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WARSTORY: My Trip to Denny's

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So I was invited to bowling, didn't really do much, and it was 2:30 am. I didn't want to go home yet, so I decided that I'd get a midnight snack. At first I thought Taco bell, but the drive-thru one was already closed in the town I was in and the only one open that I recalled was in the dangerous part of the state (for those educated in Michigan, Buena Vista). So I decided that I'd go to a sit-down restaurant. I decided that since IHop doesn't exist around me, I'd go to the next best thing: Denny's.

Or should I say the next worst thing.

It's 3:00 AM now and I'm there. I see a bunch of people in a car talking about something; pointing toward my way. I ignored it. Then, as I approached the door I see two women arguing and flirting with a cop. It was a rather awkward situation and I haven't even stepped in the door! I open the glass door and see a bunch of people within the building. Some of them are drunks, but some seemed pretty sober and just wanted to hang out. I of course was by myself. It took about a minute and the waitress showed me to a booth. Now, there was a perfectly set up table with only two chairs and she gives me a booth that can seat four people. Obviously this woman isn't thinking. She hands me a menu and asks what I want to drink. I go with the usual; Coke no ice. I was then asked if I was ready to order. I don't go to Denny's often (last time I went was 2 years ago), so I asked if I could have a couple of minutes.

It took 10 minutes before she came back.

So I decided to order this "Grand Slam Sandwich" combo which looks something like this:


Not bad looking. I also asked if they would crisp up the hash browns. After all it said "served with crispy hash browns" in the menu.

While waiting for my food, I look around a bit. There were some obnoxious people yelling across the floors from time to time. Usually they were looking for a waiter or waitress to serve them or just to cause trouble. A table in front of me had a gay guy and a woman comparing their "worst boyfriends" and how they made their lives miserable. Yes, just what I want to hear that night: something to make me more miserable and alone. Then there was a table in front of that who ordered food. They were served first and shortly after obtaining their food, they got up and left. So that was a walk-out on a table already. The table next to me is literally yelling in my ear; not about me of course but of their daily life. I had a man creep up behind my booth to talk to some guy next to me (the person he was talking to and myself were separated by a wall) about how the day was and what not. The waitress came around and asked if I wanted a refill, which I of course obliged. She got me one and left to do her duties around the restaurant. I then see a couple of guys enter and get their drinks in one of those old milk jars. I thought it was kind of cool and wish I got mine in there.

Finally, it was about half an hour and my food came out. I saw the sandwich and it seemed alright. I didn't get why they had to glaze the toast with syrup when they could've just put the damned syrup in the sandwich. I didn't see any mayo in it either, though I'm not a huge fan of it so I didn't think better of it. Then I look at my hash browns. And what do you know, they aren't even CLOSE to crispy!





I was a little irritated and called up the waitress. She offered to make another batch of hash browns. Now, 1) why not just crisp mine up like I asked and not waste food and 2) like I really want to wait another half an hour for hash browns. I declined the offer and just decided to poke at the food. I took a bite of the Grand Slam Sandwich and realized how it got its name. It seemed like every bite I took from it I wanted to hit it more and more with a baseball bat. It taste pretty mediocre and I couldn't figure out how they could charge eight dollars for it. Highway robbery I say. I get my bill roughly 5 minutes AFTER I got my order, which sort of sent the message "get the hell out" despite her stating that it wasn't meant to be like that. Okay, you just want one less person to serve. The waitress finally realizes the walk out people and goes on a mini-rant with the gay guy and his friend about how these people have done it for the last couple of weeks around the same day and time. So why even serve to them to begin with? BUT OH NO she promised to get them next time! The friends decided they wanted boxes and she got them one. I of course asked for a box. After getting my box and finishing my conversation on IRC via phone, I look up and realize the two people left their damn box behind with the food. So why bother getting the take out box? Thankfully it seemed like they payed the bill as they left a tip. Shortly after the waitress arrived to clean it up, I payed for my bill. Not that I wanted to. I finally got home at about 5:00 am and stayed up for a short time, then finally fell asleep. The sandwich after wasn't too bad, so I wonder if exhaustion and my pissed off mood made it taste mediocre.


- Talked on IRC via phone

- Sandwich was okay after I got up later in the day

- Waitress was good looking I guess

- Tipped the waitress


- Remember men: All women hate you. Especially if it's me. ;/

- Weirdos and drunks at 3:00 am


Where was this all done? Why none other than the big safe city of Saginaw, Michigan. If you don't believe me on how safe it is, just Ctrl + F "crime".


Edited by Colonel M
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cool story bro. But honestly, Dennys has always been a breeding place for scum and villainy. Their food is terrible, and so is the atmosphere.

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cool story bro. But honestly, Dennys has always been a breeding place for scum and villainy. Their food is terrible, and so is the atmosphere.

I blame Saginaw.

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They're just hash browns. Well, in your case, lightly browned potato shreds.

Edited by Royal Ludroth
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I like Denny's :mellow: . I usually get French Toast or shrimp. Though I haven't been there in quite some time, I used to go with friends all the time after midnight showings of new movies.

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