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Weapon Icon Voting



28 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is the best?

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The goal was to make a B-rank anima tome.

Do not penalize someone because their tome looks like another tome of its kind (IE, a GBA version of Rexcalibur should not be penalized only because it looks like Rexcalibur).

Lord Glenn: SFIconContestRd3.png

Camtech: 28ho1zm.jpg

Psych: wicontest3.png

Iavasechui: earthtome.png

Acey: 2zrexr9.png

Ghostclown: phoenix.pngphoenix2.png

Astra: fc6385b2aec08ad7c00b605711c73a97.png

13th: ThunderSpear.png?t=1302264562

Feaw: IconContest2IceTome.png

BlackShadow: Anima.png

Spiker: windstorm-1.png

Hithere: Entry.png

Do not vote for yourself. I will be checking this.

Edited by Camtech075
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Uh, voted Astra's. Cause it's shiny.

Although Feaw's, Cammy's, and Glen's are shiny, too, but they're too fancy-looking, more like a A rank than a B rank to me. And it looks like that Fimb-whatever that ice spell is called. I can't remember its name.

The others are non-flashy and dull. :<

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Had ti go with iava-whatever. I can't spell your name, but I can vote for you/

XD You can just call me iava for short. Thank you by the way for the vote ^_^ That's my first tome ever. XP Pity I suck at animations XD otherwise I would make an earth magic animation to go with it, as its supposed to be an earth tome.

Edited by iavasechui
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Well, I guess I picked a great "challenge" for this week, seeing as there were a ton of entries and we don't already have a clear-cut winner in the voting.

I went with hithere's icon as I feel that it fits the regular GBA tome design quite nicely and does seem potentially representative of a B-rank tome.

I do have to give a slight partial mention to Ghostclown's icon, just for the subject matter and noble attempt to make a tome with it. I feel that if you were to tweak the shading and colors used for the phoenix and make the rest of the icon a bit more... noticable, you'd have a pretty damn snazzy tome. Granted, it probably wouldn't fit the criteria of this round, but it'd still be snazzy.

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