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Battlestar Galactica strategy game


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So, 8 negative cards played.

Kevin + JB = 5

Kevin + Rein = 9

Kevin + RD = 5

JB + RD = 4

JB + Rein = 8

RD + Rein = 8

and for good measure:

Kevin + JB + RD = 7

Thus, Rein is confirmed Toaster, the second contributor could be any of you other fuckers tbh.

On and in before Rein played that TAC-5 month 1.

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inb4 rein played all of those TRE cards.

On and in before Rein played that TAC-5 month 1.

If you're interested, the chance that you're a cylon has now decreased. What to, however, I do not know.

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Ignore my previous post, I derped and thought it was LEA/POL.

Now then, if I understand correctly - We're saying Rein saved up all of his Piloting Skills and converted them all to TRE?

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We're saying Rein saved up all of his Piloting Skills and converted them all to TRE?

No, that was a joke. It is very unlikely that he actually did that.

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Well, RD has no TRE to play since he passed them over to Wen early on, so he didn't contribute to our demise here, and is practically guaranteed to have played two of the LEA-4's.

Kevin played in 3 cards, if we believe he's not a toaster, he has to have played in the remaining 3 LEA cards.

This would mean that JB with his 5 TAC played the two TAC cards.

This would mean that the skill distribution was this:

LEA-2 - Kevin

LEA-4 - Kevin

LEA-4 - Kevin

LEA-4 - RD

LEA-4 - RD

TAC-3 - JB

TAC-4 - JB

TRE-2 - Rein

TRE-2 - Rein

TRE-3 - Rein

TRE-3 - Rein

TRE-3 - Rein

TRE-3 - Rein

Now, if we actually believe that Rein ISN'T a cylon, and only used his piloting to add LEA and TAC, then that would mean this is what happened:

LEA-2 - Kevin

LEA-4 - Rein

LEA-4 - Rein

LEA-4 - Rein

LEA-4 - Rein

TAC-3 - Rein

TAC-4 - Rein

TRE-2 - Kevin

TRE-2 - Kevin

TRE-3 - RD

TRE-3 - RD

TRE-3 - JB

TRE-3 - JB

Note that this is impossible because RD has no TRE.

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This would mean that JB with his 5 TAC played the two TAC cards

Doesn't this assume JB is inno? Rein could've played one of the TAC from his piloting and JB a TRE.

Though I guess if rein put in 5 TRE he might as well not put in anything positive. So yeah, It looks like that is what happened.

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Well, bottom line is that Rein has to be a toaster simply because RD has no TRE. Kevin and JB couldn't have played all 6 TRE cards., which means Rein has to have played some of not all of them.

Edited by Ceadeus
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Additionally now that we've lost 1 population it's likely the cylons will aim to destroy that over our morale, so we should ensure we don't lose any more.

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...Population and Morale instead start from 4 (and so both resources are lowered by one). In addition, Executions DO NOT affect morale any more...

This is where the other Pop and Morale went.

Also a few rules questions and stuff to clarify: Revealed Cylons are immune to generally most things that can target players. Exceptions are generally things like crises that say 'draw treachery' and the like.

Not that anyone is revealing as a Cylon or that there's likely a Cylon around at the moment.

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Guest Wen Yang

Damn it...

Good point: We now KNOW one Cylon.

Bad point: We lost 1 population. Also, Said Cylon is likely to reveal himself this night.

On the plus side, I think we might have solved the mystery on who ****ed us up on month one. Probably.

Drawing two cards this round.

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Before I start spraying ketchup, lemme make sure my hand list is accurate. I want to make sure that there was only one possible source of those TRE cards.

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Guest Wen Yang

Well, Haze's theory makes sense to me, and fits my hand list too.

Either Rein is a Cylon... Or Kevin, RD, JB, and I are the four Cylons.

And judging from how much TREs were spent, I am inclined to believe that this is a Solo-action by Rein.

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Tables, can you post who drew what at the end of the action phase of Round 4? I want to draw a definitive conclusion before I use my ability.

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Agh, good catch. Um, I can try...

I believe everyone drew the two skills in their skill set, except:

BK-201 (Zarek) drew POL, LEA

Eclipse (Cally) drew POL, LEA

WoMC (Leoben) drew TAC, then GtFoG'd TAC

RD (Ellen) passed a skill to Kevin (Roslin) and drew 2 POL, 1 LEA.

If someone knows they did something that wasn't just drawing can you point it out, since it should have been public information. Thanks.

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Well, at least the one LEA skill I didn't play wouldn't have put us over the threshold...

When do Cylons reveal, and when can eclipse use her ability? If we can brig Lightning before he can reveal, we should do that so eclipse can save her ability. If not, using it to prevent Lightning from revealing sounds like a good course of action.

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Guest Wen Yang

From what Tables says, I think Eclipse needs to wait till the next crisis phase to use her ability.

Not sure when the Reveal could happen.

And I'm pretty sure we can't brig Anyone till next crisis phase.

Also, guys, I hope you know what you're doing by releasing excellen. I'm still unsure whether he's clear or a Cylon, but either way, he now has extra oomph since his skills are now at 1.5x normal power, rounded down.

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Also, guys, I hope you know what you're doing by releasing excellen. I'm still unsure whether he's clear or a Cylon, but either way, he now has extra oomph since his skills are now at 1.5x normal power, rounded down.


Brigged: Skills halved, rounded down.

Released: Skills doubled minus one.

His skills will actually be weaker.

Edited by Ceadeus
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What do you mean by this? Doubled minus one is obviously higher than original.


Say I get brigged with this hand:

TAC-6, TAC-4, TAC-3, LEA-3, LEA-5

I get brigged, skills halved.

TAC-3, TAC-2, TAC-1, LEA-1, LEA-2

I get released, skills doubled -1.

TAC-5, TAC-3, TAC-1, LEA-1, LEA-3

Get it?

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That would be rather silly, the skills themselves are halved(as well as any more drawn cards), so when they're doubled, it should be doubling the current value, which is half of the original one.

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Besides, can you imagine how broken it would be if it doubled the original value?

Brig me - double all of my TAC/LEA 5's/6's(note: hypothetical, I'm not saying I have those.)

It would be beneficial to be brigged, when it's supposed to be detrimental.

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