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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 94

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Best: Ashnard

I do. Oh, how I do... It's true. The world may be destroyed by the coming of the dark god. Then again, it may not. I question the way in which our society is designed. No matter what strength a person has, it is the station he is born into that controls his destiny. And you cannot control where you will be born. Do you believe that a person of low birth should simply endure the curse of his station? I think not. If you are stronger than those around you, you should benefit from your strength. This is why I will use my strength to remake this world. Class and rank will not matter. Human and sub-human will not matter. The strong will possess everything. The weak will submit to their will. Is this not the meaning of peace?

Honerable Mention:




"You're the Dark Priestess... No, the Dark Dragon."


"...Why do you hinder my path?"




"I have been commanded to lead this world. I shall make the world a better place. Why do you stand in my way?"


"...You're wrong. You were only told that the world would become a better place. The person who ordered you is already dead. So stop! You no longer have any reason to fight!"




"You... No, we... We have no reason to fight."


"...A long time ago... I have a feeling that I heard those same words. Soft words, like a warm breeze... But that was long ago... I have been asleep for too long. In the darkness, I was dreaming... An empty dream, white, colorless... But now I am awake. His Majesty willed me so."


"Majesty... Zephiel!"


"I have woken. I am no longer who I used to be. I now clearly understand what I must do."



Idoun: (takes off her hood)

"I must lead this world... No matter how many days or nights pass, I must. I must..."


"You insist on fighting us?"


"If you stand in my path..."


"Such strong...will..."


"His Majesty wishes it to be. And I was woken to answer his Majesty's calls."


Morphs in FE7

Edited by JaketheGr3at
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"...Well, well... So I'm the one...to die... But maybe...I had already died...a long time...ago..."


Lekain: Whaaat?


Best/worst Troll

Best/worst Trollface

Second the Best/Worse Troll Nomination because well Lyn would take it hands down.

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Second the Best/Worse Troll Nomination because well Lyn would take it hands down.

How? Best troll's more suited towards Alvis and Manfroy. And Worst troll's more suited towards someone like Batta or Glass since those two are basically saying nothing but "lol kill me".

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You know he doesn't mean the country, right?

But it's named after the country as that's where Europeans imported their...well, china from.

Tellius has no China.

So where did they get that word from? Huh?!

Totally unrealistic and broke my suspension of disbelief.

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Best: Dahl from FE3 Book 2 Chapter 7



Worst: I will think about this later.

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Best: Ashnard: You're the one they speak of in whispers... The lion king's shadow. What are you doing so far from your body, shadow? Am I so terrible that your king hides in fear?

Giffca: Your strength, King of Daein, [even with your medallion,] is not sufficient. That is why I am here. If I fail to stop you today, then your next opponent will be our king. But first, this imposter will measure your fighting prowess. (Depends on which form of Ashnard)

Ashnard: What impudence! Are you prepared become a pile of bones for your king? You'll make a fine snack!


Dheginsea: Naesala, you dare challenge me?

Naesala: Heh. It's funny you should ask that... I'm not deluded enough to think that I can beat you. The goddess herself would hesitate to fight you. But my people are frozen solid, and I have to delude myself enough to think that I can help save them.

Dheginsea: You are a true king, Naesala. I am ready when you are.

Naesala: I'll be thrilled if I land even a single blow. I'm much better at fleeing than fighting.

Worst: Sephiran: King Pelleas, correct? Aren't you brave, coming all this way!

Pelleas: If you're the one who's been pulling the strings behind all this, please tell me... Who... Who am I?

Sephiran: ...I don't know. All I know is that you are a powerful practitioner of magic... I know that you were an orphan born and raised in Daein. But that is all Izuka ever told me.

Pelleas: So... I'm not Ashnard's true son?

Sephiran: No, you're not. Ashnard's son is of dragon tribe blood and is thus Branded.

Pelleas: I think I'm going to be ill...

Sephiran: Be assured that you were essential to Daein's reconstruction, which was a vital step toward waking the goddess. Fortunately, Izuka was able to use you to execute my plan.

Pelleas: You are going to pay! You are going to...BLAAARRRGH!

Does he throw up in the end or something?

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How? Best troll's more suited towards Alvis and Manfroy. And Worst troll's more suited towards someone like Batta or Glass since those two are basically saying nothing but "lol kill me".

You can vote for whatever reason you feel like. You can vote Matthew because he trolls Hector. You can vote L'arachel because she trolls Joshua and Rennac. You can vote Cyas because he trolls you with his wtf 10 authority stars that he loses when he joins you. Is there a boss that always seems to dodge your attacks and crit you after a long map?

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But it's named after the country as that's where Europeans imported their...well, china from.

Tellius has no China.

So where did they get that word from? Huh?!

Totally unrealistic and broke my suspension of disbelief.

Yeah, and English and Japanese are obviously languages that were constructed from civilizations that existed in Tellius or whatever.



Lloyd: The "Angel of Death." Since the day I met you, I've always wondered... If we met in straight combat, who of us would win?

Jaffar: ......

Lloyd: I think it's time that question was answered.


FE7 Morphs: ...

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Is there a boss that always seems to dodge your attacks and crit you after a long map?

That sniper in 3-P always dodges my attacks then crits Titania/Boyd in the face. It's frustrating.

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You can vote for whatever reason you feel like. You can vote Matthew because he trolls Hector. You can vote L'arachel because she trolls Joshua and Rennac. You can vote Cyas because he trolls you with his wtf 10 authority stars that he loses when he joins you. Is there a boss that always seems to dodge your attacks and crit you after a long map?

But that wasn't the point of why I asked what I did. Lyndis trolls no one, so voting for her in that category wouldn't make sense. And voting for her in that category is like saying that Manfroy and Alvis aren't even trolls at all, despite evidence proving the contrary.
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Lyndis trolls no one, so voting for her in that category wouldn't make sense. And voting for her in that category is like saying that Manfroy and Alvis aren't even trolls at all, despite evidence proving the contrary.

Voting is entirely subjective matter. I can vote that the mere presence of Lyn is trolling me just because I dislike her.

It doesn't really matter if other people don't agree with the vote, if one thinks she is a troll then they can vote for her. And that's it. :/

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But that wasn't the point of why I asked what I did. Lyndis trolls no one, so voting for her in that category wouldn't make sense. And voting for her in that category is like saying that Manfroy and Alvis aren't even trolls at all, despite evidence proving the contrary.

Lyn can troll the player by refusing to grow strength/defense/hp. As long as she does something to provoke rage, then that's fine. Obviously, most players won't be trolled in that way by her so she's very unlikely to win (and even for those players with bad Lyns, there are other potential canditates like Serra or Ursula).

Edited by Anouleth
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Lyn can troll the player by refusing to grow strength/defense/hp. As long as she does something to provoke rage, then that's fine. Obviously, most players won't be trolled in that way by her so she's very unlikely to win (and even for those players with bad Lyns, there are other potential canditates like Serra or Ursula).

The same logic can be applied to Eliwood and Roy, just remove health and add speed, skill, and maybe luck to the mix. But that is more of the RNG's fault than the character's. I don't think the RNG would be a good reason for even wanting to vote them for the troll category. But I guess that's because I at least try not to let the gameplay bother me all that much. I think can see how Serra can troll people though.

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The same logic can be applied to Eliwood and Roy, just remove health and add speed, skill, and maybe luck to the mix. But that is more of the RNG's fault than the character's. I don't think the RNG would be a good reason for even wanting to vote them for the troll category. But I guess that's because I at least try not to let the gameplay bother me all that much. I think can see how Serra can troll people though.

Ultimately, all of these 'best/worst' rounds are just opinions. I don't think you really need a good reason.

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Ultimately, all of these 'best/worst' rounds are just opinions. I don't think you really need a good reason.

True enough. It's just some things bug me though.

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The same logic can be applied to Eliwood and Roy, just remove health and add speed, skill, and maybe luck to the mix. But that is more of the RNG's fault than the character's. I don't think the RNG would be a good reason for even wanting to vote them for the troll category. But I guess that's because I at least try not to let the gameplay bother me all that much. I think can see how Serra can troll people though.

So can I vote for the RNG in best/worst troll?

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Best: Jarod: Oh. I feel so rejected. Must I crack that helm open and ask your ugly, naked face directly!? I have to take vengeance for Alder's death, after all!

Jarod in the face of 218 points of damage. A theory of mine is that the Black Knights armor lost it's blessing because it cracked when he tried to kick Jarod in the groin.

Worst: Oliver: "Take it in! Bask in the beauty!"

Oliver going from mad villain into wacky comedic relief is something I really don't approve of.

Edited by BrightBow
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Best: "The beasts... wish to... CONSUME ME!!" - Septimus, FE10

What can I say? It's hilarious.

Worst: "Augh... This can't be... How could this happen... Bishop Berdo... Where are you... I don't want to die... Some...one... I don't...want...to... Gah...!" - Reidrick, FE5

Mainly because it's so pathetic. This is supposed to be one of the game's big bads and he dies whining like a baby.

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Ohai NM.

Where've you been for the past two weeks?

I thought these threads were going to face a terrible fate.

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