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If there was to be another remake...

Which game is...  

50 members have voted

  1. 1. the one you'd like to see remade?

  2. 2. the one most worthy of a remake?

  3. 3. the most likely to be remade?

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If there was another remake, which game would you want remake, and which one is most deserving of it? Also, which game to you think is most likely to be remade?

I would want an FE4 remake, but I think FE2 is most deserving because it needs an update. I think FE6 is next though to include Roy into American FE and to finish off FE7's epilogue.

This poll only includes Japanese only games.

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I agree with you on the remake of FE2, however for different reasons (although I'm all for updated gameplay). The soundtrack was epic enough to warrant me to play top to bottom and I mainly want this game to be remade for the beauty of an updated soundtrack (musician here~). Also, IIRC, FE2 is based in the same world as FE1/3/11/12, so why the hell not remake it to complete the Marth's world saga? Besides, I'm sure no one (at least who I know) will complain about the Macedonian Whitewings making a cameo.

If you ask me, although I wouldn't of FE4, mainly due to the possible censoring of the story if it happened to wander over to NA, but it is worthy of a remake as a lot of people play games for the story (me excluded, gameplay and music >>>>>> story IMO) and not only does it have the most epic tale in FE yet (IMO), but the second best (again, IMO) soundtrack in the series, next to Gaiden of course. So even if FE4 DOES seem more worthy of a remake, I'd still go with FE2 on this.

Now that you mention it, FE7 does have a pretty high fanbase, and I'm sure NA is still wondering (or at least those who don't emulate) who the hell this Roy figure is. Granted, he did get .3 seconds in the epilogue of FE7, I'm sure there are people who still want to see what this Roy deal is about in NA, so I'm going with FE6 on this one.

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I don't know about FE 6, it's been a long time since FE 7 was released in North America. They took Roy out of Brawl, and Shadow Dragon came out shortly after Brawl, most likely because of Marth's appearance in the game. To be honest, I don't even know if we'll ever get the Japanese Fire Emblems on this side of the pond. But if we do, we'll most likely get FE 4 first. With the advent of the 3DS, Nintendo is looking for innovation, and they can market FE 4 as a new game because it's quite a bit different from all the other Fire Emblems, and most Americans probably don't even know about the Japanese Fire Emblems. I didn't know about them until Radiant Dawn was released.

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I would like a remake of FE6 but its not likely.

FE4 is probably the most likely candidate for a remake. Its also one (if not the most) of the most popular non-exported FEs out there.

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FE2 is the only one that needs to be remade. 4 and 5 are already among the best(if not the best) in the series how they are now.


Also, what is people's reasoning behind FE4 deserving a remake more than Gaiden? I honestly can't see me enjoying the remake much more than the original while Gaiden would gain much more from one. Not to mention it's Marth's world. (Well, Jugdral is in the same world, but very separated through time and distance)

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I want to see a FE4 remake, because it would just look really awesome, but FE2 deserves it more. And, I think it's the most likely one to get remade. FE4 needs too much censoring, FE5 isn't coming before 4, and FE6 isn't old enough.

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What I would WANT to see is a remake of FE5, preferably in a package with a remake of FE4 (Gen1-Thracia-Gen2), due to the epicness of the story as a whole, and the multiple ...challenging... gameplay elements in FE5 (FUCKING FATIGUE ON MY FINN).

What deserves one...FE2, definitely. It's the only FE game that I really, really don't want to emulate as I'm not a big fan of the control scheme when I emulated FE1. It's also the least well known, and therefore rather likely to be considered a 'new game' by most audiences, whereas Shadow Dragon was quite obviously a remake.

The most likely...well, as was said by Maji, probably FE6, as lots of people know Roy exist, but outside of emulators and Japan no-one knows who he is - also, wasn't FE7 the most well received entry released worldwide? Or was that Path of Radiance?

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The most likely...well, as was said by Maji, probably FE6, as lots of people know Roy exist, but outside of emulators and Japan no-one knows who he is - also, wasn't FE7 the most well received entry released worldwide? Or was that Path of Radiance?

I'm not sure. I know that from FE7+, FE8 is the best-selling in Japan, although FE12 may still overtake it (and Fire Emblem in general sells just as well, if not better in the US).

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I'm not sure. I know that from FE7+, FE8 is the best-selling in Japan, although FE12 may still overtake it (and Fire Emblem in general sells just as well, if not better in the US).

I meant in forms of critical acclaim, not sales.

Although FE8? Really? I didn't know it actually had that big a player base...I hate easy games...

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FE7 should never have to be remade, and I'm doubting hard that they'd bother to remake 6. It not being localized =/= good reason for it to be remade from the point of view of IS.

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The most likely...well, as was said by Maji, probably FE6, as lots of people know Roy exist, but outside of emulators and Japan no-one knows who he is - also, wasn't FE7 the most well received entry released worldwide? Or was that Path of Radiance?

That's a pretty lame reason for a game to be remade. English versions are just localizations of Japanese releases, and a Japanese remake of FE6 seems really pointless. It's not old enough to warrant a remake, and the odds of it being remade BEFORE FE2, 4, and 5 seem pretty slim.

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I'd like to see FE6 remade (this time with FE7 references and extras). And maybe this time, make it good?

The most likely one to be remade would be FE2 though.

I honestly don't see the Jugdral series ever leaving Japan.

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