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Tileset Problem

Zath of the Sword

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I am trying to create a map with the Town tileset, in Nightmare I changed the Chapter tileset and objects to Town and Docks. But when I load the map I mad in Mappy it looks all weird and the tiles are not in the right places. The other map I made with a different set worked fine. Any ideas whats wrong?

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I think you might need to be a bit more specific in describing the elements of this. You know, items such as the offset where you inserted the map array, the map's size, the exact tileset string (10 00 11 12, for instance), etc. As it stands, I think the only possible advice anyone could suggest would be to re-export the map array and reinsert the map again (which, oddly enough *can* fix stuff - I don't try to understand it, but I've inserted a map once and had issues, but then starting clean and inserting it again, it worked) or check to make sure that you have don't have a corrupted tileset.

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Also, make SURE that when you make a map and import the tileset, that you DO NOT press CTRL + X or press "Cut". It will shift all your tiles one, and it will screw up your map.

And when you have made another map, DO NOT change the tileset. That has also been known to screw up stuff.

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If you did screw up your map in Mappy, I suggest exporting a .bmp and using BwdYeti's converter to get a working .FMP and .MAR file, and then re-inserting the .MAR. It beats remaking the map from scratch. >_>

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Here's what you did wrong.

"You screwed something up"

There. Are you satisfied? No? Well, that's all we can tell you, since the info you gave us makse no sense and is not very coherent regardless.

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Like this:

-What the map is like (post FMP file if possible)?

-Where in ROM did you insert it to?

-What version of MAR array inserter did you use and what options did you choose when inserting?

Also, make SURE that when you make a map and import the tileset, that you DO NOT press CTRL + X or press "Cut". It will shift all your tiles one, and it will screw up your map.

And when you have made another map, DO NOT change the tileset. That has also been known to screw up stuff.

Same thing applies to Ctrl+C or "Copy". Mappy really isn't designed to handle fixed tilesets very well. It'll get the job done if you use it properly.

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What do you want to know?

Everything relevant. We should make a tutorial on how to ask questions

Aside from what NL mentioned, we could also use

- screenshot of Nightmare input

- screenshot of MAR Array Inserter input

- a summary of not only what you did but how you get there, if that makes sense... in other words, a little more detail, but not to the point that you're writing an essay or book

- patch with savestate (as a last resort)

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