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Surprise FE7 play log due to me waking up after a 6 hour nap.


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And I second the vote to use Brawllace.

I never said I'd take suggestions of peeps to use. I only agreed to use Nino, Serra, and Rebecca because I always use them.

You can rage about my party/unit decisions as I update.

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Urgh... Random BlazBlue videos with Platinum gameplay not cutting not enough anymore! Must have Platinum now!

But enough about my whatever I'm trying to say.

Time to write my FE7 shenanigans while listening to some awesome music.

Chapter 5

Ein the all important Tactician and co are nearing the Lycean border. At least that's what Kent was saying I wasn't paying attention as I am saving cash for the Anime Expo in July. Or is it June? I'm pretty sure it's July.

Any who...

Suddenly another cut scene of some kind occurs. An incredibly cute Cleric, with her own theme no less, and her escort seem to have gotten lost and it was totally her escorts fault. Totally. Unfortunately her escorts denial in getting them lost attracts the attention of some, you guessed it, BANDITS! Some punk ass archer bandit thinks he can take on a student in the arts of setting stuff on fire and strikes!

Luckily Lyn and Ein notice this and Lyn speaks with the cute Cleric. The cute Cleric asks for our help as it turns out... It was our fault they were attacked in the first place!

This cannot stand! Lyn vows to right this wrong and the cute Cleric and her escort agree to aid us.

I have Florina take out the bandit archer. I have everyone not named Lyn, Sain, Florina, and Serra retreat as the four who were named own face with intense malice. I like saying "with intense malice"~

God I love the music in Nocturne. I'd quote the lyrics CONSTANTLY but they may attract unwanted attention... *sadface* Also they are stuck in my head constantly as I can recite in my sleep if I were to Sleep Talk while Resting and I somehow chose the Recite the Battle Theme Lyrics from Nocturne action other than Turn Around in Your Sleep action. Ha. Pokemon mechanics...

Uh... Where was I? RIGHT! Florina and Sain sweep the bandits away with slashes and impalement. I get a Javelin Rain for both Sain and Florina for that awesome 1-2 range as only the boss bandit is left.

I weaken the boss bandit with Erk and Lyn a bit and Florina slays said boss bandit.

Chapter complete in 8 turns!

Bah... I'm getting tired of these bandits and their boss bandit. When do I fight soldiers and their boss knight anyway? : <

Uh... Since I forgot to write down my units stats before the chapter I'll do so now.


LV 5.46

HP - 18, actually did I write down their HP last time? I don't think I did...

STR - 6

SKL - 9

SPD - 11

LCK - 9

DEF - 2

RES - :KnollRoll:


LV 7.08

HP - 22

STR - 13

SKL - 4

SPD - 8

LCK - 5

DEF - 9

RES - :KnollRoll:


LV 6.69

HP - 19

STR - 8

SKL - 10

SPD - 11

LCK - 10

DEF - 4

RES - 6

:Serra: WTF? There isn't a Serra smiley? Someone correct this NOW!

Base level + 44 EXP.


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Let's do this thing! I've been playing Nocturne for at least 3-5 hours each day for the past few days! Yes you must know this!

Chapter 6

Ein the all important Tactician and co arrive at some place when some dudes attack Lyn. Luckily some badass on a horse and bow shoots one them with an arrow after twirling it. I know who Lyn's going to marry~

Lyn visits some house a Thief happens to be looting. He might be I'm not sure but he decides to join my merry gang of usurpers and oh my god why?! Why is the sound my DS not working?! How annoying... FINE! I'll keep playing like this. Stupid piece of crap DS Lite...

Yeah. Not much to talk about in this chapter like all of the Lyn's mode chapters. Sadness...

I have Sain and Florina take out the enemies in the bottom areas and Matthew gets the Angelic Robe which Florina will be using soon. Once I have Sain open the door on the South East I have Florina rescue Serra and rendezvous with Lyn and Rath.

Once Florina and Serra meet up with Lyn I have Florina use the Angelic Robe bringing her HP to 27. Yay~

Darn it. Florina can't double the Archer. Eh, I'll just have Lyn weaken him and-Oh goddamn it Lyn! That was supposed to be Florina's kill! Why you gotta critical? Oh whatever... I'll just have Sain weaken the boss knight and have Florina finish him off. Which I do.

I heal up Sain and end the level with intense malice in 11 turns so yeah.

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Cause I'm bored and why not.

Chapter 7

Oh for the love of crap... My DS Lite's sound is still screwed up. Give me a sec...

*Ten minutes later. I think. Could have just five seconds hell if I know*

Oh hey. This is the Heintz Ketchup chapter. This should be a quick update.

I skipped the story related stuff again. From what I recall some kid wants Ein the important Tactician and co's help to rescue his sister. Glorious...

Also, the prettiest boy EVER decides to help out Ein and co with his good looks and and femininity. Awesome. I love Lucius. And that isn't because he was the first trap I ever encountered and the only reason I found he was male was because of his Serra supports and until then I always thought he was female. His official artwork in the damn strategy guide I had back then didn't help! That long golden hair... That pose... Those hips... That cute face... WHY JAPAN?! WHY!?


Well enough about my confused feelings when I was 12 or 13 year old! On with this thing I'm doing!

So yeah...

I have Florina rescue the manliness that is Lucius and have Nils refresh Florina to have her drop Lucius near the ketchup man. Rath buys two Heal Staffs for Serra.

And now I have the level beat.

Lucius weakens the ketchup man and Florina finishes him off with adorably intense malice.

3 turn victory!

And yes I'm going to the extra chapter.

Edited by Demi-Fiend
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Oh hey! This time my DS' sound isn't wonky.

I was in my kitchen and looking for something to eat in the pantry and HOLY CRAP WHEN DID WE GET CAMBELL'S CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP?!

*ten minutes later*

Ah yes. That didn't help at all but it sure was filling. Somewhat.

Any who...

Chapter 7x

Well now Ein the all important Tactician and co agreed to help Ninian recover her ring cause Ein's cool like that.

I obviously skip the story related parts but Ursula shows up. I like Ursula~

Pretty easy level.

Sain takes down the wall on the left side as Lyn and Rath take out the other enemies on the right side.

Eventually the Thief steals the Hammer from the chest and Sain OHKOs the jerk. The two mages that show up get owned by Florina.

Bah... Florina's reached the point when she barely gets any experience from a kill.

Yes I'm having Florina get most of the kills shut up. >_>

Florina kills the boss merc and I think she's killed all of the bosses so far. Yeah... >___>

With the level completed I may as well most my units stats.


Level 6.19

STR - 7

SKL - 9

SPD - 12

LCK - 10

DEF - 2

RES - :KnollRoll:


Level 8.61

STR - 14

SKL - 5

SPD - 9

LCK - 5

DEF - 9

RES - :KnollRoll:


Level 9.80

STR - 10

SKL - 11

SPD - 13

LCK - 10

DEF - 4

RES - 8


Level 7.40

Same stats obviously.


Level 2.43

MAG - 2

SKL - 5

SPD - 9

LCK - 6

DEF - 2

RES - 5


Level 2.30

STR - :KnollRoll:

SKL - :KnollRoll:

SPD - 13

LCK - 11

DEF - 5

RES - 4

And everyone else is just there to look pretty or something. I dunno.

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I noticed this late but...

Why FE7? Because LOL FE8 and Shadow Dragon is fucking boring and I can't help but think of Seth being Lumi's boy toy now. DAMN YOU LUMI!

...Lumi's Seth fangirling got to you? That's rather surprising.

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