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Integrity Plays Thracia!


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You assumed the same from Stealing and ended up being wrong on that too. Probably best not to assume how things work in this game since many attributes of it were dropped when FE6 came along and some never returned (capture, awesome stealing for example).

Yes but unfortunately outside of me being wrong and you telling me I'm wrong I don't know what I'm wrong about. It's difficult for me to assume I'm wrong about all of the basics at once so I have to just fall back on what I know because I don't know when what I know is wrong.

If that made any sense.

I'll see what I can do. Maybe I'll just shuffle deployments for the next half-hour until I have what I need and then do an episode anyway today.

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Yes but unfortunately outside of me being wrong and you telling me I'm wrong I don't know what I'm wrong about. It's difficult for me to assume I'm wrong about all of the basics at once so I have to just fall back on what I know because I don't know when what I know is wrong.

Perhaps. In the case of items, you can look up their basic info on the site like you have with the scrolls:


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Aye, but again until Unlock I didn't know to. Things like the Master weapons or M Up (which don't exist in other games) I know to look up but all the reoccurring weapons in FE5 are essentially the same as their other incarnations with things like Unlock being the rare exception.

Either way, I think I've hammered out a deployment scheme that will work.

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Aye, but again until Unlock I didn't know to. Things like the Master weapons or M Up (which don't exist in other games) I know to look up but all the reoccurring weapons in FE5 are essentially the same as their other incarnations with things like Unlock being the rare exception.

M Up exists it other games. It's just that it only gives resistance in other games.

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My suggestion is simply deploy all your fliers, and have them save the villages and then the civilians, regardless of deployment locations. Any mounted units you don't absolutely need for fighting could help.

If you check WOD, the maps there have numbers, so that the order you select people for deployment (not picking them like you do, but if Leaf is 1, then the person next to his is 2, then 3, then 4, then so on) that's where they will show up.

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Okay, a few things to say now:

Srs, dondon, you guys have been champs. I know I'm a bumbling incompetent buffoon, but you guys have stuck by me regardless. I think I accidentally credited dondon for your help this chapter though, Srs.

Ilyana, Rody, whatever: sorry man. Really. I was just in a temper.

Either way, I beat the chapter. Most of the video is abusing for a MOV star, though :P

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Killing Barat will stop some of the lattr reinforcements. He's immortal until the first batch shows up so Warp + Kill on the first turn won't work here. Drop a Blizzard on him if you need his stats drop for easy killing.

There are reinforcement Ballistae (including the 3-15 range type) and this is where you will see Bishops using Unlock Staff to open chests (and possibly the doors with the Killing Edge armors).

Amalda's C rank allows her to use Sleep and Physic... since you have the Elite Sword, you can equip it and have her be your Physic heal bot so she'll level fast and if you go with this, I recommend giving her +MAG scrolls to boost it for endgame.

You can park Lifis where the door to the Killing Edge cell is and steal all of them easily if he's carrying a scroll.

The rest of the chapter is basically defending and trying to kill Barat when you can, keeping some great units near the Ballistae location to kill them quickly. Good luck soldier.

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The vendor in C21 sells Wind books. You ought to sell a good number of your lances since...

C21x probably won't see much lance use.

C24 is indoors

C24x is indoors

Final is indoors

Promoting Sara gives you another A rank staff user (dood, this is what you're scared of?) and again, promoting Homeros gives you a better user of the Wrath + Resire combo. Linoan promotes when she visits that church.

Ambush on Olwen and have her use Daim Thunder (you can get a second one in C22) or Tron to kill shit before it attacks her.

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There's a really easy way to trivialize chapter 20. You'll need to refer to the map at http://fireemblemwod.net/fe5/guia/cap20.htm:

Move all of your units to the south end of the map starting at the beginning of the chapter, with the exception of a unit to divert the Killing Edge armors originally locked in a room. That's the best place to be.

On turn 3, there will be 13 lance armor reinforcements. These guys all have Great Lances and hit like trucks (~30 atk on each of them). There will also be 2 bishops, each of which has an Unlock staff. Chances are, they'll each successfully use it once, but you'll want to capture or steal them with 2 uses remaining. Try to KO the lance armors as quickly as possible. They will beeline for cracks in the walls if no one else is in range, but there should be no threat of them reaching the throne since you can intercept them quite easily.

On turn 5, there will be 13 mage reinforcements. KO these guys as quickly as possible, too.

On turn 7, there will be 4 Ballista reinforcements. You can block these from appearing by just parking a unit on the tile that they will appear from. You will probably have to KO or incapacitate Barat and his cohort (hint: Sleep Swords with double Charisma and possible supports) by this turn, since 2 of the ballistae appear on either side of Barat by 2 spaces.

On turn 10, there will be 2 Long Ballista reinforcements. Block these.

On turns 12 and 15, there will be 4 Meteor mage reinforcements. Block these.

The axe armor reinforcements on the last few turns will not appear if Barat has been killed. All in all, this can be a very easy chapter once you get past the Great Lance armors. The hardest part is normally the long range enemies since many of them can gang up on one unit, but they are a nonfactor because you'll be blocking them from appearing.

Beware that if you kill Barat early, the chapter will end after turn 14 enemy phase - i.e., you only get 14 turns to do everything that you want on this map. So don't wait until the very end to, for example, visit the village with Silence. I did that on my SSS run and had to start the map over again, which sucks because it just takes a long time despite being very easy.

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Apparently "having Pahn captured" wasn't enough to satisfy the requirements for C21x. I have to actually *lose* him first.


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That's why I suggested C19 for that. The enemy has to capture and leave the map (mcr as you call it) with that unit OR the unit simply has to be left behind in an escape chapter. That's a quite a shame really, since the gaiden has so many Warp staves for you to grab.

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Only time I've ever seen an enemy leave this map in that chapter is that stupid Sleep Staff priest after I silenced him. Maybe if Pahn's captured by one of the armors near the castle, he'll be taken. Don't know if it'll work or not.

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Fia's in my head.

I had a state just far enough back (when dismounted karin was in the giant pile of dudes) that I was able to get her to roll +1 MOV again (horay) and have Lifis nick the Cavalier's Poison Lance. Hilariously, a sleeping Delmud blocked his way but he did truck it all the way back to the gate and escape and - well, 21x!

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For 21x, if you want all of the Warp staves intact, you'll have to silence and thief both bishops and the boss in the center area on turn 1, because they'll warp mercenaries and snipers out at your units

Anyway, rescuing only 1 unit is one thing, but having to rescue 16 units like I had to...

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Silence AND Thief?

EDIT: OH. I think I just figured out what you were saying. Don't mind me.

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