I forget if any respawnable mook can drop a weapon or item in particular, though.

Edited by Dark Chocolate
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As far as I can remember, every drop item is held by someone with a face, so I don't think that would work. I'd test it out if there's a generic one, though.

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I can think of a General in Ch8 without a face that drops something (either Hero Lance or Hero Bow), but he doesn't retreat. Or move, for that matter.

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I'm pretty sure that even if you could do so, it would just cause conflicts since the game has specific IDs for every item a player can acquire. Like this glitch about the Lightning Tome from the main site:

A minor bug that occurs if you didn't pair Fury. During Chapter 7 you will be able to buy a Lightning tome from the Vendor. When you later recruit Hawk, he will come with a Lightning tome as well. However the two Lightning tomes are actually the same one... The two will share the same kill count and usage. When you reset and load the game again, the Lightning tome from the Vendor will disappear and you'll end up with only one Lightning tome (which is correct).

Also the general in C8 isn't even a recolor, it's just straight up Shagaal.

EDIT: Didn't realize that the first point had already been brought up (except about Rezire, apparently). Regardless, I don't think mooks drop any items.

Edited by Silvercrow
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I thought he had a different color shirt from Shagaal, like what they do with the Harold's. You'd think they'd give someone named Muhammad something cooler, too.

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There's two Generals in that map. Shagaal clone is in the forests near your start. Then there's another, a generic one, near the castle Blume is on. One of them drops Hero Lance, the other Hero Bow.

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As far as I can remember, every drop item is held by someone with a face, so I don't think that would work. I'd test it out if there's a generic one, though.

I was just curious on how the game works. One could give a generic unit a droppable item, and then kill them... but I can't think of too many scenarios when clone units are put out twice in the same map. Actually, Chapter 7 has one--the army that tries to kill Leaf will reemerge again after you kill Ishtore, if you wiped them out before hand. At least I think they're the same units being called out again.

EDIT: Oh. I forgot it's the leading general of the group that allows reinforcements to emerge, so it doesn't matter which castle it is, so long as an army's leader survives and obtains more troops.

Edited by Celice
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