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Yet another pairing help topic ^^


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So recently I'm getting back to FE4 and for this replay I want to try some pairings I never used.

Still, I don't want to put myself through torture when I'm playing a game. How do my chosen combinations look?

Arya: Noish or Holyn

Aideen: Midir (I paired her with both Midir and Jamka before, still pursuit made the game easier)

Lachesis: Fin (Tried both Azel and Beowulf)

Sylvia: Holyn or Azel or Death

Fury: Levin or Claude or Azel

Tiltyu: Levin or Death (I already paired her with Azel and Levin. Linda look pretty good, have any tried using her before?)

Brigid: Lex

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Never used or uncommon?

Because I'd suggest:

Ayra x Dew

Aideen x Claude (Passes down Fortify and Rescue in Chapter 6 and can let Rana promote in 7 if you spam enough)

Lachesis x either Fin, Beowulf, or maybe Noish or Alec

Sylvia x Claude could work here too, or else maybe Azel, Alec, or Lex. Lex helps some with the kids leveling and gives them good defense.

Fury x Noish or Claude

Tiltyu x Levin or Lex. But her replacements are some of them better ones

Briggid x Holyn or Dew. Holyn definately helps Patty level, since she can get the Brave Sword and maybe the Thunder Sword. She can also get the Prayer Sword if you do a trick.

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Ayra : I'd suggest Noish over Holyn. Moonlight doesn't activate with Starlight, though both Critical and Charge can.

Aideen : Standard choice. Can't go wrong there.

Lachesis : Personally I don't like pairing Fin that much, but it's definitely not a bad one. I'd still prefer Beowulf for inheritance for Delmud and Fin not losing his items. You might want to try Alec too, considering he gives Pursuit and gives his swords to Delmud.

Sylvia : Of those three, I'd pair her with the Grim Reaper's scythe.

Fury : Preferably Claude since Sety still remains powerful but can use higher rank staves. Fee can also use B ranked staves which is also quite useful. If you insist on pairing Holyn with Ayra, Noish isn't a bad husband for Fury either.

Tiltyu : Probably Levin. I'd rather have Holsety!Arthur and a possible Tornado!Tinny than Linda and Amid, the latter which I find a bit problematic if you don't pair Tiltyu.

Brigid : Not a bad option, but you might want to try Holyn. He can give a Hero Sword to Patty along with Moonlight. Faval is pretty hard to screw up, so in this case you really want to choose the better dad for Patty. Dew's not a bad option for Icheval at half price.

Edited by Dio
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Oh god, another one of these... Well, here's my handy advice once again. Note that most of these pairings are idiot-proof:

adean.PNG: Eh, just go with Midir. Lester really wants Pursuit + bow inheritance.

ira.PNG: In her case, anybody with a physical weapon(except Cuan and Sig, as they're already paired)will work. Lex is still her best option, though. Noish is also acceptable.

lachesis.PNG: Beo's easy enough, though Fin is superior. Prayer>>>Charge. That and Nanna can get a +5 spd boost from Fin.

sylvia.PNG: Kill her like the rest. If you absolutely must pair her, do it with Claude.

fury.PNG: Levin. Nuff said. Pair her with Alec or Noish if you want to be adventurous, but otherwise stick to the canon pairing.

tiltyu.PNG: I'd still stick her with Azel, though Lex can be used if you want the lulzy Wrath+Vantage combo. Don't expect the kids to get good magic though. Levin is also an excellent option if you are dead set on having Holsety on C6(Not that I would do it myself, because having such a weapon in the first second gen chapter is just 'too' broken for my taste.)

briggid.PNG: She wants Holyn so badly it's not funny. At least it will make Patty more useful(Odo blood allows her to use Aira's brave sword right off the bat.) Dew can work, but Luna>Bargain, and I want Patty to be able to use decent swords.

So in a nutshell:

Aideen: Midir

Aira: Lex

Lach: Fin

Sylvia: Claude

Fury: Levin

Tiltyu: Azel

Brigid: Holyn

Nuff said.

Edited by darkandroid125
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Ayra: Noish! His skillset is cool and his growths complement Ayra's. B-rank swords aren't as nice as A and it's a little slow to set up but the kids turn out pretty powerful. Lex is also cool but his Elite could go to someone who struggles to level up and he offers little inheritance for Skasaher. Dew's another choice but his HP's a little low and his swordskill can't co-activate with Astra.

Edain: Midir's generally the best choice, but you can get away with Alec or Beowulf. Azel and Claude help Rana but produce fairly bad Lesters.

Lachesis: Fin and Beowulf are generally good choices. As much as I despise Beowulf, Charge really helps out. Alec's another option, similar to Fin. Lex works nicely if you've got the pursuit ring free.

Sylvia: I don't like killing her off (except in all subs runs). You could try Azel, to have the two slightly battle worthy with good Magic. Alec's an easy option but doesn't offer much magic (you get a hilarious chapter 4 conversation). There's always Levin but that gives you a very late Holsety. Lex and Dew help out with levelling up and funds respectively.

Fury: Levin produces mega-Sety but Azel and Claude are good options too. Noish's skillset and defense makes up for the stinky magic whilst Alec lets Fee fly freely.

Tiltyu: Azel's solid and Levin produces an early Holsety. There's Lex but that can be a gamble at times. Arden can produce the Ambush/Wrath combo (but less spectacularly) if Lex is busy.

Briggid: I've tried a couple, generally it's tough to get a decent Patty. Lex lets her level quicker and Sleep sword the arena. Dew provides solid growths for both of them Noish and Jamka give good skillsets whilst Holyn passes down megaskill and B-rank swords.

In short:

Ayra: Noish, Lex, Holyn, Dew

Edain: Midir, Jamka, Claude, Azel

Lachesis: Beowulf, Fin, Alec, Lex

Sylvia: Claude, Azel, Alec, Levin

Fury: Levin, Claude, Noish, Alec

Tiltyu: Azel, Levin, Lex, Arden

Briggid: Lex, Holyn, Noish, Jamka

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Never used or uncommon?

Aideen x Claude (Passes down Fortify and Rescue in Chapter 6 and can let Rana promote in 7 if you spam enough)

Never used. I won't mind doing some pairings again though. Better try to be on the safe side.

Rana seem just fine with a physical weapon user for a dad to me.

Does having Claude as her dad made her so awesome, that it wouldn't matter that we has to benched Lester?

Tiltyu : Probably Levin. I'd rather have Holsety!Arthur and a possible Tornado!Tinny than Linda and Amid, the latter which I find a bit problematic if you don't pair Tiltyu.

Brigid : Not a bad option, but you might want to try Holyn. He can give a Hero Sword to Patty along with Moonlight. Faval is pretty hard to screw up, so in this case you really want to choose the better dad for Patty. Dew's not a bad option for Icheval at half price.

Thank you very for your comment! But really, is Amid that's much of a dead weight? I'm sure he's nothing compared to Levin!Arthur but Linda look so good...

If I'm going to pair Levin with Fury, I need to know how bad the replacement kids are going to be.

I'm glad to know that Lex wouldn't be too bad. Thanks for the Holyn suggestion, but I already tried that. Hero sword for Patty is excellent but Moonlight is not as useful as I hoped it would be. It's still a pretty good though. As for Dew, isn't their love growth rate made this the hardest pairing to make?

Oh god, another one of these... Well, here's my handy advice once again. Note that most of these pairings are idiot-proof

I realize that hence the topic title. :^_^: I'm just glad that people are still willing to reply.

Lachesis: Fin and Beowulf are generally good choices. As much as I despise Beowulf, Charge really helps out. Alec's another option, similar to Fin. Lex works nicely if you've got the pursuit ring free.

Thank you for your suggestion, and this is really off topic but I don't like Beowulf either. Am I the only one who hire him for those stats up before killing him off? :P:

I realize now that I should be more through at the beginning. Oh well.

So far it looks like Noish is better than Holyn for Arya, no problem with Midir and Aideen, Fin might be better than Beowulf, Laylea and Sharlow could still beat Leen and Corple with Holyn/Azel as their dads, and Lex and Brigid wouldn't screw me over.

I'm still undecided about Fury and Tiltyu. Levin made both Sety and Fee awesome, and I'm really interested in Linda. Too bad, I might have to ditch that plan if Amid suck too much. And I never seen anyone talk about this before, but really is Claude better for Fury than Azel?

Edited by ATNAK16
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Lex x Tiltyu is actually a really good pairing. Better than Azel x Tiltyu. Dunno why people keep talking about it like it's a gimmick. Claude is better than Azel for Fury because Sety can wield all staves and Fee gets B staves (libro + flying). Neither of them need the minor fala.

Otherwise, pairings sound pretty solid.

Edited by Silvercrow
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LexxTiltyu is a good pairing, it just comes with a couple of things you need to work around. Like the lack of pursuit, low magic growths and bad inheritance for Arthur. However, the Wrath/Ambush combo, Elite and durability make up for it. Arthur's usually a good candidate for the pursuit ring too.

Claude does offer more for Sety than Azel, his growths are the same/better and staff inheritance is nice, Volcannon's horrible and comes late. Fee isn't really affected other than a few points of HP, Magic and Speed against B-rank staves, luck and resistance.

I wouldn't worry too much about about Dew's love growths, they're pretty much the same as everybody else's, other than Midir, Jammy and Holyn.

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Thank you very for your comment! But really, is Amid that's much of a dead weight? I'm sure he's nothing compared to Levin!Arthur but Linda look so good...

If I'm going to pair Levin with Fury, I need to know how bad the replacement kids are going to be.

I'm glad to know that Lex wouldn't be too bad. Thanks for the Holyn suggestion, but I already tried that. Hero sword for Patty is excellent but Moonlight is not as useful as I hoped it would be. It's still a pretty good though. As for Dew, isn't their love growth rate made this the hardest pairing to make?

It would be nicer if Amid has Pursuit instead of Continue. Then when he promotes you realize his class skill is Continue, which pretty much gives you a finger.

Oh there's other options. Others brought up Lex and Arden for Wrath + Ambush, but you might want to try Fin as well for Pursuit + Wrath + Prayer. You won't go first on enemy phase, but at least you're protected at low HP.

I didn't know you tried it, so that's why I suggested it.

It's not so bad if you wait at the end of the chapter until turn 50 with those two stuck together. There's other options too. You may want to try Alec or Beowulf.

Edited by Dio
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Lex/Arden seem to be better daddies for Arthur/Tinny than Fin imo. Prayer is very nice, but since it only lasts for one round, it's not as easy to abuse outside the Arena. And all of these fathers give poor Magic growth to their kids. If a Wrath critical is incapable of killing some enemies, that would be pretty bad. Azel would provide the kids with the magic that they need to fully abuse Wrath's power.

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I have nothing against Lex/Tiltyu really, but a lot of people said that the bad magic stat outweigh the ambush and wrath. The RNG Goddess is not very fond of me so I'm not sure Lex/Tiltyu would work out. So Azel has nothing important that Claude couldn't offer? It's decided, I will just stick to the good old bread and butter, Levin/Tiltyu and Claude/Fury.

It would be nicer if Amid has Pursuit instead of Continue. Then when he promotes you realize his class skill is Continue, which pretty much gives you a finger.

Oh there's other options. Others brought up Lex and Arden for Wrath + Ambush, but you might want to try Fin as well for Pursuit + Wrath + Prayer. You won't go first on enemy phase, but at least you're protected at low HP.

I didn't know you tried it, so that's why I suggested it.

It's not so bad if you wait at the end of the chapter until turn 50 with those two stuck together. There's other options too. You may want to try Alec or Beowulf.

Oh my, Amid's skill set sound terrible. I'm sorry Linda that I have to ditch you, but I don't think I should try my luck with your brother.

Waiting that long for the bargain skill that I never need before sound like too much trouble for me. Alec sound pretty good through, I'll definitely put it on my next to do list.

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I have nothing against Lex/Tiltyu really, but a lot of people said that the bad magic stat outweigh the ambush and wrath. The RNG Goddess is not very fond of me so I'm not sure Lex/Tiltyu would work out. So Azel has nothing important that Claude couldn't offer? It's decided, I will just stick to the good old bread and butter, Levin/Tiltyu and Claude/Fury.

Actually, his low growth means he's less likely to get RNG screwed. Even if Arthur grows no magic at all, he still hits 72 attack hitting resistance (which should oneshot most enemies up to chapter 10).

But, up to you!

Edited by Silvercrow
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Actually, his low growth means he's less likely to get RNG screwed. Even if Arthur grows no magic at all, he still hits 72 attack hitting resistance (which should oneshot most enemies up to chapter 10).

True, considering on average he's likely to only gain 4 points of magic (excluding promotion). However, he's stuck on inheritance and doesn't get Tron for a little while (I can imagine he'd promote towards the end of chapter 7) so his offense isn't that stellar initially. However, after that he's taking out small armies. He's also a good candidate for a magic ring.

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Alright, I posted this in a different thread, but it seems like this would be a better one.

If I don't actively attempt to pair characters together, will pairings occur on their own? Basically, can I get pairings even if I don't TRY to get pairings? I've always liked to play FE games "casually," without obsessing over details. I just wonder if that's feasible for this game. I'd hate to get stuck with a whole bunch of substitutes.

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Lex x Tiltyu is a gimmick unless you can get the kids sufficient attack rating to properly Wrath-kill whatever they face. There are breakpoints for this and you have to plan accordingly. It works to an extent, but you do have to set everything up properly. Of course you get practically the same result from Levin!Arthur anyway, only without having to plan anything.

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Lex x Tiltyu is a gimmick unless you can get the kids sufficient attack rating to properly Wrath-kill whatever they face. There are breakpoints for this and you have to plan accordingly. It works to an extent, but you do have to set everything up properly. Of course you get practically the same result from Levin!Arthur anyway, only without having to plan anything.

No, it's not. Lex!Arthur with absolutely no magic growth from his base stats has 72 attack, hitting resistance.

I am absolutely confident that that will oneshot every generic enemy until the end of Chapter 9, and probably a bunch in Chapter 10 as well. This is with growing no magic in 28 levels.

Yes, Levin!Arthur is obviously better, but it requires no "setup" other than a Magic Ring and Tron (which nobody has a better claim for).

Edited by Silvercrow
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  • 2 weeks later...

You get Tron midway through chapter 7 from an enemy he's probably going to kill anyway.

Ishtor is not a cupcake. He has 14 Res, 39 attack power, and Continue. Oh, and 62 total avoid.

No, it's not. Lex!Arthur with absolutely no magic growth from his base stats has 72 attack, hitting resistance.

I am absolutely confident that that will oneshot every generic enemy until the end of Chapter 9, and probably a bunch in Chapter 10 as well. This is with growing no magic in 28 levels.

Yes, Levin!Arthur is obviously better, but it requires no "setup" other than a Magic Ring and Tron (which nobody has a better claim for).

You could be more precise. Promoted Arthur at base and no growths with Tron and a Magic Ring has 72 Wrath attack. Mage Arthur ain't going to get that kind of attack power. Edited by Canadiens de Montreal
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Ishtor is not a cupcake. He has 14 Res, 39 attack power, and Continue. Oh, and 62 total avoid.

You could be more precise. Promoted Arthur at base and no growths with Tron and a Magic Ring has 72 Wrath attack. Mage Arthur ain't going to get that kind of attack power.

Yes, 44 attack with Wind. Enough to kill the vast majority of early enemies, especially if given the pursuit ring which more or less guarantees that he will oneround everyone. He has Elite, so he can promote at the start of Ch8 with relatively little difficulty.

An average Level 14 Arthur has 46 attack against Ishtor, which means he is 2-shotted. He'll have WTA and 17 skill on average, which results in an average of 82 hit rate for Arthur--fairly reliable considering you only need to hit twice. Arthur is also twoshotted in return, but assuming you allow Ishtor to attack him first on enemy phase, counterattack, then attack on player phase for the kill, it's more or less guaranteed that Arthur will kill him so long as he lands his hits. You also have to hope that Ishtor doesn't proc continue, but that goes for everyone aside from Shanan.

Who else is going to kill Ishtor reliably? It's because he isn't a cupcake that you send one of your better units to deal with him. Shanan is stuck in a desert for an ungodly amount of time. The only other remotely viable options are pretty much Julia and Celice, and neither of them fare a whole lot better than Arthur does, but probably don't make as good use of the EXP and don't want Tron anyway.

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Yes, 44 attack with Wind. Enough to kill the vast majority of early enemies, especially if given the pursuit ring which more or less guarantees that he will oneround everyone. He has Elite, so he can promote at the start of Ch8 with relatively little difficulty.

An average Level 14 Arthur has 46 attack against Ishtor, which means he is 2-shotted. He'll have WTA and 17 skill on average, which results in an average of 82 hit rate for Arthur--fairly reliable considering you only need to hit twice. Arthur is also twoshotted in return, but assuming you allow Ishtor to attack him first on enemy phase, counterattack, then attack on player phase for the kill, it's more or less guaranteed that Arthur will kill him so long as he lands his hits. You also have to hope that Ishtor doesn't proc continue, but that goes for everyone aside from Shanan.

Who else is going to kill Ishtor reliably? It's because he isn't a cupcake that you send one of your better units to deal with him. Shanan is stuck in a desert for an ungodly amount of time. The only other remotely viable options are pretty much Julia and Celice, and neither of them fare a whole lot better than Arthur does, but probably don't make as good use of the EXP and don't want Tron anyway.

A player who has raised Arthur to level 14 will actually have to expect that there is around a 50% probability that Arthur will get enough stat gains in his playthrough to defeat Ishtor.



If you look at the "chances of having X or less speed at a given level", you can figure out that 56% of the time, he'll get enough Speed to be able to double Ishtor.

The same applies to Magic. 56% of the time, he'll get enough Mag to two shot Ishtor without needing two Wrath hits. If he needs two Wrath hits, it is far from a certainty that Arthur will dodge Ishtor's attack and thus survive.

The point is that Arthur is far from a lock to kill Ishtor unless he gets help. Not that using help for him is a bad thing, it's just that the task is not always going to be simple as attack and kill.

Edited by Canadiens de Montreal
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A player who has raised Arthur to level 14 will actually have to expect that there is around a 50% probability that Arthur will get enough stat gains in his playthrough to defeat Ishtor.



If you look at the "chances of having X or less speed at a given level", you can figure out that 56% of the time, he'll get enough Speed to be able to double Ishtor.

The same applies to Magic. 56% of the time, he'll get enough Mag to two shot Ishtor without needing two Wrath hits. If he needs two Wrath hits, it is far from a certainty that Arthur will dodge Ishtor's attack and thus survive.

The point is that Arthur is far from a lock to kill Ishtor unless he gets help. Not that using help for him is a bad thing, it's just that the task is not always going to be simple as attack and kill.

You don't need to double Ishtor to kill him and I was assuming that you would not be able to. You just need to properly use attack order to guarantee that you'll kill him. Arthur does not need to dodge, just hit.

Lets say Arthur has base magic and thus 44 attack. 14 Res means that you're hitting 30 damage per hit with Wrath, an easy twoshot. Park Arthur in front of Melgan and Ishtor will attack him on enemy phase, most likely hitting and procing Arthur's Wrath. Arthur just then has to attack him on player phase and land his hit to guarantee a kill. Averaging 82 hit is pretty reliable, but if that seems too low it's not unreasonable to feed him Charisma. Ishtor can't oneshot Arthur at level 14 regardless of RNG (130% HP growth), so the only worry is Arthur missing or an unlucky Continue proc.

The fact that he has slightly higher than a 25% chance to just kill him flat out with no help at all from anything but Pursuit only helps him, not hurts him. I'm pretty sure, all told, Arthur has somewhere around an 75% success rate at killing Ishtor without any problem (including the chance that he just flatly onerounds him without Wrath) which is higher than almost everyone else. Absolute worst case, Julia can throw in some chip damage.

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