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Integrity Plays Thracia!


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No, Psych, I actually mean "minimal" for a change. Like "didn't deploy Karin with a longsword" minimal.

And the shenanigans with the dark sage, but let's not go there.
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A few chapters ago, "LEAF, YOU SUCK" was your catchphrase. It'll probably be back on Chapter 18's end.

As for your current situation, there isn't much you can do right now except maybe somehow block a bridge through Sleep sword use so you can battle the Armors in peace, though I can't remember if you brought one or not. Good luck Soldier.

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Your blundering gives a certain charm to this run! My advice for Xavier, Bolting/Meteor the faceless knights. Otherwise they'll steal the children!

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Those Lenster Armors might kill each other when one of them turn into NPC. (Red attacking green.) So beware.

Keep them all alive, let them escape, get Leaf to talk and you will get Xavier.

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@Srs: I feel kinda dirty for even considering your proposition, as I'm trying to do this as much from the seat of my pants as I can, but I'm actually going to just because of the reputation Xavier has. >>

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I'm not sure if this is true, but IIRC apparently you can bring fatigued units IF you place an S Drink in their inventory. So maybe if you want to try to bring Lara, Karin and Lifis you could test this?

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1. Give someone a Sleep Sword and 2 Vulneraries

2. Warp him and Lara to top left door

3. Go to town on the Lenster armors

Consider bringing a Fire Sword if you don't aim to get the Member Card so you can dispatch the closer Lenster soldiers. The strategy isn't quite autopilot because you need to make sure that the Lenster armors don't get put to sleep in adjacent spaces and you need to make sure that your Sleep Sword user doesn't get trapped by 3 sleeping armors.

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He has them all on his youtube account, but yea, he never posted them.

What you -basically- have to do to recruit Xavier, is rescue a bunch of civilians and carry them to the throne room. There, you let them loose one or so at a time and they'll move and talk to Xavier's lieutenants. Oddly enough, these lieutenants will attack the civvies when they're in range, but the civvies have one more move so you should be fine.

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I'm not sure if this is true, but IIRC apparently you can bring fatigued units IF you place an S Drink in their inventory. So maybe if you want to try to bring Lara, Karin and Lifis you could test this?

It's true!

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Eighty motherloving minutes later, we're done. I have no idea how your method was supposed to work, dondon, but I improvised and - while it wasn't pretty AT ALL - it worked.

EDIT: NEW HOUSE RULE: No SNES videos over an hour, ever. The quality on this one went to shit after about 60 minutes and I'm having to take all the time in the world to fix it. Guh.

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Oh dear -_-

You're supposed to put them asleep outside the throne room so that they're easier to talk to, but that works too. You're also supposed to kill the Freege armors through the wall instead of putting them to sleep =/

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Unlock can open chests. Just 1 use of it could've saved you all that trouble of getting the Body Ring.

wtf but unlock is always just doors

Now seriously, guys, tell me about chapter 19. There'll be no episode today because deployment is majorly pissing me off: I can't get enough units south to rescue the four civilians, and I have about ten different strategies that would work if I could only fucking CHOOSE who deployed where.

pls help

And try not to make it something that requires I burn all my Rescue staves.

EDIT: To give an idea, I was thirty minutes into recording without having finished the first turn except one time - and that one time I discovered the two middle Thieves just beeline and whack the villages. It baffles me that somebody even designed this shit.

EDIT2: oh yeah and we can cap it off with Sleuf refusing to spawn in the south quadrant no matter how hard I fake-abuse.

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wtf but unlock is always just doors

You assumed the same from Stealing and ended up being wrong on that too. Probably best not to assume how things work in this game since many attributes of it were dropped when FE6 came along and some never returned (capture, awesome stealing for example). Oh and speaking of which, you'll see a Bishop using the Unlock Staff to nab some stuff very very soon (no, not this chapter).

As for things you can do here... Warp/Rewarp + move star Sleuf so he can talk to Amalda. She will join the team and her troops will be green and duke it out with Conomore's bunch and you can just have her carry Sleuf and hit the nearby houses with things of value. Blizzard puts people to sleep so you might want to steal 1 or 2 of them (I believe Asvel has reached A rank on Wind but you should double check to be on the safe side). You can accomplish this through the use of Sleep Staff to incapacitate them or Thief Staff by Tina.

Deploying different units can have some effect on the formation so try sending different people to mule (if you're sending a mule).

Beware the almighty 11 MOV Bow Knight with a Silver Bow, probably forget the boss and transport the NPC to escape. Btw, this is the perfect chapter to leave someone useless behind for access to 21 Gaiden.

Oh, one more thing about Amalda: That Elite Sword + Staves thing I told you for Nanna also works for her, but better since she starts with a C rank.

Edited by Sirius
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