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FE5 Resource distribution

RNG Princess

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I have these scrolls: Sety, Heim, Baldo, Neir, Fala, Hezul, Odo

These Manuals: Ambush, Charge, Wrath, Elite

Stat Boosts: Shield ring(x2), Life Ring(x2), Speed Ring, Leg Ring, Skill Ring, Magic Ring

Knight Proofs left: 4

Thought I should note this: Calibur at 7 uses, Repair staff Full, Warp has 1 use, Sleep staff broken, Fortify full,

I'm almost done with chapter 14 but some NPCs came out attacking me :/ How do I complete this chapter?

I accidentally left Glade behind :sob: I mistook him for one of the generics

As for Stat boosts and knight proof distribution, well I have too many favorites and Idk how to distribute adequately, scrolls don't give me a problem though:

Halvan, Mackua, Salem, Selphina, Robert, Alba, Kein, Lifis, Lara (she doesn't cost a thing), Fergus, Ronan, Tanya, Hicks, Tina, Asvel, Olwen, Dean, and Eda.

I know I'm also going to want to use Linoan, Misha, and the other recruitables ^^' but the problem is that I have 4 knight proofs left :sob: I misused some on Bryton and Nanna, although they are useful I wasn't planning on using them too long ^^'. I spoil myself on the first run because I play very inefficiently :).

[spoiler=Character Stats]

Unit    Lvl    HP ST MG SK SP LK DF BLD  Scroll Skills

Leaf    18.23  37  8  4 11  9 14  7  7   Sety   Double
Othin   15.93  37  8  0 10 15  7  7 12          Wrath
Salem   6.45   23  0  9  7  7  3  2  4   Odo    
Olwen   6.03   26  7 12 10 13  9  4  6   Heim   
Kein    14.91  32 16  2 11 17 10 10 16   Baldo
Asvel   18.46  31  2 14 13 20 12  1  7          Double
Karin   18.75  31 11  8 10 20 20  6  5
Eda      5.72  22  7  3  6  9 12  9  5 
Tina     2.95  14  0  4  1  6 16  0  3   Hezul
Makua   16.90  30 11  2 17 19 14  8  7   Neir   Aware  
Shiva   15.57  33 12  2 15 18 11  6  8   Fala   Solar
Marita   8.13  23  6  1 12 18 11  5  5          Aware, Lunar
*Lara    4.50  26  1  1 10 20 20  7  3          Dance, Steal, Elite
*Dean    3.64  36 12  2 13 12  5 13 12   Dain
*Bryton 3.63   42 14  1 15 14  6 16 16          Wrath
*Nanna  7.37   32 10 11 18 20 19 10 12          Charima            

Unit    Weapon Ranks

Leaf    A-Swords    
Othin   B-Axes 
Salem   C-Staves/Dark, D-Fire/Thunder/Wind  
Olwen   C-Swords/Fire, B-Thunder, D-Wind  
Kein    E-Swords, B-Lances
Asvel   E-Fire, D-Thunder, B-Wind 
Karin   B-Swords, C-Lances 
Eda     D-Swords, B-Lances  
Tina    E-Staves  
Makua   A-Swords 
Shiva   A-Swords 
Marita  C-Swords  
*Lara   D-Swords 
*Dean   A-Swords/Lances 
*Bryton C-Swords, A-Axes
*Nanna  B-Swords/Staves            

Not Deployed

Unit      Lvl    HP ST MG SK SP LK DF BLD  Scroll Skills

*Fergus   3.05   39 15  4 16 19 15 14 11     
Robert   14.40   30 14  3 14 20 16  7 10 
Selphina 17.52   26 11  4 13 18 11 10  6          Duel  
Alba     12.11   33 12  1 11 17 13  9 11    
Safy     17.22   22  2 18 13 11  9  1  3    
Lifis    19.86   30  4  0  7 17  3  3 10          Steal
*Dagda    9.29   44 14  1 11  9  3 11 15          Duel  
Tanya    13.31   26  9  2 14 15 15  5  6   
Havan    12.51   35 12  0 10 11  3  8 14          Ambush
Ronan    13.30   24  6  6  8 14  5  4  7          Double
*Fin     16.31   32  9  1 12 12 10  8 10          Prayer
Dalshin  11.95   32 13  1  5  4  1 12 18  
Carrion  12.73   33  9  3 14 13 12  7 13   
Hicks    15.95   37 10  3 14  9 12 10 20 
Marty     3.59   34  9  0  1  0  7  8 17 
*Fred     3.53   34  9  4 10  8  5  8 12 
*Pahn     3.30   24  7  3  8 14 11  5  8          Steal,Charisma,Ambush,Solar   

Unit     Weapon Ranks

*Fergus   A-Swords
Robert    C-Bows  
Selphina  A-Bows      
Alba      D-Swords, C-Lances
Safy      A-Staves
Lifis     C-Swords
*Dagda     A-Axes, E-Bows 
Tanya     D-Bows
Havan     B-Axes
Ronan     B-Bows
*Fin       C-Swords, A-Lances
Dalshin   B-Axes
Carrion   D-Swords, C-Lances
Hicks     E-swords, B-Axes
Marty     D-Axes
*Fred     A-Swords, C-Lances
*Pahn     B-Swords
Trude     B-Swords

BTW Fred's stats are really different from the ones noted here :blink:

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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Choke the point underneath the stairs in the center of the map with an unequipped Fin. Put Nanna 2U of him and Leaf 3U of him and make Leaf equip the King's Sword. This will give Fin 83 avo while most enemies on the map have less than 80 hit. You could give Fin a weapon to give him EXP, but you don't want him to risk dying.

Choke the points immediately to the sides of the town's center square with 2 unarmed mounted units.

Once the NPC units breach the town walls, if they have the potential to KO any of your mounted units, give them some unarmed units to capture. NPC units do not get to do anything on turn 10.

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That's quite a lot of units you're using....

On the last turn, enemy Dark Mages will appear on the right side of the map, watch out for that.

For the Ambush Manual, I usually give it to Asvel since that + Elfire/Tron can take out a good deal of enemies before they get the chance to attack.

Elite should've been used long ago, on someone that really needs level ups to function better. My pick is usually Karin.

Wrath on someone that has low PCC, needs crits and has decent durability. Must lack ambush.

Charge on someone with high HP like Eyrios.

Halvan could probably do with a Hammer and his Ambush.

Bench Marita for this chapter. You want durability, not glass cannons.

A promoted Karin can ride close enough to the ballista for dismounting and nuking one with a Magic Sword as shown here: http://www.youtube.c...e9wud9I3#t=6m25 (most units are promoted here as I've made it a habit to promote most of my units by C13's end).

If you still struggle with this chapter after a few more times, consider promotion for a few more of your units right now, early promotion is great for most.

Edited by Sirius
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Karin is such a useful unit no joke :blink: she dodges everything! I've had Dean die more times this map than Karin die throughout the whole game! Eda sucks I'm training her via arena I was thinking about doing that to Mareeta. I know I always pick too many units but everyone seems to get fatigued so easily, I thought plenty units was a must. Mareeta I hate/Love her right now, she kills those wretched generals/knights but she's OHKOd by them :sob: If I restart I'll bench her. I was thinking Elite on Linoan ^_^, does Linoan use staves? Oh and weapons seem to run out real quick in this game.

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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There's a patch for the game which raises all the stat caps from 20 to 30. I would kinda suggest using it, just 'cause the 20 cap ends up making a lot of characters feel the same end-game. But that's just me--I don't have the patch on me but I could probably find it for you if you wanted.

I always seem to be the only person who likes using Eda :P

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There's a patch for the game which raises all the stat caps from 20 to 30. I would kinda suggest using it, just 'cause the 20 cap ends up making a lot of characters feel the same end-game. But that's just me--I don't have the patch on me but I could probably find it for you if you wanted.

I always seem to be the only person who likes using Eda :P

I also like Eda ^^', fliers are among my favorites. Just that this chapter isn't helping her which is why arena training her instead.

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I didn't deploy Fin though ;;' I actually havent used him for a long time.

Yeah, that was a suggestion if you wanted an easy way to clear the map. You'll get hardly any EXP (except for Fin), but it's almost as easy as just mashing "end turn." The map gets so clogged with enemies that reinforcements stop completely after a couple of turns. You'll pretty much never see any new enemies past turn 4 and the dark mages will never show up. The NPC reinforcements will still appear, though. I guess you could have a couple of ranged users snipe over the heads of your mounted units, but you still risk them dying if they kill one too many bow armors on enemy phase.

(If you don't believe me when I say this is easy, try it for yourself. Maybe you'll even chuckle at the supreme irony of 3 unarmed units preventing a city from being taken by an entire army. Plus, it gives you a reason to use Fin. He's awesome.)

Then again, you really don't need that much EXP for units to do well in this game.

By the way, Wrath works incredibly well on Linoan. Just make sure you snag Resire from the bottom right village in chapter 14. You can sneak Dean past the enemy lines by getting him attacked by a Javelin armor on turn 1 across the south wall near the crack on the right hand side, then have him ORKO the armor and canto out of range of the boss. After he visits the village, you can just stuff him in the southeast corner of the map and wait for the map to end.

Edited by dondon151
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Yeah, that was a suggestion if you wanted an easy way to clear the map. You'll get hardly any EXP (except for Fin), but it's almost as easy as just mashing "end turn." The map gets so clogged with enemies that reinforcements stop completely after a couple of turns. You'll pretty much never see any new enemies past turn 4 and the dark mages will never show up. The NPC reinforcements will still appear, though. I guess you could have a couple of ranged users snipe over the heads of your mounted units, but you still risk them dying if they kill one too many bow armors on enemy phase.

(If you don't believe me when I say this is easy, try it for yourself. Maybe you'll even chuckle at the supreme irony of 3 unarmed units preventing a city from being taken by an entire army. Plus, it gives you a reason to use Fin. He's awesome.)

Then again, you really don't need that much EXP for units to do well in this game.

By the way, Wrath works incredibly well on Linoan. Just make sure you snag Resire from the bottom right village in chapter 14. You can sneak Dean past the enemy lines by getting him attacked by a Javelin armor on turn 1 across the south wall near the crack on the right hand side, then have him ORKO the armor and canto out of range of the boss. After he visits the village, you can just stuff him in the southeast corner of the map and wait for the map to end.

That tactic sounds perfect for an efficient run! Thanks for suggestin but I think I rather avoid it :sweatdrop: ... it kind of reminds me of RD part 1 giving all the kills to Sothe/Volug ^^' its just too boring sorry but as much as I like Fin there will be no Fin on an inefficient run ^_^ he's too jeiganish. Othin is the exception because he lacks a horse. Also I tried sneaking Dean to the house but he'd get owned either by ballistae or that annoying mini boss. You know what else I forgot? To use the thief staff the master weapons are godly they'll make my Kein better than he is! ^^'

BTW why doesn't Olwen double? its weird she has enough speed or does a 4wt Fire tome really hinder her speed? She won't double enemy generals and theyre like 4 speed under her.

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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BTW why doesn't Olwen double? its weird she has enough speed or does a 4wt Fire tome really hinder her speed? She won't double enemy generals and theyre like 4 speed under her.

Probably because Build doesn't affect tome weight in this game.

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Also if Olwen is ever using her personal tome she will never double normally because it's hilariously heavy. Part of the reason some people like Ambush on her (since the brave effect at least mitigates the tanking of her avoid). If you actually want her to have a chance of dodging anything, she better be using a sword.

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Also if Olwen is ever using her personal tome she will never double normally because it's hilariously heavy. Part of the reason some people like Ambush on her (since the brave effect at least mitigates the tanking of her avoid). If you actually want her to have a chance of dodging anything, she better be using a sword.

Wind magic is still 1 weight. You'd mostly have to buy those in chapter 12 and I don't think Q_E knew about it. Either way, assuming she doubles, she'd likely do a critical attack with a PCC of 4. She can be pretty fantastic with a Rapier if you manage to get a lot of those.

Still, I know this chapter has Armors with speed as high as 7, if not more for some of the reinfocements. That may complicate things for her if she decides to use Thunder or Fire to save Daim Thunder uses.

do scrolls combine? or can they only be used on a 1-on-1?

They do. Keep in mind that scrolls are also Iron Runes/Hoplon Guards. Each of them WILL cancel criticals on whoever has one of them, though most enemies won't critical you often as it is since they usually have low PCC. They don't double often without a Master weapon in hand too, so their critical is capped at 25 on a first attack/Brave attack.

Edited by Dark Chocolate
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She only used Daimthunder as an enemy i've been trying to get her to A fire so she could use all those stolen meteors. it was her or Asvel but Asvel didn't have the luxury of fire tomes available except 1 but he's still D ranked and she's C ranked so I'll keep it on her.

for some reason I though meteors were C ranked and I was really exicted when she got C rank but then I saw that meteors were A ranked :facepalm:

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Yeah sadly the only "fire specialist" mage in the game is pretty hard to use and even then she's not that good. Plus you can entirely miss her if you decide to go on the other route.

is that Mirinda or Olwen? Oh and Sety

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is that Mirinda or Olwen? Oh and Sety

Miranda. Sety doesn't really need anything other than Holsety and staves. However while he is very good, keep in mind that later the enemy likes to use poison weapons combined with the Hel tome, which reduces HP to 1. He still faces hit rates in the late teens to early twenties in either case if he's not backed up by Charisma or leadership stars.

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