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Fire Emblem: The Mercenaries' Path (name is subject to change)


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I have been thinking of a hack like this for a long time, but many things have got in the way, but now I have the time and stuff to do this hack. So what this hack is is a short hack that uses the basic idea of the plot of FE9. I will also create OC's that represent some characters that were originally in FE9, so in the end I still have quite a bit of original content and I don't have to spend too much time on portraits and other stuff like that. I will have 11 chapters that will be in the hack which will, like I said, represent th basic plot of FE9, though the begining chapter will be a bit different. Something I also wanted to do was to make this a "joke" hack, but I don't know if I want to do that yet. This hack will not be like a condensed carbon copy of FE9 with OC's, 'cause that wouldn't be fun. I'll try to make it challenging and fun, with twists of humor to the best of my ability. I'll post screenshots and patches when I have more progress than I already have.

Thanks for your time!

OC=Original Character

Edited by ThatGuyDownTheStreet
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  • 2 weeks later...

So I thought of an interesting idea. What I would do is that make this into a full hack and make Eliwood's mode be FE10. The only thing is that I don't want to put in the 3rd tier. If this happens, then the FE9 part of it will have to be less dramatic towards the enemmy units and your guys won't be able to promote in the FE9 part of it. What do you guys think? I believe this could work, but I have a feeling some people won't like this idea. Any comments or thoughts?

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That's an interesting idea. The only problems would be bonus exp. and the fact that it would be very hard to make it so they all get older but keep their stats. If you can find a way to do it I can help with mugs.smile.gif

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That's an interesting idea. The only problems would be bonus exp. and the fact that it would be very hard to make it so they all get older but keep their stats. If you can find a way to do it I can help with mugs.smile.gif

There are things like BEXP and Skills that I can't really incoporate into the hack. But I could give like something like Bonus Money to the character for the same reasons for Bonus Exp, or something like that. I think I'm going to shorten the time period between both modes from 3 years to 1 year just so it transitions better and for some other reasons. I could also use how Lyn mode characters keep their levels when transferring to Lyn Mode to Eliwood Mode for keepin their stats. For right now, I don't really need help with portraits but if I do I'll put up a request thread or something like that. Thanks for offering though.

Edited by ThatGuyDownTheStreet
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I agree with psych, it would be more trouble than it's worth to make both. But it's your decision. With the bonus EXP, if you do end up wanting to do this, I suggest talking to one of the more experienced hackers.

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Or you could try and simplify it and give each product more of a polish by only doing one of the games.

I agree with psych, it would be more trouble than it's worth to make both. But it's your decision. With the bonus EXP, if you do end up wanting to do this, I suggest talking to one of the more experienced hackers.

I know what you guys are thinking, but in reality it won't be too hard because I am giving it more originality and with stuff like that. Bonus EXP could possibly be done with ASM, but I don't feel like going through that. So I might use bonus money, but I am not sure yet.

Oh, and so that there is no misunderstanding, OC= Original characters, just want to point that 'cause I don't know if people were confused on that.

Edited by ThatGuyDownTheStreet
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I know what you guys are thinking, but in reality it won't be too hard because I am giving it more originality and with stuff like that. Bonus EXP could possibly be done with ASM, but I don't feel like going through that. So I might use bonus money, but I am not sure yet.

Oh, and so that there is no misunderstanding, OC= Original characters, just want to point that 'cause I don't know if people were confused on that.

You might be giving it more "originality", but the number of chapter slots in FE7 would not be enough for both 9 and 10, there's just no way.

And this might sound a little mean, but I'm not expecting anything out of this. You have never completed one hack you've ever said you're doing and I've never even seen a patch.

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You might be giving it more "originality", but the number of chapter slots in FE7 would not be enough for both 9 and 10, there's just no way.

And this might sound a little mean, but I'm not expecting anything out of this. You have never completed one hack you've ever said you're doing and I've never even seen a patch.

I don't blame you, I would probably say the same the same thing if I was in your position. Also, remember how I said this was originally going to be a short hack. When I had that idea in mind, I was going to make it so that the plot was condensed into what could fit in Lyn mode. This itself is more of a joke hack so I felt like it would be a good idea. With this in mind, I will also condense the FE10 stuff a bit to fit into Eliwood's mode. Laguz won't be in this hack because of how hard it would be to make it work in FE7. If anything, at least come to this thread once in a while. If you feel like I haven't really done anything, then you don't have to come back if you don't want to.

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I don't see why you need to base it on those two games, but...

Yeah, me neither. I'm pretty sick of so many hacks being based on other FE games. Why can't people hacking FE come up with their own unique plots? Why can't they have hacks that aren't related to any other FE game?

hithere, you're not an idiot, I'm pretty sure you could come up with one yourself, no?

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Come up with an idea? I actually already have an idea. But I feel like there's already so many that support this idea that I don't want to scrap this project. IDK, maybe I should forget this idea. I really don't know what to do at this point.

Don't mean to burst your bubble, but it seems like there are only one or two who support the idea. And there are probably a lot of people who can write a story, you can asks for other's if you can't come up with your own.

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Most of the people who support this idea are on other forums. However, maybe you guys are right. Creative storylines are essentially what people are looking for. I mainly was just trying to make a joke hack with this idea 'cause I don't like having to have formal dialogue in hack. BTW, I just said in my other post that I had an idea for a story.

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