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Loz OoT Fanfic: The Uncounted Princess

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Bianchi X Lyle support B

Bianchi: Hello Lyle!

Lyle: Oh! Hello Bianchi. You suprised me.

Bianchi: Whatcha doin?

Lyle: Well, I'm training.

Bianchi: You are?! But you're already so strong!

Lyle: That doesn't mean I can stop training. What happens when someone comes along and defeats me? Then there's no one to protect you.

Bianchi: Well, I dunno what I'd do if something happened to you! I might just die from you falling!

Lyle: Eh? Why? I'm not that important.

Bianchi; Yes you are! You're like my favorite person evur!!

Lyle: R-really?

Bianchi: Yup! So I guess you should keep training, but you should learn to relax some more! *leaves.*

Lyle: ....Maybe...just maybe.....

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Great supports Masu! :lol:

Would I be able to get a support, or do you have too much on your hands?

I will try to get at least 1-3 for everyone (the active ppl that I know well) But im focusing on ones that tie in with Tales of Serenes (and a few random ones thrown out there) Im focusing on TOS because then as im focusing on those and going around the forest (Far from the forest) talking to others I can understand their personality more and not screw them over in their support and end up offending them.

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SongbirdXBranded B

Songbird:......do you think its safe yet?

Branded:*looks outside of tent to see Masu pacing back and forth with his kendama and short sword in his hand* ...no.

Songbird:*lays back* AHHHGH! How are we gonna make it to Queen Elincia if he will try to murder you as soon as you come out!?

Branded:Im just hoping that Princess will distract him.

Songbird:...yeah......then again, they're both just getting over the whole tower of mana incident.

Branded:Well they seem to be making up just fine *looks out to see Masu holding a conversation with Princess*

Songbird:Maybe you can sneak out now.

Masu:*outside of tent* And so I poke my head into her tent to see if she's awake, and I find her and Branded all snuggly with each other under the blankets! Why when I get my hands on those TWO........GRAGH! *blows up a rock behind Princess*

Princess:......I think you are over exaggerating-

Masu:NO! IM 18. SHES 16. AND SHE'S DONE THIS BEFORE ME!? AND WITH THAT BASTARD!? OHHHHHH I JUST CANT WAIT TO SEE THOSE TWO. I'll embrace sis in a hug of love.........FLAMING LOVE! And Branded!? I cant even say what I will do to him.......

Princess:But Masu! She thought you died. Branded was the only one of us that could comfort her!

Masu:*points at their tent* THAT IS TOO COMFY.

Branded:.......he said "Those TWO" that means.....we're both screwed.


Branded:....Im fine with just staying here. How bout you?

Songbird:*hugs Branded*.....of course......

They then hear Princess scream "NO MASU STOP!" They look out to see Masu charging at their tent.


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XD Hilarious!

It's official. I will be needing your skills..

Thank you! I enjoy having people interact privately. Its my only strong point in writing (im VERY mediocre at fighting scenes). I like to show people's relationship's deepen be it serious or humorous. (But I enjoy serious with humor)

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Bianchi X Lyle support B

Bianchi: Hello Lyle!

Lyle: Oh! Hello Bianchi. You suprised me.

Bianchi: Whatcha doin?

Lyle: Well, I'm training.

Bianchi: You are?! But you're already so strong!

Lyle: That doesn't mean I can stop training. What happens when someone comes along and defeats me? Then there's no one to protect you.

Bianchi: Well, I dunno what I'd do if something happened to you! I might just die from you falling!

Lyle: Eh? Why? I'm not that important.

Bianchi; Yes you are! You're like my favorite person evur!!

Lyle: R-really?

Bianchi: Yup! So I guess you should keep training, but you should learn to relax some more! *leaves.*

Lyle: ....Maybe...just maybe.....

Damon: Good job Lyle! That was great!

Lyle: Thanks Damon! Always good to hear support from at least one person about my writing.

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Damon: Good job Lyle! That was great!

Lyle: Thanks Damon! Always good to hear support from at least one person about my writing.


You could have just waited for me to read it. Im trying to add as many as things as possible so I dont even read half of the comments here till i've added at least 2-5 supports. i have lots of requests AND im trying to include the supports I already had planned for Tales of Serenes so im quite busy keeping this and Tales of Serenes rolling. (Once again If you made a request and I havent done it yet, im sorry but I WILL get to it!)

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Here's SongbirdxNightmare C support. We did this together; we wrote our lines in response to each other. I'm very pleased with the outcome; it feels natural, and just like an FE support!

Also, for maximum awesomeness, play For Victory (FE9 base song) while reading this. I highly suggest you do that. Now, onto the support itself!

Nightmare: ...Sigh.

Songbird: ...Hey, are you alright?

Nightmare: Hm? Oh, yes...

Songbird: Oh. It's just...that was a rather long sigh. You sure you're okay?

Nightmare: Well...I cannot lie...no, I'm not.

Songbird: Uh oh. Want to talk about it? I mean...I know it's probably awkward with a stranger and all, but...

Nightmare: How long have you joined us?

Songbird: Well...not for very long, admittedly.

Nightmare: Mmmhmm. But you seem to be fitting in pretty well.

Songbird: Oh, you think so? I'm glad! It's always kind of hard to be the new kid...hey, wait! We're supposed to be talking about your problem, not mine! Er, that is, if you don't mind...

Nightmare: ...I purposefully changed the subject.

Songbird: O-oh. Sorry. Guess I'm a little dense sometimes.

Nightmare: Not quite. You were only trying to help.

Songbird: Ha, I'm not very good at it though, I guess.

Nightmare: Well, your desire to help is certainly something to be admired, even if you aren't good at it. But it's not that; I just don't feel like talking about it.

Songbird: ...I see. I hope that you feel better soon though! Is there anyway I can help cheer you up without you having to talk about it?

Nightmare: You just did.

Songbird: I...I did?

Nightmare: Of course you did. You were interesting to talk to. Perhaps the most interesting person I've ever met.

Songbird: Oh, you're embarrassing me now! But I'm glad I cheered you up, somehow. You're interesting to talk to yourself!

Nightmare: Hah, you think so? Well, glad to have entertained you. Hmm...well I have to go for now. I have matters that I need to attend to. Take care and farewell.

Songbird: Oh! Alright then! Take care! ...I didn't even get his name...

Edited by Nightmare
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Too lazy to quote Branded-Songbird B. Makes the page longer. XD

AND LOL. "FLAMING LOVE." Also, It's sort of strange because I'm not sure what's going on, since you haven't reached that part in the story yet. XD

But it's still great! =D

Damon: Good job Lyle! That was great!

Lyle: Thanks Damon! Always good to hear support from at least one person about my writing.

I lol'd. See Lyle? Damon does support you!

But anyway, I liked your Bianchi-Lyle supports!

Also, Nightmare, that support you made was awesome! The "Songbird" girl really brought the quality of the support down, though...

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Also, Nightmare, that support you made was awesome! The "Songbird" girl really brought the quality of the support down, though...

I didn't make it alone. The credit goes to both of us, 50/50.

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Too lazy to quote Branded-Songbird B. Makes the page longer. XD

AND LOL. "FLAMING LOVE." Also, It's sort of strange because I'm not sure what's going on, since you haven't reached that part in the story yet. XD

<_< .................well I guess I layed it on TOO softly to give a vibe as to what happened.

-Branded and Song in the same tent after they had a "Same gender only" system made already.

-A pissed Masu


-"Branded was the only one here who could comfort her!"

-"I saw them all snugly under the blankets!!!!"

...still need a hint?

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The only reason Kaira knows to do such things is because her author's read too much Tamora Pierce and played too much FE. Lol.



As Kaira ran outside the Temple of Time and climbed into the saddle, she saw that the evacuation had begun. Horses and wagons filled the streets, all headed towards the great drawbridge. Soldiers circled around on horseback, making sure order was maintained. The sinister clouds remained above, churning queasily. Kaira skirted the traffic, but was forced to halt at the bridge. Some people who were stopped grumbled,some looked frightened, and some were downright outraged. She pulled the messenger’s cap that hid her long hair low over her eyes, wary of recognition.

“You, boy, you’re with the army, aren’t you?” a cross merchant demanded of Kaira. “Why do we have to evacuate? I have valuable items in my shop that can’t be moved! I’m not going to just leave them for the street rats!”

“The enemy is going to blast this city into sorcerous oblivion soon, sir,” Kaira replied acidly, “but you’re welcome to stay with your possessions for the burning, if you like. As for the so-called ‘street rats’, they’re leaving, too, like the rest of the town.”

“What rudeness!” the man exclaimed. “Don’t they teach you people discipline? I’ll-” but what he would do was never told, because people had begun moving again, and he was shoved forward.

“They’ve tried to teach me discipline, see how it worked,” Kaira muttered to nobody in particular.

A panicked woman ran up to Kaira, carrying a small child. “Sir, my little boy. He’s too ill to walk. I can’t leave him! What should I do?”

“Take him to one of the soldiers over there,” Kaira told her. “Ask him if your son can ride on his horse. I’d take him myself, but my horse is too small and I’m not formally with the army.”

The woman carried the child over to a mounted soldier nearby and explained her plight. The soldier was unsympathetic and refused until Kaira came over.

“She won’t leave me alone, Princess!” Deger told Kaira. “She wants me to keep her kid up on my horse!”

“Then you’d better do it, hadn’t you?” Kaira answered, lifting the boy up onto the horse in front of Deger. The woman’s eyes grew wide- Kaira’s disguise had fooled her. Just then Kaira spotted a break in the traffic and leapt for it. “Make sure nobody is left behind! Put them on your own mounts if you have to!” she called to the soldiers. Then she was off, onto the plains of Hyrule Field.

The evacuation formed a long procession to Kakariko. Kaira rode around the edge, passing the commoners, many of whom were on foot leading pack animals. The ride was short, and Kaira reached the entrance well before the evacuees as the sun started to set. Some horses would refuse to ascend the stone stairs to the village, but Rhiannon just bounded up them. Kaira slowed the filly to a walk and began heading towards Impa’s house.

The house appeared, not surprisingly, empty. Kaira stabled Rhiannon in the barn next to a sleepy milk cow, fed her, and came inside. The simple furnishings made the place seem like nobody really lived there. Kaira carried her packs to the room where she had stayed the other times she had visited Kakariko and began unpacking. It didn’t take long. She went to the pantry to see what was needed and was met with a surprise while she rummaged through the foodstuffs.

“Who’s this, breaking into Impa’s house?” It was a boy, about her age but a bit shorter. He had scruffy black hair and untidy, threadbare, outsize clothes. “What d’you think you’re doing, kid?” He grabbed Kaira’s collar to try and haul her out into the light, but she struggled. In shaking him off, though, the cap that had been holding her long hair out of sight fell off and her flaming ponytail fell down her back. “What, you’re a girl?? Who are you, anyway?” asked the boy in incredulity.

“Impa sent me here,” Kaira replied hotly, “And I’m not stealing, I’m going to live here, and I need to know what’s there. And might I ask what you are doing in Impa’s house?”

“I take care of the place when Impa’s away.”

“Prove it.”

“You prove she sent you here, then!”

The children scowled at each other, realizing that the argument had come to a stalemate: Neither could provide proof that the other would believe. Kaira finally dusted herself off and decided that it was time to eat. She then realized that she hadn’t the faintest idea of how to cook. Of course she couldn’t ask the boy, not after the argument. It would be too much like giving in. Still scowling, now because of lack of food, she slammed the door, flopped on top of her bed, not even bothering with the covers, and fell into an exhausted sleep.

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Yeah, I've learned quite abit about war tactics from Tamora Pierce and FE too. XD

Great description of the evacuation, btw. Lol at Deger not wanting to ride with the little boy. That meanie.

Also, the boy at the end of the chapter is an OC, correct? I haven't played OoT in awhile, so I can't remember the characters all that well. XD

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Lyle & Bianchi A


Bianchi: Hey Lyle!

Lyle: GAH!

Bianchi: What's wrong!?

Lyle: *Blushing.* Nothing..... You er....startled me.

Bianchi: I'm sorry Lyle-poo!

Lyle: Lyle-poo?

Bianchi: So whatcha doing? Training again?

Lyle: Well, sorta.....I'm practicing.....

Bianchi: Practicing for what?

Lyle: Er...um....well.....

Bianchi: Why are you so nervous?

Lyle: W-w-well.....I-I-I um.....

Bianchi: ?

Lyle: *Takes in deep breath.* Bianchi. When I first met you I thought you were crazy.

Bianchi: I am.

Lyle: I know. I soon came to the conclusion that you are. But after a while I realized that there was more to you. And eventually you grew on me. I started to like you more and more with each passing day.

Bianchi: ?

Lyle: At first I just thought I was trying to just find someone to get over the last girl....but....

Bianchi: Lyle-poo? What are you trying to say?

Lyle: ......*Takes another breath.* Bianchi. I love you.

Bianchi: Aww! Lyle-poo! I love you too! *Hugs.*

Lyle: No, Bianchi, I mean really. I've never met someone like you before. You're so sweet and kind. I'm lucky just to be around you....

Bianchi: .....

Lyle: I'm sorry. I should just go....

Bianchi: No Lyle.

Lyle: Huh?

Bianchi: *Kisses Lyle.* ...I love you to Lyle-poo.

Lyle: ......*The two embrace.*

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Lyle & Bianchi A


Bianchi: Hey Lyle!

Lyle: GAH!

Bianchi: What's wrong!?

Lyle: *Blushing.* Nothing..... You er....startled me.

Bianchi: I'm sorry Lyle-poo!

Lyle: Lyle-poo?

Bianchi: So whatcha doing? Training again?

Lyle: Well, sorta.....I'm practicing.....

Bianchi: Practicing for what?

Lyle: Er...um....well.....

Bianchi: Why are you so nervous?

Lyle: W-w-well.....I-I-I um.....

Bianchi: ?

Lyle: *Takes in deep breath.* Bianchi. When I first met you I thought you were crazy.

Bianchi: I am.

Lyle: I know. I soon came to the conclusion that you are. But after a while I realized that there was more to you. And eventually you grew on me. I started to like you more and more with each passing day.

Bianchi: ?

Lyle: At first I just thought I was trying to just find someone to get over the last girl....but....

Bianchi: Lyle-poo? What are you trying to say?

Lyle: ......*Takes another breath.* Bianchi. I love you.

Bianchi: Aww! Lyle-poo! I love you too! *Hugs.*

Lyle: No, Bianchi, I mean really. I've never met someone like you before. You're so sweet and kind. I'm lucky just to be around you....

Bianchi: .....

Lyle: I'm sorry. I should just go....

Bianchi: No Lyle.

Lyle: Huh?

Bianchi: *Kisses Lyle.* ...I love you to Lyle-poo.

Lyle: ......*The two embrace.*

AWWWWW! (not as lovey dovey as mine and princess! Hah!) That was cute though. Nicely done Lyle.

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