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You Have To Burn The Rope

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Hardest game evar.

Would it be possible to kill him normally? I know it regenrates but i remember the bar going lower slowly as i kept shooitng him last time. It would take a really long time if it was possible though.

Edited by Jhen Mohran
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It isn't possible to kill him without burning the rope. You can only reach a certain point in his HP bar where the HP regeneration rate will go up and make it seem like you're slowly bypassing the regeneration but it's just impossible..

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The game's been hacked. Nothing happens if his HP bar hits 0 through axe shooting. Also, here's a parody of the game from Pickory if anyone's interested:


Skip to 3:05 for the tunnel and to 4:20 for the successful attempt at the boss.


Is it no longer possible to embed videos?

Edited by Kinata
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Pickory is this awesome, very clever IWBTG fangame with references to games like Kaizo Mario, YHTBTR (duh), Portal, and much more. If you're interested, more info/download here:


I'm sure Storyyeller would appreciate this referral. ^o^

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