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(FE7) (LHM + HHM Draft)


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It's ok if the village recruits a character. Originally I intended non-drafted characters to be able to visit villages, but I don't see that on the first post, so we'll play that they can't.

I'll re-do it then. I don't need the money with only three characters especially when Rath gives me 5K anyway.

Also, Prissy for me. I need an earlygame healer...

Edited by Gaius Julius Caesar
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I don't think it's fair to get Barf-tray AND Karla in the same pack. I mean, it's true that Karla would be drafted meaninglessly if someone who didn't draft Bartre had her. Would that means Geitz should be drafted along with Lyndis & Eliwood? @_@

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It does.

Will the turns be counted when using the arena, though? It will also record things like Exp and combat. =/

Edited by Soul
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Ok, I'm sorry about the confusion, this is my first draft. I didn't want to screw over the first and second drafters (drafting an unrecruitable Karla/Geitz), and this was the best workaround I could come up with. I know they're totally pointless, but still.

I guess I'll nix the rule about requiring everyone on your team to be recruited, but I'll still require 17x and 31x to be played.

@Soul: You'd just have someone else on your team use the arena for a similar exp gain and the same exact combat gain. The biggest gain is exp, but it's only about 10-15 levels, or 1500 points of exp at most. It also costs a lot of time since the only arenas available are in relatively quick chapters.

I guess it's my pick. I'll take Legault.

Edited by Whitefang
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It's not really pointless, but it just interferes with the ranks. The idea by itself would probably be okay if this was fully turncount-based.

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Dart for me.

Also, redos of LHM. Prologue was still 5 turns, but I shaved off a turn of C1 and C2 using the same strategies as before, with different RNG results (LYN DODGED THIS TIME)

LHM Score going into C3: 101

Lyn's stats:

Level: 6.39
HP: 18
STR: 5
SKL: 10
SPD: 13
LCK: 7
DEF: 3
RES: 2

[spoiler=LHM C3]

Apparently Wil recruits himself on T3.

-Lyn dodgetanks. That is all.

Turns: 10

LHM Score: 91

Lyn/Lv. 8.47/HP: 20/STR: 7/SKL: 11/SPD: 15/LCK: 9/DEF: 4/RES: 4

I like this Lyn better.


lolsurvivalchapter. Also, ORKO-ing bandits is awesome.

Turns: 7

LHM Score: 84

Lyn/Lv. 9.98/HP: 21/STR: 7/SKL: 11/SPD: 16/LCK: 9/DEF: 4/RES: 5


Erk doesn't like to dodgetank like Lyn so I take an extra turn here. I saved 4 turns already so I'm not losing out too much just yet.

(My math was wrong last time, I was supposed to be at 74 by this point not 76)

Turns: 7

LHM Score: 77

Lyn/Lv. 10.95/HP: 22/STR: 7/SKL: 12/SPD: 16/LCK: 10/DEF: 4/RES: 5
Erk/Lv. 2.18/HP: 17/MAG: 5/SKL: 6/SPD: 7/LCK: 3/DEF: 2/RES: 5


Lyn ORKO's loldiers. WOW.

Also, Erk dodgetanks.

Lyn critkills Bool again, saving me another turn while still getting the Armorslayer.

Turns: 7

LHM Score: 70

Lyn/Lv. 11.53/HP: 23/STR: 8/SKL: 12/SPD: 16/LCK: 11/DEF: 4/RES: 5
Erk/Lv. 3.40/HP: 17/MAG: 6/SKL: 6/SPD: 8/LCK: 3/DEF: 3/RES: 3


With no Flo Flo this will suck.

Erk gets the robe.

Also, shamans have better defense than archers.

I would have gotten this done a turn earlier if Erk wanted to hit the damn shaman next to the boss.

Turns: 9

LHM Score: 61

Lyn/Lv. 12.40/HP: 23/STR: 8/SKL: 13/SPD: 17/LCK: 12/DEF: 5/RES: 5
Erk/Lv. 4.84/HP: 25/MAG: 6/SKL: 6/SPD: 9/LCK: 4/DEF: 3/RES: 5
Matt/Lv. 3.33/HP: 18/STR: 5/SKL: 4/SPD: 12/LCK: 2/DEF: 3/RES: 0


By T7 I had only Beyard left but I was far away so I took a turn to get to him. :(

Erk also has only three uses of Fire left and I didn't even buy more. Fuck.

Turns: 9

LHM Score: 52

Lyn/Lv. 12.87/Stats same as before
Erk/Lv. 6.9/HP: 26/MAG: 7/SKL: 6/SPD: 9/LCK: 4/DEF: 3/RES: 7
Matt/Lv. 5.79/HP: 20/STR: 5/SKL: 4/SPD: 14/LCK: 4/DEF: 3/RES: 0


No Matty and Erk's tome is gone. LYN SOLO!

Lyn and Erk like to dodgetank.

Turns: 12 (FUCK)

LHM Score: 40

Lyn/Lv. 14.53/HP: 24/STR: 8/SKL: 13/SPD: 18/LCK: 14/DEF: 5/RES: 6
Erk/Lv. 6.45/Stats same as before
Matt/Same as before


Lyn and Matt rush everything while Erk dodgetanks.

Lyn decides to not kill the boss on EP so I have to waste another turn with her.

Turns: 9

LHM Score: 31

Lyn/Lv. 15.99/HP: 25/STR: 8/SKL: 14/SPD: 19/LCK: 15/DEF: 5/RES: 6
Erk/Lv. 6.62/Stats same as before
Matt/Lv. 7.44/HP: 22/STR: 7/SKL: 4/SPD: 14/LCK: 5/DEF: 3/RES: 0

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Matthew likes to die. A lot.

Lyn got the boss kill and the Mani Katti broke.

Matt got the ring, he'll need it in HHM.

Turns: 17

Lyn/Lv. 17.89/HP: 27/STR: 10/SKL: 16/SPD: 20/LCK: 15/DEF: 6/RES: 7
Erk/Lv. 7.1/HP: 27/MAG: 7/SKL: 6/SPD: 9/LCK: 5/DEF: 3/RES: 7
Matt/Lv. 8.68/HP: 23/STR: 9/SKL: 4/SPD: 15/LCK: 5/DEF: 4/RES: 1


On to HHM.


Hector kills stuff and Matt steals another lockpick, and gets the red gem.

Turns: 8

Hector/Lv. 3.76/HP: 21/STR: 8/SKL: 5/SPD: 6/LCK: 3/DEF: 10/RES: 0
Matt/Lv. 9.54/HP: 24/STR: 10/SKL: 4/SPD: 16/LCK: 5/DEF: 4/RES: 1

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