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I'd imagine Nergal was just trying to create a magic seal that would stop the dragons from transforming, and not block magic (or maybe a magic seal that he could control and it would block only other's magic). Whatever Nergal was trying to make with Kishuna was not what he ultimately got.

Living in Arcadia for some time, I'm sure Nergal was aware of Fa existence as the Divine Dragon and It can be assumed that her quintessence would be stronger than any other being's. I bet he would have loved to get hold of her, and I'm sure he had several failed ideas about obtaining her. Another theory I just though of, wasn't the sandstorm that protected and hid Arcadia evoked with magic? Maybe he was trying to cancel that storm. Maybe the #1 purpose of the sandstorm was to keep Nergal at bay, and only had the secondary function of hiding the place from the outside world.

This also probably would have been ages before FE7 started, so the Protector of Nabata was probably some other meat-head instead of Hawkeye, but I get your point: I also don't think Nergal was looking to storm Arcadia without him being able to use his own magic (because he needed his magic to take Fa's quintessence).

Of course this is all just theory; the developers might not have even think it though this much.

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Well, it's a good theory. It's actually an almost perfect plan. Send some morphs in w/Kishuna, bring Fa back, and take her quintessence. The only problem would be Kishuna would have to leave once they get Fa to Nergal so he could use his magic and Fa would be able to go all Fazilla on him and roast him. But still, this is just another theory.

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...it is a good one, I admit. Potential hole is that aren't there more than one 'protector'? I imagine they'd be able to figure out which one was sealing, and...bleh. Screw it.

Developers can't possibly think about something they'll never answer THIS much.

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I suppose the "Protector of Nabata" was just a title given to the person who watches the desert and performs the duties of lookout (and park ranger). It also seemed like Igrene was Fa's guardian so maybe that was part of their duties.

I'd guess a town of dragons didn't need much of a militia.

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Athos and Nergal might have served as guardians while they were in Arcadia...also, Nergal's discussion of Athos's "betrayal" seemed to imply (to me) that the town elders helped Athos fight Nergal.

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...so one (wo)man is meant to protect an entire town?

Seems mildly illogical.

Well, these are dragons, they're definitely capable of defending themselves. I highly doubt "Protector" refers to military protection. I think it's more like, protects Arcadia by concealing it from hostile outsiders. Hawkeye was the one who left the village to see who was outside. iirc dragons weren't allowed to leave Arcadia so they wouldn't be able to do that.

Or maybe their job is just to beat up the bandits that are lead by generations of Bald Twin Warriors.

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OK, so how does that discount that morph from being Kishuna? We've confirmed that Kishuna was not the absolute first morph that Nergal created based on the fact that Nergal broke his tradition of numbering morphs for Kishuna. If we take your interpretation to be correct (that first doesn't mean the absolute first), then it supports the hypothesis that Renault's friend is Kishuna.

In case I'm not being clear, let's go ahead and re-name all human-like entities Nergal shaped in Arcadia "Pre-Morphs" so we don't get confused. Here's what I'm getting at:

Pre-Morphs -> Morphs (Renault's friend was the first one) -> Morphs with emotions (Kishuna was the first one)

This outline ties more seamlessly into the backstory we hear about through Renault's supports. He's charged with hunting down others for quintessence, and the energy from others and himself is used to further Nergal's morph-making ambitions. After he's gained enough energy, Nergal creates his first full morph, more complete than the Pre-Morphs of Arcadia: Renault's friend, who was likely his "#1." Sometime later on, he makes Kishuna, who is given a name to contrast this creation from the others. That's my take on it, anyway.

"...He is asleep... ............ Forgive me, son. In those days... I only thought of myself... I trespassed against many in my singular drive to regain the friend I lost...and to satiate my own...monstrous greed. I even sacrificed... the lives of others... Forgive me... Please...forgive...me......"

No doubt Renault was obsessed with saving his friend and filling the void in his heart, but that doesn't strike me as "crazy." More just narrowly determined to the point of becoming blind to other (particularly moral) considerations.

Because he lacks faith? But yes, I suppose that's a reasonable assumption, too.

I was just makin' a joke. ;):

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No doubt Renault was obsessed with saving his friend and filling the void in his heart, but that doesn't strike me as "crazy." More just narrowly determined to the point of becoming blind to other (particularly moral) considerations.

I would like to point out that you were the one who characterized Renault as "out of his mind," not me. I interpreted that to mean having lost all moral consideration.

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I would like to point out that you were the one who characterized Renault as "out of his mind," not me. I interpreted that to mean having lost all moral consideration.

Hm? Here's what I typed, copied verbatim:

"There's nothing to suggest that Renault was out of his mind when he murdered Lucius' parents. On the contrary, it ties in both with his mercenary profession and with the guilt that he later develops, so deep that he seeks to become a bishop."

Bit of miscommunication, but no worries.

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Yes; you interpreted what I said about Renault's change in personality as him going "out of his mind." I never once said anything about Renault going crazy.

I was more referring to the implied meaning behind your claim that Renault was "under Nergal's influence." But I see what you mean regardless.

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Pre-Morphs -> Morphs (Renault's friend was the first one) -> Morphs with emotions (Kishuna was the first one)

I'm pretty sure that somewhere it's implied that the first one with emotions was Renault's friend, but I'm not positive about that.

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"...He is asleep... ............ Forgive me, son. In those days... I only thought of myself... I trespassed against many in my singular drive to regain the friend I lost...and to satiate my own...monstrous greed. I even sacrificed... the lives of others... Forgive me... Please...forgive...me......"

did it occur to anyone that the reason he did these things was because Nergal had him collecting quintessence?

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did it occur to anyone that the reason he did these things was because Nergal had him collecting quintessence?

Yes, actually. I thought that was pretty obvious.

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