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(FE4) Draft III


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That's amazing. I think you may take this one :P. Those last two chapters were pretty amazing. At least my chapter titles were better. Mana was also a cool castle guard.

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Chapter 9 (28 turns)

Celice quickly took Hannibal's castle, while DAMNIT if Fin isn't alive you can't recruit Altenna. I mean did he just decide he was going to withhold the fact that Leaf had a sister until he saw her in battle. Oifaye stayed on the castle to take on the dragon knights. While Leaf killed Mage knight boss to get Tornado. Julia equipped Fire and was retreated to the castle Femina stayed to guard a castle and was killed. Next chapter Patty and Aless will promote. Shanan and his Balmung took on all of Arion's troops. Once again Faval killed a Holy Warrior, with a critical, God I love Noishs skills(Holy Warrior kill count for Faval up to 3(Altenna

:(:,Ishtor and Arion. Seize on turn 28. Turn count: 337. Oh and Femina died, Well I just LOST 2 GODDAMN FLIERS

Chapter Ten 27 turns

Got out of castle and after having Dimna talk to Patty(gets her extra stats I tok out the Sleep Stavers and staff users. Faval has 18 Defense, He is better than even my Jamka!Faval or my Holyn!Faval, I love critical. Celice rushes and kills Hilda. Roddlevan eats Civilians, and now is ready to promote. My Holy Warriors beast along with Leaf. Celice goes on a solo mission while I reposition my units. Leaf Reserves for a free level up( He has capped Strength Skill Speed and Defense(I think). Faval kills Ishtor again with a 20-ish hit critical. Celice seizes again and my units move to the bridge. Celice becomes a new Holy warrior and gets Tyrfing. I hate stupid leadership star enhanced meteors. But I kill them and get ready to try to chip down Alvis. Aless hits and Then Faval CRITS ALVIS ON 17 HIT, YES!!!!!(Holy Warrior kills, 5). And it saves one turn. Celice comes back to troops "I am ready to Avenge my father." Faval says "Oops" Turn Count 364.

FINALE(8 turns, HAHA actually 30 turns)

Had Celice, Aless(28 res with Mistoltin equipped) he has +2 over his average res stat, and Leaf rush forward Shanan talks to Patty. Faval, Oifaye and Radnay stay in castle. Leaf uses his rescue staff to move Celice around all the sleep staff users and he runs and seizes and all of the Sleep Staffers disappear into thin air(like Reidric). All of the Great Knights come out and Shanan takes up sentry in the castle. Celice seizes before the Better great knight brigade gets down. Celice moves up and solos the Barons and seizes the castle. He then goes around Ishtars brigade and takes the next castle and then talks to Julia(nARGA get). Arion respects Shanan so much he doesn't attack him. Julia and Celice tag team Julius and he is taken down on turn 30 and Celice seizes.

394 Turn Finish

Stats and Thoughts in next Post

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My Final Thoughts

Celice, Lover to no one, son to Deidre and Sigurd (118 wins)

Celice was a beast but had somewhat low speed and res throughout the second gen for me, but with the leg ring he basically soloed the last chapter up to Julius

Radnay sucky sub instead of Skasaha (19 wins)

Radnay was useful... for chapters 6 and 7 and chapter 8 and 9, with a wing clipper but otherwise sucked(get LUCK)

Oifaye Mr. Man-Stache. A-1 Castle Guarder (45 wins)

Great until chapter 9, then completely obsolete. He is Amazingly helpful in chapters 6 and 7

Julia, Daughter of Deidre and Alvis, sister to Celice and Julius (25 kills)

My only early second gen healer and a great one, I would have liked more speed as she started to greatly resemble her mother. But nARGA is a must against the final boss and she got the final kill

Shanan, Wife to Patty, MVP.(66 kills)

My best Holy Weapon user in the second generation, MVP of my team for sure and if I drafted again I would once again pick him over anyone, but Levin. BALMUNG is amazing with it in critical status. Arion respects him so much he didn't even attempt to attack him

Patty, Daughter of Noish and Briggid, Sister to Faval, Wife to Shanan (15 kills)

Started out slow but I love thieves with Knight rings, Hit and Run Thieving FTW Also criticals for thieves look very cool and she criticaled often. Helped fund my team and got most of the villages and citizens

Leaf Son of Ethlin and Cuan, sister killer(well not exactly) (45 kills)

Used him with elite ring early game. and then once he promoted I had him be my Staff-Bot he used rescue to keep Shanan up with others and to Bypass the Sleep stave users in the last chapter, Also Leaf has very Manly Stats.

Faval, Holy Warrior Kryptonite, Son of Noish and Briggid (30 kills)

My second best holy weapon user. He killed five holy weapon users and many flying units. My best Faval ever, with tanky defense hogh luck and high strength, I love Noish's skills. If not for his father Faval would not have killed Alvis. Noish is a better father for Faval Alone than Holyn, Dew, or Jamka. He is amazing and when I see him I think, why don't the women in this army go for him. Is it because he doesn't wield his sword. He is too good for a sword instead I feel the women should go for him, after being hit with his arrows, I mean Faval should be like Cupid to the ladies. I LOVE FAVAL.

Aless, Son of Eltosian and my worst Holy Weapon user (53 kills)

I love Aless but I would pick a good father over him any day. Useful in the last chapter against sleep staves he maxed RES but I still don't like him that much. He is still a great unit and should be drafted high.

Altenna, SOB

I now hate killing her but I had no choice because stupid Fin never told Leaf who his GODDAMN SISTER IS

Femina 13 kills

Could be star of a show called Peg Knights who I don't care about

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I'm tempted to triple post to get in chapters 10 and Final and then the character analysis, but I guess I won't.

Chapter 10 - Light and Dark

Peruluke to Cronos - 7/291 turns

LalalalaCelice/Sety shitstomp, lalalala, I hate sleep staves... lalalala... Fee's res is amazing...

Cronos to Rados - 3/294 turns

AhahahahahaCeliceshitstomp. Everybody else readies for the assault on that other castle.

Rados to Miletos - 8/302 turns

And now for an infusion of strategy. Obviously, Celice had to run back as fast as possible to reach in time. This time, though, I had a lot less trouble, due to Fee and Sety being kickass. All goes well until I reach Ishtar/Yurius. In the end, I settle on luring them out with Sety... who promptly dies. *loads map save*

Fuck you Continue. Fuck you Ambush. asdlkfnjaslgnlsdkfjasdfas.

So after much arena-ing with Tristan, I eventually manage to proc Continue on Sety, thereby allowing Celice to finish Ishtar off with a Silver Sword blick. Dance, seize, done.

Miletos to Chalphy - 10/312 turns

28/312 turns


--> The Final Holy War - 35/347 turns <--

Chalphy to Edda - 5/317 turns

Holy holepunch, Celice! That was fast!

Sety kicks ass with his sister, all while healing Arthur's lolSilence because of lolRes. Oifaye is still keeping up in usefulness, I take back what I said earlier about him falling behind. Even now, he's a solid combatant of my team.

Edda to Dozel - 5/321 turns

Beyond lolSwanchika, this was just a shitstomp, courtesy of Sety and Fee. Celice roflstomps the right side of the map, and that's about it. Next up: Freege.

Dozel to Freege - 7/328 turns

You don't even have to kill Hilda. Seize Freege and her entire army disappears, along with Scorpio and his squad of lol. Next up: Ishtar.

Freege to Velthomer -10/338 turns

Motherfucking peg sisters. Ishtar was fairly easy (Sety silenced her. XD), but those damn peg sisters were murdering the crap out of me. Eventually, I settled on defeating them one at a time, using Celice and Sety liberally. Also Fee, as that Hero Lance was invaluable in taking out Ishtar's squad. Silence Yuria, own the shit out of Manfroy, done.

Velthomer to Barhara - 8/346 turns

Nargablick most of the Dark Warlords, along with some help from Sety and Celice and Fee. Arthur almost succumbed to death's embrace upon Arione's lance, but he held out. Somehow. Yuria ORKO Yurius, and dance+seize.

35/347 turns



I think I did take this one. ~_~

I honestly thought I would lose until I saw the turncount on chapter 9, then the Final came around, making me freak out at Ishtar and the peg sisters. Fuck yes for Silence.

Character Analysis in next post.

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Celice, Kickass Lord


A++. Always. He never once let up, as Sigurd gave him the awesome that he needs to shitstomp the entire Gen 2. The team of him and LegRing!Laylea is what let me get such ridiculous turncounts on chapters 8 and 9.

Yuria, His sister

[No image because I forgot]

Nargablicked everything in the final chapter, not a lot else to say... she was a star player before she disappeared, but that's about it. Hardly my MVP as she frequently got left behind while Sety/Arthur/Celice rushed on ahead.\

Tristan, Generic and unused


Ditched him after chapter 6. Useful for manipulating the RNG without landing me in penalty land. XD

Dimna, ... who was he again?

Died in chapter 6. RIP.

Arthur, Magic Tank


He did not disappoint. Easily my MVP, neck and neck with Celice and Laylea. Started out great and never let up, only faltering in the final, where he made a valiant stand against Arione and his squad.

Fee, Mounted Awesome


Almost as useful as the others on my core team. Bonus points for being one of the four units used to blow down Yurius's door at the end, along with Sety, Celice and Yuria. She certainly made a great healer, for when Sety was busy and Janne was making sure that Tristan didn't get lonely. Owned the shit out of everything she ever looked at with the Hero Sword/Lance. That is all.

Oifaye, Useful Jeigan?


Oshit, almost forgot him. 'Tis a good thing to have him, as he only really let up with awesomeness against Ishtar's squad. Again, I take back what I said about him becoming obselete after chapter 8.

Janne, Keeping Tristan company


I really don't know why I picked her. Utterly useless in combat, and Fee/Yuria completely outdid her in healing duty. Not a recommended pick unless you're REALLY starved for healers. I used her for chapter 8 until Fee promoted, then benched her. She and Tristan got along pretty well.

Tinny, Arthur's sister


Not bad after she promoted. Before that, she suffered the same thing that Yuria did in that her move meant she got left behind. Normally I'd tell you not to get her, but she comes with Arthur who is awesome. Still don't know if it's worth having to deal with Tiltyu at the same time, but still.

Laylea, Canned Speedrunning


She's a dancer. In a game when movement is stressed more than anything. That is all.

But really, throw a Leg Ring on her and watch the turns fly by. She is the single reason that let me beat the shit out of chapters 8 and 9 so quickly, as I could just bumrush and watch Celice/Arthur/Sety kill stuff dead.

Sety, Lord of Edda


Holy holepunch, Celice! Sety's amazing! *shot* (note: it's a reference to the translation patch's rendition of seizing Edda)

But really, Sety does not disappoint. Slightly more useful than Hawk due to inheriting Claude's staff-rank, allowing him to throw around that Reserve staff in the Final. His use of Silence in the same chapter gave me some much needed relief from the headaches I had to deal with when dealing with Ishtar. Seriously, Ishtar and the peg sisters make up the most difficult part of the game IMO. Although it's a lot easier when you have a full team.


In the end, my team consisted of Arthur, Celice, Sety and Fee, with Yuria and Tinny making appearances whenever they could reach the action (not as often as I'd like). Oifaye too, though he was more of a mop-up guy. Laylea allowed me to go (almost) twice as fast as I should have in all rights. Obviously, Sety occasionally fell behind, but he had enough move (and there were enough path tiles) that he managed to keep up most of the time (that or I slowed down for him ~_~).

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Nicely done, Cam. I'll remember that dancing for another day. Jammy was another pickle, he resulted in my abysmal turn count in chapter 1. At least I had Corple. Is JBCWK still stuck on chapter 2? I really hope he's figured his way past his rut.

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I think Josh is working on a solution, not really sure if he's found one yet.

I personally think that Laylea is a better choice than Sylvia, since Charisma gave me a noticeable combat bonus. That and it means I don't have to waste time on recruiting Corple XD

I think you would have beaten me had you not gone and recruited everyone. For example, you probably could have shaved off a ton of turns had you ditched Hannibal and using Oifaye to guard against Arione. I'd say the same goes for Ayra but that Hero Sword is tasty.

My strategy for Jamka is to park Aideen two spaces behind Sigurd, obliterate everyone in the way, then pray to god that Jamka doesn't ORKO Siggy.

All in all, good game.

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Corple actually didn't take too long to recruit. My problem was that I had to send Celice back to castle to stop Mana taking a beating. Ayra was definitely worth the Hero Sword though. As was Altenna so I could get Areone on my side.

I actually had 24 turns worth of penalties :P, 6 from Cuan saving Chalphy and baiting Aira, whilst Daisy's cash and Hannibal's defense cost me another 6. If I had someone like Alec or Noish, I probably would have been able to avoid the first two. Although you're right in that I could have used Oifaye. Hey, at least I didn't bother with Linda and Asaello (both have a history of being undrafted scrubs any way).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 2


Can't remember the whole thing, but basically had some trouble with Phillip, got ganged on by the second castle's armours and the Free Knights, killed Fury, recruited Lachesis and SHAGALL DIED ON TURN 40.

Also Fin promoted lol

Name    Level HP Str Mag Skl  Spd  Lck Def  Res  Gold
Sigurd  21.92 52 19  1   17   17   13  17+5 3+5  47395
Azel    9.33  35 1   13  9    12   2   3    7    19725
Fin     21.71 46 19  1   22   18   17  17   4    15645
Midir   14.02 38 12  1   12   12+5 4   10   0    32055
Aideen  10.50 32 3   17  9    11   16  2    10   25000
Ayra    15.40 41 14  0   21+5 20   5   8    1    11120
Diadora 9.84  29 3   19  9    14   6   3    21   7500
Holyn   18.33 47 17  0   21   19   3   12   1    22240

40/84 turns

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Actually, wait.

That thing may be rendered invalid because my ZSNES just glitched up, and I can't access the savestate I had at the beginning of C3. If it is, I'll be restarting the entire run.

EDIT: Yes it is glitched and dead.

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