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Eat a dick Ask


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I don't normally use IE because it blows. Sometimes though I need it because the website I need to go to is a douche and doesn't support Firefox.

When I AM forced to use IE I still prefer to use Google for searching because it's just better, but Ask.faggots didn't seem to understand that and I couldn't get rid of their fucking toolbar/search service.

I find the shit shown in the image above and use the little program to try it out.

The fucking thing INSTALLED Ask.com's shit in Firefox without removing it from Internet Explorer and did nothing else.

I sent Ask.com a nasty e-mail using an account I rarely use and then removed the shit from both browsers on my fucking own.

If anyone gets raptured today I hope it's them; to hell with that shit.

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I bet the guy who posted that "how do I remove this shit" question was actually an ask employee, and he chose to go with the other ask employee's answer before anyone else answered as a trap - "to remove our application, install it even harder~"

Good job deserving your position beneath Google, fuckheads.

That same post was filled with people complaining about Ask and saying they weren't going to trust them "after this stunt" ever again.

Oddly enough they were all talking about how the toolbar got installed in the first place (accidentally clicking too fast on a laggy installation window and missing a chance to uncheck the Ask toolbar shit that programs Ask endorses have) and no one seemed to mention that the answer given for removing the installation just installs it more.

Edited by Obviam
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