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[spoiler=Contest Map]


Contest map, not much to say.

[spoiler=An indoor map I actually like]


As a rule, I normally don't post maps for the SF comp in my SF thread. But, I'm really happy with the way this one turned out so I decided to break my rule just once.

The round's rules were to make a sacred temple with the option of being either decrepit or immaculate.

[spoiler=Current Project]


This one I just kind of made on the fly. I'm not really convinced though and could use some CC.

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And then the topic ended up on the 5th page.

Anyway, I've been in more of a spriting mood than a mapping mood lately so here's some stuff.


Some schmoe, I dunno. The eye's feel really off to me but I'm not sure what to do about it.

The real reason I'm posting is because of this animation I've been working on:

[spoiler=Axe Knight]


Been trying to make an axe knight to go with the other cavalier animations. Any critique on it is welcome but what I'm really having trouble with is the frame that's held during the hand axe toss (The frame with all the appendages around it). How do perspective.

I'm trying to get him to hold his arm out while the hand axe flies away but I just can't seem to get it right. Oh, and I'll go back and work on the motion blurs later. Right now I just want to get these really tricky frames out of the way.

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I'd suggest something like this:


Where you sort of checker three shades of whatever color you're using for metal, as it's how the Great Knight and both Berserkers do it, which seems to be the style of axe you're going for.

Edited by Aureola
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everything is perfect you're the best we love you and every pixel that your hand touches

You animated it!! What looks awkward to me is that the frame right before he throws it is the exact same frame as when he catches it.


That frame. I realize that berserkers share that frame in the same manner, but the cav is throwing with his arm out and up. When you throw something, your hand moves forward, when you catch something, your wrist bends back a little to give your arm more space to stop the momentum. Perhaps add another frame similiar to this one, but with the axe tilted back? I'unno, I'm no good at this animation stuff.

I would say that his head/body not moving at all is also pretty weird but I think that might just be a weird FE animation trope~?

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Maybe twist the shoulders a bit on the release so he's following through with his body, as the throw could benefit from a bit more weight. Some of the burlier FE guys don't really move their body with the handaxe, but the Paladin definitely puts a lot of force into it.


edit: also for bonus points maybe even make the horse move a little bit, like dig its feet into the ground or something, though that'd be hell to animate and I absolutely wouldn't blame you for not bothering.

Edited by Aureola
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  • 4 weeks later...

Alright, finally got back to this axe knight so let's have a looksy:


Melee attack


Touched up ranged. I noticed the motion blur for the axe returning wasn't following through all the way so I changed that. As for making his body twist well... I'll get back to you on that >_>'

And of course the sheet in a spoiler.


Might as well drop off a few maps too since that's kind of my schtick.


Comp map


Another comp map


And a map that will be appearing in a certain something.

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I have a script already made for an axe cav, plus already made frames for positioning if you like (since your sprites are better than the ones I have) :P

PM me if you're interested~

jubbs can you please actually have the timing correct for this one cough cough

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er the script converter has been around for a while...

and the horsey is recent...

and frame data has been available since feditor...

and i'm not saying don't do it I'm just saying double check...!

for rey and I am a timing whore

Edited by Kitty of Time
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I have a script already made for an axe cav, plus already made frames for positioning if you like (since your sprites are better than the ones I have) :P

PM me if you're interested~

I may or may not. I've done animation scripting before but it's been ages since I last did it.

Now then, need feedback on content!

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On par with the IS cav animations (only as choppy as the other cav animations, no obvious technical flaws). I would actually try making the axe in frame two blurred/ putting a blur frame in there because of its large change from frame one. The axe is more substantial than a sword, and it's larges part changes location pretty radically. If you're using the original cav script this may not be feasible though.

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