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Aviv's Sprite Showcase


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fia-1.gif -> christmasentry.gif -> maiden_mug.gif

Really old -> Old -> New

Originally a request for a friend, I decided to take my liberties and redo the mug for an RP/Hack I am involved with.


GBA mug for my Skylessia GenII character, Percival Marisul, on FEPlanet.


His FE10 version mug

[spoiler=FE4 Shaman Sprite Sheet(Spoilered for Size)]juliasheeet_dark.gif

A sprite sheet I originally made for FE4Adv, back when it was still alive. If you want to make a script for the sheet, feel free to use it. I only ask for recognition/mention of the sheet being my creation.

Any critiques/comments/criticism would be really appreciated!

Edited by Aviv
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So, the blue haired girl has no head. Or, at least, it's caved in. 6a07e2d4bd363243741f7d0685faa42f.png Right here. Just give her more hair, and make it curve down, like on Igrene, or Isadora.

The red haired guy's head's also a little caved in, on the left OPV, in pretty much the same area. It's just not as drastic as the girl's.

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In the Shaman sheet, the spot indicated to start the Critical frames could use a couple of transitional frames, I feel. (Yuria)'s one arm is halfway raised with the other at her side in one frame, and in the next, they're both raised high in the air. Even with a low display time on the frames, it'll still stand out in animation.

Other than that, I feel as though the animation could use some more... movement. (Yuria) is basically standing still the entire time, aside from dodging. Yes, I'm aware that mages didn't exactly move around in FE4/5, but this is running on a different engine and even the basic Mage animation is more dynamic there. Add in something to make (Yuria) less static, and I think you'll be on your way to something.

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Is this better?

Also, a little bird told me Viceman's b-day just passed.


So I decided to pop out a sprite of his Skylessia GenII OC, Elyssia. Based off of his art of her in her 2nd tier.


Also, who would want to be alone on their birthday? So here comes her friend, Andrew Vastor! (OC of Sety's on FEPlanet).

Thanks for the critique LG! Applying suggestions to the Shaman sheet now.

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I originally misunderstood you when you said it should be brought down in the back, I thought you meant the hair by the neck D8


Anyways, here's an updated version

Edited by Tangerine
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  • 2 months later...

Feels like I haven't posted anythign here in... forever?


^Percy's boy Perren. He is a Dark Sage (A variation of a druid that has taken a greater interest in Anima magic over Elder magic). My 1st OC, Anthony's, grandson. Takes more after his grandfather than his father :)


Mugs for Lyra Tawny and Elphisia Svanhildur, two of the lords for Skylessia Emblem hack.


Mug of my sister's OC, Fia Vaelia.

Any comments and critique's would be greatly appreciated! :)

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  • 7 months later...

Been a while since I've posted in here...


^ Perren got a new face and hair, along with an amulet.


^ Requests from FEPlanet.


^present for my friend, BP, of her morph character Esmeralda.


^Female Hero. Alot of progress needs to be made here.


^Two animations for the main characters of my hack/story known as Valeon Chronicles.

Edited by Aviv
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In the female hero, the axe is much larger than that of a male's axe, and the sword is kinda that way, too.

Although I do agree that there needs to be a new female hero sprite. Ekhidna did look a bit odd...

EDIT: Not to mention the classic-hero shield has been removed.

Edited by Aran613
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I agree. That's a very large axe. And she definitely isn't of the physical proportions to wield an axe that big properly. She could stand to be a bit more muscular too. It still reads Beta!Lyn too much.

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  • 6 months later...

*Uses plethora of Mass Revives*

Well it's been a while since I've posted anything. Been busy with my Senior Year of high school, finishing college scholarship stuff, working two jobs, etc. But now I'm ready to pick up spriting and hacking where I've left off, so onward at full speed!


Four characters who will appear in my hack that is now underway.

River, an archer from the island country of Sylvessa. Some say he's Valter's younger & hateful brother or hateful son.

Amira, a pegasus knight in service to the knights of the holy empire of Velinca.

Garrett, a former gladiator from Le' Iros who now enjoys his time taking care of his children.

Jessica, a social noblewoman from Aryah. Younger sister to my character/one of the main characters in the story. Possesses the Merciful Staff known as Iloa.


Pic of the same person. WIP. Can't decide what hair color I like more.


Two more WIPs.


Beginnin WIP of a full custom shamaness. Her name will be Sheriah.

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With that first splice in the row of four his armor seems either a little too high up or too far away from his body, possibly both. With the third one his body seems a little squashed to me. And that last one I really like, but don't use just the outline color to trim the button thing, use some of the darkest of that blue instead in some parts.

I'd go with the greenish one, but change the earring color so you can actually see it in that one.

As for the custom, the eyes are a bit far apart and the outline of the face is really jagged.

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His FE10 version mug

The FE10 mug's pretty messy around the edges. And the same goes for the collar on his neck. It has super sharp edges and stands out like that. What did you used to make it?

Also whatever that line thing going down the middle of the tunic (or whatever x3) looks a little goofy and blotchy perhaps? It also looks sorta weird on the top right area of the tunic that's beneath the armour, but for all I know what's what it originally looked like. Too lazy to look it up myself, but it just looked a little odd XD

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  • 4 weeks later...

^The FE10 mug is severely outdated. Went a different route in terms of that mug after the fact.

Still working on the other mugs, but I'll show a recent work:


My friend challenged me to revamp Rei's mug and He'd redo Lugh's. I am actually pretty happy with how it came out!

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