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(FE4) Draft IV


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Did you? *checks*

Fuck, I blame my own terrible organizing skills.

I also blame Integ.

Changed to Janne.

Edited by Camtech075
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We lost power so I'm on my phone which sucks but since I can not remember whose left let me pick up um Lester's replacement he'll suffice I hope.

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I'll just be doing screenshots.

Prologue 14/14 Turns

Chalphy to Jungby - 6/6 Turns

With 2 strength procs, you can do this in 5... However, Sigurd failed to proc any strength, so this had to do. Cuan mosied down to clean up scraps, Noish saved one village, Lex the other. Lex is terrible on this map.

Jungby to Evans - 8/14 Turns

1 HP away from a 13 turn :facepalm: One strength proc in 5 levels for Sigurd. Midir somehow ended up with the bosskill.

Cuan and Midir used the church. Note that Midir got the speed ring.

UNIT         LEVEL          HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES   
Sigurd       10.77          41    16    00    12    12    10    13    04 
Noish        05.08          35    11    00    08    08    04    09    01
Lex          08.58          36    14    00    10    12    09    10    00
Cuan         07.02          37    18    00    11    10    06    11    03
Midir        04.26          34    10    01    08    09    03    07    00


Chapter 1 - 25/39 Turns

Evans to Genoa - 6/20 Turns


Aideen and Dew ran towards my army, while Sigurd rushed to Genoa, killing Kinbois along the way. My other units picked up scraps, and for some reason, the enemy archers liked targeting Midir at full health opposed to Noish and 10HP...

Also, despite Sigurd being in Ayra's range, she decided to chase Aideen instead.

Genoa to Marpha - 7/27 Turns


Ayra was in Sigurd's range, and was recruited immediately. She took out the troop that was chasing Aideen, while Aideen and Midir had their convo. Cuan drew some enemies up towards the others for some exp, and then Sigurd ran for Verdane. Sigurd, Lex, Ayra, and Cuan took out the other wave of enemies, and Sigurd killed whatshisface that stole Aideen.

Marpha to Verdane 12/39 Turns



Forests suck.

Everyone except Aideen and Midir went through the Spirit Forest, the Aideen went to the villages to get gold, and Midir wasn't needed, so they built love points. Sigurd blasted through the chokepoint, recruited Deidre, killed Jamka (although I wanted his bow) and rushed the castle, after silencing Sandima. Deidre got a few kills along the way, and Lex got his Hero Axe on the last turn.

UNIT         LEVEL          HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES   
Sigurd       16.92          48    20    00    19    12    14    15    04 
Noish        08.93          38    12    00    09    09    04    10    01
Lex          10.58          38    15    00    10    12    09    11    00
Cuan         10.47          39    18    00    11    11    06    12    03
Midir        08.03          37    11    01    11    12    03    07    00
Ayra         09.12          34    13    00    20    18    04    07    01
Deirdre      06.45          28    00    16    10    12    06    03    19
Aideen       04.40          29    01    13    08    09    11    01    10

Edited by General_Horace
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Copying the format I used in the last draft...

Prologue: Birth of a Holy Knight

Chalphy to Jungby: 5/5 turns

Sigurd + Ethlin shitstomp, Ardan and Fin cleaning up. Half of the enemies were still alive after the initial rush, though. >_>

Jungby to Evans: 8/13 turns

Oh my goooood, that was ridiculous. Fin almost died 8 times, saved only by RNG luck and Ethlin. Alvis shitstomped most of the Evans rush, with Sigurd/SilverSword cleaning up.

Edited by Camtech075
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