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(FE7) (LHM + HHM Draft)


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12 is hard when you only have Hector, Matty, and Marcus.

Also, I'm assuming that I can make Eliwood sell his Rapier since he won't need it (he's not drafted anyway). If not I'll go without doing so.


Matty gets Serra's vulnerary, Marcus gets a shitton of stuff from everyone else.

Pussywood sells his Rapier for some cash. He won't be needing it anyway.

I skip the Secret Book village because SKL is useless anyway.

Oswin does some unarmed meatshielding as well.

The RNG loves Marcus but hates Hector.

Matty goes shopping and buys a new axe for Hector and a new sword for himself.

He also gets the boss kill.

Turns: 9

Hector/Lv. 5.0/HP: 23/STR: 10/SKL: 7/SPD: 8/LCK: 4/DEF: 10/RES: 0
Matt/Lv. 11.51/HP: 26/STR: 10/SKL: 5/SPD: 18/LCK: 6/DEF: 4/RES: 2
Marcus/Lv. 1.33/Stats at base

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Yes, go ahead and sell it, it's just his starting equipment and it's useless to you otherwise.

Chapter 11 – 9 turns

Can't get the red gem, but eventually we get a run where Hector survives.

Name	Level	HP	Str	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapon
Hector	4.12	22	10	6	6	4	8	0	Axe-C	

Chapter 12 – 11 turns

I eventually manage to figure out the strategy. Dorcas weakens some enemies with his hand axe and Eliwood takes over to kill the axe users. Hector heads to the house (not the forest) with his hand axe and weakens an enemy. Marcus gets the skill book, then beelines to help out Hector. After Hector is ok (1 HP left), Marcus sells the book and buys 2 Iron Axes. We also get 2 Vulneraries from Dorcas. Eliwood tanks the boss on a fort. Marcus can't help out since he doubles Zagan. A pretty difficult chapter and Eliwood did not get good level ups.

Name	Level	HP	Str	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapon
Hector	6.08	24	11	6	7	4	8	0	A-C
Eliwood	4.26	21	5	8	7	8	6	0	S-C
Marcus	1.16	31	15	15	11	8	10	8	S-A, L-A, A-B
Dorcas	10.8	35	11	12	6	3	4	1	A-A
Serra	4.92	26	4	6	8	9	3	7	S-C

Chapter 13 – 16 turns

Marcus solos the south route with Matthew in tow, who recruits Guy for the killing edge. The other 4 head west, and I try to feed Eliwood as many kills as possible. One try had Serra gaining a Magic point, but it is not duplicated in the try that I win. I wait to knock down the log until Marcus deals with most of the Peg Knights, then I position Hector to agro the Cavaliers. Next turn Eliwood and Hector finish them off, then I buy some Hand Axes and Javelins and Heal staves. Finally, I have Marcus wait by the boss. Eliwood can only do 1 damage, but the boss is at 15 and Hector can do 17, so I put Hector with Wolf Beil next to him and he's down to 1. Eliwood sticks him with a Rapier in the eye, and Hector can seize on turn 16.

Name	Level	HP	Str	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapon
Hector	7.08	24	12	7	7	4	9	0	A-B
Eliwood	6.56	23	6	10	7	9	8	0	S-C
Marcus	2.21	32	15	15	12	9	10	8	S-A, L-A, A-B
Dorcas	11.19	35	12	12	6	4	4	1	A-A
Serra	5.81	26	4	6	8	10	3	8	S-C

Support	Level
Eliwood-Hector	C

Chapter 13x – 8 turns

This took some doing. A complicated trade must happen so that Hector gets a Hand Axe and Marcus gets a Javelin. I also spread out some vulneraries. Unarmed Oswin tanks the lower right spawns (unarmed, of course) on the forest tile. I clear some space by having the undrafteds rescue each other. Dorcas guards the south with a Hand Axe to prevent the horsemen from targeting anyone in the middle. Hector takes the western snag and misses (one of those rare times when you want to miss!) Eliwood just stands around guarding the upper left, not attacking the starting archer in range of Merlinus. Marcus attacks the Myrmidon in the upper right. This positioning ensures that Merlinus can only be attacked by the archer, and if Eliwood never wounds him, he won't retreat. Merlinus can't be killed by the archer's attack, and Serra easily heals him to full. Vulneraries keep Eliwood and Hector alive, while Marcus takes a beating since he kills nearly everything that he counters. A timely miss on Merlinus allows Serra to heal Marcus, and each time an enemy targets Serra, they miss. Unfortunately this means Serra was not standing next to Hector for her only support. Unfortunately that support does not increase her Magic, because she's going to need it.

Tactics – 1 Star (44 turns)

Survival – 5 stars

Funds – 5 stars

Exp – 3 stars (I gained hardly any experience in 13x)

Combat – 4 stars

Name	Level	HP	Str	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapon
Hector	8.02	25	13	8	8	4	10	0	A-B
Eliwood	6.62	23	6	10	7	9	8	0	S-C
Marcus	2.99	32	15	15	12	9	10	8	S-A, L-A, A-B
Dorcas	11.48	35	12	12	6	4	4	1	A-A
Serra	6.49	26	4	6	8	11	4	8	S-B

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I didn't want to double post, but where'd everybody go?

I am having a lot of fun with my party, though it is the most challenging game of Fire Emblem I've ever played. Here are how the next few chapters went.

Chapter 14 – 16 turns

I draw the enemies southward so that Erk doesn't suicide into the West. Serra recruits him, but I can't save the Iron Blade. With some careful positioning and learning of mistakes, Dorcas protects Merlinus, Marcus takes on pretty much everyone, and Hector gets the boss. A couple Pegasi escape, so I have to wait for them to return before I can finish the chapter. Stupid slow Dorcas.

Tactics - 1 Star (60 turns)

Survival - 5 stars

Funds - 5 Stars

Exp - 2 Stars

Combat - 5 stars

Name	Level	HP	Str	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapon
Hector	9.91	26	14	8	8	4	11	0	A-B
Eliwood	7.63	24	6	11	8	10	8	0	S-B
Marcus	3.79	33	15	16	12	9	11	8	S-A, L-S, A-B
Dorcas	12.45	36	12	12	6	4	4	1	A-A
Serra	7.49	26	5	6	9	11	4	8	S-B

Chapter 15 - 8 turns

I elect to skip the chests and focus on defending the throne. Marcus charges south, Hector guards the Northeast with Serra guarding, and Dorcas stands on the Western pillar while Eliwood plugs the hole. Marcus kills the boss and gets the Dragon Shield. I think I'll give that to someone next chapter.

In retrospect, I probably could have brought Matthew along as this chapter was pretty easy. I don't know if he'd have gotten any of the items, but I could have tried.

Name	Level	HP	Str	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapon
Hector	10.56	27	14	9	8	5	12	1	A-B
Eliwood	8.7	24	6	11	9	11	9	0	S-B
Marcus	4.93	34	15	16	12	9	11	9	S-A, L-S, A-B
Dorcas	12.94	36	12	12	6	4	4	1	A-A
Serra	8.17	27	5	6	9	12	4	8	S-B

Chapter 16 - 19 turns

Dorcas stays behind to guard Merlinus, but fails massively. In the end, Merlinus packs up and doesn't get his level up. Lyn survives after the first attempt. There are actually very few troops that target her group, which is good. I save both villages, sell the Red Gems and Goddess Icons for cash, and stock up on Steel and ranged weapons. The turn count is reduced because Hector ran out of Hand Axe uses and was low on health, so he had trouble killing the archer and mage near the boss. But it worked out as Marcus was able to wittle down the boss with a hand axe and Hector finishes him with a Wolf Beil strike. Still no Serra-Hector or Eliwood-Marcus support. Also only one MAG growth for Serra in 8 levels. :-/

Oh, I forgot the tactician rating last time. I have improved slightly, but I cannot figure out how to get low turn counts (rushing the boss would probably help).

Tactics - 1 Star (87 turns)

Survival - 5 stars

Funds - 3 Stars

Exp - 3 Stars

Combat - 5 stars

Name	Level	HP	Str	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapon
Hector	12.61	29	15	9	8	7	13	3	A-A
Eliwood	9.95	24	7	11	10	12	9	0	S-B
Marcus	5.84	34	15	17	12	9	11	10	S-A, L-S, A-A
Dorcas	14.53	37	14	12	7	5	6	1	A-A
Serra	9.17	27	5	6	10	12	4	9	S-B

Chapter 17 - 22 turns

There are a lot of archers here, so I'm going in with ranged weapons. I have a couple of goals for this chapter, two are required: save at least one Caelin soldier and seize the throne. My secondary goals are to pick up the Hero Crest for Dorcas, since I want him to get to level 20 by the next opportunity to get one. I would also like to get the unlock for Serra to level faster and the silver sword. I'll probably just let the thief loot the chest with the sword and kill him, sacrificing the Knight Crest. Either way, I won't waste time getting Matthew up to the top of the map. If he gets there, fine.

Marcus crit kills Raven with a Javelin. Raven amounts to a piddly 3 Exp. Thief loots Silver Sword as planned, so Eliwood will soon have a new weapon since he sucks and his STR is gimped. Dorcas and Eliwood have done their part to help clear the initial path, so they move to the southwest to block reinforcements. I hope I get there quickly enough. I don't. I have no plan for this, so I just have to hope Dorcas can cope. Amazingly, Eliwood's defense is 10, so the horse archers only do 4 damage to him. Combined with Dorcas' ranged weapon, we might be able to avoid dying. Marcus only has 3 HP left, so we have to wait for Hector and Serra to make their way up. Hold tight, Eliwood! The enemies have gotten themselves in a weird position after I retreated Eliwood one space to try and give Dorcas some more heat. The archers are adjacent, and the melee behind them. I hope they won't move, I sure know I won't attack them. It works! Bad AI, but I'll take it. Poor Marcus is stuck rescuing the remaining Caelin soldier after they are slaughtered by the archer I left there. I thought they'd be able to handle it. Oh well, the silver sword is more valuable, and I rescued the required one soldier. A mine? Well, maybe I'll be able to put it to good use. Hector solos the last room and seizes. (Matthew did have time to get the Knight Crest, might be useful for some cash).

Tactics - 1 Star (109 turns)

Survival - 5 stars

Funds - 3 stars

Exp - 2 stars

Combat - 5 stars

Oswin mocks me by saying he sees no problems.

Dear Serra, please get some Magic Growths, if you wouldn't mind! You're supposed to have 50%...(2 Mag is from the Energy Ring way back in Lyn's final chapter)

Name	Level	HP	Str	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapon
Hector	15.27	32	17	11	9	8	13	3	A-A
Eliwood	11.4	25	8	11	10	14	10	0	S-A
Marcus	6.73	34	16	18	12	10	12	10	S-A, L-S, A-A
Dorcas	15.43	38	15	12	7	5	6	1	A-A
Serra	10.63	27	5	6	10	13	4	9	S-A

Chapter 17x - 15 turns

I'm thinking easy path, maybe with Marcus or Hector trailing to deal with Damian. Anyway, I have 2860 G on hand, I might like to pick up some Lightnings and Heals, as well as Vulneraries since I'm almost out.

We're off to a good start with Eliwood getting hit on 36% displayed hit. Thankfully he has decent defense. Marcus recruits Canas for his Secret Book and Vulnerary. Hector whittles away Damian and Pirates while Serra heals. Cursed +1 support value, though. Eliwood slowly but surely plods along the northern route. For some extra exp, I have Marcus slaughter the pirates guarding the middle. I buy a Lightning for much, much later.

Tactics - 1 Star (124 turns)

Survival - 5 stars

Funds - 3 stars

Exp - 2 stars

Combat - 5 stars

Everyone has max weapon levels now.

Name	Level	HP	Str	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res
Hector	18.37	34	17	12	10	11	13	3
Eliwood	12.59	26	8	12	10	14	10	1
Marcus	7.35	35	17	18	12	10	12	11
Dorcas	15.49	38	15	12	7	5	6	1
Serra	11.87	27	5	7	10	13	4	9

Support	Level
Eliwood-Hector	C
Hector-Serra	C

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I used an energy ring on her way back in Chapter 10. So technically, you're correct, she's gained 3 magic, but only 1 of those is from leveling up.

Edited by Whitefang
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Chapter 11

Had Hector Barrel Roll through the South and then up to the boss.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Hector    3.85  21  8   5   6   3  10   1

8 turns.

Chapter 12

Hector took care of most of the North side. Marcus and Lowen took care of the South, and then Lowen went to assist Hector a bit up to the North while Marcus weakens the boss for Lowen to kill.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Hector    5.69  23 10   6   8   4  12   1
Marcus    1.29  31 15  15  11   8  10   8
Lowen     4.50  25  8   6   8   4   8   0

7 turns.

Chapter 13

I had Marcus and Hector go up to the North to later storm the castle. Lowen stayed behind to gain some CEXP.

Hector killed the boss.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Hector    7.12  24 12   6  10   4  13   2
Marcus    1.75  31 15  15  11   8  10   8
Lowen     6.38  27  9   7   9   5   9   1

7 turns.

Chapter 14

Hector stayed behind to deal with some peeps. Marcus and Lowen stormed the field.


- Marcus rescued Priscilla

- Lowen killed a weakened-up Erik

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Hector    8.13  25 13   7  11   5  14   3
Marcus    2.57  31 15  15  12   9  10   9
Lowen     9.03  30  9   7  10   7  11   2

7 turns.

Chapter 15

Hector sat in his throne and laughed at everyone. Lowen dealt with a few Fighters. Marcus went for the Dracoshield.


- Lowen got me a Silver axe. Silly Thief!

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Hector    8.95  25 13   7  11   5  14   3
Marcus    3.91  32 15  16  12   9  10   9
Lowen    10.73  31  9   8  11   8  11   2

7 turns.

Chapter 16

Yay Florina.

I got Hector and Lowen set up some kills for Florina, although she got most of her own kills. Marcus helped a bit in the clearing, and later 1RKO'd the boss.

- Florina got te Red Gem

- Lyndis survived

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Hector    9.78  26 14   7  11   5  14   4
Marcus    4.39  33 16  16  12  10  10  10
Lowen    12.05  33 11   9  12   8  11   3
Flo-chan 10.78  25 10  14  15  10   5   7

9 turns.

Chapter 17

Everyone cleared the first few Archers at first, for Priscilla & Florina's sake. Then I had Hector clear out most of the main hallway. Everyone just went up ahead, charging to the throne. Marcus weakened the boss for Florina to kill.


- Got the Knight Crest

- Lucius recruited

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Hector   11.07  27 16   8  11   5  15   4
Marcus    4.92  33 16  16  12  10  10  10
Lowen    12.98  33 11   9  12   8  11   3
Flo-chan 13.74  26 13  15  17  13   6  10

12 turns.

Chapter 17x

While I was here, I might as well feed Lowen & Hector some CEXP. Lowen tok out the Corsairs to the North, and Hector killed Damian. Florina flew.


- Got a bunch of items

- Recruited Canas

- Yay, Florina

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Hector   12.22  28 17   9  11   5  15   5
Marcus    5.17  34 17  16  12  10  10  11
Lowen    13.50  33 12   9  12   9  11   3
Flo-chan 13.74  26 13  15  17  13   6  10

4 turns.

Chapter 18

Florina and Marcus went for the boss while Lucius, Lowen and Hector got some delicious CEXP. Florina killed the boss.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Hector   13.35  29 17  10  11   5  16   5
Marcus    5.25  34 17  16  12  10  10  11
Lowen    13.71  33 12   9  12   9  11   3
Flo-chan 15.08  27 14  17  19  15   6  10
Lucius    7.92  20 11   7  12   2   2   7

3 turns.

Chapter 19

Florina and Marcus went for the boss, Lucius and Hector just followed behind to help out. Lowen killed a bunch of enemies to the North. Florina got the boss kill.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Hector   13.35  29 17  10  11   5  16   5
Marcus    5.39  34 17  16  12  10  10  11
Lowen    14.35  34 12   9  13  10  12   3
Flo-chan 17.48  29 14  17  20  16   7  10
Lucius    9.59  22 13   9  14   2   2  10

6 turns.

Chapter 19x

Yay, Florina with a Silver lance.

Marcus, Lowen & Florina were my main force to deal with the enemies in the way. But mostly Florina, who was awesome enough to start 1RKO'ing Knights and 2HKO the boss so Hector can get through safely. I took a few more turns because I killed off every one of Kishuna's guards. And I was actually very close to killing HIM off as well. Oh, and, Lucius dealt with the Peggies at the start


Got the Goddess Icon

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Hector   15.18  31 19  12  12   6  18   5
Marcus    5.78  34 17  16  12  10  10  11
Lowen    15.93  35 12  10  13  11  12   3
Flo-chan 19.95  31 15  17  20  18   8  10
Lucius   10.70  23 13  10  14   2   2  10

10 turns.

Chapter 20

Everyone (Except Lucius) went through the door and took the center of the map to go up to Darin. Lucius killed the enemies that were between the walls. Lowen killed a weakened-up Darin.


- Legault recruited (Need that 'Ring)

Chapter 21

Marcus and Lowen front-lined for Lucius, who got a few kills from behind. Florina helped Lucius out of danger as well and went shopping for a ton of weapons (Iron swords, lances, axes, hand axes & javelins). Hector dealt with some Monks here and there. Florina promoted midway throgh the chapter, weakened Oleg, that was fed to Lucius.

Could have 3-turned but stupid Ex-rank can never have enough.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Hector   16.08  32 20  12  13   6  19   5
Marcus    6.65  35 17  16  12  10  10  12
Lowen    18.82  38 13  12  14  13  13   3
Flo-chan  1.63  37 18  17  20  18  10  12
Lucius   15.32  28 16  11  17   6   3  15

8 turns.

I'm going to go fast and no one will stop me! >8[

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Matty missed with 95%.

OsWIN tankbots like a pro.

Pussyood almost died.

Hector, Matty, and Guy are all awesome.

Hector also ORKO'ed the boss.

Turns: 14

Hector/Lv. 7.40/HP: 25/STR: 11/SKL: 8/SPD: 10/LCK: 4/DEF: 11/RES: 1
Matt/Lv. 12.88/HP: 27/STR: 10/SKL: 6/SPD: 19/LCK: 7/DEF: 4/RES: 2
Marcus/Lv. 1.98/Stats at Base
Guy/Lv. 4.14/HP: 25/STR: 8/SKL: 14/SPD: 14/LCK: 6/DEF: 7/RES: 1


Matty caps speed, I use a lot of tankbots, and Marcus finally uses his shiny Silver Lance.

I miss out on the village.

Turns: 7



Tactics: 2 Stars

Survival: 4 Stars

Funds: 3 Stars

EXP: 2 Stars

Combat: 4 Stars

Hector/Lv. 8.22/HP: 26/STR: 11/SKL: 8/SPD: 10/LCK: 4/DEF: 11/RES: 1
Matt/Lv. 13.96/HP: 28/STR: 10/SKL: 6/SPD: 20/LCK: 7/DEF: 5/RES: 2
Guy/Lv. 5.44/HP: 26/STR: 9/SKL: 14/SPD: 14/LCK: 7/DEF: 7/RES: 2
Marcus/Lv. 2.46/HP: 32/STR: 15/SKL: 15/SPD: 11/LCK: 9/DEF: 10/RES: 8

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Trying to get a few in before class.



Erk also misses a lot.

Turns: 12


Tactics: 2 Stars

Survival: 3 Stars

Funds: 4 Stars

EXP: 2 Stars

Combat: 4 Stars

Hector/Lv. 10.19/HP: 28/STR: 12/SKL: 10/SPD: 10/LCK: 5/DEF: 12/RES: 1
Matt/Lv. 14.40/HP: 29/STR: 10/SKL: 7/SPD: 20/LCK: 7/DEF: 5/RES: 2
Guy/Lv. 7.38/HP: 28/STR: 10/SKL: 14/SPD: 16/LCK: 8/DEF: 7/RES: 3
Erk/Lv. 8.6/HP: 28/MAG: 7/SKL: 6/SPD: 10/LCK: 6/DEF: 3/RES: 7
Priscilla/Lv. 3.36/Stats at base

Erk takes his Goddess Icon and Vulneraries get traded around.

I'll try C15 after class, but this is good for now. :3

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Chapter 18 - 3 turns

There's no way to get the Guiding Ring, but thankfully Serra isn't ready for it anyway and there's another one coming up soon. With her dual thunder support with Hector, she has +1 Defense/Resistance, +5 Avoid, and +5 Critical Evade. This should help her to keep up with him until she promotes. I'll need to buy some things for the Dread Isle, as I am again almost out of Hand Axes (plenty of Javelins, though). This means I'll need to sell a Knight Crest or Secret Book. Serra has been RNG screwed beyond belief, so I keep the Book, just in case.

I expect this may take several tries with the odd chance of a Luna Critical. My strategy will be to send Marcus to the boss (that's new!) The other units shouldn't need to move very far at all. Well, second time's the charm, right? Not so, as I made a few errors. First, Marcus needs a vulnerary (Well, this time the boss missed, but still...) second, Hector had a few criticals on the mercenaries that attacked him. Finally, oh crap, no hand axes! Oh well. Nonetheless, Marcus kills the boss, so that's good enough for me with the good levels I gained.

Tactics - 1 Star (127 turns)

Survival - 5 stars

Funds - 3 stars

Exp - 1 star

Combat - 5 stars

Name	Level	HP	Str	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res
Hector	18.53	34	17	12	10	11	13	3
Eliwood	12.85	26	8	12	10	14	10	1
Marcus	8.09	35	17	19	13	10	12	12
Dorcas	15.79	38	15	12	7	5	6	1
Serra	12	27	6	7	10	14	5	10

Chapter 19 - 12 turns

New Strategy-Dart is terrible at dodging, so I have to have Hector rescue him while standing on the fort. Hopefully this encourages Hector to be targeted over Serra (She avoids every attack, but since Hector doesn't take damage she doesn't gain any exp from healing). Eliwood is fine on a forest tile. The only variable is Marcus, who needs to reach Uhai with a decent amount of HP. Serra is amazing at dodging, but I fear it has hurt my combat rank. Soon enough she'll be able to retalitate. Soon enough. This plan works, but it costs Merlinus another level as well as quite a lot of Exp.

Tactics - 1 Star (139 turns)

Survival - 5 stars

Funds - 3 stars

Exp - 1 star

Combat - 4 stars

Name	Level	HP	Str	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res
Hector	19.03	35	18	12	10	11	13	3
Eliwood	14.42	28	8	13	10	14	11	2
Marcus	9.79	36	17	20	13	10	12	13
Dorcas	15.79	38	15	12	7	5	6	1
Serra	12.87	27	6	7	10	14	5	10

Chapter 19x - 28 turns (I spent some extra time upping my exp)

My plan here is to get Hector to level 20, get Dorcas as high as he can go on the plethora of knights, and have Marcus mostly sit it out, only dealing with the initial mages and going to the ruins. Eliwood will guard Merlinus. Eliwood gets overwhelmed easily, so my useless Matthew (since his speed is 2 too low) sits on the other fort to prevent the reinforcements. If only Eliwood were slightly faster, he could double those mages. At least he easily took care of the Axereaver wielding Peg Knights.

Tactics - 1 Star (167 turns)

Survival - 5 stars

Funds - 3 stars

Exp - 1 star

Combat - 5 stars

Name	Level	HP	Str	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res
Hector	20	36	18	13	10	11	14	3
Eliwood	14.92	28	8	13	10	14	11	2
Marcus	10.78	36	18	21	14	10	12	14
Dorcas	18.94	41	16	12	7	7	7	1
Serra	13.77	27	7	7	10	14	5	10

Chapter 20 - 34 turns

Alright, good time for the unlock staff to make an appearance, I'd say. We need to recruit Legault, so Marcus needs to clear the path quickly. That should be the hard part, then we just need to figure out how to protect Merlinus and get Matthew to the nearby chests.

In order to get to Legault, I had to go through the broken walls which were kindly broken for me by enemy fighters. Dorcas stayed behind and got close to level 20 on Pegasus Knights, while Marcus dealt with most of the enemy Cavalry and Hector cleared a path to Legault. Legault was pretty useful, stealing some chest keys and a member card. Matthew's starting lockpick is getting a bit low. We now have a guiding ring for Serra, so she's set. When it came to killing Darin my strategy fell apart a bit. I got bogged down with the reinforcements from the upper left, alternating mages and knights. I was also determined to get Eliwood the kill, so I had to get Darin down in HP, but once he was in single digits, I had to have Eliwood poke away at him with the Lancereaver. He dealt 2 damage each combat round and Darin healed 3 HP on his turn, so it took a couple extra turns. In the end, though, I am fairly satisfied that I achieved my objectives.

Tactics - 1 Star (201 turns)

Survival - 5 stars

Funds - 3 stars

Exp - 1 star

Combat - 5 stars

Name	Level	HP	Str	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapon
Hector	20	36	18	13	10	11	14	3	A-A
Eliwood	17.6	30	9	16	13	15	12	4	S-A
Marcus	11.97	37	18	21	14	10	12	15	S-A, L-S, A-A
Dorcas	20/2.47	47	20	14	8	8	11	4	A-S, B-E
Serra	17.19	28	9	8	12	15	5	13	S-A
Legault	12.9	28	9	14	17	10	9	4	S-C

Chapter 21 - 6 turns

Serra can use the torch staff for some quick levels here. Beyond that, my goals are to buy some ranged weapons, get Eliwood to level 20, promote Serra, and finish this chapter relatively quickly. I realize that I also need to make sure I'll have 20,000 G for when Farina comes along.

I try to go slowly the first time to get Serra promoted, but there are too many reinforcements, so I have to move quicker to make Oleg show his face. I draw him out with Dorcas and he takes out most of his HP as he retreats. Eliwood deals the final blow with his silver sword. I give up the Elysian Whip as there is, hopefully, an easier one later on. I also give up the Wyrmslayer, it seems much easier to just use axes or lancereavers against Wyvern Riders.

Tactics - 1 Star (207 turns)

Survival - 5 stars

Funds - 3 stars

Exp - 1 star

Combat - 5 stars

Name	Level	HP	Str	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res
Hector	20	36	18	13	10	11	14	3
Eliwood	18.72	30	10	17	14	16	12	4
Marcus	12.08	38	18	22	15	11	12	15
Dorcas	20/3.14	48	20	14	8	9	11	4
Serra	18.2	29	9	9	12	16	6	14
Legault	13.98	28	9	15	18	11	9	4

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I can only get the Silver Axe but I got Prissy some staves in the chapter prior anyway.

Marcus, Hector, Erk, Matty, and Guy kill a lot of stuff, and Prissy spamheals.


Turns: 8


Tactics: 1 Star

Survival: 3 Stars

Funds: 3 Stars

EXP: 5 Stars

Combat: 4 Stars

Name   Level   HP   Str   Skill   Spd   Luck   Def   Res   Wlv
Hector 10.61   28   12    10      10    5      12    1     Axe B  
Matt   14.89   29   10    7       20    7      5     2     Sword A
Guy    9.9     30   11    14      17    9      8     3     Sword B
Erk    9.50    28   7     7       10    8      4     7     Anima B
Prissy 4.3     17   6     6       9     7      3     7     Staff C
Marcus 3.68    32   15    16      11    9      10    9     Sword A/Lance A/Axe A

Marcus gets an Iron Sword from Merlinus.


The Horselayer and Marcus are very good friends.

I can get to the Red Gem village but not the Heavy Spear one. Not like it matters, Marcus is the only one who can use it.

Hector gets a lucky crit with an Iron Axe and I can finish earlier than expected.

Turns: 11

Edited by Gaius Julius Caesar
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  • 2 weeks later...

If everyone could post an update, that would be fantastic! The updates are really quite interesting.

Chapter 22 - 11 turns

The beginning is pretty easy, but I decide to be risky at the end by sending Isadora and Marcus to Eubans. It takes me a few tries, but I do end up killing him on turn 11. The only downside is that I don't get the 10,000 G chest, but I do steal the lockpick and get the Brave Axe to drop from the thief. Both Rath and Heath are recruited and promptly go hide in the corners. My team is pretty powerful right now and capable of taking care of most enemies.

Tactics - 1 star (218 turns)

Survival - 5 stars

Funds - 3 stars

Exp - 1 star

Combat - 5 stars

Name	Level	HP	Str	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res
Hector	20	36	18	13	10	11	14	3
Eliwood	19.45	31	10	17	15	17	12	4
Marcus	12.97	38	18	22	15	11	12	15
Dorcas	20/3.70	48	20	14	8	9	11	4
Serra	19.78	30	9	9	12	16	6	14
Legault	14.89	28	9	16	19	12	10	4

Chapter 23 - 28 turns

Two Barrier staffs and Serra promotes. I'll try to have her kill a lot of enemies at that point. This was a pretty boring chapter. Isadora gets hit a lot in the NE, so she pulls back and Marcus takes over there. Serra promotes on turn 3 and I send her off into the desert to kill things. Legault follows behind to collect desert treasures and steal the white gem. Paul is killed easily by Legault, and Legault shaves off Jasmine's HP for Serra to get the killing blow. I just got the Afa's drops, and I'm not sure who can use them best right now. Maybe Eliwood or Serra. Unsurprisingly I don't get the secret chapter, so I'm kind of screwed there.

Tactics - 1 star (246 turns)

Survival - 5 stars

Funds - 3 stars

Exp - 1 star

Combat - 5 stars

Name	Level	HP	Str	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res
Hector	20	36	18	13	10	11	14	3
Eliwood	19.66	31	10	17	15	17	12	4
Marcus	13.09	39	19	23	15	11	12	15
Dorcas	20/4.24	49	21	14	9	9	11	4
Serra	20/3.95	34	10	12	14	19	8	18
Legault	17.43	29	10	17	20	14	12	6
Isadora	2.73	29	13	13	17	10	8	6

Sorry I forgot Isadora last time. I think she leveled in the previous chapter, not this one. Dorcas got a D rank in bows.

Chapter 24 - 26 turns

I get Linus's map, which is good as I hate fog. It also makes sense in the story because Linus is more rash than his brother so I would imagine he is more likely to attack Eliwood and company. Oh yeah, plus I need to recruit Geitz. I will admit, I used to be one of those people who swore by ignoring prepromotes. It was all because of Marcus my first run. He made the game so easy at first, but then everyone fell behind. Well, I must be getting at least a little better, because Marcus has definitely carried me through so far this playthrough. Anyway...Geitz is pretty awesome, and way better than Dorcas. Granted, that's not difficult, but at least Dorcas existed for most of the first 25 chapters.

Strategy was to send Serra to the East with Dart in tow. Serra did not critical Geitz, which is always good, and he is recruited. Meanwhile Marcus and Isadora fight of the Mercs and Wyverns to the north, staying just out of range of the Sage with the Bolting tome. The first few times I didn't and poor Isadora got fried. Isadora also got killed by Wyverns a lot, even with WTA, so it got annoying fast. Eventually she stopped dying and I could continue with the next part of the strategy to have Legault or Marcus tank the bolting hit (by dodging, ideally) and then killing the mage. Marcus is almost penned in by Mercs, but he busts through and the sage goes down. The reinforcements are really annoying in this chapter, and I spend a few turns waiting for them to come to me since Marcus, Isadora, Hector, and Dorcas are at very low health. Plus Eliwood can hardly damage them and Serra is running out of tomes, leaving me basically with Geitz to deal with them. Turns out he's fast for a warrior, though, so it's no problem. I bought a ton of vulneraries, Steel weapons, ranged weapons, and Lightnings. I skipped on the reavers since I have two Paladins for any tricky WTA situations. Linus doesn't move, which surprised me (I always forget). Legault dodges his hand axe, then goes in with a killing edge. He doubles, but neither is a crit. Linus retaliates with the silver sword and Legault gets one crit in, then he uses the steel sword so that Isadora can finish him off with a lance. I really need Isadora to catch up to Marcus so that they can start supporting each other and charging into throngs of enemies (especially with Legault capped at 20, he'll be seeing less action).

Tactics - 1 star (272 turns)

Survival - 5 stars

Funds - 3 stars

Exp - 1 star

Combat - 5 stars

Hallelujah, Serra gets 3 magic in a row on one map? I was seriously considering restarting if on her first level up she didn't get Magic, but I didn't have to worry about it. Yay! Unfortunately it's hard to get Serra next to Hector since he can't gain any exp right now. I think I'm set up for Kenneth's map (I always get Kenneth's map!)

Name	Level	HP	Str	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapon
Hector	20	36	18	13	10	11	14	3	A-A
Eliwood	20	32	10	17	15	17	13	5	S-A
Marcus	13.95	39	19	23	15	11	12	15	S-A, L-S, A-A
Dorcas	20/4.93	49	21	14	9	9	11	4	A-S, B-D
Serra	20/6.31	37	13	13	15	20	8	19	L-B, S-A
Legault	20	31	11	19	20	15	14	7	S-B
Isadora	5.95	31	16	14	20	12	8	7	S-A, L-B, A-D
Geitz	4.1	46	19	14	15	10	11	4	A-B,B-B

Support	Level
Eliwood-Hector	C
Hector-Serra	C
Eliwood-Marcus	C

Chapter 25 - 33 turns

Farina arrives, and is instantly ordered to kill axe wielding bandits. This is quite dangerous, so Legault helps her out. Isadora heads west with Marcus, where Isadora does most of the work. Geitz and Dorcas head north and break most of their weapons on the seemingly infinite Cavaliers. My lack of mobility hampers the speed at which I can do this chapter, so I decide to sit back a bit and play defensively. Farina might not be so hot against axe wielders, but she's amazing against the monks. While she kills the monks I build up some support between my units and buy new equipment.

Tactics - 1 star (305 turns)

Survival - 5 stars

Funds - 3 stars

Exp - 1 star

Combat - 5 stars

Name	Level	HP	Str	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapon
Hector	20	36	18	13	10	11	14	3	A-A
Eliwood	20	32	10	17	15	17	13	5	S-A
Marcus	13.99	39	19	23	15	11	12	15	S-A, L-S, A-A
Dorcas	20/6.91	51	23	14	9	10	12	4	A-S, B-D
Serra	20/7.39	37	13	14	16	21	8	19	L-A, S-A
Legault	20	31	11	19	20	15	14	7	S-B
Isadora	6.9	32	16	15	20	13	8	7	S-A, L-B, A-D
Geitz	5.88	47	19	14	16	10	11	4	A-A,B-B
Farina	17.79	28	13	15	15	13	10	13	L-A

Support	Level
Eliwood-Hector	B
Hector-Serra	B
Eliwood-Marcus	C
Marcus-Isadora	C
Dorcas-Geitz	C

Chapter 26 - 12 turns

Farina uses the body ring to help out her combat abilities. I'm going to promote Eliwood this chapter so I outfit him with only lances. I have to field Lyn so she gets some Vulneraries. Thankfully her class has naturally high avoid, though I plan not to have her go into combat. Serra is finally at A Light Magic, so she will soon be able to take up healing duties once again. Getting her the physic staff ASAP is probably a good idea for this chapter.

1st try after nailing down the strategy-I failed to get the Hammerne and in desperation threw Farina at the enemies only to have her surrounded on the final turn. I had an opportunity earlier to grab it and escape, but neglected. Too bad, as it was a decent run aside from Farina dying at the end due to my error.

On the 2nd try, I have Farina get the Hammerne without incident. Unfortunately she is too weak to kill much on her own. She is a dedicated mage killer, so I am underutilizing her. Dorcas and Geitz take the Southeast, Isadora and Marcus go Northwest a bit to help Pent, Louise, and Lyn get to the middle, then they head south to get some suicides for Isadora. Eliwood and Hector head north to the forts so that Eliwood can get some much needed exp. Legault hangs out not doing much of anything.

Tactician ratings unchanged. Getting irritated about that Exp rank.

Name	Level	HP	Str	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapon
Hector	20	36	18	13	10	11	14	3	A-A
Eliwood	20/2.47	37	13	17	17	18	14	8	S-A, L-C
Marcus	14.4	40	19	24	15	11	12	15	S-A, L-S, A-A
Dorcas	20/7.67	52	24	14	9	11	13	4	A-S, B-D
Serra	20/8.52	37	14	14	16	22	8	19	L-A, S-A
Legault	20	31	11	19	20	15	14	7	S-B
Isadora	7.69	33	16	16	21	14	8	7	S-A, L-B, A-C
Geitz	6.77	48	20	14	16	10	11	4	A-S,B-B
Farina	18.23	29	13	16	15	13	10	14	L-A

Chapter 27 - 32 turns

Four goals for this chapter: Dorcas eats the speedwings, Farina promotes, Aura tome acquired instead of Purge, and decide whether I want the Brave Sword or the Wo Dao. Without Lyn or any swordmasters, the choice is obvious. Plus Isadora would be sad otherwise, and we can't have that!

Geitz tells me he hates the cold...suck it up, Warrior with high speed! I head north, Farina detours east to get the Wyverns there. Dorcas handles the first room and uses the Speedwings. Everyone heads north, I try to keep only high avoid units in range of Purge, though it hits a couple of times. While Serra slaughters Wyverns, she gains the S rank in Light magic, so I can have her start healing again (Physic staff is superb exp). Farina promotes (I failed to get a single Elysian Whip...good thing Dart comes with an Earth Seal) while picking off the archers and sword users that Eliwood tanks. I want to get Farina the Swordmaster and Kenneth kills, but she can be criticaled, so I have a supported Eliwood tank them. He is naturally uncrittable from Kenneth's attack, which makes me do a double take over their stats. Nonetheless, Eliwood crits Kenneth and kills him himself, which is fine since he got 100 exp anyway. Awesomely, Eliwood had a perfect level up in the middle of the chapter, Legault gained some new lockpicks, and Serra's magic stat is improving. I spent quite a few turns killing all the units on the map to get as much exp as possible.

Eliwood hasn't swung a sword since he promoted. Everyone promoted at level 20 if applicable. The 20/xx.xx was messing up the column spacing.

Name	Level	HP	Str	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapon
Hector	20	36	18	13	10	11	14	3	A-A
Eliwood	/5.98	40	15	20	19	20	15	9	S-A, L-B
Marcus	14.24	40	19	24	15	11	12	15	S-A, L-S, A-A
Dorcas	/8.63	53	25	14	11	11	13	4	A-S, B-C
Serra	/10.17	38	16	14	18	23	9	21	L-S, S-A
Legault	20	31	11	19	20	15	14	7	S-B
Isadora	8.44	34	16	17	22	15	9	7	S-A, L-B, A-C
Geitz	7.04	49	20	14	17	11	11	5	A-S,B-B
Farina	/2.45	37	17	18	16	14	13	17	L-A, S-E

Support	Level
Eliwood-Hector	B
Hector-Serra	B
Eliwood-Marcus	C
Marcus-Isadora	B
Dorcas-Geitz	C

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