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Loz OoT Fanfic: The Uncounted Princess

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This is the story of Kaira, the princess of Hyrule not mentioned in the game. While her name and appearance resemble Kiryn's, she is not the same character at all. Anyway, I'm posting the first two chapters for launch, so... enjoy.

Oh, I tried to put indents at the beginnings of paragraphs, but it didn't work, so there's extra spacing.


Kaira sighed as she stared out the window at the courtyard below her. There was her sister, two years younger than she and the favorite of the court and of the Hyrulean people. Zelda, the celebrated princess- everyone loved her, Kaira thought. Not that she could really blame them- Zelda was a pretty child, and she followed a lot more of the rules than Kaira did. The people barely knew about Kaira, and most had forgotten what they did know of her. Kaira’s birth was never formally announced- she had been born at the height of the first war with Ganondorf and his fell army, and the king wished to keep her from harm. Then, towards the war’s end, Zelda was born, and immediately became everyone’s darling. Kaira knew that if she thought the way most people assumed girls did, she would be incredibly jealous, but she couldn’t really bring herself to be. Zelda was all right, even if she was a little odd. She didn’t act like a pampered pet, and she was one of the few people who actually understood Kaira’s rebellious streak. She was smart, too, and magically talented. The only thing that was a particular pain about her was her tendency for making predictions that usually turned out to be annoyingly true.

This last one wouldn’t, Kaira thought as she watched her sister’s patient waiting. There was no way a Kokiri would actually come to the castle from the forest. It wasn’t that the castle was an impregnable fortress- she had proven that several times over herself, sneaking out nearly every day to explore Castle Town. It was that no Kokiri would risk death by leaving the forest.

So the bored princess was greatly surprised when a boy, with green clothes and a little ball of light hovering over his shoulder, came running into the courtyard. She watched her sister talk to him, explaining about Ganondorf. She was right on that count, Kaira and some of the castle staff agreed- his recent declaration of surrender and fealty to the king of Hyrule were completely untrustworthy. As Impa, the princesses’ bodyguard, led the boy away, the conversation over, Kaira ran down the stairs to find her sister.

“I was right about the fairy boy,” Zelda told her before she could say anything. “And you might not want to run around like that, the maids do talk to the nurses and you don’t want another telling-off.”

“Feh. I suppose,” growled Kaira. “Would it kill you not to be right for once?”

“It could be dangerous, yes,” said Zelda. “Anyway, Link’s gone off to find the stones now, so that’s one step closer to keeping—“

“Ssh! He’s watching us!” Kaira hissed. Indeed, the menacing Gerudo sorcerer was indeed staring intently out the throne room window. “Tell me somewhere he can’t hear!”

“He was watching me and Link earlier, too,” said Zelda as they walked unhurriedly down the hall to one of their rooms. “I wonder how much he knows…”

“Probably too much, knowing you,” grumbled Kaira. “You might be a genius or whatever, but you haven’t got any caution, sis.”

“And you do?” asked Zelda, amused. “Anyway, you’re right, we should be more careful. Especially you.”

“What are you talking about?”

“He knows that you exist.”

“You, too!”

“Everyone knows that I exist. It’s a well-kept secret that you’re here, though, and the heir at that.”


“I think that you should go into hiding,” Zelda finally said. “Go to Kakariko or somewhere.”

“What???” Kaira was taken completely by surprised.

“Or you could go somewhere else, I suppose…” Zelda offered.

“No, that’s the best idea you’ve ever had! I could go to Kakariko and be a commoner! Then I don’t have to put up with being a princess! Excellent!”

“What are you scheming now?” a voice from behind the girls asked with amusement. Kaira spun around; Zelda just stood still, knowing who the voice belonged to.

“How do you sneak around like that, Impa?” Kaira demanded.

“I just do. Anyway, the dignitaries are gone now, so you can stop being so uncomfortable”

“Yes!!” Seemingly from nowhere Kaira produced a piece of string and tied her flaming mane back. “Freedom!”

“So what are you two up to?”

“Ganondorf’s seen Kaira,” Zelda explained. “We think she should go to Kakariko just to be safe.”

“I see. It looks like you two have finally found some caution. I’ll speak with the king about it—it’s a good idea.” Impa said.

“Yes!” Kaira said. Without further ado, she rushed off to her room to change into a tunic and breeches so she could go practice with her sword, leaving her sister and bodyguard shaking their heads behind her.

Finally, the day came for Kaira to leave. A few weeks had passed, during which Link had reappeared with the Goron’s ruby, and the king had finally agreed to let her go. Kaira swung up into the saddle of a borrowed horse from the palace guard’s stables. It was a rather unremarkable horse- dark bay, no markings to speak of. It was also completely without any spirit at all, it seemed. As her guards got ready to go, she waved goodbye to her sister and Impa. She had already told her parents goodbye; they could not be there when she left, as they were in the middle of still more negotiations. The two guards gave the signal to leave, and Kaira kicked her horse. It didn’t seem to feel it, being accustomed to ignoring the signals of much larger soldiers, so after a few more times Kaira finally resorted to smacking it across the rump. The horse started and ambled forth from the castle, beginning Kaira’s journey.


A clamor of noise swallowed up the ringing hoofbeats of Kaira’s horse as she and the guards entered Castle Town. Kaira was not bothered, though- she had been to Castle Town many times before, disguised as a common child. She smacked away the small hand that had wormed its way into her saddlebag. Pickpockets were not uncommon; this one might have even been one of her friends, not recognizing her in her royal messenger disguise. She noticed that her guards’ saddlebags already looked lighter. She kicked her horse into a trot, eager to be off.

They reached the drawbridge at the entrance of town soon after. There, they discovered a setback: Kaira’s horse would not cross. Right before the bridge, it skidded to a halt, its steel-shod hooves raising sparks from the cobblestones. She tried getting down and leading it, blindfolding it, baiting it with food; it would not go forward when it felt wood under its feet. Finally, cursing, she gave up and ordered one of the guards to switch saddlebags with her.

“We need what’s in mine, your Highness!” he protested, but Kaira cut him off, venting her irritation.

“If you paid any attention, you would’ve realized that yours are empty! You’ve let half the city take a share! And I’ll thank you not to use my title while I’m in disguise!”

“Fine then, miss.” He started to change the saddlebags.

“Not ‘miss’, either! I’m disguised as a messenger boy, you fool!” Pacing in frustration, Kaira tossed a green rupee over her shoulder to the bemused bridge guard. “That’s to get the horse back to the stables for us.” She tossed a red one. “That’s for nobody hears about this, ever.”

“Right, master messenger!” The guard had no idea what was going on, but twenty rupees was a welcome prize, and enough to buy his silence.

“And what are you planning on doing without your horse?” demanded Kaira’s guard, tying Kaira’s saddlebag to his horse.

“I can walk. Or one of you can. Better yet, you can return to the castle, and I will ride your horse.”

“It’s too dangerous for you to go with only one guard, miss!”

“I can take care of myself. I’ve got a sword.”

“That thing? You can barely lift it, let alone swing it, we both know it’s just for show! I’ll not let you go with only one guard!”

“Actually I can use the sword, but that’s beside the point. I order you to return to the castle,” Kaira finished imperiously. “That’s final. Disobey, and, well… I am a princess…” She let her voice trail off for effect. It worked.

“All right, all right! But when the king hears about this…” he muttered darkly.

“I’m confident he won’t hear of it. You see, you allowed me to go.” Kaira said smugly.

“I did not!” The guard grabbed for Kaira’s collar, but she leapt into the saddle of his horse. She had been shortening the stirrups during the argument, so she was now firmly seated, not flailing about with too-long stirrups. The horse sidestepped and she clicked her tongue to tell it to get ready to move.

“Later!” she shouted, nudging the horse into a canter. The other guard followed her. The standing soldier tried to mount Kaira’s mount, but could not convince it to cross the bridge.

After a few minutes, a good way into Hyrule Field, Kaira slowed her mount to an easy trot. It was of a similar type as the horse that had refused to come: lazy, slow, and unspirited. As she slowed to a halt, it dropped its head quickly towards the lush grass, and Kaira pulled its head quickly up. She turned in the saddle to talk to the guard.

“So which way are we headed?”

“Southeast. It’s not a direct route, but we’re stopping at Lon Lon Ranch because it’s the safest place to stop along the way.”

“All right. Hey, what’s your name, anyway?”


“I can’t well keep calling you ‘Guard’, can I?” Kaira looked exasperated.

“It’s Deger, milady.”

“Stop it with the milady business! You don’t call a messenger boy milady!”

“Right, ‘lad’.”

“Much better.”

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Glad you're liking it so far. Here's another chapter.

Ch. 3

Kaira continued down the road toward Lon Lon Ranch. For the thousandth time (at least it seemed that way), her guard glanced nervously around.

“What is it now?” Kaira asked. “You’re so paranoid.”

“I heard digging. And the sun’s going down.” Deger reflexively reached for his lance.

“So?” Kaira countered, though her tone was less calm and her right hand twitched towards the hilt of her borrowed sword.


It was true; fleshless hands were beginning to claw up out of the ground behind them. The horses tossed their heads nervously and responded immediately to the signal to go faster. The bony monsters chased after, and the horses broke into a canter. Kaira spurred hers faster; she knew how to use her sword but had never actually faced monsters before, and didn’t really want to at present. Suddenly, one of the skeletal fiends grabbed for one of her horse’s hind legs. Another scrabbled at its face, tearing at the bridle. The horse reared and plunged in a panic, dislodging Kaira and the saddle but not the monsters. The horse bolted off across Hyrule field, whinnying frantically. Kaira jumped up and started running; they were almost at the gate of the ranch. At a safer distance, she picked up rocks and began hurling them at the Stalchildren while Deger stabbed them with his lance. The cowardly monsters gave up and dove back into the ground, and Deger picked up Kaira’s saddlebags, putting them on his own mount.

“Well, we’re here,” Kaira remarked. She walked through the gate of the ranch and up the path. Deger followed, leading the remaining horse and trying to keep it calm.

“There you are!” exclaimed Malon, running out of the corral, a little foal cantering clumsily after her. Kaira rushed to greet her. “Took you long enough!”


“Well, we’d best get inside. Ingo will get your guard’s horse stabled.” Malon took a saddlebag off of the horse. “Come on!”

The girls entered the ranch house. The little red-brown filly gave a high-pitched whicker and tried to follow Malon, who laughed and gently steered the foal towards the stable.

“New horse?” Kaira remarked. She had been to Lon Lon Ranch many times before, and had never seen Epona.

“Yeah. I found her out in the Field a couple days after you left last time. I checked on the wild herds, but I couldn’t find her mother, so she’s mine now.”

“How do you two know each other?” Deger had come in.

“Yeah. I’ve been here loads of times.” Kaira told him nonchalantly. “I sneak out of the castle a lot, nobody does anything about it.”

“Obviously,” Deger muttered. Suddenly he remembered having seen redheaded maids and pages around the castle. They had all looked rather similar- rather like Kaira, he realized, and kicked himself for not realizing months ago.

“Come on, let’s eat dinner,” Malon said to Kaira. Kaira threw herself into one of the chairs and dug in eagerly to the food in front of her.

“Sho mwut’s mu wiv yhu?” Kaira mumbled around her food several minutes later. Malon rolled her eyes; Kaira’s face was stuffed.

“Not much. I saw a weird boy the other day. I think he was a Kokiri, his clothes were all green. He got along well with Epona, actually- that surprised me. He had a funny instrument too- an Ocarina. Oh and we’ve saddle-trained that other wild horse now, the buckskin two-year-old filly.”

“Hey, my sister talked to that kid the other day!” Kaira exclaimed. “She sent him on a mission to keep Ganondorf from stealing the Triforce!”

“Really? I thought Ganondorf claimed loyalty to Hyrule now.”

“It’s all a lie. Zelda’s had another of her dreams.”

“Not surprising, really, is it? I mean, he led the rebellion that sparked the last war, we can’t expect his loyalty now. Speaking of dreams, though, it’s getting late. We should go to sleep. You can use the extra bed in my room.”

“All right.” The two girls got ready for bed and were soon asleep.

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Ch. 4

Kaira tossed and turned in her sleep. In her dreams, she saw the Kokiri boy, Link, triumphantly clutching a stone of skywater blue. That image was replaced immediately by Ganondorf, laughing in manic triumph. Ganondorf faded into a view of Castle Town, blackened and charred by sorcerous flames, its inhabitants fleeing in wild terror. She saw her sister fling the Ocarina of Time into the air and grabbed for it- and fell out of bed.

"Kaira! Are you all right?" Malon's worried face came fuzzily into view above Kaira's face. "You were yelling.'

"I was? That's just great. Listen, something bad's about to happen. I have to go back to Castle Town." Kaira clambered to her feet and hastily started packing her essential belongings. "Do you have a fast horse I can borrow?"

"Yes, but what's wrong?"

"I don't know. I think Ganondorf's going to attack the castle."

"Then you should keep going to Kakariko! It's not safe to go back!"

"My sister is at the castle, and she doesn't know! I can't let her get herself captured!" Kaira pulled on her borrowed boots, too big at present but still functional. "I need to go now!" She buckled on her sword belt; a mediocre sword was better than none.

"You need to eat something first, at least," Malon insisted. "Then we can go."

"You're not coming with! I'm not putting one of my friends in danger!"

"Try and stop me. Anyway, I won't lend you a horse unless you let me come."

Kaira gritted her teeth. "Fine."

They ran downstairs and wolfed some breakfast down. Still swallowing the last bites, they dashed to the stable to get horses. As soon as she saw Malon, Epona ran over and gave her a playful headbutt. Malon patted the filly absentmindedly and led a tall gray mare out of a stall and tied her in place. She then led out a slender filly with a golden coat and mane and tail dark as smoke. "Stand," she told the filly. "She won't take anything on her face, halter or bridle, so we can't tie her," Malon explained to a puzzled Kaira. The filly stood quite still- she obviously took all other commands.

"I don't need a bridle to control a horse."

"All right, you can ride her. Her name's Rhiannon." Malon saddled the gray and started to bridle her; Kaira picked a light but sturdy saddle and put it on Rhiannon. Malon slung her quiver over her shoulder. They led their horses outside the barn and mounted. They set forth at a brisk walk, gradually warming the horses up. As they broke into a trot at the gates of the ranch, Deger saw them and ran after them.

"Where d'you think you're going?" he shouted incredulously.

"Never mind!" Kaira yelled. "Don't come with!"

Once they were out in the open plains of Hyrule field, the girls nudged their horses into a canter. "How long can these horses canter?" Kaira asked.

"Rhiannon's wild stock, she can go practically forever," Malon answered. "It took us almost a whole day to catch her, and she was barely tired then, and she was littler then too. Saida- my horse- can go three or four hours, she's bred for endurance but she can't beat a wild horse."

"Right, it shouldn't take three hours to get to Castle Town," Kaira decided. She noticed uneasily that stormwind was rising behind them. "I hope we make good time- there's a storm coming."

"Soon, too," said Malon, who could better judge weather due to her experience working outside on the ranch. "Let's hope it doesn't catch us."

They cantered a stretch more and then settled into a steady trot. Malon’s mount became more and more nervous as the wind picked up. Finally the mare stopped, snorting nervously, and would go no further. "She smells the storm," Malon realized. "I'd better take her home."

"What about Rhiannon? Is she going to want to head for the barn too?"

"I highly doubt it. That filly has the heart of a lion. Go ahead without me- if I don't turn around soon, Saida's going to bolt."


Malon wheeled the mare around and broke into a canter towards home. Rhiannon tossed her head as if to say, I've got more courage than that horse. Kaira nudged her to go faster.

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  • 2 weeks later...


As Kaira came within view of Castle Town, the rain began. A few drops came first, then without further warning the skies opened. Huge drops sliced through the air as Kaira kicked Rhiannon into a gallop. As she flew across the field, Kaira noticed someone else running on foot alongside far-off Zora’s River- someone followed by a glowing fairy. She continued onward; she hadn’t time to waste. Link kept on, too; he did not see Kaira through the dark. He fell behind.

Kaira reached the drawbridge and whoaed Rhiannon to a walk. Suddenly Rhiannon shied, prancing away from the drawbridge, eyes wide. Realizing that the young horse sensed a threat, Kaira turned her away. She saw Link catching up, jogging resolutely through the lashing storm. She flinched as a particularly large bolt of lightning ripped the black sky in half, thinking it would spook her horse, but the wild filly did not bat an eye. Suddenly, she heard a steady rumbling. She assumed that it was thunder, but seconds later realized that it was hoofbeats. She saw a tall, slim, well-bred horse, white as the lightning overhead, gallop wildly across the drawbridge. In the saddle was Impa, spurring the horse on. In front of Impa, Kaira realized with a gasp, rode Zelda, hugging close to the horse’s neck, hands tangled in its snowy mane.

As Kaira shifted in the saddle, about to follow her bodyguard and sister, she saw Zelda take one hand off of the horse and reach into her pocket. Zelda pulled out the Ocarina of Time, the royal treasure, and flung it desperately towards Link. It soared in an arc over his head and into the moat. The drawbridge creaked as inside the walls guards labored to raise it, but it was too late- another huge horse thundered up it as it steepened and took a flying leap off of the end. This horse was as black as its rider’s heart, with mane and tail of flaming red. Ganondorf reined his steed mercilessly to a halt in front of Link. Unnoticed by either, Kaira fled.

Kaira did not hear what Ganondorf said to Link, nor see him charge off to the desert in a fit of mad laughter. She did not see Link dive into the moat to retrieve the shadow-blue Ocarina from its depths, nor see him run over the lowering drawbridge. All she saw was Rhiannon’s smoky mane and the landscape speeding by as she bolted in pursuit of her sister.

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Well written as always! This part of the game is foggy in my mind, but I can tell that you described it perfectly. You definitely had the mood set right. Also, I loved Kaira's determination to go after her sister.

I can't wait to read the next part!

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Another chapter.


Not long after she began her pursuit, Kaira drew even with Impa and Zelda. Impa did not see Kaira until Zelda did and gave a cry of surprise. “What are you doing here?” Zelda asked.

“I was wondering that of you,” Kaira panted. “Slow down, my horse is getting tired. So’s yours.”

Indeed, the white horse was blowing like a windstorm, its sides slick with sweat as well as rain. Impa reined it in to a walk, and it gratefully complied. Kaira let Rhiannon slow as well.

“Ganondorf came without warning,” Zelda explained, shouting over the storm. “Impa was just quick enough to get us out. I’m going to have to go into hiding now, too.”

“Are you going to go to Kakariko, too?”

“Not yet. I have to go into even deeper hiding. I’m not going to be Zelda anymore.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m going to use a false identity. As soon as Impa trains me, I’ll be Sheik- a Sheikah warrior. In that disguise, I’ll keep working against Ganondorf.”

“Should I come too?”

“No, Kaira. Hyrule needs a leader.”

“W-what do you mean?”

“Our parents. They’re gone. I don’t know if they fled or were killed, but for now, you’re in charge. I suggest you keep that much to yourself, but try to rally the people to youall the same. You’ll be Impa’s student, not the princess, to them.”

“Right. Wait- what?!?”

Impa spoke up. “Go to my house in Kakariko. Keep practicing with your sword and magic. Work on martial arts and train your horse to fight. Defend the people when the time comes.”

“You’re sure Ganondorf’s going to attack?” Kaira asked.

“He will,” Zelda replied seriously. “I’ve seen it. Castle Town will be ruined. You’ll need to send messengers to tell the people to evacuate to Kakariko. Do not return to the castle except for sending warnings and gathering the most necessary supplies, and only then in disguise. Don’t try to find Link. Help the people all you can.”

“I will,” Kaira promised. “When will you return?”

“Sheik will appear in seven years. So will Link. Impa will join you in Kakariko sooner. Princess Zelda will not appear again until this all is over.”

“That long? Why does it have to be seven years?” Kaira demanded.

“Link will go to the Temple of Time. He will break the seal on the Triforce, but in doing so, accidentally allow Ganondorf to reach it. Link is destined to defeat him, but he cannot do so as a child. The Master Sword will take him to the Chamber of the Sages, where he will sleep seven years until he is strong enough to be called a hero. Then he will return to defeat Ganondorf. I’ve seen it in a dream. You must not tell anyone you know this.”

“It’s scary how you know all this, you’re younger than me!”

“Is it scary? Really? I didn’t know. Anyway, you must help defend Kakariko for those seven years. You will be a strong leader. I can tell.”

“If you say so…”

Impa spoke again. “You should go now. Return to Lon Lon Ranch for the night. The storm should cease soon. Tomorrow, send your guard to raise the evacuation alarm in Castle Town and make haste to Kakariko.” Zelda looked like she wanted to say something more, but hesitated too long.

“I’ll go, then. Goodbye!”

Kaira turned Rhiannon to leave. As she gained speed, she heard her sister call: “Kaira! In the Temple of Time! Find the…” but her words were lost on the wind.

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Since people like it so much in my Tales of serenes story, Im just gonna have a whole topic for it. Feel free to make requests!

Masu/Princess C support:

Takes Place durring Tales of Serenes Part 2 chapter 1:The 20 mile rush.

Masu:*huff.....huff.......* So......tired.......

Princess:I *pant* agree......

Masu"Hey! We're taking a break alright!?



Masu walks towards a large rock and lays back on it and looks up to the sky.

Masu:Ahhhhh.......this is more like it!


Masu:*sits up* Huh? Oh hey!

Princess:......will you do something for me???


Princess:..well.....its just.......my body is so.......


Princess:Tense. Will you massage my shoulders?


Princess:What? You said you wanna date me. Then give me a massage! You always seem like you're so ready to touch me anyway.....heres your chance!

Masu:...you evil woman...........


Masu:Everytime I DO want to do something with/to you....its always "noooooo!" or "I dont think we're ready for that!!!" And when I DONT want to do anything with/to you, then you're "C'mon......dont you wanna touch me? ;) " WTF!?

Princess:........JUST DO IT. *sits down infront of Masu facing away from him*

Masu:*sigh* Fine fine.........*puts hands on Princess' shoulders*

Princess:.....*slightly blushes*...not.....to rough okay?


Princess:......strange.......I would have thought that he would have made a sex joke........even I thought of the perverted version of what I said.....could it be that.....im as sick as Masu!?

Oh no she wasnt. Masu was already having thoughts.

Princess:....ooh Masu.....please........take off my shirt........



Princess:.....Masu. Please take off my-




Princess:Yes. Perv. My hair has gotten quite long. I would like to let it down for a few minutes before we start rushing towards the town again.

Masu:...... :mellow: .........alright. Just........*stands up* gimme a sec okay? *walks behind a tree*

Princess: :mellow:

Masu:*slams his head on the tree* FUCK!

Princess: :huh:

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Why don't we consider possible supports to be a user's friends, then pick a conversation at random out of their friend list?

that's what I plan to do. But i'll still take requests! :lol:

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Here's a Nightmare/Fireman/Bianchi support....

<Nightmarre> So there's no point in that...

<Fireman> we'll know every twist and turn

<Fireman> it's to mess with people

<Fireman> and to spread chaos

<Nightmarre> Even if we don't, we have somebody special...

<Bianchi> Me?

<Fireman> who?

<Fireman> chanserv?

<Fireman> eggman?

<Bianchi> Providence?

<Fireman> the suspense is killing me

* Nightmarre points at self

<Fireman> i knewz it

<Bianchi> lol

<Fireman> so how do we make this a competition?

<Fireman> maybe something like whoever posts last, their team wins?

<Bianchi> we would need a mod to help us, though

<Bianchi> and with the mods we have........

<Bianchi> lol!

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