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Loz OoT Fanfic: The Uncounted Princess

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Moving on...will you finish your supports with me, or should I write some?

If you would like too write the B one thats fine. (I'll do A for sure)

I planned on focusing on Fox Knife and Zero as you guys have little to no supports

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If you would like too write the B one thats fine. (I'll do A for sure)

I planned on focusing on Fox Knife and Zero as you guys have little to no supports

Hey what are my supports again

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Fox X MaSu B support:

Fox: Hey, you! Have you learned proper manners yet?

MaSu: Yes, I hope so...and I have a name. It's MaSu.

Fox: MaSu...MaSu...I know you from somewhere, don't I? That's it! You're the guy that stayed with me all night in the tavern the night I got drunk! Ha! That was a fun night! Hehe.....

MaSu: You remember that? God, I've been trying to forget that night....

Fox: But I don't really remember what happened after throwing up. Care to fill me in?

MaSu: Uh...well....uh...before or after Raven came by and took you to the hotel?

Fox: Before, then after.

MaSu: Well...you were drunk, so... you weren't really yourself....let's just say I'm happy your brother didn't walk in.

Fox: What's that supposed to mean? Did I reveal some of my deepest, darkest secrets?

MaSu: Oh, you revealed something, that's for sure...Anyway, I don't know all the later details because Raven was with you, not me. He said he had a good night though.

Fox: ....uh...Is that why TLS and Gatrie: AAUL have been inviting me to the tavern rather often recently?

MaSu: Yeah, probably. They...said they enjoyed the "show."

Fox: I think...I'm gonna be sick. God...Where's Raven when you need him?

I tried to make it interesting, but I feel like I failed.

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Moving on...will you finish your supports with me, or should I write some?

Is that apllicable to me as well?

If so, then you can write one if you're so inclined. you can write the remaining two if you really want to. I'm a little busy right now, so I don't think I can write them and make them good at the same time.

But if you can wait I'll finish them up.

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Fox X MaSu B support:

Fox: Hey, you! Have you learned proper manners yet?

MaSu: Yes, I hope so...and I have a name. It's MaSu.

Fox: MaSu...MaSu...I know you from somewhere, don't I? That's it! You're the guy that stayed with me all night in the tavern the night I got drunk! Ha! That was a fun night! Hehe.....

MaSu: You remember that? God, I've been trying to forget that night....

Fox: But I don't really remember what happened after throwing up. Care to fill me in?

MaSu: Uh...well....uh...before or after Raven came by and took you to the hotel?

Fox: Before, then after.

MaSu: Well...you were drunk, so... you weren't really yourself....let's just say I'm happy your brother didn't walk in.

Fox: What's that supposed to mean? Did I reveal some of my deepest, darkest secrets?

MaSu: Oh, you revealed something, that's for sure...Anyway, I don't know all the later details because Raven was with you, not me. He said he had a good night though.

Fox: ....uh...Is that why TLS and Gatrie: AAUL have been inviting me to the tavern rather often recently?

MaSu: Yeah, probably. They...said they enjoyed the "show."

Fox: I think...I'm gonna be sick. God...Where's Raven when you need him?

I tried to make it interesting, but I feel like I failed.

No! That was awesome! The last 3 lines were hilarious!

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Fox X MaSu B support:

Fox: Hey, you! Have you learned proper manners yet?

MaSu: Yes, I hope so...and I have a name. It's MaSu.

Fox: MaSu...MaSu...I know you from somewhere, don't I? That's it! You're the guy that stayed with me all night in the tavern the night I got drunk! Ha! That was a fun night! Hehe.....

MaSu: You remember that? God, I've been trying to forget that night....

Fox: But I don't really remember what happened after throwing up. Care to fill me in?

MaSu: Uh...well....uh...before or after Raven came by and took you to the hotel?

Fox: Before, then after.

MaSu: Well...you were drunk, so... you weren't really yourself....let's just say I'm happy your brother didn't walk in.

Fox: What's that supposed to mean? Did I reveal some of my deepest, darkest secrets?

MaSu: Oh, you revealed something, that's for sure...Anyway, I don't know all the later details because Raven was with you, not me. He said he had a good night though.

Fox: ....uh...Is that why TLS and Gatrie: AAUL have been inviting me to the tavern rather often recently?

MaSu: Yeah, probably. They...said they enjoyed the "show."

Fox: I think...I'm gonna be sick. God...Where's Raven when you need him?

I tried to make it interesting, but I feel like I failed.

You didn't fail at all! I thought it was very entertaining!

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MasuXFox A

Masu is sleeping with his face down on the front desk of Hotel Masu. Fox comes out of the elevator.



Masu:nnnnnn strange........it sounds as if Fox is actually calling my name.......

Fox:*shakes Masu* Get up!


Fox:.........I have a question.


Fox:How do you feel about your relationship with Princess?


Fox:Well.......remember earlier at the Tavern? I got drunk again and I feel as if I may have betrayed Raven........

Masu:Why? YOU DIDNT-

Fox:No! Its just that I was dancing with lots of guys and he wasnt there. I feel like im betraying his trust.......

Masu:Bah is that all? I thought it was something problematic.

Fox:This is a problem!

Masu:A small one. But Raven has his full and complete trust in you. He knows in his heart that you would never do anything to break him. He cares for you as much as I do for Princess. Hell maybe even more.


Masu:So what If you had a few drinks and danced with a few guys? Raven and I have had some wild nights of our own at the tavern. But even if we drink we know where to draw the line with other women. Trust is a wonderful thing. But you need to be careful. Trust is the easiest thing to break in existence..........and the hardest thing to repair.

Fox:............I.......am in awe............


Fox:That someone like you could say something so insightful. When you speak of something that has something to do with Princess or romance you sound so dignified. I am impressed.......Masu.

Masu:And im impressed that you remember my name! *grins*

Fox: <_< ......you want me to kick your ass?

Masu:no no no! But anyways........whats Raven doing right now????

*Fox and Raven's room*

Raven:*sitting on the bed in a purple thong*........I know Fox will love this....................

Fox:He's just waiting for me. But I wanted to see what you thought before I decided to further my relationship with him

Masu:.....why did you pick me first out of all the other smart people in the hotel?

Fox:Because.......you always took care of me when I would drink. I trust you.

Masu:Oh I see! Well you two have fun and keep the volume down! *Fox walks off* AND DONT FORGET TO EAT YOUR "SWEET TARTS" AND MAKE SURE RAVEN WEARS HIS "SOCK"!

Fox: <_< .........idiot.

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PrincessXKnife C because she demanded it.



Knife:Knife. Nice to metchya.

Princess:.....Princess....Kilvas. Nice to meet you.

Knife:Okay then. Later.

Princess:......bye?? :mellow: .........what was that?

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PrincessXKnife C because she demanded it.



Knife:Knife. Nice to metchya.

Princess:.....Princess....Kilvas. Nice to meet you.

Knife:Okay then. Later.

Princess:......bye?? :mellow: .........what was that?

=D Yay!

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Princess X Knife B


Knife:Oh hello princess.

Princess:Why did you just walk away?

Knife:I had nothing more to say.

Princess:Oh......well........can we be friends?

Knife:Sure. I'll keep you safe in the battlefield.

Princess:I already have enough people doing that. Can we just be friends? You dont have to protect me.

Knife:Sure. But im going to watch your back because im your friend. Deal?


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Princess X Knife B


Knife:Oh hello princess.

Princess:Why did you just walk away?

Knife:I had nothing more to say.

Princess:Oh......well........can we be friends?

Knife:Sure. I'll keep you safe in the battlefield.

Princess:I already have enough people doing that. Can we just be friends? You dont have to protect me.

Knife:Sure. But im going to watch your back because im your friend. Deal?


Yay! That was awesome! *waits for A* =D

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NightmareXPrincess C


Nightmare:Hello there my lady.


Nightmare:We are both of royal class. It is nice to meet someone of the same upbringing in this ragtag army.

Princess:Im quite sure our upbringing was quite different.......

Nightmare:How so? We are both royalty. We each know proper ediquite and everything.

Princess:I see......well I dont consider this army to be "rag tag" but it is nice to meet another royal! *bows*

Nightmare:It is a pleasure my lady! *bows*

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