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Loz OoT Fanfic: The Uncounted Princess

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And now, here's an alternate NightmarexSongbird C Support! But for this to happen, Nightmare needs to be the one to recruit Songbird. So here's the recruitment convo first. And for maximum awesomeness, play With Us! (PoR recruitment theme) as you're reading this:

Songbird: H-hey! Where did you come from?!

Nightmare: Nowhere.

Songbird: Well, it certainly seems like you came out of nowhere. I suppose the better question is, who are you?

Nightmare: I am Nightmare.

Songbird: Nightmare? Interesting name. Anyway, what are you doing in the middle of a battlefield?

Nightmare: Fighting. Obviously.

Songbird: ...I see. I don't particularly like violence. That's why I'm a healer. I want to be able to help innocents harmed in this battle. Anyway, what's a warrior like yourself doing talking to me?

Nightmare: Me? Talking to you? You've got it the wrong way...

Songbird: Good Point. But in any case, if any of your comrades are hurt, bring them to me. I'll help if I can.

Nightmare: So what you're saying is you're joining our side?

Songbird: I-I...umm...I don't know...I just want to help whoever needs helping!

Nightmare: Well in that case, I shall protect you. Stand by my side.

Songbird: Oh! Well, alright then. That would be helpful. Thank you very much!

And now for the alternate C Support. As I said in my previous post, for maximum awesomeness, read this while playing For Victory (PoR base theme):

Nightmare: ...

Songbird: Mr. Nightmare? Are you alright?

Nightmare: Oh...maybe...

Songbird: Maybe? What's that mean?

Nightmare: Oh, you're the little girl I'm supposed to protect?

Songbird: ...L-little girl? I'm not a little girl! And hey, did you change the subject?!

Nightmare: ...Yes I did. Purposefully.

Songbird: O-oh. I see...I guess you don't want to talk about it, then. Well, is there any way I can cheer you up without you having to tell me what's upsetting you?

Nightmare: Perhaps you can talk to me. Tell me about yourself; I barely know you.

Songbird: Me? There's not really anything that special about me. I'm just a travelling healer who tries to help who they can. Who's really interesting is you! I probably know even less about you than you do about me. Unless, you don't want to talk about that either...?

Nightmare: Hmm...maybe not now. But that sure did help! Now if you'll excuse me, I have matters that need attending to. Take care, and farewell.

Songbird: Oh! You take care, too! Come to me if you're injured! ...What a mysterious guy...

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Kaira awoke to the smell of cooking food and nearly fell off the bed. She shot down the hall to the kitchen, where the smell had to be coming from. She didn’t know who to expect, but she was not at all expecting who was there- the boy from the previous day, cooking sausages in the fireplace.

“You again?” was the first thing she could think of to say.

“Well that’s a nice greeting, isn’t it? Not the right way to get someone to share food with you, that’s for certain. How else were you planning to get breakfast?”

“Wha- why—How did you know I can’t cook?”

“Why else would a person that seems relatively sane otherwise go to sleep without eating? You can’t cook because you’re a noble, I can tell.”

“What?” Kaira was astonished; how could he know her status?

“Your accent. Oh sure, you must spend a load of time with commoners, but it still slips in. I’m sure you’ve plenty of sense on the streets, it sounds like you go there a lot, but I’ve never met a noble that could cook.”

“You can tell that much from the way I talk?”

“Yeh. I’d say you’re pretty high-ranking too, although you’re hiding it.”

“Have you been snooping through my stuff?” Kaira’s annoyance was finding its way back.

“No, but I fed your horse, not that I learned anything from that except you ride a wild animal.”

“Oh. Thanks, I guess. For feeding her.”

“If you’ve decided to be nice, you can have some of the food.” The boy was now dropping the sausages onto plates.

Kaira made a noise that might have been thanks and took one of the plates.

They ate in silence for a while. Finally the boy looked up. “Seriously, though, what’s a royal runaway like you doing in Kakariko? Had enough of the castle? Some minor injustice like having to wake up in the morning, not after noon?”

This was too much for Kaira. All of the anger and fear that had built up over the invasion of the castle broke out of its shell, and she began to shout. “I am NOT here alone because I want to be! The castle’s been invaded, and I barely escaped! It was NOT my idea, you insolent little—”

“Whoa, hey, what? There’s been an invasion? I didn’t know that!”

“Yes, there darn well has, and my parents have disappeared, and my sister’s gone to hide for seven years, and everyone else I know is gone too!” Angry tears began to roll down Kaira’s face.

“The king and queen? Are they gone?”

“I just told you that, didn’t I?!?”

“You said your parents and sister were gone. Do you mean to tell me- but you don’t look anything like they say Zelda does…”

Caught off guard, Kaira explained, “I’m not Zelda, she’s my little sister and she’s gone somewhere where she won’t tell me for seven years and told me to run things while she’s gone.”

“Y-you’re the princess from the rumors? The older one, the myth?” The boy was taking it all far better than expected, but he was still shocked.

“Yes! I-I mean, no! I’m not supposed to tell anyone, oh, I’ve messed it all up now…” Kaira seemed to wilt as all the rage went out of her.

“Well, I’m not going to tell anyone, I promise,” the boy reassured her.

“That was a rather fast promise,” Kaira retorted without much anger.

“No, really, who’d believe me? A bad-tempered kid in outsize clothes, the princess?”

“Why, you--!” Kaira lunged, aiming to tackle the boy, but only managed to fall out of her chair.

“Those aren’t really royal manners, neither,” said the boy. Kaira just scowled and ran out to the stables to brush her horse.

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Bianchi X Lyle C

Lyle: Hello.

Bianchi: Ah! Who are you?

Lyle: I am Lyle Dayek. I'm new in the forest.

Bianchi: You are?! Then allow me to introduce myself! I am Bianchi! Goddess of the forest!

Lyle: I see.

Bianchi: Would you care to join me?

Lyle: Sure I guess.

Bianchi: You will!?!?! HOORAY!!! *Hugs Lyle.*

Lyle: Er...No problem...

Bianchi: That makes two!

Lyle: Two what?

Bianchi: Two recruits! You, me and Hanz! You'll be my second in command! It goes Me, Hanz, and you!

Lyle: Well, if there's only three of us, wasn't I already second in command?

Bianchi: Yup!

Lyle:.......I see.......

Bianchi: Come on Lyle! Let's go face the enemy army! They only have 1200 people!

Lyle: .___. What have I gotten myself into?

this seems awfully familiar......


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this seems awfully familiar......


Lol. Well, I tried to make our supports as closely related to events in the forest as possible.

Of course, by the third one I sorta lost that effect. Since it was never clear when we officially started dating.

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This is the B support for the FIRST C support, not the alternate where Nightmare recruits me.

Nightmare and Songbird B Support (Original.)

Songbird: There! I found you! I've been looking for you since the other day. I never got your name!

Nightmare: Oh, hello there.

Songbird: Hello! So, um...what is your name? You never introduced yourself! But now that I think about it, I never introduced myself either, did I? I'm Songbird.

Nightmare: Well...I'm Nightmare.

Songbird: Interesting name. It's just as mysterious as you are.

Nightmare: Ha ha, so now I'm mysterious?

Songbird: You've always been mysterious. I know so little about you. And you seem like you rarely open up to other people. ...Well, it's either that or I'm way too nosy.

Nightmare: Hmm...well, I'm not the type to talk to people. I never tell them about myself...not very much, anyway. My burdens are mine and mine alone to carry.

Songbird: I see...I'm somewhat similar to you in that respect. I don't like showing people when I'm sad or angry. But sometimes, I get very lonely because of it. Don't you think so?

Nightmare: Yes...that's something that bothers me at times. I am...very lonely. Perhaps it's because I cannot find a single person who resembles me in more than just two things...

Songbird: I'm sorry...If you ever need someone to help ease your loneliness, even a little, then please come to me. I'll try to help all I can, even though I don't know how similar I am to you.

Nightmare: Mmm...it's alright. But...you seem very similar to me. More so that any other person I've met so far.

Songbird: Really? What makes you say that?

Nightmare: I have...a special gift...

Songbird: A special gift?

Nightmare: ...Yes.

Songbird: Haha, guess you aren't going to go into any more detail, are you? But I should have expected that. In any case, I'm glad you think so.

Nightmare: I don't think so. I know.

Songbird: Well, I can tell you don't plan on explaining. But I believe you, if you're so sure. So I guess this means we'll be seeing more of each other, huh?

Nightmare: Most definitely. I thank you for trusting in me, little Ms. Songbird.

Songbird: It's no problem. I feel like I could trust you no matter what, for some reason. And hey, what do you mean by 'little'?!

Nightmare: Well, you're...little...

Songbird: ...I...somehow don't know if I should take that as a compliment or not...

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Lyle X Princess Kilvas C

Lyle: Hello. Welcome to the forest. I'm Lyle.

Princess Kilvas: Er. Hi. How are you Lyle? I am Princess Kilvas.

Lyle: Eh!? A Princess? Wow. Wait, of Kilvas?

Princess Kilvas: Yeah. Why?

Lyle: Well, I thought that the princess of Kilvas was a heron. Your wings are that of a raven........Did you die them black?

Princess Kilvas: ........No......

Lyle: Oh.....Wait! Er.....Are you actually the prince of Kilvas who got a sex change? I mean, I'm no one to judge....

Princess Kilvas: :angry: NO! I'm a raven and I've always been a girl!!!

Lyle: Oh....Sorry....so....they had a third child?

Princess Kilvas: Let me save you the trouble. I was genetically engineered to be a raven.

Lyle: Oh....Well that's just bizzare.

Princess Kilvas: ARGH!!!!

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MasuxTLS B

TLS: :(


TLS:Rejection #5........


TLS:I fall in love with every pretty woman I see. Its a curse I was born with........

Masu:....sounds like shallow perversion to me.........

TLS:And you arent one?

Masu:Pfft! I still have standards! I just dont try to jump in bed with the 1st woman I see!


Masu:YA RLY.


Masu:......wait.........who rejected you?

TLS:Well lets see..........Bianchi........

Masu:Strike one.




Princess:*from a distance* DONT LET HIM GET AWAY! HE TOUCHED MY CHEST!!!!!!!


TLS:*shivering*.............noes! Plz dont kill me!!!!!!!!!

Masu:........fine. I'LL JUST BRUTALLY MASSACRE YOU TO THE BRINK OF DEATH! *burns TLS drops boulders on him and slashes him with air*

Support Level Increased?

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MasuXBianchi B


Masu:*hiding behind a tree* No.........she's coming for me again.............


Masu:*shivering* No........no............

Bianchi:*sticks her head around the tree and sees Masu* MASU! :lol:

Masu:GAH! *jumps back* Wh-wh-what?

Bianchi:*holds a vial with a green fluid in it*.......DRINK UP!

Masu:NO WAY IN HELL!!!!!!!!!*runs*

Bianchi: <_< *tackles Masu and pins him to the ground*

Lyle:*sees Masu and Bianchi*

Bianchi:hehehheh.........you cant escape me. NO MAN HAS ESCAPED ME!!!!

Lyle:*stomps angrily towards Masu and Bianchi*

Bianchi:NOW DRINK! DRINK!*shoves the vial in Masu's mouth*

Masu:Gufaahhh! Guh! *gulp*

Bianchi:Yay! *pulls out a note pad*


Bianchi: :lol:

Bianchi: :mellow:

Bianchi: <_<


Bianchi: :( AWWWWWWW........

Masu:Thank.............god!? WHAT THE HE-*a large puff of smoke surrounds him*

BIanchi:*whips out the notepad again*

Masu:*has a high pitched voice and long hair*.....wha.....wha.....happened? *looks down* WHAT THE FUCK!? BREASTS!?


Masu:No......no......*lays down traumatized* No........

Bianchi:Close your legs! I see your undies!


Lyle:MASUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! *looks at Masu*...........Bianchi..........who is that?

Bianchi:Masu! :lol:

Lyle:....... :blink: ....*twitches*......ugh.......*passes out*

Bianchi:*writes down "Masu+boobies=Lyle fall down!"*

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Lyle X Princess Kilvas C

Lyle: Hello. Welcome to the forest. I'm Lyle.

Princess Kilvas: Er. Hi. How are you Lyle? I am Princess Kilvas.

Lyle: Eh!? A Princess? Wow. Wait, of Kilvas?

Princess Kilvas: Yeah. Why?

Lyle: Well, I thought that the princess of Kilvas was a heron. Your wings are that of a raven........Did you die them black?

Princess Kilvas: ........No......

Lyle: Oh.....Wait! Er.....Are you actually the prince of Kilvas who got a sex change? I mean, I'm no one to judge....

Princess Kilvas: :angry: NO! I'm a raven and I've always been a girl!!!

Lyle: Oh....Sorry....so....they had a third child?

Princess Kilvas: Let me save you the trouble. I was genetically engineered to be a raven.

Lyle: Oh....Well that's just bizzare.

Princess Kilvas: ARGH!!!!


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MasuXEveryone(after Bianchi B )



Serene:*cringes* Thats Masu!?

Masu:*pulls down her skirt*...........uh-huh............

Songbird:You're actually kinda cute SIS!

Masu:*twitches at hearing the word "sis"*

Lyle:.........this makes Princess a lesbian?

Bianchi:YUP! :lol:

Princess:. <_< .......well guess who's single again?

Masu:*eyes widen and falls on her knees* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Princess:I dont date women.


Branded: <_< You're doing quite a good job at being a woman already.

Songbird/Princess/Bianchi/Des/Cym: :angry:

Lyle:Nice going genius.

Bianchi:Masu! Drink this! *holds a vial with blue liquid*


Princess: :angry:

Masu:*downs the drink*.......... :mellow: ..............GUH! AAAAAAHHHHHHHH! *has a seizure and falls over*


Des:He's no good at being a girl........

Cym:Lying there with his legs wide open........

Lyle:Ahhh.......the gift of being a man..........

Branded:one thing that worries me.............that underwear he's wearing..............*points a pair of pink underwear with roses on them*.........was he wearing that BEFORE this happened!?

Everyone: :blink:

Masu:uhhhh......*covered in a cloud of smoke*.........*gets up* Ah! I feel...........like a man again!!!!!! YES!!!! *looks at everyone* .........what?

Princess:.....I never thought I would say this but..........Masu........PANTS DOWN.........NOW.


Song:We need to confirm something!

Masu:*has the totally wrong idea* GAH! IM YOUR BROTHER SONG! WHAT IS WITH EVERYONE!?

Edited by MaSu
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Alternate B support, yay.

Songbird: Hey! Mr. Nightmare! How are you? Everything alright?

Nightmare: Hm? Oh, I'm fine.

Songbird: That's good. Have you cheered up since the last time we've met?

Nightmare: Of course. By the way, I never got your name...

Songbird: Oh! That's right, I've known you all this time, and I never gave you my name! I feel silly...Anyway, I'm called Songbird.

Nightmare: Songbird, eh? Beautiful name.

Songbird: E-eh? Oh, um, thank you...

Nightmare: So, tell me a bit more about yourself. I'm interested to know exactly who you are.

Songbird: I...like I said, I'm a travelling healer...but...I'm also looking for someone.

Nightmare: Oh? Who might this person be...?

Songbird: ...My brother.

Nightmare: Hmm...what is he like?

Songbird: He can be an idiot sometimes, and really hot tempered, but he's a good person. He's also incredibly loyal. He'll do anything for the people he loves.

Nightmare: Sounds like an...uh...interesting fellow...

Songbird: Do you have any siblings?

Nightmare: Not any that I know of.

Songbird: That you know of? What do you mean?

Nightmare: ...I was born without any family.

Songbird: Oh...I'm sorry. That must have been awful for you. But someone must have raised you, right?

Nightmare: Yes.

Songbird: I see. I'm sorry for bringing up memories that must have been painful for you...but you must have loved the person who raised you, right?

Nightmare: Well...yes. But he is dead as well.

Songbird: Oh...I'm really sorry now...all I seem to be doing is bringing up sad memories...

Nightmare: No, it's alright. You've helped me.

Songbird: I...have?

Nightmare: I hadn't gone into this much detail with somebody before...my burden is lighter now. Thank you.

Songbird: ...I think I understand. I'm glad that I could help you, then!

Nightmare: And I'm glad to have somebody I can trust. You resemble me...a lot...

Songbird: Haha! I'm glad you think so.

Nightmare: I don't think so. I know.

Songbird: Really? What makes you say that?

Nightmare: I have...a special gift...

Songbird: A special gift?

Nightmare: ...Yes.

Songbird: Well, I can tell you don't plan on explaining. But I believe you, if you're so sure. So I guess this means we'll be seeing more of each other, huh?

Nightmare: Most definitely. I thank you for trusting in me, little Ms. Songbird.

Songbird: It's no problem. I feel like I could trust you no matter what, for some reason. And hey, what do you mean by 'little'?!

Nightmare: Well, you're...little...

Songbird: ...I...somehow don't know if I should take that as a compliment or not...

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Alternate B support, yay.

Songbird: Hey! Mr. Nightmare! How are you? Everything alright?

Nightmare: Hm? Oh, I'm fine.

Songbird: That's good. Have you cheered up since the last time we've met?

Nightmare: Of course. By the way, I never got your name...

Songbird: Oh! That's right, I've known you all this time, and I never gave you my name! I feel silly...Anyway, I'm called Songbird.

Nightmare: Songbird, eh? Beautiful name.

Songbird: E-eh? Oh, um, thank you...

Nightmare: So, tell me a bit more about yourself. I'm interested to know exactly who you are.

Songbird: I...like I said, I'm a travelling healer...but...I'm also looking for someone.

Nightmare: Oh? Who might this person be...?

Songbird: ...My brother.

Nightmare: Hmm...what is he like?

Songbird: He can be an idiot sometimes, and really hot tempered, but he's a good person. He's also incredibly loyal. He'll do anything for the people he loves.

Nightmare: Sounds like an...uh...interesting fellow...

Songbird: Do you have any siblings?

Nightmare: Not any that I know of.

Songbird: That you know of? What do you mean?

Nightmare: ...I was born without any family.

Songbird: Oh...I'm sorry. That must have been awful for you. But someone must have raised you, right?

Nightmare: Yes.

Songbird: I see. I'm sorry for bringing up memories that must have been painful for you...but you must have loved the person who raised you, right?

Nightmare: Well...yes. But he is dead as well.

Songbird: Oh...I'm really sorry now...all I seem to be doing is bringing up sad memories...

Nightmare: No, it's alright. You've helped me.

Songbird: I...have?

Nightmare: I hadn't gone into this much detail with somebody before...my burden is lighter now. Thank you.

Songbird: ...I think I understand. I'm glad that I could help you, then!

Nightmare: And I'm glad to have somebody I can trust. You resemble me...a lot...

Songbird: Haha! I'm glad you think so.

Nightmare: I don't think so. I know.

Songbird: Really? What makes you say that?

Nightmare: I have...a special gift...

Songbird: A special gift?

Nightmare: ...Yes.

Songbird: Well, I can tell you don't plan on explaining. But I believe you, if you're so sure. So I guess this means we'll be seeing more of each other, huh?

Nightmare: Most definitely. I thank you for trusting in me, little Ms. Songbird.

Songbird: It's no problem. I feel like I could trust you no matter what, for some reason. And hey, what do you mean by 'little'?!

Nightmare: Well, you're...little...

Songbird: ...I...somehow don't know if I should take that as a compliment or not...

Cute! Now about the line about me.................

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PrincessXTLS C

TLS:.....Oh my........

Princess:*turns around* Yes? Can I help you?

TLS:You.......are truly magnificent.......such a voice........such a face.......such a body..........

Princess:Do you really need the A's?

TLS:Why yes.....the A's are for how AMAZING you are!

Princess:*100% turned off* <_< ..........wow..........thats worse than Masu.

TLS:And his pick up line was?

Princess:*imitates Masu's voice* HEY THERE EYECANDY! HOW ABOUT YOU LET ME GET A TASTE!?

TLS:....Thats good.........I gotta remember that..........

Princess:*walks away*

TLS:Huh? No wait!

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PrincessXTLS C

TLS:.....Oh my........

Princess:*turns around* Yes? Can I help you?

TLS:You.......are truly magnificent.......such a voice........such a face.......such a body..........

Princess:Do you really need the A's?

TLS:Why yes.....the A's are for how AMAZING you are!

Princess:*100% turned off* <_< ..........wow..........thats worse than Masu.

TLS:And his pick up line was?

Princess:*imitates Masu's voice* HEY THERE EYECANDY! HOW ABOUT YOU LET ME GET A TASTE!?

TLS:....Thats good.........I gotta remember that..........

Princess:*walks away*

TLS:Huh? No wait!

That was really good! I liked it.

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